0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS May 1, ig:il, )+f81 C rvue'r vr ervr r h'v mr wuerr ~ . u Vveere wv r r re er tre'vreu 've e,e'eer 're cvv 'en ~iee„ .. rp4 chic. ~'e.e'e err v e 'v rr v rrvreDrrrrvvrr vvev,w rvvr .rrvrrv vvv eee rvv rvr vv rrtv"v ~ rvr rrt er rvrev~rrrr 1540 flfarlne Drive The only Drycleaning and Dyeing P SUITS ~ DRESS Odorless Dry Clea LADIES'ELT HATS AND G MODERN EQUIPMENT GOODS CALLED FOR BASEBAI.I. J. E. Condon has again enter- ed a team in the North Shore Baseball League so that fans may be assured of watching their favorite summer game in 1Yest Vancouver. The league is scheduled to open May 14. A schedule will appear in a later issue.. Bright Days G'ff)erfdolyfJ JI)gfyfdty Shoppe 1040 Hcviae Drive fuv Appointment Phone W. iir Bone Dry FIR Full Load S5 COAL BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone West 48 OOC COOKE PETE LE REAL C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and 51arine, Expert Work Phone 1Vest 135 Pubiicbcd Every fedger Pubiicbcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 $ 1.00 u ycuv by curvier; ditpp ~ ycu by malL Newcctuudc dc. pcv copy i %Vest Van Cleaners and Dyers I hone N est 161 CEURCE EDip)CE NEXT SUNDAY lant in West Vancouver 30th cud Ecuuimuit, ifcnybuvu ie u.m.--Scbcci fov Chiidvcu. This Society ic u Svuuch of 3 p. m~pcuhcri The Hcthcv Church Thc Firct Church cf Christ, MR. PERCY K IN G ning $ 1.QQ LOVES dry cleaned 25c. Sunday Services ii.so ~.m. cud "JEHOVAH THE ONE DAY SERVICE 7.$0 p.m. HARBOR OF ISRAEL" AND DELIVERED Subject, May 3rd Hr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wcduccduy ut Sidp Unite Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sued y Schcci 4 ippp ~ uh i St. Stephen'S ChiirCh Testimony Meeting Wcduccduy Rector: Sunday, May 3rd, 1931. I at S.id p.m. Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. 9:56 a. m.--Sunday School. 3 Ii S.m.--'Pub)i. Wo-hip . St.AnthOny S ChurCh Pastpr: Rev. Father Carey 10 in PhilipPians: topic, "A Golden Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. 10 a. m.sunday oo sn Chain of Thoughts." Phil. 4, 1-9. ' Bible Class. 7:30 p.m.--Great Bible Que~ Friday--7:30 p.m., Sp ial De- 11:15 S.m.--Holy Communion tions, uIVhere Is He'f" votions. 4:30 p. m. -- Communicants'aturday --7:30 p. m., Confes- Class. Show up every defect in your A very enjoyable evening was sipns 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. facial make-up. Ack Hiss Clay, sPent last Monday by the Young Sunday 8 45 a m Hply iiumtc of the Vogue & Dcvcuc people's Association at the home I"g~" 'f Mr. and Mrs. W. Blair. The 2 p.m., Sunday School. F anci 'hur h, CauueiM, on toPic wss "Northern Manitoba," 3 p'm., Rosary, Benediction. on which an interesting PaPer Week Day~7 30 8 m Hp)y was read by Lucy James. Th kiass. For the first time since Ig25 closing inside meeting will be Wednesday and Friday--7:30 p the Diocesan Bourd of tl e Wom. held in two weekse the toPic be- m., May Devotions. en's Auxiliary will hoM its ing "Our Community--What we 'onth)y meeting in this parish can Praise What we can blame, vb . Ch ~ next Tuesday, commencing atand--How it may be improv&." BaPtiSt ChurCh 10:30 s. m. in the Orange Ha)L Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, All women of the parish irre- Residence, 1343 Hsywppd. spective of membership in the meeting the Great Text will be Phone West 252R W. A. are invited to be present, Isaiah 40-31, "They that wait one es tea and coffee being provided st upon the Lord shall renew their 10 a. m.--Sunday c oo . streng ." C)asses for au ages. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Through the kindness of Mr. Pastor wifi preach, topic "Fihh I. T. Meglaughlin there is a dis- meeting this Past eek t ing the Empty Vessels." play in the new B. C. Electric residence of the Vicw~sfdenb The Ordinance of the Lorifs window of the athletic trophies Supper wilmlbe observed at the won by the boys and girls of the the evening was a rather uncom- close of the morning service. Sunday School in the past year. mon one. but very fascinating-- ':80 p m --Evening Worship"Stones from G~k Mythology Topic, "The Secret of 8 Hap- Next Tuesday evening there and Fo)k-ta)es." We Prendent, py Life." is the meeting of the church A cordial invitation is extend- committee in the parish Hau at address on Grecian religion snd 8:16 p. m. god-myths. her'onday 7:30 B. Y. P. U. From lljsy fitiLIO gtuhe Ifhe K/afs Isfand Boosters'here will be an extensive exhi- Club wifi have charge of the bition and demonstration of ma- meeting. Young people over 16 teria)a and helps for the Christi- Senior, Intermediate and Junior ord)Sly fnvft&. an education of children in home Departments at the Sunday ' and church held in St. Andrew'8 School hour, with a progam Wednesday, 4 p.m.--Mission United Church Hail in the city E t biicbcd on North Sbccc prepared bV the Relig ous Edu- Bsiid. from 12 Ilooil fo 10 P. m. 20 Years. (Lady Accictcat) Part of the offering will go to Testimony. 'n Sunday throughout the this educational work. Anglican communion in Canada HARRON BROS. Ik Wst Tuesday evening was the F .d, 7 p. m,~.G.I.T. a ~cia) appeal is being made WILLIAMSON closing of the Men's Club for the " "', fpi'he assistance of the mission- season. The members with their Th monthly meeting of the ary pari8hes and their clergy in nneral IIrertars wives were together for this oc- Women'8 Mission Circle of the the mid-West, who are suffering casion. As usual the Women's Baptfesf Church has been post- through the severe economic de- North Vancouver parlors Association looked after the ppn~ until May 12th, instead of pression in that area. 122 West Sixth Street table arrangements. The music Phone North 184 was in the hands of the Musical May 5th. In a beautiful and reverent Vancouver Parlors Convenor, Mr. Proud, and er. Pr d, and the LEGION W. A. service with a congregation pres. 55 Tenth Avenue East ss was given by Rev. An- Phone Fair. 134 The eg ) onthly m ti g hu h, A hbi ho d P of the W. A. to the Canadian last Sunday night confirmed a Legion was held in the Legion class of twenty four persons Ce Le HILBORN Memori I Hall on Mont)ay even- presented by the rector. Among present. fp h'ub ing, April 27th, at 7:45, with his words to the confirmees His Mrs. Bstchelor president, in the Grace urged them to give them- air when twenty-eight mern- selves, know themselves and for- Their Challenge to the Church." building. Prices moderate. It wss 8 powerful address snd p k d M C God and their fellows. The class Res)dencephoneWest685L took 8 wide sweep of the world ' be will meet again on Sunday at 2327 Bellevue Avenue situation snd the tremen ous ll the routine business, 4:30 p.m. Ss a communicants'pmit presents to the Chrl8ti- msrd president 0'f the class for instruction in the sac-an Church to tell the world of 'rovincial Command, rament of the Lord's Supper be- TEE the need of right living, right I terestin address fore making their first commun-humanrelationsandthe8piritof gave 8 very n cree ' WeSt Van NerjL)S social justice and righteousness. on the aims and j The regular monthly meeting Ma)or Harrison, president of the A ChiMren'8 Work Display of the Women's Association will Canadian Legion, also gave an an exhibition of materials and be held on Tuesday afternoon st address and thanked kirm Bs helps for the Christian Educs- 2:15 in the Church Ha)L At 3)30 nard for her visit. SuPPS™as tion of Children in Home and an open meeung of sl) women afterwards served by the ho t Church--is being held in St. Andrew's United Church Hall, Richards and Georgia, May 6, phone West 363 Johns Church in the city on R v. LO.D.E. TO GIVE BRIDGF. 7, 8, g, under the auspices of the afternoons or evenings Stanley Jones'reat book "The Religious EduRe)i ious Education ouncil of Christ of Every Road." The Duncan Lawson Chapter, B. C. Music, stories, pictures, I.O.D.E., is giving a bridge st expressionsl work, leadership "Continuous advertising, like the Hotel Vancouver tomorrow training, vacation schools, cradle P.o Bcu di, E&iybucth B.C, continuous work, is most effec- (saturday) at 2:30 p.m, Tea roll work, el)departments of the tive, If there is any enterprise in will be served at 4:30 p. m. modern Sunday School, temper- the world 8 quitter should leave There will also be 0 musical pro- ance, 'teen age boys and girls alone, it is advertising. Adver- gram, with Mrs. Howard Leg- work, superintendent work, etc. tising does not jerk, it pulls. It gstt, soprano soloist, and Miss all will have instructive displays begins very gently at first. It Hilda Wilson, pianiste. The pro- and demonstrations. Teachers, Increases day by day, yssr by ceeds will go to the purchase of parents and leaders are invited. year, until it exerts irresistible an inhalator for use on the West Silver offering at the door to de- power."--John Wsnamaker, Vancouver beaches. fray expenses. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th dt Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 s. m.--Worship 0 n d Breaking of Bread. 7:16 p. m.--Song Service ADDRESS JOI)N BRAY W EDNESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study Dr. Marjory McCubbfn DENTIST Ecuvc: 0 ~. m. tc 0 p.m. Saturdays: ip ~. m. tu I p.m. Evenings uud Saturday After- uucuc by uppciutmcut only. Royal Bank Buiidiug Phone West 44d Rccidcucc Phone West $03. Ii I NURSING HOME $ . (dirc, H. K LSCbuucc, R.N.) 204 24th Btccct Eccl North Vancouver Rccidcucc Phoae: North idddii Now Showliig "KISS ME AGAIN" She's SacK) frem Vlctcr Herbert' "M'lic Mcdlcic" This picture ic iu NATUIIAL COLOR llijl"Anil '"tla8+'mazing Romance, 'Lusus')l Week Plctuvce Icllcwlcd I ~ order elvcu *CITY LIOHTBv LOTTERY BRIDE "AFRICA SPEAKS" eCIMARROH" S. M. COOK P)ION E Ncctb 703LI Phone early hu avoid delay THEATRE -- LONSOALE FOREST WOOD FIR--Double Load........... $850 Single load .........,... S.de ~t ALDER--Double load ....,. d.es Single load ............... $.00 tl b 0 I I J b I ( 2 I