0001 May 22. 1931 THE WEST VAN NEWS )$6 rhL vmi lellh eche esd ical fer ',heir r,X. dere iten ties. irof 066 Vm. ,171 'p ihieb heeh tg er16 ef46 btnL from eleeb Sedit idiee- Iber if. erne I ermit I bed rle hf m tb' cee- E9 (nf) [of ne'acific Stages Announce i Augmented Service to North Shore Points for Weekends and Holidays ~ PaciTic Stages ncw time tables are now available. They coniam complete time schedules specially augmented to accommodate weekend anti holiday wefSc to a3 pointson the North Shore. These new lime tables are available at the North Vancou. ver Stage o(Sc«e, Foot oF Lonedafe Avenue at the Ferry wharF. l'or information on all Pactiic Stage Services Phone Sey. 7131 S.c. Tieaipoiteiios Umned. Motor Treaipoii Suiidios, vancouver, S.c. PROGRAM OF SHAY DAY SPORTS GAS, OIL, UNION PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES Bobby Seeds WASHING POLISHING SIMONIZING WISHES to inform all hie friends and patrons that he is now personally conducting his business at the UNION OIL SERVICE STATION 15th and hiarine Drive The cleanest station and cleanest service on the North Shore. "One trial will convince you." High Pressure Courteous Greasing Clean Tires Repaired Service ctlorning--Slarlne Drive 9:10 1.--Relay Road Race: Caulfeild to 14th Street. 9:10 2.--Bicycle Race for Delivery Boys: 26th St. to 14th St. 0 9:16 3.--Men's Open Mile Road Race: 23rd St. to 14th St.9:20 4.--Boys'oller Skating I(ace...........21st St. to 14th St. 9:21 6.--Girls'oller Skating Race............20th St. to 14th St. NOTE--In order that there will be no possibility of a clash inthe running of the above races sll contestants nnd officials are requested to be on hand at the starting point at least ten minutes before the scheduled time. Afiernoon--Ambleside Park 2:30-- 6. Boys'...............,.S yr. & under..25 yd. Dash 7. Girls'...............6 yr. & under..26 yd, Dash 8. Boys'.................6 yr.................26 yd, Dash 9. Girls'..................6 yr.............26 yd. Dash 10. Boys'..,....,........6 & 7 yr. 25 yd. Egg r Spoon 11. Girls'.................6 & 7 yr.....25 yd. Egg r Spoon 12. Boys'..........,...14 & 16 yr.....Broad Jump 13. Girls'.....,.........,.14 & 16 yr.....Hop-Step-nnd-Jump 14. Boys'.................7 yr...........SO yd. Dash 16. Girls'..........., . 7 yr..............60 yd. Dash 16. Boys'....„...........8, 9, & 10 yr.....60 yd. Three-legged 17. Girls'...............8, 9, & 10 yr. 60 yd. Skipping 18. Boys'........... ll, 12 & 13 yr..50 yd. Slow Bicycle 19. Girls'..,...„..... ll, 12 & 13 yr..60 yd. Thread & Needle 20. Imdies'..........Open ..............50 yd. Dash 21. Married Ladies. 60 yd. Dash 22. Men's ...„....,.....Over 40 yr...50 yd. Egg & Spoon 23. Boys'. „,........... 8 & 9 yr...........76 yd. Doch 24. Girls'................ 8 & 9 yr.....75 yd. Dash 26. Boys'...............,10, 11 & 12 yr..75 yd. Dash 26. Girls'..............,..10, 11 & 12 yr..76 yd. Dash 27. Boys'..................13, 14 & 16 yr..100 yd. Doch 28. Girls'.................13, 14 & 15 yr..100 yd. Dash 29. Men's „„....,.......Open ..............100 yd. Dash 30. Ladies'..........„,Open .............1.100 yd. Dash 31. Married Men'8 100 yd. Dash 32. Boys'........,.......16 & 17 yr.......100 yd. Dash 33. Ladies'..........,.. Nail Driving Contest. 34. Men's ...........Open ...........,..220 yd. Dash 35. Boys'.................Sunday School 440 yd. Relay 36. Girls'...........„.Sunday School 440 yd. Relay 37. Men'6 ................Open ...............440 yd. Dash NOTE--In order that the races may be run off'ithout any delay contestants must be on hand st the starting point immediately after the race is called, by the announcer. Contestants please report to the stew nrds at the starting point. Cheer Chailer'LASSIFIED ADSmeats lo 2 toots ptr word, miaimom hatiss reeoiar sccoaois, ail cissob The rate tor Ciassiged Adterthw 25 coats. Estept In tho caco of those Sede are payabio strlttlr ia adraam. Remember Ciassigcds bi tho West FOR SALE--Bohy Saiky, good condi- tion 52.00. Apply Lawreace, 1075 Fc'p alimlo, Vss News Set Immctnato reoaittc FOR SALB Gentleman's Bicycle, B.S.A., 8-epoicL Oil bath gear case. Aimiwt oew; sacrtgce; 845.00. Phoml North 985. FOR RE'.4T--Near Ferry Wharf, nice lower tlat, full piombisg, greplaos, good view, lawn, faro!shed or iy foraishecL Phone West 421L NOT IMPORTANT Two convivial fishermen row- ed energetically towards the far shore of the lake. "Are the whisky and cigars aboard?" asked one. "Yes," replied the other. "The lunch?" "You bet." "The hooks nnd line67" Search revealed that the tack- le had been left behind. "Well," said the first speaker, after due reflection, "we'l just have to get along as beat we can." FOR SALE--Poor Haadred 4-wceks- old frying chickens, 10 cents each. Phone West 462L FOR RENT--Fits-roomed faraishtd baogaiow. Burley, 25th aod Water- fronh Phone West 169R2. FOR RENT -- Neat Doadarate pier.attractive hoogaiow, tarnished or partly foromhod, newly decorated, fail pismbiom iirepisce, garage. Phone West 427L MAIL DELIVERY--Doors gttwi with litter bos plates. Phone West 8$R, after 5 p m. LOWER FLOOR TO RFJ4T--Partly foroished. Modern. $6.00. Phone West SSR after 6 p.m. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone 'ivese 241R. IVOIIAN WANTS HOL'SE WORK By boar or day. Apply Bos 87, West Vao News. CAitPENTRY IIEPAIRS--N. IL Bine. 1427 Msrine Drive. Phone West 184 R. FOR RENT. Daodarato--Comfortable waterfnist boogaiow, two bedrooms, fireplace, modern, garage. Phoae Morgan, West 4. LOST--Gold Brooch with esirogorm, between 21st Street aod Iosiewood High School. Phono West $0L. NO WONDER Footballer (to captain): I say, skipper, the visitors Seem very upset because one of 'em hasn' turned up. I suppose he's their best player 7'" Captain: "No, it's not that. He's the treasurer of their slate club." City Banker (visiting the farm): "I suppose that's the hired man?" Farmer (who hns v i s i t e 6 banks): "No, that's first vice- president in charge of cows." What is fashion? Dinners at midnight, and headache in the morning. MOTHER AhiD CHILD Wish Medora famished room asd kitchenette or home priviiegoa Aboat 8$ a week. Boa $7, West Vaa News SPECIAI. Isc Pot Plant Sale--Saiar- day aod Monday. Fochsias, petonias, begooiae, etc. Capilaao Narseries, West Ioeng FOR SALE--Willis Uprisbt Piaao ia first class condition, mahogany case, West 150L YOUTH 'WANTS WORK or Odd Jobs Phone West S9. CANADIAN LEGION Empioymeat Department. Handy men for au work Phone West 71Y.RADIO REPAIRS by Locai Erpert. Satisfaction goaraoteecL Phoae West $9. ALL THE BEST Brands of Cisani, Cigarettes aod Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands and Coasoi cards Free. Ambieside Tes Roams. EXPERIENCED Practical Gardener'. Lawns, general jobbing and laying oot gardens, also roogh carpenter- iog, fencing, etc. H. A. Miiian, Res- idence phone West 186Y. FOR TBE BEST SLABS aad iaside Fir phone West 2$0. TEAMING, Gradiag. Pioashias. Land Clearing Manure. Day or Contract. Phoae E. E. Leery, Garden Ave Capiiano. FOit PAINTING, KALSOMLNING- Apply C. I Konisgs. Residearo phoae West Seig. WEBB'6 8HOE REPAIRS %BAR BEST--Doodarato, Raetus Jackson, a thoroughly married dusky, wns one day ap- proached by a life insurance agent. "Better leave me write your policy, Raatus," suggested the agent. "No, snh," declared Rastue, emphatically. "Ah aint'ny too safe at home as it is." FOR BENT or SALE--htodem Home on waterfront in beautiful grounds. Phone Leyiand, West 6$RI. LOTS CLF ARED -- Draise Dos, Fences Repaired and Erected. Phone West 429K GEO. HAY NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCTED-- Original designs in garden decora- tions, Lawns, Paths, Artistic Rock Gardens aod Pools, Landscape Gar- dening, ail branches. Moderate prices. R. J. Kytot roshiearo phone tvest 69LS, Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pabiic FIRE INSURA:iCEAs Billy Jones and Ernie Hare remarked, "Prosperity is like parking spaces--plenty for those who get there first." FOR BENT--Faraished aad Uafara- ished Hoaseo.CARPENTRY WORK aad GeneralReraire. Skilled workmen. Phoae West 429R. hiooey Atailab!o for Mortgases oa "imodora Homes" 1406 Marino Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phooo W. SSR or W. 204X "Success is the product of ability multiplied by circum- stances." FERTILIZERS -- Bone hieai, Fish Meal, Standard Triangle B., etc. Vernon Feed Store, West 9. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping aod Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing asd ised clearing, chimneys aod far tees cleaned and repairecL Pt ~ T. Baroott, residence phone Wc . 290R. Some Speed i A man had just bought a car. He took hi8 wife on a few ex- peditions, during which ehe did not hesitate to criticise her hus- band's efforts at driving. "Hallos, old msn," said the next-door neighbor one evening, "I see you'e got a little two- seater. What do you get out of her?" "About forty thousand words to the gallon," answered the other sadly. SPECIAI I May 24th & 25th Bowen Island MARCELLE SHOP -- Marceiio, 60 cents; reset, Sec; finger wave, 76c. Phone hire. King, West $04. ROCKERY AND ALPINB PLA-'tTS for sale from large collection. C, G. Barrow, Corner 24th aad Nelson. Phone West 98L2. 50c.Little Ethel: Mother, are you the nearest relative I'e gott" Her Mother: "Yes, dear, and your father is the closest." Also Ran "You'l be round tonight, Bob T'aid Dora. "Rather! But you might tick oi? that ugly-looking fellow who drives your csr and works in the gnrden; he alivsys gives me a nasty look when he sees me," Oh, don t n orrh, replied Dora airiQ "that's only fath er." But It Didn't Ring He dashed into the electrici- an's office, his face flushed with anger. "Didn't I ask you yesterday morning to send 6 man to mend our door bellT'e roared; "and didn't Fou promise to send round at once?" "But we did send, eir," broke in the manager, "I'm quite sure of it. Hi, Bill l" he called to one of his workmen "Didn't you go round to Park I47dge yesterday to do that job7" "Yes," replied BilL "I went round all right, and rang the bell for ten minutes, but I couldn' get an answer, so I guessed they must all be out." HORSESHOE BAY aod Return PACIFIC STAGES Leave Amhiesido 12i$0: iiSO: 2:$0 aod 6iSO Boats connect with ceases. Tickets purchased at Refrmh ment Stand, opposite Hotel. FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL FOR CHILDRIFN Folk Dancing aod Rhythm ia- cioded. Opea Air Scbool darias Jose aad Jaiy Phoae MRS. W. D. FRASER 18th aod Escaimait NORTH VANCOUVER VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. h . 'tm ra c hc I cc h