0001 ev'eell .h." le iindia tinct itbal in hk !and 0 ae- thwe agent. Itien aai Of If?nb ingei shies fnrtrv rfelem beenl. lalp, ngeief ndght e. dao fog ne'ay 15, 1951. Hollybura THEATRE Friday and Saturday 'SO LONG LETTY'rom the popular etage pixy og ehe same name. The cxxt in- cludes Charlotte Greenwood, Ixmoux long-legged trickxeer, Grant Wnherx, Bert Roach, Patsy Ruth Miller, Helen Fas- ter, one oi the baby stats of 1929, axd many otherx. This ix ~ mne-4-minute laugh-4- mixeie comedy. also 'Pardon My Gun' comedy western with SaUy Stxrr xxd a host of other fav- orRex. Both the above pictann re- ce!vvd xyalxl mention by the trade journals. MONDAY exd TUESDAY VVILL ROGERS in 44 LIGHTENIN " FOREST WOOO FIR--Double Load........... $6.50 Single load .......... 3.50 ALDER--Double load ... 5.00 Single load ................ 8.00 69. M. COOK I'HONE North 703LI Phone early to avoid delay. For VVhere? Two elderly ladies were stand- ing on 6 platform at Waterloo, when 6 porter came along lead- ing 8 large bulldog, and they were requested to stand aside. One of the women, experiencing 0 twinge of alarm, said: "I say, porter, is that dog fer- OC1OU8?" "No," came the reply, "it's for Southampton, ma'm." Making Sure With 0 sentimental leaning towards the days of his own youth, a business man sent his son to the college where he him- self was educated. "I should like to see my father's record," said the son to the head of the col- lese. "I shall be very pleased to show you the record," was the reply. "But have you any special reason for consulting it?" "Well," replied the youth, "when I left home, dsd told me not to disgrace his record, and I only want to see how far I can go 1" Dangerous 4 Little Tommy entered the room in a very serious frame of mind. "Daddy," he said, "will you give me some money 7" "And what do you want money for?" asked his father, very much on his guard. "Well, daddy," came the reply "I'e been thinking how awful it would be if a robber were to hold me up and say 'your money or your life'nd I hadn't got ChiiierChNer A Poser Host: "You know it is said that the mustard people make their money not by what is eat en, but by what is left on the side of the plates." FalrGuest: "Yes, but what puzzles me la how they collect it." What He Learnt! "How did you get on at school today, Tom?" asked the fond parent at the supper table. "Papa, our teacher says that conversation at meals should be of 6 pleasant character," replied Tommy. "Let's talk about the pantomime." His Mistake Victim (furiously): "You saw the villain attack me, knock me down, and take my watch, and you stood by and actually laugh- ed" p. C.: '%'hat j Weren't you acting for the pictures?" 'Alf and 'alf "You don't think much to golf then?" said the colonel to the sergeant-major who hsd volun- teered to caddie for him. Sergeant-Major: "Seems 6 bit silly, sir--a kind of 'ockey at the 'alt." First Youth: "I wish I were dead." Second Youth: "Did she marry you, or did she refuse?" Rastus: "Here am a telegram from de bose in Africa. He says he is sending us some lions'ells." Circus Owner's Wife: "Lions'ails, Rastus? What are you talking about?" Rastuse "Well, read it your- self. It says plain, 'Just captur- ed two lions. Sending details by mail'." When initiating a new stove, heat it very gradually in order to minimize the possibility of enamel cracking. Silver is much brigliter if wiped directly from clean, hot, slightly soapy water. If you use clear water for rinsing they will not be so bright. Tools that are in good condi- tion make your work easier. Keep your knives sharp by al- ways having a stone or steel sharpener at hand. The real estate agent wax endeavor- ing to interest a fair prospect in x house og her own. "'IVhy not," says he, "purchase a home?" "Home!" says xhe. "I'l xay aat. ivhy, I couldn't use one. I wax born in a hospital--educated in a college-- courted in an automobile--married in church--wc dine in restaurants--spend the morning on the golf links--the afternoons over x bridge table--the evening in dancing or at the movies. Axd when I die I expect to be buried from the undertaker'. So aU we need ix x garage, with maybe 4 bedroom above it." NORTH VANCOUVER VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. THE WEST VAN NEWS A I,ECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIEN('E A IActure entitled "Christian Science: The Revelation of Man'6 Infinite Capacities" was given Thursday evening under the auspices of Christian Science Society, West Vancouver, by Dr. John kl. Tutt, C.S.B., a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The Lecture wss given in the Hollyburn Theatre and the Lec- turer was introduced by Mrs. E. Hope Bacon of the local Society. The Lecturer spoke in part as follows: "The old adage has it, "seeing is believing." But in Christian Science we learn that believing is seeing. We recall the saying "out of sight is out of mind," but actually, out of mind is out of sight, for we cannot see or experience what we do not believe. A limited state of body, mind, or puree is always 8 limited state of thought, some- times consciously held, some- times tacitly. Remember that all things sre states of mind. Christian Science resolves all physical, financial and other lim- itations into mental hazards, re- jects such falsely mental limit- ations as lies, and replaces the false concepts with right ideas, even realization of man's infinite capacities. Because the hum- an body is the expression of the human mind, such evolved men- tal states correct the body and material conditions. There is 6 popular song with 6 refrain that runs, "It's my mind, I can change it." We should be sure when we change our mind it is God that changes it. When the dawn of Truth comes in human consciousness the change is al- ways for the better. Human mind-changing can never be right; but mind-changing under divine intelligence must be good always. That change of mind is the answer to prayer. Let us hear the crux of this whole matter of man's infinite capacities and the lie of limita- tion: Never acknowledge 6 hand- icap! To encounter obstacles 6- long life's highway calls for at- tention and removal of them, but not for recognition of them as handicaps to progress. We are handicapped, if at all, by our own thoughts, for mortals see only their own concepts. Handi- caps, therefore, are self-imposed limitations. They csn be broken only by our own consent to the awakening, clarifying, liberating Truth, Christ. There is no bar- rier to Truth other than the closed door of our thought, the one handicap we may erect in false consciousness. The truth of man's infinite capacities will occupy our consciousness as we dispose of the obstructions put there by the lie of limitation. What can be done when barriers seem to loom before us in the path of right endeavor? Some- times we can rise in the strength of spiritual understanding to re- move the obstruction; again, with heads above the mist vre can follow through, go over, or around it. Better still, we may obtain 8 point in understanding where we can realize the absence of the illusion--realize that there is, in reality, no barrier to our progress and achieve- ment. The highest overcoming is prevention--the fogs may be voided; we may actually prevent the formation of the mist. The lie of limitation is both curable and preventable. Never acknow- ledge 6 handicap! Be sure so long as anything can hinder you, something may. But what can hinder you? Is the seeming handicap an employer, a hus- band, 6 wife, a climatic condi- tion, all either too bad or per- haps too humanly good? Is it environment, person, place, or thing? "Who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" Bear in mind, the prom ises are to him that overcomes, not to him that acknowledges and bows before handicaps." FOR SALE--Uoyd EegUxh prem, al- most new, $25.00. Apply 1478 Mar- ine Drive. FOR SALE--English buggy. Phase West 499Y. RELIABLE YOUNG CIIRL Ier Moose work or care oi cbndrve. Phmee Went 169X. WILL THE PARTY who bonowed embxvidered &nk pyjamas, xnpyevx io match, for masquerade dance, please phone West 223IL EXPERIENCED Prxcuexi Gxednmr. Lawns, gmcrxl jobbing xxd laying oui gardens, also rough arpeneer- ing, fencing, etc. H. A. Mdixx, Ree. Ideaa phone West 186Y. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WILIR BEST--Dexdxmve. FOR RKNT or SAI.E--Maderw Home an waterfront ix beautiful grounds. Phone Leyiaxd, West 63RI. LOTS CLEARED -- Drxiax Dxg, Fences Repaired and EmcnxL Phone West 429K I'OR SALE--Close io Sebex Park, Waterfront Iob Phone West 60. NEW GARDP'%8 CONSTRUCTED-- Original designs in garden dvara- tioxx Lawns Pxibx Artistic Reek Gardens xxd Pools, Landscape Gar- denias, xn breaches. Moderate pricex. R. J. Kyte, residence phone West 59LS. FOR RF%T--New Bungalow, 16th and Waterfront, fully modern. Phone West 869R. CARPENTRY WORK axd General Re=airs. SkUied workmen. Phone West 429R. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rwn ideece Phone West 241K FERTILIZERS -- Bone niexi, Fish biexi, Standard Triangle B„etc. Vernon Peed Store. West 9. FOUNDATION CEnlEVT WORK-- Landscaping xnd Lawns laid. Reek walls, drains, septic isxke, fencing xnd land clearing, chimneys and iernxcex cleaned and repxirnL Phone T, Barnott, residence phoae West 290R. nIARCELLE SHOP' bixnene, 50 cents; reset, 36c; finger wave, 76c. Phone Mrx. Kmg, West 304. ROCKERY AND ALPINE PLANTS for sale fmm large collection. C. G. Barrow, Corner 24th aed Nelson. Phone Vvat 98L2. YOUTH WANTS WORK or Odd lobe Phone Vvat 39. Freddie was crying and Willie asked what was the matter. "My dog's dead," sobbed Fred- die. "Aw, that's nothin', my grand- mother's been dead a week and you don t hear me cryen . "Yes. but you didn't raise hcr from 0 pup." His Rise During some blasting opera- tions in a quarry, a man was blown into the air, happily vrith- out serious results. The foreman having impress- ed upon the man the importance of keeping at 6 reasonable dis- tance during the operations, the matter was dropped, apparent- ly for ever. It was, however, revived un- expectedly on pay-day, when the foreman handed the man 446, Iliad. instead of the usual 456. The latter inquiring the rea- son. he was startled when the foreman replied: "That's a hau penny oif for t'ime you were up in the air last VVednesday." "I'l be frank with you," xxid the young max after ibe vmbma wax over. "You'ee eve the Srst girl I have ever kissed." "I'n be equally fmxk with yoe," ~he answered, nghtixg x fag "Yoe've Iot io larex 'ANTSSic Lve on er seer biechers ve ingieweod imrgxie Bwx 3 West Vaa gxws. LAWN MOWBRS SHARPENED- IL Unix, 1427 Marine Drivv. Phone Wnee 184IL W OL'LD KXCHA IGE Six room mod era bourn Grxxdview Iev dmnxr is Wat xxaevee Apply H&gh land 8669L PAID EQUITY ie Kaxaxeo Bexgx- low for xbaaer eqeiey ia baxgxlew or goad let ea wan Vxenmver or vicinity. Phone Bxyview 1230X. CANADIAN LEGION Emytoymeea Department. Handy men for xn work Phone West 71Y. ALL THB REST Brxwdx ei Cigxrx, Cigarettes xxd Tobaccos. Also Ex- cbxxge Poker Heads exd Ceaxoi ardx Free. Amblaide Tex Rooms FOR THE BEST SLABS xnd Iexide Fir phone West 230. FOR RF IT 'Near baclx qdvL xew, 5 rooms IeU piembieg Phone Wxxa 23L2. TBAUING Grading Ptoxgheeg Lxxd Clearing. Manure. Dey or Coatmcb Phone E. F Lacy, Garden Ave„ Capnxnm FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Koeiagx, Rexideece phone West 3941L GEO. HAY ExexbUxhed 1912 Real Estate and lnsurance Notary Pebsc FIRE INSUILVNCE FOR RENT--Feneidwd xed Uefere- ixbed Hmmes. Money Available Ia Mongxga oe -Moderx Homa" 1406 Marine Drive OHice Phone Wast 21 or Sxy 1260 Reeideaee Phoae W. S2R or W. 204X "PROVINCIAL ELECIIONS ACT NORTH VANCOUVER ELECTORAL DISTRICT NOTICE ia hereby given that I shen, on Monday. tbe 18th dxy ef May, 1931, at the hour of 10 o'dock in the forenoon, at Nm 28 Loexdxie Avenue, North Vancouver, bold 0 ea- ting of the Coeri ef Revision for the perpae of renxmg the hxt of voters for the said electoral district, xad ef hearing xxd determining any axd xU objections to the retention og exy name on the said list, or to the regis- tration as a voter og any sppscxat Ior registration; xed Ior the other purposes xet forth in the "Provincial Etectimm Aei." Dated at Norih Vxeaever KC this 16th dxy of A eu. 19SI. K . COPPLNG. Regixtmr og Voeaa North Vaneoever Elvctoal Dixiriet I'ACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAII WAY Notice to Contractors CAPII 4NO RIVER BRIDGE SEALED tenders endorsed "Capu-tno River Bridge" will be received by ihe uxdenngxvd ey to 12 obioek emoa. on Wednesday, 27th dey og nixy. 1981, . for the dismaeuixg og the railway bndge over the Capdxxo Rnvn IVexe Vancouver. A tender xhmeld bv xehaaied for tha dismantling ef the bridge, eekixg paxaxloll of xlHI evamrixg Itole the Company'x veperty, an the material; and a ev e Iev dixmxaeueg ihe bridge, eahiag pamaioa ef aed re- moving frow ehe I'empxny'x property xU mater.ei except ibe bridge irme, which may bv received by tbe Cam- pll lip. The Iowan or any camber ave seem- sarily accepted. ROBT. WILSON, Executive Aexixeaat, Vancouver, B. C. CLASSIFIED ADS The min Ior CiaxxiSed Adaruamexm Is 2 axm pev wenL wieimew 25 aeex. Except ie the cxa ef umee having eegalxr xammee, xU dxmd- Sedx are payable xtricu ia xdrxxce. Remember Cnxais ia the West Vxa News get imewUxee eeaha IJ)ST--Wire fldrvd Fox Tcrriev, xix FOR SALB --Gxyioni Piano, cheap. Ie months old puppy. Black aad whne exceUvxt «awdaiea, tvnxx if re- body. Ten asd white heaL Reward. qxivwL Phone West SIZL Phoae West 14'7LI. WANTED--Room with pxri bard RADIO RFA'AIRS by Local ExpevL gor gentleman, on or dose io water- sxtixfxctian gexrxxtad. Phmee Ixexu West Bay eo Horxahoe Bey. West 89. phone alter 8 p. m. Wvxa 4811K