0001 lu Rr R o -'u yr~ ~er ~rt 'r ar~' eeu saw cs'p s ,y'eeou 'ufo ue h e't twt'eyu e'a 4'oir s t I+pe i revru rrrrr'rrew , crYr o' 'r ~ rrru"- rrr-wrrr r rrr-rrerrorrrrr r.'trrrrp ~ R rr Yrr rru'r™~ Re THE WEST VAN NEWS itlay I, 19(I1. WESr VAN. DRA1VS IN ROLLLR H(X.KI' (. 0'hTLST Tigers snd West Vancouver played to a 6-6 draw while North Vancouver defeated Point Grey Hornets 6-6 in s double- header Vancouver Roller Hockey League program at the )Vest Vancouver rink on Monday night Shuter registered four goals snd Thompson netted two for Tigers, while Timbrell (two) Gentleman, Rhodes, Hsrdman and Bellolle tallied for West Vancouver. In the second game McPher- son (4), Stratton (2), Graham (2), and Norman scored for North Vancouver, Rowley (8), Connell and Douglas being the successful marksmen for Point Grey. AN APPLAI I FELLOW CITIZENS: hionday,May 26th, promises to be one of the most enjoyable occasions in the history of West Vancouver. On that day will be held a Monster Children's Cele- bration, the main events being a decorated automobile parade, crowning of our first Msy Queen, sports of all kinds for the children, and s Dance in the evening. This movement, which was started with such commendable enterprise by the Parent-Teach- ers'ssociation in 1930, is again being sponsored by that body. but on a much larger scale, and assisted by nearly every other organization in the Municipality. It is hoped to make Empire Dsy the outstanding annual event in our community life snd a great day for the one thousand child- ren attending our schools. May I take the liberty of per- sonally appealing to sll our citi- zens to rally round the commit- tees by assisting in every pos- sible wsy to make the Children' Day a huge success. Voluntary contributions in cash or kind will be welcomed, as winners of various contests will be duly rewarded. The vari- ous committees will welcome as- sistance in the form of decora- tions, participation in the parade or in any other wsy that may be of practical help. Most of sll, however, your presence at the events will be very welcome. The citizens of West Vancou- ver have always been animated by a splendid community spirit and have never failed to give encouragement to any move- ment worth while. I need hard- ly to say that the happiness snd innocent fun of childhood are really worth while and that our citizens will not forget them on this one dsy whfch has been set aside for their pleasure. Let us make it a day that West Vancouver msy be proud of, and one that the children will Spencer's JERSEYMILK HE Original High- QualityTSpencer's Jersey Milk is al- ways available to West Vancouver patrons. Delivered direct toyour door through our own delivery system, Spencer'6 gives residents of this community as fine a milk supply as any district on the continent. Phone and our driver will call the following day West 114 or High. 156 SPENCER DAIRIES "Look for Spencer's Jersey Milk Delivery" GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect a «lust la Lwdwsylas U. I C Awwtcsa Sd sot el L adwap Awhttecta ~ ~ d a ~u. bnwhw N aowd l udscayo Sceeh From experiments conducted a short time by the use of one with iron sulphate it has been part Tartaric Emetic mixed with demonstrated that dandelion and ten parts of powdered fruit plantains can be controlled by this chemicsL Five applications of a mixture of one and one-half pounds of iron sulphate to a gal- lon of water were applied to s lawn badly infested with dande- lions and plantains. Applicationo were made two weeks apart. After the third application hardly a weed could be found. For the lawn that is not badly infested we believe three appli- cations are sufficient. For best results it is desirable to use a force sprayer to apply the solu- tion. After mixing the chemical with the water the solutian should be strained through a- bout four thicknesses of cheese- cloth before putting in the sprayer. This will remove sny undissolved crystals or other hard substances which would clog the spray. Before applying the spray go over the lawn several times with a garden rake using considerable pressure. This will bruise the vfeeds and EBow the solution to penetrate more quickly and thoroughly. About two weeks after the last application again go over the lawn with the rake and then sow some grass seed so as to provide a new stand of grass where the weeds formerly grew. If a sprinkling can is to be used to apply the solution use one and one-half pounds of iron sulphate to four gallons of wat- er. This quantity of the solution should 'over approximately three hundred feet of lawn. Ants msy be gotten rid of in sugar. Sprinkle a little where the ants are working. Keep the mixture thoroughly dry and in a safe location as the Tartar Emetic is a poison. For the same reason only a very light sprinkling of the mixture should be used at a time. NOTE--Tbe rites ual cowtdw lt ~ yl sw to aas w aue tbws wawwdao the uwdw la this cotww. Tb aaestbuw houhl be wfd essed to the wttw la cw ol a ~ Edltw. Tbe ~ Sl syywe la sa w ly l su or ll ~ y w f r yly ls d I ed ~ uuayul, u- dcl weed ~ reloyo should I eactwW look back upon as a happy mem- ory in the years to come. J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir: In the magazine sec- tion of the Sunday edition of one of the Vancouver papers, appears a letter signed "Inter- estedu on "Fighting for the Park," and the question is ask- ed, uWho, outside of s few who are directly or indirectly inter- ested, can want it, a bridge?" Well, the answer to that is easy, the majority of us on the North Shore want it, and very badly too, and as for Stanley Park being said to be 'the second finest natural park in the world,'ell, methinks such an assertion is open to question; it is more in the nature of s forest reserve than a park, the trees are rapid- ly disappearing, due to the lack of the natural undergrowth, but 'Interested'oves it every time he goes to it anti 'even to think of it's to love it. Poor chap A bridge would not detract from the beauty of the park, in the least; if given the right class of roadway and approaches, rather would it become a very great asset. Apparently "Interested" hss never lived on the North Shore, If he would do so, he would very soon forsake his first love (Stanley Park) for the many scenic and beautiful sunound- ings of the North Shore. Some no doubt, would do all HORTICULTURAL LECTURE A lecture of interest to resi- dents of the Municipality will be given in the Dundsrave Hall on Thursday next, May 7th, st 8:15 sharp under the auspices of the West Vancouver Horticultural Association. hir. Nimmon, the well known exhibitor and judge, will give the principal address on rose cultivation and selection and an Inspector from the Provincial Department of Agriculture will speak on insect pasta and dis- eases aifecting fruit trees espec- ially. The lecture is open to all residents interested in horticul- ture and questions on same will be invited. The fire brigade was called out on Tuesday afternoon to 11th and Duchess, where s North Vancouver wood truck hsd caught fire. They succeeded in putting out the blaze, but the truck wss badly damaged. in their power to prevent the building of the First Narrows bridge, these selfish ones are ln the minority, thank goodness; there are very many who would be only too glad to come, if not to live, over here, the play- ground of the Pacific Coast. One satisfaction in "Interest- ed'su letter is that it reads like 'doing evil that good msy come of it. FERTILIZERS (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chewings Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover and Seed Potatoes VERNON FEED STORE, Holiyburn WeSt 9 Yaurs truly, F. J. T. Hollyburn THEATRE Friday snd Saturday BIG NEWS u fib ftoazaT AfftdsTT(offo aad LAI(OL tdfhf DAI(D MOND hv aad TtlaaDAT Scotland Yard' of lb EobnIND LdtWE The BURRARD LAUNDRY Ltatttod For People 1Vho Are Particular Agent for S)VAN BI(OS„ DItY CLEANERS TalnD ST. aa4 ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. )Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L I'RIZES PROPOSED FOR hl AY DAY CELEBRATION PARADE FEATURES MAY 25, 1931. Vehicles Best Decorated Private Csr- 1st and 2nd. Best Decorated Bicycle- 1st snd 2nd. Best Decorated Tricycle (Boyd and Girls) -- 1st and 2nd. Best Decorated Scooter -- 1st. Best Decorated Wagon -- 1st. Characters Most Patriotic Couple- 1st (2 prizes); 2nd (2 prizes). Most Humorous Male Costume- 1st prize. Iflost Humorous Girl's Costume --1st prize. Best Advertising Costume- 1st and 2nd. hlost Original Boy Costume- 1st. hiost Original Girl Costume- 1st. Individual Flags for all child- ren (500). K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenmgs, )Vest 143 WOOD t Real Estate Finance and insurance FIR--5 Cords .......... 530.00 I Cord ......,..... fi6.50 CEDAR--I Cord.... 5375 Phone D. A. DOYLE 848 East 6th Street North Vancouver North Vancouver Sawmills LIMITED For ServiceFor Quality Another Big Week SASH and 900RS OUR STOCK AND OUR I'RICES BETTER THAN EVER You cannot alford to miss this exceptional oppor- tunity to fill your Sash and Door requirements. THE FOLLO)VINO ARE SAhII'LES OF OUR I'RICES: Panel Doors, from .......,......,....... 6225 each Glass Doors, from................................ 3.75 each 8x10 4 lt. Sash..................................85 each 10x12 4 It, Sash............................... 1.00 each 10x12 6 lt. Sash .................................. 125 each Our Other Stock st Same Low Levels WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR LUMBER SHINGLES, LATkl, SASH AND DOORS Call in snd see us at 2,79 East Esplanade ar Phone Seymour 2406 NORTH 110 Ol 'e hi ef el el