2 THE WEST VAN NEWS DRY GOODS SALE End of Season Clearance. COME FOR BARGAINS " The Little Store of Big Values" BUY NOW AND SAVE REAL MONEY GRIGOR'S DRY GOODS 1410 Marine Drive West 372 Councillor R. Fiddes running for Reeve Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, January 12th, 10 a. m.-- Bible School Classes for all ages. 11 a.m .-- Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic " The Ruling Passion." Five minute address to child ren. 7.15 p. m.-- Song Service. 7.30 p. m.-- Evening Worship. Topic, " What Shall We Do?" A cordial invitation to all. Tuesday 8 p. m.-- B.Y.P.U. Impromptu debate. Wednesday 7.30 p. m.-- Prayer meeting. Thursday 8 p. m. -- Annual Congregational Social. Friday-- C.G.I.T. Everybody welcome. v Annual Vestry Meeting at Caulfeild The annual vestry meeting of St. Francis' Church, Caulfeild, was held Wednesday night. The financial reports presented by the. Wardens and Treasurers of societies showed all obligations met and progress made. During the year the interior of the Church has been decorated, a furnace installed and the grounds have been fenced and laid out in lawn and flower beds. Gifts to the Church include a full set of communion vessels, an altar desk and prayer book, and a hymn board. Mr. S. M. Walker was elected delegate to the Synod with Capt. F. H. Kettle as alter nate. The rector re-appointed Mr. R. M. Macdonald as his Warden and the Vestry re elected Capt. Kettle as People's Warden. Mr. H. A. Stone was elected Vestry Clerk and the fol lowing church committee chosen Messrs. Astley and E. Chappell, Miss Chappell and Mesdames Clubb, Harvey, Kettle, Redden and Ridley. St. Anthony's Church Pastor-- Rev. Father Kelly Sunday-- Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. THB W e s t V a n N e w s Published Every Friday Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Phone West 363 ^Annual Meeting of Woman's Association of United Church The reports presented at the Annual Meeting of the Woman's Association of the United Church last Tuesday afternoon, showed a year of progress. Con tinuing under the able leadership of Mrs. Ritchie, the society is looking forward to.even greater activities in 1930-- a department of welfare work having been or ganized at this meeting, with Mrs. Merrick convener of the standing committee. The election of officers result ed as follows: Hon. Pres.-- Mrs. E. A. Henry. Pres.-- Mrs. D. C. Ritchie. 1st Vice Pres.-- Mrs. G. Gard ner. 2nd Vice Pres.-- Mrs. P. Wait. Sec.-- Mrs. F. J. Patterson. Treas.-- Mrs. D. McCall Stitt. Social Service-- Mrs. G. Bald win. Sick Visiting-- Mrs. W. C. Thompson. Afternoon Tea-- Mrs. G. D. Elgar. Welfare Work-- Mrs. W. F. Merrick. Decorations-- Mrs. A. Harvey. Pianist-- Miss Frame. Press Correspondent-- Mrs. W. T. Rush. Established on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON, Junetal Sirecturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Mail Addreas: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE West 363 West 412L $1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 5c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a.m . and 7.30 p. m. SUBJECT, JANUARY 12th, " SACRAMENT" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p. m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. January 12th, 1930. 11.15 a. m.-- Rev. J. C. Switzer, B.A., of St. Andrew's Church, North Vancouver. Morning anthem-- "Send Out Thy Light." Solo, " Beside Still Waters," Mr. J. Holt. 7.15 p. m.-- Dr. Henry will continue the study of the great hymns of the church, illustrated with lantern slides provided by Mr. J. Porter. Sunday's hymn will be Chas. Wesley's "Jesus Lover of Mv Soul." Evening anthem-- "The Wild erness." Solo, Mr. A. J. Addy. A short song service will begin the evening in which some of Wesley's hymns will be used. Dr. Henry is at the morning anniversary in North Vancouver. The date of the Annual Meet ing has been fixed for Wednes day, January 29th. The Young Peoples' Associa tion are arranging for a very in teresting series during this term that should be of interest to the whole* cairffntirrity.* * Outside speakers will appear from time to time on topics of great importance. Included in the list is Rev. George Pringle, the Sky Pilot for so many years on the mis sions of the coast. He is a very unique personality. Also we have Mrs. Stuart Jamieson on the Geneva Work who has so recent ly returned from Europe; Miss Beveridge who was for many years in the Ukranian work will speak on those wonderful people, and our good friend, Mr. J. Por ter will give an illustrated talk on Astrology based on Addison's great poem "The Spacious Firm ament on High." Other local tal ent will present phases of the work of the church. Plans are also being made by which Dr. Henry will take an audience on an evening's tour to England, Scotland and France. A charge will be made to enable the Young People to raise funds to finish the Tennis Court. The date fixed is March 3rd. This evening the choir is hold ing its concert with the list of musical artists in last week's advertisement. It should be a musical inspiration. Do not forget the date of the next Men's Club, January 28. Do not forget to bring your boy. It is father and son night. With their usual generosity the Women's Association are enter taining the boys. Only the fath ers will be asked to pay. The C.G.I.T. have elected the following officers for the year: Pres.-- Mary O'Donnell. Vice Pres.-- Gertrude Thomp son. Secretary-- Grace Thompson. Treasurer-- Jean Kinloch. At the communion service 5 new members were received last Sunday. St. Stephen's Church First Sunday after Epiphany (January 12th). 8 a. m.-- Holy Communion. 10 a. m.-- Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a.m.-- Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.-- Evensong. The final meeting of last year's Church Committee prior to the annual vestry meeting will be held Monday evening in the Par ish hall at 8 o'clock. The monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary will take place Tuesday afternoon in the hall. At Tuesday's meeting of the A. Y. P. A. the program for the coming months was outlined and the rector gave an address on the hymns of the church. Next Tues day will be sports night. Here after the young people will meet weekly. This afternoon at their meet ing the girls of the Junior Aux iliary presented the retiring sup erintendent Mrs. Bernard Hayes, with a prayer and hymn book in appreciation of her services with them for the past two years. \J Sunday School Entertainment With an audience in attend ance that packed every corner of the Parish Hall, the boys and girls of the main division of the Sunday School last Friday night gave one of the best Christmas entertainments in the history of St. Stephens. The prize for the best number on the program was awarded to Miss Grace Tite's class of girls who gave the Shepherd scene at Bethlehem, with vocal accompaniment. A pleasing feature was the presen tation by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eatock of the Allan Cup, won for the fourth successive year last September at Brockton Point, to Charles Chapman, captain of the track apd field team, and of the ribbons won by the boys and girls. The final number was the awarding of the Sunday School prizes for the year, after which refreshments were served to all present. The program was as follows: 1. " Carol, Sweetly Carol." 2. Mrs. d eed 's Class, " Adver tising for a Servant." 3. Mrs. Hayes' class, " Christ mas in Other Lands." 4. Piano Solo, Albert Kendrick. 5. Mrs. Wallace's class, "Mr. St. Nicholas." 6. Miss Tite's class, "While Shepherds Watched." 7. Piano Solo, Anne Sparrow. 8. Presentation of Allan Cup and ribbons. 9. Miss Davies' class, " Christ mas Songs." 10. Mrs. Martyn's class, "Ad vertising for a Servant." 11. Piano Solo, Joan Sparrow. 12. Trail Rangers, "The Use of Christmas." 13. Prize Giving. The Sunday School attendance prizes were won as follows from the Senior Classes downwards: Albert Kendrick, Phyllis John son, Bert Albin, Arthur Hook- ham, Eileen Dent, Evelyn Dick inson and Margaret Saunders, Will Atkins, Joan Gourlay, Jack Kendrick, Betty Gourlay and Patricia Wallace and Peggy Barker, John Moe, Patricia Al bin, Dick Brine, Hertha Paulson, Lloyd Wallace, Joan Thompson, Robert Brine and Corman Wal lace, Arthur Knight. Special homework prizes were given by Mr. Wenmoth to Will Albin, Billy Hawkes and Frank Hodg son. DELIVERY OF WEST VAN NEWS Any not getting their West Van News on Friday evenings are requested to phone West 412L, when the omission will re ceive attention. January 10, 1930. W est V ancouver Bible School LAWSON'S HALL 17th and Waterfront NEXT SUNDAY at 3.15 P. M. Leader MR. PERCY KING • Subject: " THE UNIVERSAL EMPIRE" Mr. King will speak over C K W X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 . m. CHORAL SOCIETY START SECOND HALF OF SEASON The West Vancouver Choral Society entered on the second half of the season on Monday evening last when the members commenced practising the work for the next concert which will be held towards the end of March. The program promises to be a particularly attractive one and includes items for male voices only, and the ladies also will ren- _ der separate numbers. Chief amongst the work to undertaken by the full choir is Elgar's "Banner of St. George" which portrays the age-old his tory of and the battle between St. George and the dragon. Amongst the miscellaneous items are Bishop's " Now Tramp O'er Moss and Fell," a Scotch martial chorus smacking of the heather, the bag-pipes and the clans, Fanning's " Song of the Vikings," an inspiring chorus of the old Norse sea warriors, and Macfarren's " Break, Break, Break, on Thy Cold Grey Stones" being a beautiful musical setting of Tennyson's lament on the drowning of his brother. There is also a Scotch foron- ach or lament from Macfarren's " Lady of the Lake" by the mixed choir and the men will no doubt enjoy rendering the Pirate's Song by Baas, being a musical arrangement of the well-known words "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum" The ladies section of the choir will have under study Ger man's "Beauteous Morn" and the two test items for the B. C. Fest ival of 1930. These latter pieces are Parry's " Hymn to Night" and Fletcher's arrangement of ar. old Irish folk tune "Follow Me Down to Carlow." Miss Margaret McIntyre, the choir's gifted accompanist, is at present working on the orchestr ation for the " Banner of St. George," and her orchestra ex pects to make an early start on their practices. Miss McIntyre also hopes to arrange an orchestration for some of the miscellaneous items under study, and her outstand ing work with the choir's rend ering of "A Tale of Old Japan" will doubtless be remembered by the public of West Vancouver. Altogether the choir have a- head of them an ambitious pro gram, and one which will pro vide Mr. J. Haydn Young, the conductor, with the opportunity to bring out their best effort, a result which he has already demonstrated his ability to pro duce. A number of new members were welcomed on Monday last and all sections of the choir view with enthusiasm the work in prospect for the balance of the season. The Society is at present ap proaching full strength and pros pective members are requested to make their application with out further delay. Two or three more tenors would be particular ly welcome. The next rehearsal will be held at 8.15 sharp on Monday even ing, the 13th instant.