January 10, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 Prescriptions When a physician's serv ice is needed it is needed promptly. So with the prescriptions he orders. For this reason at this store the utmost speed combined with accur acy is used to give you the best possible prescription service. FAST DELIVERY WEST 323 No Order Is Too Small Lesage Drug Store G. E. REID, Manager Geo. Hay Building Corner 11th and Marine FRAMAR MONTESSORI School for Young Children Folk Dancing and Rythm in cluded. Winter Term opens Monday, Gth January. Phone MRS. W. D. FRASER 18th and Esquimalt CLASS RE OPENS TOMORROW SATURDAY CHILDRENS DANCING CLASSES and PHYSICAL CULTURE conducted by Miss Kathleen Ellis 11 a. m. every Saturday in Dundarave Hall Information. Phone West 407R or Fairmont G-190L _____ PHOTOGRAPHSG</W jForever Start the year by taking ad vantage of the January Special Photos of exceptional value for January. Make your appointment today The King Studio V. V . V IN S O N P R O P . 311 Hastings St. W. Established 1902 All work guaranteed 'on o* ^ Phone Sey. 1 0 4 6 Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 846 Rea. North 918Y and 1214Y China Bars Red as Body Color In China red as a body color for automobiles is prohibited be cause of religious significance and in Spain blue is prohibited because it is the color of the royal family. Personal Mrs. C. Poisson and her son Rodney, gave a delightful New Year's dance at their home at 2994 Bellevue Avenue. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joy, Major and Mrs. J. Ed- elston, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sand erson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Car- ruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Lestock Reid, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lang. * * * Mrs. R. Bloxham, 2278 Ingle wood Avenue, is confined to her home through sickness.* * * The Misses Jean and Margaret MacLamer of New Westminster, who have been the guests of their cousin, Miss Margaret Ny- land, 29th and Marine Drive, left on Tuesday to return to their home in the Royal City. * * * C. R. Messinger of the Holly- burn Block, 16th and Marine Drive, is building a house on his property at 16th and Waterfront. * * * Frances, the 2-year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon, is quite sick at her home. ♦ * * Miss Eileen Ilampson, who has been spending the Christmas hol idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hampson, 20th and Ful ton, left on Thursday, 2nd in stant to return to Nithi River, Fraser Lake, where she is in charge of the school at that point. • * * * Miss Jean Cullington, Rad- cliffe Avenue, West Bay, was a hostess over the holidays to a number of her young friends from Vancouver.+ * * R. P. Blower is sick and con fined to his home at 18th and Fulton. * * * Mrs. Paul Denison of Seattle, took the Sorenson cottage at West Bay for the Christmas hol idays, when she had as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. Zander, and Mr. and Mrs. C. De Honey, all of Magnolia Bluff, Seattle. * * * Mrs. H. A. Hunt, 1248 Keith Road, returned .recently from Victoria, where she visited her sister, who was ill but was suf ficiently recovered to be around again. * * * Mrs. Ford Breckenridge, Rad- cliffe Avenue, West Bay, was a dinner hostess on New Year's day, her guests being Mr. and Mrs. Boyer of Marine Drive, Vancouver. * * * Miss Sue Procter gave a New Year's party at her home in Kit- silano, which was attended by a number of young people from West Vancouver.* * * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paterson, of the West Van. Electric, 1473 Marine Drive, were the guests on New Year's Eve of Mr. Pater son's brother in Vancouver. * * * Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie of West Bay who has been quite id, is now making good progress towards recovery. * * * Captain and Mrs. Glen gave a large party on New Year's Eve at their home at Kew Beach, to a number of their daughters' school friends.* * * Mr. and Mrs, J. Dodd Allan Radcliffe Ave., West Bay, had a number of guests at her home over New Year's. + * * Messrs. John A. Schuberg and his son and M. F. Bergeron, who are conducting the roller skat ing rink in the Hollyburn Pavil ion, have moved into a suite in the Bellevue apartments at 15th and Bellevue. * + * Mrs. Blow of West Bay, is con fined to her home through sick ness. HOLLYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The Hollyburn Public Library held their regular meeting last Monday evening in the Hollyburn Public School, when a number of routine matters were disposed of. A donation of books from Mrs. H. L. McLean was grate fully acknowledged. It was de cided to hold the annual general meeting and election of officers on Monday week, 20th January, in the Hollyburn Public School. /GENERAL McRAE VISITS LEGION HALL General A. D. McRae, M.P., while in West Vancouver on Monday afternoon, visited the new Canadian Legion hall now i ̂ course of erection at 18th and Duchess, and congratulated the delegation from the branch which waited on him, consisting of Colin Turner, Captain H. I. Vince, W. T. Atwood, and Major B. H. Harrison. He made a dona tion to the biulding fund, and ex pressed his willingness to be come a member of the branch. ^IMPROVED POSTAL FACILITIES A special meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade was called on Monday the 6th instant to meet and discuss with Gen. A. D. McRae, M.P., the resolu tion supported by a signed pe tition for a house to house mail delivery and the installation of 3 collection boxes. The situation was fully discussed, all attending members being invited to ex press their opinion. General A. D. McRae then stated that now being fully informed and satis fied as to the modesty of the re quests and the immediate neces sity of this extension of public service,he would take the matter up with the Postal authorities at Ottawa and in order to expedite matters, accompanied by a dele gation of three members of the Board of Trade he would inter view Mr. Murray, superintendent cf Postal Services at Vancouver. This interview has been arrang ed for tomorrow (Saturday), at 11.30 a. m. After the meeting adjourned the General proceeded to view the proposed initial route of delivery accompanied by the president, Mr. Wm. McQuaker and Mr. J. T. Watt. P. T. A. MEETING The regular meeting of the West Vancouver P. T. A. will be held next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Pauline Johnson School. The chief speaker will be H. B. Southam of the High School staff, who will give an address cn " The delinquent child." The evening's program will include musical items and refreshments will be served. FEWER CARS SOLD ON TIME TODAY THAN IN 1925 The curious may find a wealth of information about the auto motive industry in the little vol ume "Facts and Figures" pub lished by the National Automo tive Chamber of Commerce. The 1929 edition contains the re markable statement that the pro portion of cars sold on the de ferred payment plan is smaller today than it was in 1925. Dur ing that year 65.5 per cent, of cars, new and used, were sold on time, while in 1928 the propor tion was only 59.5 per cent. Sixty-four per cent of 1929's automobiles have seventy or more horsepower, says the hand book, while only twelve per cent, have less than fifty horsepower. Announcements of 1930 cars in dicate that the average power will be considerably greater than in 1929. Miss Blackstock, who has been residing at 13th and Clyde, moved on Friday to Vancouver. Dr. Marjory McCubbin Wishes to announce the opening of an office in the ROYAL BANK BUILDING, HOLL^BLRN, on Saturday, January* 11th, for the practice of DENTISTRY Hours: 10 to 6 Evenings by appointment / MacGREGOR-- RONALD A quiet wedding was solemniz ed on Saturday evening by Rev. J. Wilson at the Manse in Mar- pole, when Miss Janet Ronald be came the bride of Mr. Thomas MacGregor. The groom is an old West Vancouver resident and the bride, who hails from Falkirk, Scotland, has lived in the dis trict for several years. Only im mediate relatives were present at the ceremonv. The happv atUlP3thhaanVd cfyde " P reside" Ce THE CORPORATION OF THE ~ DISTRICT OF WEST PLAN MEETING SOON VANCOUVER ON UNEMPLOYMENT ---------- GREASING. OILING TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION Corner of 14th and Marine " IMPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time Mayor Malkin plans to ask federal and provincial authoriti es to appoint representatives to a conference to be held as soon as possible on unemployment and to invite all Dominion and Pro vincial Government members in the province. Reeves of adjacent municipal ities and delegates from the Board of Trade and the Trades and Labor Council will also be invited to attend the meeting. It is pointed out by the mayor that the Provincial House will open on January 28 and he be lieves that a preliminary confer ence should be held without de lay, as several meetings may be necessary, and as provincial rep resentatives will attend, the meetings should be finished be fore the House opens. J NORTH VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT RATEPAYERS TO VOTE ON BY-LAWS At a special meeting Thursday evening, the North Vancouver District Council gave a third reading to the Hospital Loan By law for $10,000 which will be submitted to the ratepayers at the annual municipal elections January 18. The by-law, which is to pro vide funds for hospital equip ment, was submitted in the dis trict last August but was defeat ed by nine votes. A similar by law submitted in North Vancou ver city at the same time passed. In the city, the ratepayers will on January 16 pass opinion on a by-law for $5000 which is being submitted at the request of the North Vancouver Town Planning Commission. The by-law providing for the preparation of a comprehensive plan for the development of the city waterfront and industrial area and the determining of a major road system and such other transportation facilities as may be deemed advisable for de velopment along town planning lines. y Public Notice Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp oration of the District of West Vancouver, B. C., that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY the 13th day of January, 1930, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of electing per sons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing three persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per son to represent them as a Com missioner of Police. The Mode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: The Candidates shall be nom inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elect ors of the Municipality as pro poser and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Of ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p. m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be in the form num bered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Ac.t" and shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identi fy such candidate; and in the event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 18th DAY OF JANUARY 1930. between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. of said day at the New Ambleside Hall, Corner of 14th Street and Mar ine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov ern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at the Municipal Hall, District of West Vancouver this 2nd day of Jan uary, 1930. JAS. OLLASOX, Returning Officer. Hollyburn, B. C., Jany. 2nd, 1930. You have eaten yourfill of turkey Why not a little FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE STILL GOOD. Ambleside Fish and Chips Phone West 302 Pembina Sootless and F1 A A I Lethbridge Imperial V/ / I I j HOT AND CLEAN For Quality and Service Phone West 85 FERGUSON'S MOTOR TRANSFER CO.