0001 May I, I931. THE WEST VAN NEWS rIf" v MISS HILDA IVII,SON GIVES SPI,ENDID RECITAl. The piano recital given by Miss Hilda Wilson last Monday evening in the Orange Hall was one of the finest ever heard in West Vancouver, and the pro- longed applause which greeted every number of a long program of difficult musie testified to the appreciation of the audience, which filled practically every seat in the halL Miss Wilson's playing was characterized by 0 remarkab'.e technique, and the light and shade which she put into every one of her pieces wsx of a kind all too seldom heard in classical music. She was com- pelled to give an encore follow- ing her last number. Miss Iris Lockwood'6 very fine soprano was heard to great advantage in the numbers she had chosen, end She also had to give an encore at the conclusion of her second group of songs. Both Miss Wilson and Miss Lockwood were presented with bouquets at the close of the re- citaL James Todd acted as ac- companist for Miss Lockwood. 5IODEL AEROPI.ANE CLUB A very interesting meeting of the Model Aircraft Club was held in the Manual Training room last Wednesday. All members and others interested in this sport are now working on special models for the first airoplane meet to be held in West Vancouver on May 25. The club has been divided into two sections, junior and senior, and already a silver cup has been do- nated by Karl Ray for the boy making the longest tlight on that dsy. A trophy will also be provided for the Junior Division. All West Vancouver boys who have constructed their own planes, whether members of the club or not, may enter this com- petition. After she had admitted the simple-looking young man each day for a week, the maid wept indignantly to the mistress. "I'm going to leave, ma'm," she began, "Why, Mary?" I can see no reason--" It's just this, ma'm. I can' bear that young man who calls on Miss Ethel." "But he doesn't call to see you! What do you complain of 7" "Well, ma'm, the neighbors might think he does." HORSESHOE BAY Time Table for Cooking Vege- ister in tables in Water two of n ladies. Asparagus ............ 20 to 40 min. Beets (young) ..........45 minutes 8 know Beets (old) ........... 3 to 4 hours ; ~ And Carrots ................ 25 to 30 min. faa of Cabbage .................... 15 minutes Csuliflower ............ 20 to 30 min. claimed Celery .................... 20 to 30 min. oi Fa'reen peas ..............30 to 45 min. as nane Green corn ........... 12 to 20 min. Lima Beans ........ I hour or more Onions .................... 46 to 60 min. Parsnipe............ 30 to 45 min. Potatoes ................ 25 to 30 min. Rice ........................ 20 to 46 min.fathers. Spinach .................. 30 to 45 min. String beans ........ 1 to 3 hours Turnips .................... 45 minutes Tomatoes ................ 1 to 3 hours Nothing Doing An old-fashioned min the North was visiting his fiock, eccentric maide While catechising them the state of their religiou ledge he chanced to ssy you know all about the mankind 7""Fa"ankind!" ex one of them. "'Deed n fsr they liked, there w o'hem fa'd oor way.o Just Like in 0 Story Three little girls were sing the merits of their Said one: "My father is 0 poet; writes 0 few lines and g pounds for them." "That's nothing," said the second girl; "my father is a painter, and he gets 0 hundred pounds for each of his pictures." The third, not to be outdone, said: "My father is a parson. He just says a few words, snd then it takes ten men with bags to carry the money." "Ma, what does D--D stand for?" "Doctor of Divinity, my dear. Don't they teach you Such things in school 7" "Oh yee; but it doesn't sound right here." "Read it out loud, my dear." "The witness said he heard the defendant eay, "I'l make you sujfer for this. I'l be doctor of divinity if I don'." Bill: "It's tough when you have to pay 50 cents a pound for meat." Will: "Yes, but it's tougher when you have to pay 25 cents 0 pound, And That's That Doris had just become en- gaged to Willie. A week or two after the announcement had been given out she went to tea with one of her friends. "Now, dear," said this friend, "I want to hear all about it. How did Willie propose?" Dons blushed. "He paid me 0 great compli- ment," she replied. "He said I was the eighth wonder of the world, and that he could never hve without me." "Really?" gushed the other girl. "And what was your answer v" "Oh, I told him I'd have him," said Doris. "But I warned him at the same time that there' be trouble if ever I caught him with any of those other seven!" The Hint Boss: '%'ell, Simpson, I trust you save quite half of what you earn each week." Simpson: "I don't get that much, sir. COUPON HOLDERS Examine the following numbers carefully--if you hold one--immediately declare it at our store J. W.Kelly Piano Co. North Shore Branch 105 E. 1st St. and select from our special catalogue the valuable prize or prizes of your own particular choice. I ja, Lg 1105 9803 5540 4765 1st Prize 2nd Prize ..... 3rd Prize ........ 4th Prize,..... 5th Prize....... 6th Prize ........ 1575 7th Prize ...... 3100 8th Prize .......... 936 9th Prize ..... 4913 10th Prize .... 14294444 Ex.MAYOR MORDEN who tcycrviicd the Drcwice All ocher coupon numbcrt entitle owner io a New Mcjeaiic Radio of their choice For an even~~ enicncinmeni free of all cost or obligation. Phone immediately for your appointment. Every njs 1 holds a wonderful tource of entertainment. Let Majestic bring at least one night's prosrammet to your home--particularly since THERE IS NO COST ENTAILED, J.%. Kelly Piano Co. -' jlj N«lh 4»-- 49-- North Shore Branch 105 East First Street (Bank of Cotnnierce Bldg.) cv cx vy ~~ cx cx«LO ~ PRIZES ",'. SK& FOR SALE-Twc Teats with frais«. 10' 7'cd ir 8 x 12', Alto attrac- tive ooo-ro«c cottage. Sell chess for Iicmcdictc removal. Phone West 63Y2. M)TS CI.EARED -- Dvclac Dcg, Fcaccc Repaired cnd Frcctcd Phone West 429R. WANTED--Ha«werL Csa do ylsla cooliing and ccw',sg. Apply 47 East Bosch. FOR SAI.E--Clove to Svlns Pcrt4 Waterfront lot. Pboco West 66. FOR SALE--Eaglicb Baggy. Phoae West 293L wlLL TRADE -- City (wcct Bcd) Rooming ccd Apartment House Business with goad revenue ccd lease for West Vcccoovcr yvoycvty, Valse $3,000.00. What have you to oifcvl Might scvcmo small pay- ment. Box 20. West Vca News. WANTED--Wncca or Girl fcv Gca- eral hootcwovk for half dcy. One ln family. Phone West 66LI. FOR SALE -- Fawcett Grand Coal Range, ln splendid condition. Bcv- gain. Phoae Wcct 894R. NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCTED-- Original designs in gcvdca dccors- tlocc, Lcwlul, Pcttut ArtlstiC Rock Gardens ccd Pools, Lccdcccyc Gar- dening, CR brccchca Moderate yvlcoc. R. J. Kyto, nwtdcsce phone West 69LS. FRBE--Ccccdica Gagvcybiccl Sccl- cty' Journal to those joining the society Phone West 46?RS ORNAMENTAL RUSTIC WORK-- Pergolas, ctc., Lawns Paths ccd all classes of gave«lag. Phone West 429R. FOR RENT OR SALB -- Partly fcrs- ichcd hocvc on Waterfront. Apply Lcylcnd, West 63RI PAINTING, DECORATING, Fvcach Policbicg, Residence yboco West VIY. FOR RENT--New Bcagclow, 16th ccd Waterfront, fully modern. Phone West 369R. LOST--Siccn IVhitc Fox Terrier puppy, blcct ccd brown mcvklagc. Rcwcnl. Plcccc rctcni to 2103 Marine Drive or phone West 207IL THREE ROW BOATS--WOR nm. ideal tor camp ov general ccc. Selt. able for octbocvd motor. h. Ollvcv, 16th cad Wstcvfroat ALL THE BEST Bvccdo cf Cigars, Cigarettes ccd Tobaccos hta Ex chsago Poker Hands ccd Consol cards Free. Atcblecldc T«RC«cc. FOR THE BEST SLABS cad lasido Fir phone West 230. FOR RENT--Nccv b«OK eciot, ccw. 6 roova, Call ylombtcg. Phoae West SSLS. TFA)1 lbG Grcdiag Plocglwcg CI«rts, Mccovc. Doy ov CoatrccL E. Leery Gcvdcc Avc Ccyilcno. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Ayyly C. L Koaiagc, Residence yhcao West 294B. BIG SNAP To CLOSE ESTATE Two 60 foot lots scrth~t ccrscr 23rd and Jcgcvcoa, $4N.00 for tbo two. Sole Agcatc PHOIL(IX INVESTMENTS LTD. Na 2 - 42S Hews St. Phoae Scy. 4055 West 22S C. J. ARCHER, Dist. Rcyrcccstctivo GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pablic FIRE LNSUBANCB FOR RANT--Fcraichcd ccd Uafsva- lcbcd Hoccco. Mosey hvcdcblo fcv Mcvtgcgcc "Modcva H«ca" 1406 Mcciac Drive Office Phono West 21 or Scy ISN Residence Phone W. 82E ov W. 204X CARPENTRY iVORK ccd General Repairs. Skilled workmen. Phone West 429IL FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Bcc- idcacc Phono West 24IIL FERTILIZERS -- Bose Meal, Fish Real, Standard Triangle B., ctc. Vernon Feed Store, West 9. WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Doadcrcvc. FOUNDATION CElilENT WORK-- Landscaping acd Lawns laid Rock walls, drains, septic texts, focdag cod land clearing, chuaccyc ccd furnaces dccncd cad repaired. Phone T Bcraoti, residence phone West 290R MARCELLE SHOP -- Mcvcclla 50 cents'eset S6c anger wave, Vfe. Phone Mrs. King, West 304. EXCHANGE--Four Ract Bungalow on Dccbcv for hoccc West Vancou- ver. Phone Kcn. 2292LL "PROVINCIAL ELECIIONS ACI NORTH VANCOUVER ELECfORAL DISTRKT NOTICE is hereby given that I ehall, on Ifocdcy, the 18th dcy of Mcy, 1931, at the hoar of 10 o'dock m the forenoon. at No. 28 Icacdalc hvcsac, North Vcncocvcr, hold a dt- ting cf the Cour of Rcvlcioa for the purpose of revising tbo list ot voters for tbo said electoral district, and ot hearing cad determining any cad an objections to the votnttioa of any name on the said list, or to tbc regis- trctloa as c voter of cny cyyhccat tor registration; ccd for the other purposes cct forth in the "Proviadal Elections hct." Dated at North Vancouver, ILC„ this 16th dcy at Apnl, 193L E. N. COPPL(G, Registrar cf Votcvt North Vcccouvcr Elcctovcl District FREB -- Prtiaclc Jcyoakc Pleats. Limit one dozes. No phone. Apply, B. R. Harrison, 26th ccd Kings. ROCKERY AND ALPINB PLANTS for calo from large collection. C. G. Barrow, Corner 24th cad Nelson. Phone West 99LX TENDERS FOR COAL SEALED TENDERS ~ to the Puvchcciag Agent, Department of Pcblic Works, Ottawa, will be vo. ccivcd ct hix oitico until 12 o'dort Coos (dcyligbt cavies), Tcccdcy, Mcy 26, 1931, for tbo supply ct coal for the Dominion Buildings aod Experi- mental Fcnac ccd Stations, tbrocgh- oot tbo Piovicccv of hlcaitobc, Scc- kctchcwca. Alberta cad British Col- oicbic. Fonac of tender with cpcciScctioac ccd conditions attached cca be obtain- sd Crom G. W. Dcwcoa, Chief Pcv- chcciag Agvat, Doycinccct of Pcblit Works, Ottawa; H, F Ifctthcwc. Dic. tvict Resident Aichitoct, Wiaciycg, Ilcc G J Stcyhoccoa, Dictrtct Rovi- dent Architect, Rcgicc, Sect. Ches. Sollccc. Dictvwt Rochlcct hiclutcct. Calgary, Alta.; ccd C. F. Dcwcoa, Acting District Rccblcat Avchitoc'L Victoria, B. C. Tenders mill aot be coacidcvwl uo- lccc made oa the above i«atioacd fcnoc. Tho ngbt to dciocad trois thc cw- cocctal tccdovcv ~ dcyocit. Cot cx- cocdicg 10 ycr cent of the cccxutt ot the tender, to cccovo tbo yioycc M- Slmcct of thc «street is vcccncd. ovdcl' DESJARDINS, Secretary. Dcycrticcct of Pcbsc Works. Ottawa, April 37, 1921. YOUTH WANTS WORK or Odd Jobe Phone )Vest 89. FOR SALE--Foci Rene Bcagclow with bath, large li 'aos, 14'x 24', Cull plumbing, new y decorated. $ 1 Jieo: $300 ecch ccd $20 ~ month. including ictcvcct. Phono West 292Y. HOUSE TO RENT la Wvoi Vcccoc- vor. 6vc rooms. largo clccyicg porch ccd verandah, ideal view, F25.00 ~ month on lease. Phone Seymour 499i ov Wc.t 92'RZ "If you'e offered 0 second piece of cake, Wfllie, be 0 httle man. and refuse it, just as nicely as your father does." Willie returned exultantly from the party. Fondly his mother asked him, "Did you re- fuse the second piece of cake as I told you?" "Oh, yes. mother, just as father does. I just stdd, "Take that d--d stul? out of my sight." CLASSIFIED ADS Tho rate fov Claclscd hdvcrtl«wats Ic 2 coats ycv wov4, tcisincn 25 ccctc. Except ia the case ot those hcvlcg vcgclcv cccocatc, cs dcccb Sodc are ycycblo ctnctly la cdvsaco. Rcacnbcv Cl«ciselc bI tbc West Vca News gct lniocdictc vccalta