0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS May 16, 1931. A4sacr "v. arrr. u au ~cc a« rvr vr ro r cod« R 'a r o C r ~ r C 'c Pr chas rro a'*ws'«I 4ir s or .-.. 'CwrA .-- C 'rhd auo~" 'stare c'r '~taw ~ r cric r 'C.C ~ rr r ~r ri' C%C rr a 4 v"u t ~ 'r'rr 'rr'. 'Vrrrrr .Vrr or vrv Y vca rv, w'vr 'rrr.uv rrv rrcrrr rvrr vvo ~ ur V The BURRARD LAUNDRYCheerful Service 24 Hours a Day 365 Days ln the Year. 0%PL SERVICE STATION (Late Map]e Service Station) Marine Drive at Capilano Bridge ldmlwd For 1'cop)a Who Aru Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., DltY C I,E AN ERS Tain&i ST. aud ST. DA V i&IS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L GARDENS and G By NINA G. Landscape Arch umduslo la tmd Wc&ac u. I C a ruaa Sch O moai ~ . m~hw Nsuoasl After the concrete walks and floor of the pool have set thor- oughly it should be filled with water and let stand for about two weeks and then emptied and refilled. The reason for this is that there will be a considerable quantity of alkali absorbed from the concrete by the first filling of water. Alkali is very detri- mental to fish and other animal life which, no doubt, you will be placing in the pool, along with your water plants. Gold fish are imported in such large quantities that they are so inexpensive that they are within the reach of the most moderate purse. The best variety for the ordinary pool are the larger species. They breed readily un- der almost any condition and re- quire much less care than the fancy ones. In our opinion the larger ones attract more atten- tion also than the small, fancy variety. A couple of weeks ago we were spending an hour or so in a park where there is quite a large pool stocked with all sorts of gold fish. People were much more in- terested in the larger fish and paid little attention to the small, fancy ones. The other day a dispute was overheard in which a boisterous ia-bred fellow called his adver- sary ano gentleman." "I suppose you think yourself oneF" was the reply. "Certainly, I do," answered the bully. "Then," said the other, "I am not offended that you don' think me one." K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde 1'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate I Finance and ! Insurance WEST VANCOUVER AT THE FESTIVAL Miss Beatrice Hodgson won the silver medal for violin under 16, and she and Miss Irene Gracey secured first place and certificates for violin duet under 19 years. Miss Jessie Device was placed second and won a certificate for violin under 10 years. These are pupils of Miss Mar- garet Mclntyre. The Dundarave Ladies'hoir under the direction of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson tied for second place in the Ladies'hoir competition on Wednesday night. Particu- lars are as follows: I, First United Church Ladies'hoir of Victoria, 177 marks; 2nd, Dun- darave Ladies'hoir and Van- couver Welsh Ladies'hoir, 171 marks each. Hollyburn School choir came second in the competition open to all public schools for the heu- ienant-governor's shield, which was won by Car)eton School, Vancouver. Class 64, Girls, Solo, under 15 v+ years, high voice.-- Wjth a competitive force of 46 voices keen competition existed. Out of the six contestants from West Vancouver Jean Kjn]och wss given 81 marks to her credit with complimentary adjudica- tion, being the highest in her class from this municipality. Hollyburn THEATRE FRiDAY aud SATURDAY Rap 22ud May 23rd 'THE BIG HOUSE'ith Wallace Beery, Chester Morris, Lewis Stone, Laiia Hrama aud a largo cupportiug cast. Tba atarr waa inspired by that mutiny in one o! the big prisons daring which several guards were kit&cd aud the prison jtacl& wrecked. MONDAY aud TUESDAY May 28th May 28th "The Dawn Patrol" With regard to F. J. Moore's application for s building permit the council regretted they hsd no alternative but to abide by the by-law which prohibits the issue of permits under such con- ditions, his property not being in a business area. Richard Barthoimcaa, Doug. Fairbanks, Jru Neil Hamilton, aud ds stunt diaro in the great- «ot air story ever made into plcturaa, A story of the British Air Forcaa during the Great War. Please Note--IC tba weather io toa bad for aatdoor activitiaa on Monday afternoon, wo will nm a matinee comm&.uciug at 2&os. NORTH VANCOUVER SAWMILLS LIMITED FOR SERVICE FERTILIZERS FOr yOur Lumber, Z.ath Every th]na Shingles, Sash and Door Requirements Call in and see us st 2,79 East Esplanade NORT)I 110 or Phone Seymour 2106 (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chew]nas Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Glover and Seed Potatoes VERNON FEED STORE, Houyhurn WeSt 9 A letter of appreciation has been sent by the council to F. Buscombe for hjs very timely snd public spirited gift of an in- halator at Caulfelld. TELEPHONF. BRIDGE BASEBAI.I. The Duncan Lawson Chapter. Last Thursday evening West I.O.D.E., Is holding a Telephone Vancouver ushered in the 1931 Bridge on Saturday, May 30th, baseball season when they were toward the purchase of the In- at home to the Native Sons who halator for West Vancouver. carried o)F the honors with s 7 In a Telephone Bridge, each to I win. About 800 attended one wishing to participate ar- the firs game. ranges to have one table or more The following players were in of Bridge in their own home-- uniform for West Vancouver: nct,ting 62.00 or more. The end Cutcher, Syd. )Valker, of a pre-arranged number of Pitcher, J&le Gris«dale. hands the highest score for the 1st Base, Jim Cornish. evening is phoned into a central 2nd Base, Bob Fiddes. ARDENgNG teephone number, and the prize Short Stop, Bruce Hamilton.which is a return ticket to Vic- 'ird Base, llony Watson. H UYT, toria, or the equivalent in money Id.'ft Field, Tim Timbrell. is awarded to the person having Centre Field, Wjnget Irish, the highest score of all. Whist Right Field, Harry Reid. m « ~smm m mlmlurs ~ may also be played and a special prize will be given for that. SCHOOI. BOARD NOTES Further particulars will be If the pool is a fairly large given next week. A letter wss read from kjrra ne and there are plenty of For full Particulars Phone any G. W. Glacd asking for use of plants in it the fish and other of the following la&lies, who form kitchen and cloak rooms at Ingle. nimsl life in the pool should the committee: Mrs. Morgan, wood School on Msy 23rd for the ot requim any other food than Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Leggatt, Mrh. PurPose of holding Baby Con- that provided by the plants and GOO&lay, Mrs. Hayes. test. It ws8 decided that this such flies and bugs which in- It is hoped to make this areal request be granted. habit the surt'ace oi the water. communitY efi'ort for the inhal- A letter wus read from Rev. M uitoes bm& freely in a lily stor and is a splendid opportun- A. Harding Priest inviting the pool but if there are fish in it ity for everybody to assist. Board to attend a sPecial service they eat the larvae snd thus rid at St. Stephen's Church to be the neighborhood of many of Anyone desiring to donate cut held on May 24th. The Secre- these peen If it is necessary to flowers for decorating the May tery was directed to acknowledge feed the fish jn the pool due to Queen's throne are asked to this letter advising that the ma] ss of the pool or lack leave same in empty store in the Board would attend, f ufficient plant life, use one Yates Block ut Ambleside on A letter was read from Prin- of the balanced foods on the mar- Sunday afternoon or ea ly Mon- cipsl Patterson making request ket. These foods contain both day morning. that the High School be closed cereal and meat, The wafer-like on the afternoon of May 2ond food sometimes sold lacks proper HIGH SCHOOI. NOTES in order to allow students and nourishment for certain varieties contestants to attend the AnnualMonday afternoon the High Lower hIajn]and High School School students were privileged track meet at Brockton Point. fj h tadpo]us newts a'nd to hear a very helpful address on It was resolved that this request other animal life in the poo] Vocations] Guidance," by Percy be granted.A letter was read from Mr um for the winter Kiwanis C]ub. Mr. Ward stree~ H. Brown, Secretary SPorts Comthe importance of thorough edu- mittee, asking permission to hold freezing. cation for all of life's activities. public school track meet on E, S, Carnage, chairman of Tuesday,June2nd,andtheusual NoTa--Tho arose «sl oa ld r II ~ a&moors the School Board, presided. This grant be allowed. It was re- rc a usus oscar 4C Ihs c I*» js the second of a series of vo- solved that this request be Ia this CoIII Ths auosrloi sho Id ho dd sal Io cational talks which Mr. Gamage granted snd amount of 86p.pp u ~ 4 r I cars ol ch ' has kindly arranged for the High be allowed for closing exercises II a M air 4 dos& sd ~ slwucc~d School students. The first was for the two public schools, andu- duroc sd carsloos should m racism gjven by 51. E. Snowden two 610,00 for Dundarave Schqol. It weeks ago. was decided that Trustees Mrs. MAY DAY PARTY AT Teachers and students are Masterman and Mr. Russell rep- FRAMAR MONTESSORI this afternoon attending the an- resent the Board at the public SCHOOL nual Inter-High School Track school sports. Meet at Brockton Point. Several A letter was read from the A ]urge number of parents and athletes from the local school. Department of Education advis- f d 1 the ]set SaL having survived the eliminations ing that any aPPlication for fin- will contest today. ancial assistance re school urday afternoon to enjoy the an Cong,atulations'o Helen Bell grounds in regard to unemploy- nual May Day party given by and "Peggy" Cornish of the 1926 ment fundsshould come through the small students under the dir- Matric. Class upon their splendid the Municipal Council to the ection of Mrs. W. D. Fraser on showing made in recent teach- Provincial Government. It was the beautifu] grounds of the ers'raining examinations. The resolved that a copy of this let- school at 18th and Esqujma]t former led in Class 1 (80 /o and ter be forwarded to the Reeve went thrpggh a upward) while the latter led in and Council, together with re- C]ass 2 (65'/o to 79", ). quest that the Council co-oper- programmadeupofactionsongs Cong stulations also to Jean ate with the Board in an ejfort including the "Sailor" and CBal- Hood, Matric. 1927, upon receiv- to carry out a comprehensive loon" songs, the "Thistledown" ing the degree of B.A. at U.B.C., scheme for the beautification of dance by four little girls, and a and to Eleanor Brine, Margaret the grounds of Inglewood School.McLeod snd A]]lx D~~~~~ for Mr. Condonsttended an&i su by success in recent U.B.C. examin- mitted report in connection with the first concert given by the School Band on May 1st. Re- g~urton-F~orster 'Thig was fol HIGHER AUTO FERRY ceipts were shown to be 6102.75, RATES PROPOSED BY and disbursements 615.00, leav- lo ed y theM ypoe NORTH SHORE COUNCIL ing s balance of 887.25 to the credit of the Band. Mr. Condon Preparation of a by-law for re- recommended that a portion ofentered into the spirit of the var- vision of ferry automobile fared this amount be used as requiredious numbers, and their efForts was authorized by the North for instructional purposes. M s. L. C. Reid gave a very Vancouver City Council Monday enjoyable violin solo and litt night. Thenewratewiliprovide The council on Thursday,7th Joan SheE]e]d delighted evey- 40 tickets for 65 or 12 tickets inst, instructed the police to body with a song consisting o for 82, instead of the former make s complete check up of afl the test Pi~ hich she ng a schedule of 16 for 82. Straight the licenses in the municipa]ity nts each way, A 8~~~~~] discuss] instead of 40 cents return as for- place regarding trade licenses acted as accompanist. cMrs. Shef- and water rates and the matter fleldplayingforherdaughter. It is pointed out that new was left for final recommends The children later sat down to pnces wfll be practically the tion of the committees at the ice cream and cake at s very same in larger quantities of next regular meeting of the prettily decorated table on the tickets, although cost will be council. lawn, while afternoon tea wa higher in smaller books. served to the guests, Mrs. E. J As the by-law must receive pearce and Mrs. Gordon Robson approval from the Lieutenant- presiding at the urns, Governor-in-Council it will be approximately a month before FOR QUALITY the new tariff wi)l be applied. Only one book of tickets of the present issue msy be sold to an individual in a dsy, the council decided, endeavoring to discour- age those who might attempt to hoard tickets.