0001 vv" ~r t vrt .~ r Vroo~ v r rrlorVr u ! . ~ .'~ oz \r ozrr r'b' A rw 'vz 4wv x& z w o. tv'~ vz v Vr v rrrr, rr r.rrr, r ~rrrrVr rr. rv. r rvrrr'rrrr vv rrrr rv r'vv rrrrrr'rr wv Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES I'honor West 469Duudarave,',~ .'„».„.. Ambleside„" tl M i.." CARE FLGUik Swouzdowu pzzkzgo..... --..... SSz BROO&IS, Otter, 6 string .... Ssc CHEIkqE. Svtvutx Vz Ik pkt. Sez SYRUP, Rogovz'..., 6 Ik tiu $4z ! BREAD, Sozvuu- large 24 oz. (ozvos........ Ssz White, Brown or Sandwich Rod ft While CRL'SHED PL(F API'LE, dvgziouz for salads, liu ...............-.................... 1st Rod (0 ivhitv FANCY TABLE RICE, fusty 2 Ik zzvtuu........ 2ez HONEY. Pure Clover, RizdoB'z, very guest quality, Si't ib (in Sso CHOCOLATB ECLAIRS, Rvd Arroz, fresh oud crisp, ib. 25c !TEA, Nabab, I Ik potketz .... $9c BARTLEI'T I'EARS. Coiumbiz, iu heavy z& rup. Iotxe 2 II tin . ............................ .... 25z Rvd It ii hilo I'EANUT BUTPEIt 2 lb. tiu ...-.................. S7o COFFEE Bulk, fzvzhi&'round, Ib...... $5z; S lbs..... $1.00 Oi(ANGES, Suukizt, Guod zizz, Dozen .... Ssz: 8 dozen .. 85c CODFISH, Azzdio, Iioueitzz 2 Ik box .....,................., 4$z nvd R White COI(N, Go(des Bzutzm, pot tin ............... 1st PRL'NES, mod. zixe..... 2 lbs. Isz SODAS. Rvd Arrow, fzmRy zizz .......................... .......... . I 7c PENDRA1"S WATER ('I.ASS por tiu ............................ 15c ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected hieats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH Minced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Lean Stewing Beef, 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb.... 10c Pot Roast, lb .............. 12c Oven Roast, lb............ 15c Rump Roast, lb...... 18c Rolled Ribs, lb.... 25c gt 30c Deep Sirloin, lb.... 25c Sirloin Tip, lb.......... 25c Young Pork Legs, (Fore) lb.......... 14c Butts ............................ 19c Loins, lb..... 20Y&c ! BACON By the piece...... 28c LOCAL VEAL Stewing Veal, lb........... 15c Oven Roast, lb........... 20c Pork Sausage, small, lb. 25c Pork Sausage, large, lb. 20c Pure Beef Drippingq, 3 lbs. 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb ...........„.......... 30c ! Alberta No. 1 But(er 3 lbs. 31.00 WHAT OUR CUSTOXIERS ARE SAYING: "sly Saturday roast was wonderful--One of the cheapest cuts --but it tasted like a very superior joint." ! EGGS EGGS PuUet Extra, doz. 20c AMBLESIDE PARK BFING DRAINFD The municipal parks board is getting the grounds of Amble- side Park in condition for the 24th May celebration. The whole of the park is being trenched three feet deep, and when this work has been completed, tile drains will be hud down nnd several hundred cubic yards of earth spread over the ground. Tbe council resolved that the matter of water and meter rates generally be referred to the engineer and chairman of the waterworks to bring in 6 report at the next meeting. Why Pay More? BUILD N(&W WHEN PRICES ARE I.OW Lumber for ioxle Garage including floor ............ $26.00 60 Ft. Ciozo Board Fence 6.00 Ship(op from ................ 9.00 2x4 Common, sized.......... 9.00 2x0 to 2x12 common, sized ............................. 10.00 x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts....... 7.00 Ix2 -S zud 4 D. D. Fir, por 100 Iin. ft...60 Cedar Lzttieo, por 100 Iiu. feet,..........,....,...-....., .26 4 in, Clear Gutter, any length, por iin. ft.........06 No. I XXX Shingles ...... 2.60 No. 2 Shing(os ........... 1.70 Wall Shingles ............. 1.26 SPECIAI.S Ix$ ond Ix4 No. I Angle grain flooriug.............. 028.00 24x24--2 Light 1Viudowz 2,.00 gxle--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 ioxlz--4 Light Sash........ 1.16 8xio--0 Light Sash ........ 1.26 Iex12--6 Light Sash ........ 1.40 Gyptoz Plaster Board, Buiidiug Paper, Fir Veneer zud zB Building biztozioiz AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th zud Mzriue Drive Phoae iyzzt 199. After 6 p.m. ozk for Gerry Dent Phone West 241R. J CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor: This appeal is to the Ex-ser- vice men of West Vancouver, in the form of an invitation to be- come members of our local branch of the Canadian Legion. "The Legion" stands for loy- alty to the reigning sovereign, Canada and the Empire. For a strong and united com- radeship among all those who have served in His Majesty' forces throughout the Empire; so that neither their rights, their duties, nor their interests shall be forgotten, and so that their welfare and that of the de- pendents of the disabled and the fallen may be safeguarded. This branch wns formed in 1926 and is the oldest of three branches of the Legion now op- erating on the North Shore. 'Meetings and social events are all held at our Legion Hall and it is hoped that in the very near future the Club Rooms will be comfortably furnished snd equipped for the use of mem- bers. Ex-service men of West Van- couver, who are not already members, I appeal to you to make your local Legion Branch an organization worthy of the magnificent cause of unselfish- ness and sacrifice for which it stands. For any further particulars give me a call at West 138-L, or write to the Secretary, Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch P.O. Dundarave, B. C., or phone him at West 410-L. Yours very truly, B, H. HARRISON, President, SUCCESTIONS: Friday aud Saturday, April 17 8 18 THE WEST VAN NEWS 1 ICEROY JOINS CANADIAN I.EGION The Earl of Bessborough ls now a member of the Canadian Legion. In his application for member- ship His Excellency gave his oc- cupation as "Governor General of Canada," his service as 1914- 1918, his rank on discharge as "Captain." "As s member of the British Legiono said his Excellency in a message to veterans, ol am proud to join the Canadian Legion nlso, for I well know how much the Legion has done throughout the Empire to per- petuate the beet legacy of the war, a spirit of fellowship and confidence between all ranks of the Expeditionary Forces." THF BURNING BUSH By Subadar In Chicago they are testing out a "truth serum," with which if it works, they hope to get from criminals some inside in- formation on their activities. The only trouble is that under its benign infiuence others be- sides criminals are liable to be getting a lot of truth oif their chests, and then think'f the family skeletons that will be re- vealed. A great many of us will have to take oif for the moon, for the earth certainly will be too hot to hold us. There will be such revelations in the parlia- ments snd legislatures of the world, and what of election cam- paigns with EVERY politician speaking the truth 7 Asforsocisl functions with the truth spoken on all sides, they will be more popular and much more hectic than the most gruelling prize fight that was ever fought. The Irish of the earth at any rate for once will be able to get all the fighting they crave. April 17. 1981 JEFFERlES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED 51EATS OF AI.L KINDS, oztrcttzvtzz (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STOI(E AMBLI qIDL STORE West 3 1Vest 303 NOAE SEAVIC LOWER COST „4&Jh.. Winston Churchill s recent de- cided stand on India has put him in the political wilderness. His action has caused some jubila- tion and not a little surprise a- mong "the frocks." However, (Vinston knows his India, and he knows just what he is doing. He will soon be very much in again snd all "the frocks" out, for the latter have failed to note that Ghandi has conceded nothing as regards national defence and finance, the only two things that count. It is regrettable that we Canadians fail to realise our destiny for weal or woe is insep- arably bound up with India. "For the North guns, quietly, but always guns," and the die- hards, as always, will die in the last ditch because they are what they are and the mockers are what they are. The King of Spain has stepped down, and, while some may question his wisdom, there are none to doubt his courage. It is somewhat strange that the Spanish people with the evid- ence before them of the world wide failure of all forms of democracy, should yet embrace it at this very late date, chiefiy under the fascination of that most useless kind of human be- ing, an orator. They will prob- ably find that talk is cheap, also that "making the world safe for democracy," translated into practice, means "making the world safe for destruction." Q. C. ELECTRIC power service is bziog tttzdiiy imptovtd zt iu zvvtzgz tot( Sotz steadily down. Five hydto-zitttriz plzott oow utvv thz lower mainland. Nine high tension iio«t tie rhett plants to Vancouver zod New Wzttmiuttzt. The oumztom tubttztioot are iotvtcooozztzd in tzvttzi dig(toot wzyt Theo zod other tzfvguztdt to tzrvicz have mzdz iottrtuptioot to service practically z thing of tht past. Pzopiz ztz tzzvivmg buttet zod btutt service. At thv same time, tzttt hove btvu going down. With only z modztztz zmouot chztstd zt tho flttt rate zod thz tat zt z very low rate, the customer is zbk to Ixiug hit zvztzgo tztz down to z very Iow 6gutz. Thz vizcttitzi industry b uoiquo in supply- iog bettor service zt lower tzttz. CJ)CBkxh ic zzxvlNo zxtrtztf cotnnmz BRITISH .COlUMBIA'LECTRIC RAILWAY o LTD, Cheerful Service 24 Hours a Day 365 Days in the Year. OWL SERVICE STATION (Late Maple Service Station) Marine Drive at Capilnno Bridge Mr John Hurts 15th and Es quimalt Ave., celebrated his 79th birthday recently when a- bout thirty friends gathered st his home to congratulate him on the occasion. Mr. Harte is one of West Vancouver's real pion- eers snd enjoys the friendship of a large circle of residents. A card game wss enjoyed also several interesting contests and musical numbers. Supper was served at 11:30. During the evening Councillor Elgar on be- half of friends presented Mr. Hsrte with a beautifully mount- &rd walking stick. Mrs. Lawson, Miss Lawson and Mrs. Watt as- sisted Mrs. Harte in serving. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LlhHTED Phone 1Vest 116 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, ltenldence I'hone: 1Vest 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lama(co -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles