0001 r m. C ar Sr«v r plj vvA 'ziyair' r vt ra a zr~ ~a zp~a z ie 9% rrr radar-."--ti'X zzu z z z'z a vza' 'r 'e:r I vr 'r rr vpr 2r vrrr«rvavv Wrra. rrrrr !«'rrr ra'r'« ra r .-r r .rra I'avr a'- Smith 's THE RED AND Grocery WHITE STORES LARD, Saifi'z Skzeziezf, I lb. zzzius .............. Isz I'EAS. zieza 5, Columbia, yzr tin.................. Ioz PEACHES. Auzizxkxn, large, No. ziti iin ..... 254 QI'ICK OATS. Quaker. ykg. Ipz CHICKEN SAND. PASTF Arimer, yer Hn ..............„,. 104 Ideal Sandwich Spread. I'EPP. Kakogg's, yar ykt.. 12c kkEAD, Sazzxz, 2 large 24 ox. loaves .......... 25c White, Brows or Sandwich Bt".ITER ................... 2 ibm S5e I'iaezt quality, absolutely guaran- teed. HONEY FIG BARS, I IL pht. Isz 2 phiz. 25c OVALTINE„..... medium size ?5c. Ilwrge size .......................... $ 1.25 We also carry Ham, ASk to 3 ROBERTL'I'ETTER hl EA.TS Phone West 190 Government Inspected hleats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH Alberta No. I Butter 3lbs 80c with hieat Order only PRlhIE STEER BEEF hIinced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef,........ 3 lbs. 25c Pot Roast, lb ............. 10c Blade Roast, lb...... 12c I-Rib Roast, lb.. 15c Rump Roast, lb.. 16c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb.... 25c Deep Sirloin Roast, lb. 25c BACON Sliced lb .......... 35c, By the Piece, Ib ... 26c LOCAL VEAL Stewing Veal, .... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb ...... 16c up EGGS -- EGGS Pullet Extra 2 dozen for 35c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Saussges, lb. 25c Pork Jz Tomato Ssusages .. lb........................... 2ac Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb ............................ 30c VEGETABLES Green Onions . .. 3 for 5c Radish ............. 3 for 5c Spinach .............. 6 lbs. 25c Head Lettuce, large 2 for 15c Green Peas iNew Potatoes DELICATESSEN Home Boiled Ham Baked Ham Roast Pork, Bologna Weiners, Veal Loaf and Liver Sausages. SAUER KRAUT hiornlng and Afternoon Delivery to All Parts. IN THE Flower Shop (hire. Roberts, Wes1 191) BEDDING PLANTS, in great variety HANGIiNG BASKETS $1.59 each Cut Flowers, Pot Plants -- Fertilizers- %Vest 191 RESCUES COUPLE OFF POINT ATIiliNSON A brother and sister residing on Vancouver Island, were pro- ceeding home on Sunday, in the brother's launch when oil'oint Atkinson the woman feB over- board while her brother was in the engine-room. He threw his engine into neutral snd rushed to the dinghy to go to his sister' aid. The dinghy upset. The woman managed to keep afloat with the aid of s drifting log whfle her brother struggled to push the overturned dinghy to her. The Lady Cynthia, from which the accident had been seen, drew alongside and lifted the msn and woman from the water. They were wrapped in hot blankets, given warming drinks snd at their request were put back on their launch to con- tinue their interrupted journey. The Lady Cynthia then proceed- ed to Bowen Island and Howe Sound points. Several gssboats also rushed J to the rescue, arriving too late to do anything but salvage the abandoned launch. Casey met Kelly attired in hiz Sun- day clothes. "Are ye wurkin'oday?" queried Casey. aNo,a zzid Kelly. "We declared s thrikz yhtidsy." "For more psy?" "Ne. For shorter hours." aOI don't blame yei Oi always maintained that sixty minutes wux toe much for an hour--an 'Oi hopes ye wins]a Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW I umber for Iox16 Garage including Aeor .......... $26.00 60 Fi. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shipizp from.............. 9.00 2x4 Common, shed....... 9.00 2z 6 to 2x12 common, sized .............................. 10.00 Vz z 8 Bungsiow Siding, Cedar, shorts .............. 1.00 Iz2 A xsd 4 D. D. Fir, per 100 kn. ft......... '60 Cedar Lattice, per 100 Iin. fzct .....................26 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, par Iis. ft........08 No. I XXX Shingles 2.60 Nm 2 Shingles „..... 1.10 Wzii Shingles,........... 1.26 SPECIALS Ix3 znd Ix4 Ne. I Angle grain Aoozixg ............... $28.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Sxio--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 ]ox]2--I Light Sash. 1.15 txio--8 Light Sash... 1.25 ]ox]2--8 Light Sash ...... 1.40 Grproz I'lazier Board, Building I'spar, Fir Veneer xss sk Bxikkxg Metal'iziz AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th xsd Marine Drive Phone West Iyy. After 5 p.m. zzk fer Gerzr Dent Phase West 24IIL Dundarave,'„„-,'„w'„",.,',„", Amblcside»th"".„i M".,'..." SUCCESTIONS: Friday and Saturday, I]IAY IS & 16 MARSHhIALIzOWS. pkt. In the handy Cekuphzne Wrapped pht. .. ..... ... .. .... I ee Rzd 0 Vl'hke JEI.I.Y POIVDERS Ak Asaorz.......... 4 pkiz, 19z ROLOCREAhl OATS, Haziih Oaiz Rapid Caokies. pki., 28z HONFY, Riasak' Pure Clover, 2vi lb. Iin................ 884 I.UX TOILET SOAP, 2 zzkaz 'zzz SHREDDED WHEAT, package iee SLICED BACON. Fletcher'z No. I, H-IL package .......... 20c hIUSTAkD, Libby'z I'repzrad, 8 ax. ]at ................. 12c hiiLK CHOLOLATE BUDS Vzib" ---- ........... 15z I IL COFFEFa Red k White, I IL LUMP SUGAk Both for .................. --....... 4Sc Bacon, Sausage, Etc. ee them THE WEST VAN NEWS AIROPI.ANE COMPETITION All boys entering planes in the competition to be held on May 35th, should send in their entries to hlr. Ellis or Mr. Con- don, not later than Wednesday, hIay 20. All planes entered m the competition should be tested out before the 25th and all flnal adjustments, etca made. ONI.Y LOCA I. ATHLETES CAN COhll'FTE Some misconception still seems to exist as regards the open events in the hisy Day sports. These races are open to )Vest Vancouver entrants only, and no outside competitors wfll be allowed. It is useless, there- fore, for athletes from Vancou- ver and other places to make ap- plication to enter. )V. V. HORTICULTURAL AS- SOCIATION NOTES The lecture held in the Dun- darsve hall on Thursday last, was very interesting. The at- tendance according to the lectur ers, was good and they congrat- ulated the Society on the inter- est taken by its members. The lectures were very instructive W. F. Nimmo gave good point- ers on the preparation of 0 rose bed and the care of the bushes, bath in summer flowering and winter protection; whilst H. A. Olas spoke on insect pests and sprays, for bushes and fruit trees, also the care taken to pre- vent the introduction of infec- tion from other countries, by the Department of Agriculture. The Hospital special day for plants and flower donations as arranged for the 16th, has on account of May Day festivities and the Musical Festival been postponed until a later date The drawings in the children' sections for the June Show, of a wild rose has been changed to pansies. As assisting in the hfsy Day festivities the Association is making s suitable presentation to West Vancouver's First Msy Queen. May 15, 1931. I JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KLNDb, DELICATESSEN ( Two Stotes for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE AhlBLESIDE STOIIE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine LI]IIITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: West 366L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU HER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Pluster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles City Farmers A iitke girl from the city hsd been vizking ia ihe country, and wzz be- ing questioned as to what kind of s time zhe had. Finally some one zzid, aI bat yeu don't even know hew te milk z cow.a aBet I de,a zhe said. On being premed for particulars as to hew It wzz done zhe replied: "You take the cow Ie the barn snd give her some breakfast food snd water and then yeu drain her crank- case." The Artist: aDohbisz, the srt critic, hzz slated my pictures uxmer- cifuky.a Hiz Friend: "Oh, don't take any notice of that fellow; he has no Ideas of hiz own--he only repeats iiim a parrot what everybody else is zay- Illg. Oif the Course A golfing husband was enter- taining 0 friend. They were left alone for some time after din- ner. Then the wife entered the dining-room to hear her hus- band pass some remark about "a hole in one." "My goodness," she said, "are you still talking about golf?" No, dear, said her husband with a smile, "we'e talking a- bout socks." Cheaper First Loafer Funny the Basher getting married," Second Loafer: " 'E was forced to. He couldn't a]ford s sparring partner." CITY PARKS BOARD FAVOR GARIBALDI AS NATIONAI. PARK A meeting of the Vancouver Parks Board and of the Gari- baldi Park sub-committee, of which Reeve Lay]and is a mem- ber, was held on Wednesday in the city, when Colonel W. W. Foster and Canon Sovereign were the chief speakers. The two latter, both of whom are members of the National Parks Board of Canada, pleaded that the provincial government enter into immediate negotiations with the federal authorities for the creation of the 600 square miles comprising the Garibaldi Park area as a national park, stating that the mountains and the scenery generally were un- surpassed anywhere on this con. tinent or in Europe. Their rec- ommendation met with the ap- proval of the meeting. Hon. W. C. Shelly suggested that Grouse Mountain Park be included in the area. Reeve Ley- land endorsed this, but at the same time emphasized the point that, if it was done, Hollyburn Ridge should also be included, ss a great many more visited the Ridge than the summit of Grouse. His suggestion was greeted with applause, as also his statement that Marine Drive would be the natural way of ap- proach to Garibaldi, and, if it ws8 extended to Squsmish and Lillooet, would form a wonder- ful scenic drive beginning and ending in Vancouver. At present tourists came to Vancouver and could go no farther unless they went up and returned over the Cariboo Highway. aWSiizm, ge up to my room. Back of my wardrobe there sre--" aCigazx, zir?" aYez. How did yeu Asd them?" "Oh, very good Indeed, sir?a WEST VAN MOTORS Bring your troubles to Bill to get the attention you are entitled to. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COM PANY 1451 Marine Drive (Bifl Gi out) West 269 Firestone Tires, Willsrd Batteries, Shell Super and "400" Gas Shell Oils and Specialties. Valve Grinding Battery Charging Tire Repairs, Greasing, General Repairs.