The WEST VAN. NEWS A Weekly Newspaper Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--A m bleside, Holly burn, Weston, D undarave $1.00 per year. C y p r e S S Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, E tc . Newsstands 5c per Copy Xol. IV EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, JAN. 10th, 1930 No. 43 v/ REPORT OF MUNICIPAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1929 Reeve Vinson has favored us with the following for publi cation : FELLOW RATEPAYERS: We take pleasure in reporting through the press the stand ing of the Municipality as at the end of the year 1929. We find from the figures supplied from the several depart ments that we were able to keep well under our estimated expenditures. The total amount of our estimated revenue at the beginning of the year was $251,788.10. The amount col lected was $228,669.85 showing that we only collected 77 '/ while the previous year we collected 80% and had every reason to expect the same percentage as was collected during 1928. Our estimated expenditure for the year was $251,788.10 fr and we find that the total amunt spent in all Departments i was $233,311.05 showing that we kept under our estimate to the amount of $18,477.05. Our greatest disappointment was that we had estimated to reduce the overdraft in the bank by $20,000.00 but we find that we were only able to reduce the overdraft $3,200.00, leaving an overdraft in the bank of $51,800.00. This can be accounted for by the shortage in our collections of $23,118.15. The attached statement from the Treasurer will show the estimated collections and the amount that was collected, also the estimated expenditures and the amount that was actually expended under the different departments. You will note that Schools, Finance, Board of Works, Police, Fire, Parks and Light were all well under-expended. You will also note that the sum of $10,000.00 as shown in the expenditure column and not included in the estimates had to be expended on Marine Drive. This sum- is really a capital expenditure made out of revenue and is recoverable and will be recovered by By-law early in the year and applied to the over-draft in the Bank. Another amount of approximately $5,000.00 will be refunded by the Government under the High way Act and a still further $4,500.00 will be paid to the Muni cipality for lands sold. This amount should have come in before the end of year. However it will be paid very shortly. Tqking these amount* tbit are outstanding when applied to the overdraft in the bank will reduce that amount ciown to approximately $32,300. Very gratifying indeed. Now as to the Ferries: We find that there has been an in crease of passengers carried of 27,393 over 1928. We estimated at the beginning of the year that the Ferries would make over their operation approximately 2 mills or a little over $6,000.00 which we are glad to report was correct. We find that the Ferries have earned over their operation charge the sum of $6,300.00 which has been turned over to the Municipal accounts in spite of the fact that the service supplied was better than any previous year, that is, half hourly service with andadded twenty minute service mornings and evenings the entire year. The Police Department calls for a little comment. The estimate for the year was the same as the previous year, namely $12,000.00. The amount spent was $615.06 under the estimate in spite of the fact that one extra man has been taken on the force and we are glad to report that a 24-hour service is being given to the Municipality. Telephones have been installed at several points on the Highway and the Motor Patrol reports to headquarters every half hour thereby keep ing in touch at all times from one end of the Municipality to the other. Collections undeh this Department amount to $3,598.06. Number of convictions 92, withdrawn 6, dismissed 7, committed to Higher Court 1, Committed to mental Hospital 3, Appeals 1. Blasting, Shooting, Burning and Beachfires per mits issued by the Department total 279. Numerous other duties too many to mention also come under this Department. The Police Department is keeping abreast with the growth and requirements of the Municipality. The Marine Drive Bridge Construction. This Municipality is indeed fortunate in being able to have the Public Works Department of the Provincial Government undertake the sole responsibility of the construction of this important Bridge. While some of us may feel that it is taking longer to do this work than it should, we can all rest assured that there is nothing being overlooked by the Department, and Mr. Car- ruthers, the Provincial Bridge Engineer, is determined to make the Capilano Bridge the best in the province of British Col umbia. The Government also reconditioned the Keith Road Bridge and is maintaining the Keith Road as a detour. It is expected that traffic will be using the Bridge before the 1st of April. The Government is endeavoring to keep the cost of the Bridge and the first four Miles of Marine Drive re-construction within the amount that was earmarked for that work, namely $245,000.00. There are very good prospects of an Auto Ferry from Horseshoe Bay across Howe Sound linking up Sechelt and eventually Powell River with our Marine Drive. This will mean more power to us when the First Narrows Bridge comes forward again. Dealing with things in general:-- Building permits issued for the year 116. Total value $162,400.00. This brings our value of improvements in the Municipality up to the end of year to $3,177,415.00. Just how much longer this Municipality can get along without levying taxes upon improvements is a question that some Council will be faced with, as the lands are carrying just about the limit now, and each year our re quirements are greater. Negotiations are now under way with the Provincial Government Lands Department to set aside Hollyburn Ridge as a Provincial Park and prospects are very favorable of this being done. There were no money By-laws issued during 1929. In 1928 there was one issue of $90,000.00 for Marine Drive West and $12,000.00 for the Municipal Hall. We find at the end of 1929 that the Municipal borrowing power stands at approximately $357,600.00. The much talked of Pat Burns deal calling for a Golf Course and subdivision was finally turned down by Mr. Burns after the Council had agreed with his Solicitor, meet ing every point that was required by him. It was a great dis appointment to the Council and we know to the Municipality at large. It also kept the Council from dealing with these lands during the year. The Financial Statement of the Municipality is in the hands of the Auditors and when completed a number of extra copies will be on hand for those ratepayers that are interested and wish to have same for reference. This statement in the press will take the place of the usual Stewardship meeting and your Council feel that it will be much more satisfactory to the Ratepayers in general COLLECTIONS Current Taxes................................... Estimated .$160,988.13 Collected $154,493.08 Arrears .............................................. . 34,000.00 27,664.81 Land Sales ....................................... . 15,000.00 3,258.23 Licenses, Fees, e t c ........................... . 5,000.00 4,937.14 Miscellaneous ................................... . 3,000.00 1,345.42 Government Grant overdue .......... 903.00 754.65 Liquor Profits ................................. . 11,000.00 12,117.18 Pari Mutuel ..................................... 2,000.00 2,322.00 Motors ................................................ 5,500.00 6,377.68 Interest on A rrears......................... 1,981.00 2,216.92 Penalty .......................\..................... 1,600.00 2,365.71 Ferries Contribution ....................... 6,298.94 6,300.00 Waterworks ..................................... 3,149.47 3,149.47 Cash in Bank, Jan. 1st..................... 1,367.^ 1,367.56 f •. 1 ■» r- V a * $2^1.788 10 . 6A9.S5 EXPENDITURES Debenture Int. & Sinking Fund ... Estimated .$ 92,982.82 Expended $ 95,038.13 Schools................................................ . 54,314.00 52,875.35 Finance .............................................. . 22,000.00 20,487.08 Hospitals............................................ 1,700.00 2,316.70 Cemetery........................................... 1,600.00 1,600.00 Board of W ork s............................... . 30,000.00 21,827.52 Police ....................................... ........ . 12,000.00, 11,385.94 Health ................................................ 1,400.00 2,295.69 Fire ................................................ . 1,500.00 1,308.51 Parks .................................................. . 2,000.00 1,026.21 Light .................................................. 9,118.00 8,828.36 North Van. Dist. Sinking Fund... . 1,121.56 1,121.56 Bank Overdraft ............................... . 20,000.00 3,200.00 Contingencies ................................... Marine Dr. Construction .............. .. 2,051.72 10,000.00 $251,788.10 $233,311.05 ^Election Candidates As was forecast in our last is sue there will be no lack of can didates this year for municipal honors. Reeve Councillor Fiddes, Ex-Council lor J. B. Leyland and Mr. W. J. Dent have each announced their candidature for the office of reeve. Councillor Fiddes has been prominent in municipal affairs for a number of years. The fact that he has served as a councillor for five years and has been a school trustee for two years shows the confidence and esteem with which he is regarded in West Vancouver. Ex-Councillor J. B. Leyland sat on the council for two years, and later served a term on the board of school trustees, display ing great interest and energy in both positions. This is the first time Mr. W. J. Dent has run for municipal honors here, but he was coun cillor for 2 years and mayor of Athabasca for one term and a half. Councillors Of the candidates for council Councillor Blair is seeking re- CiCClxO:. vt. t. - . . -- r. XT- cii. Under his chairmanship the board of works has made a good showing this year and expendi tures are well below the esti mates. Chairman G. D. Elgar of the school board has sat four years on that board. He was chairman in 1928 and again this year, and in both years the finances have shown a surplus. Mr. Lance Garthorne is one of the old timers of the district, having at one time conducted the business now run by Moore & Wilson. He also served a term with credit as chairman of the school board. The following is a summary of the figures for the year bv departments: BOARD OF WORKS DEPARTMENT Ward 1. General Expenditure ................................ $ 2,567.51 Ward 2. General Expenditure .................................. 4,230.66 Ward 3. General Expenditure .................................. 6,294.75 Ward 4. General Expenditure ............................... 1,831.85 Marine Drive' Maintenance ......................................... 3,066.36 Salaries, Office Expenses and Supplies, etc........... 3,755.12 Tools, Machinery and Equipment.............................. 243.33 Sundries (Traffic signs, sanding for ice, clearing rubbish off streets ,etc.) ............................ 140.82 Powder, Fuse and Caps, bal. not yet allocated....... 128.88 Material Acct. (lumber & spikes) bal. not allocated 405.34 $22,664.62 Engineering Expenses, etc. In 1929 on Marine Drive Reconstruction negotiations as to which are in progress with the Prov. Govt. Marine Drive Reconstruction, Miles 5-11 (Cont. 46A) $5,564.86 Marine Drive Reconstruction, Miles 1-4 (Cont. 47A) 3,687.38 $9,252.24 50% recoverable from Government when Road and Bridge completed .................................................... $4,626.12 1929 Board of Works Estimate $30,000.00. WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT Expenditures Receipts Nelson Creek, Caulfeilds, Cypress Park Temporarv, West Bay, Brother's Creek ........................ $ 17,163.36 $ 20,571.03 Future pipes under Marine Dr. paw 413.54 Credits earned by Dept, from Board of School Trustees.................... 384.48 $17,576.90 $20,955.51 (Continued on Page 8) Mr. W. McQuaker has lived for a number of years in West Van couver, and has always taken considerable interest in municip al affairs. He is chairman of the board of trade. Mr. V. Nightigale is another old timer having been a resident and property owner since 1912, in West Vancouver, of which he has always been a great sup porter. It is rumored that Miss Davies will stand for councillor, but we have been unable to get in touch with her. She should make a good run, if she puts in her pap ers. School Board Messrs. E. S. Gamage, A. Har vey Smith, and T. E. Russell have announced their candidat ure for the school board, for \yhich there are three vacancies. Mr. Gamage has already served on the board, A. Harvey Smith is one of the successful business men of the district and T. E. W. Russell ran last year for the same office. Police Commissioner Captain C. J. Archer, who is an old timer and well known here is the only candidate.