0001 lhhlI, of i47 trt' bY itive 'lY 1 '4 43 April 17, 1981. MISS HII.DA IVILSON TO GIVE RECITAL Miss Hilda Wilson, pianiste, is giving a piano recital on Monday, April 27th, at 8:30 p.m., promptly, in the Orange Ha)I. She will be assisted by Miss Iris Lou%wood, soprano, who will have as her accompanist James Todd. Tickets, 60c, The program is as follows: Gcd Save the King L MOZART--Fantasia in D Minor. SCARLATTI-TAUSIG--Pastorale. SCARLATTI-T AU BIG--Capriccio. BACH--Prelude snd Fugue In 0 Sharp Minor. II. BEETHOVEN--Sonsic Psthetlqua Grave--Allegro. Adagio Cantabile Rondo IIL L ARDITI--Se Saran Rose (Love in Springtime). JAMES H, ROGERS--April Weather. MISS IRIS I.OCKWOOD IV. CHOPIN--Etude Op. 10, Ne. 12. Berceuse. Nocturne In B Flat Minor. CIIOPIN-LISZT--My Joys. 1'&HOPIN--Scbcrxo in B Flat Minor. V. SAINT SAENS--Ls Cloche (Tbe Bell). J. D. A. TRIPP--Morning Invitation. MISS IRIS LOCKWOOD VI SCHUMANN--Psplllons. PAGANINI-LISZT--Ls Ca&spsneBs Mr. James Todd at the piano for Miss Lcckwecd Heintxmsn Grand Piano used. THE WEST VAN NEWS Fish Salad 2 cups shredded lettuce I can tuna flsh or It&k lbs. any cold boiled fish 1/xcup French dressing I teaspoon onion juice t&b cup mayonnaise 1 cup finely cut celery I teaspoon chopped parsley Line dish with lettuce; place fish in centre; pour over French dressing to which onion juice has been added and cover with celery; put mayonnaise on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley Cream of Carrot Soup 2 cups finely chopped carrots I quart boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 3 cups milk I slice onion I/4 cup fiour mixed with 1/4 cup water Salt and pepper. Scalloped Eggs and Ham 4 hard cooked eggs 5/1 cup or I cup cold chopped ham or meat 11(I cups buttered hard crumbs I pint white sauce Chop the eggs, and follow the rule alternating the eggs and inca, or add chopped eggs and meat to the sauce. 4ROlj%$ %TA%lKY PARK 39 %LllE% PER HOIJR NBW GARDENS COVSTRUCTED- Originsi designs In garden decora- tions Lawns, Paths, Ari&sile Rect Gsrdhse ssd Pools, Landscape Gsr. desing, sii bvsocbex. Moderate ces. R. J. Kytc, residence phone evt 69L3, FREE--Csssdisn Geographies) Seci- eiy' Jesrssi to those jeisisg ibe society. Phone West 45VR3. FOR RKVT OR BALE -- PerUy fera- isbed bouse on Waterfront. Apply Leiilssd, West 83RI. PAINTING, DECORATING, Frcscb Polishing. Residence phone West 71Y. WANTED--Reve or Sesii Boite in private home. Please give full in- fer&nsties. Apply Box 11, West Vsn News. PRES--Two very pisyfsl poppies. Phone West 404L, FOR RFVT--Three veeevd boxes, furnished, $ 15.00. Good view. Phone West 61R. SPECIAL POk NEXT WEEK-- Furnace Wood $626 cord'econd growth iir, $0 vti cord; 4 foot alder, $4.60 cord. Phone Mason Transfer, WMt 17K FURNITURB FOR SALE--Solid Ost Den Set, Bookcase, Library Table, Mome Cba&r snd Rcci&er, $30.00. Also other fsrnitore xsitsble for camp. Phone West 430L2. ROCK AND ALPLVE PLANTS for saic from large collection. C. G. Barrow, Corner 24th snd Nelson. Phone West 98L2. FOR CHI61NEY SWEEPLVG -- All brash work, no mess. Phone North 811 R2. "SCOTIAN PAL"--Registered Alxs- tisn K C. Winner. At stud. Regis. tered puppies for sale. Phone Brooks, West V4L8. FOR PLU61BING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Pbone Wexi 241IL THREE kOW BOATS--Wck s&s&k. ideal for camp or general sse. Suit- ~bie for esibosrd s&etor. h. Oliver, 16th snd Waterfront. LAWN MOWBkS BHARPEVED, Ssw Fding. N. IL Ellis, 142V Marine Driv. Phone West 184IL WANTED--Pls&s Sewisg at recvee ~blc prkvs bliss D Be&says, 47 East Beech. PURNISHED Ciypl'AGES, 12xe by 14xs, iwo tents eompicte with ileotx snd s&des te be re&so&re&L Phone West 6372. WANTED--Work by gardener. Leis cleared. Any tied of wert done. Crawford. Phoae West NIL ALL THE BEST Breeds of Cigsvx, Cigarettes sed Tobsccoa Also Ex- change Peter Hands ssd Cosxel cards Frca Ambi«side Tes Rosa&a POR THE BEST SLABS ssd lsside Fir phone West 280. TREASL&RE TROVE--IJseev bswl- iniiieicd ev &scnogrx&sed from 25c ie $2.00. Phone West 467R3. IAIST--Black Cocker Speaici, ask puppy. Very short tail. Answers to "Psi." Pbone West 363X, FOk SALK-1922 Star, $20A0, ia- cinding 1931 lkenee. Phone West 482L POR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Keaings, Residence phone West 394IL FOR SALB -- Ose Mogsii Ekciric Range. Like new, $75.00. Phone West 871IL FOR SALE--Ladies'.CJM. bicycle, $ 16.00, In gccd condiiioe. 1303 Clyde. Phone West 238R. BIG SNAI'O CLOSE ESTATR Two 50 foot lots serif-esse career 23rd snd Jegvrxen, $450.00 for ibc ewe. CLASSIFIED ADS Tbc rsie fsv ClsssiAel Advevileeesis tl 2 ccats pev weed, &sisieee 25 costs. Except is ibe csee ef ibeee bsvisg regular excesses, sB cisui- beds are psysbk strictly ia edvesca keees&bcr LVsxsIAeds ls tbe West Vsa News gei ieaelixie rexelia te nd "~1 Il.j lu ili «f FERTILIZERS -- Bose Meal, Fixb Meal, Stendsnl Triangle B., ctc. Vernon Feed Store, West 9. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundsrsve, FOUNDATION CEII EST WOIIK- Landscaping snd Lawns laid. Rect walls, drains septic tents fencing snd lend clearing, chimneys snd furnaces cleaned ssd repaired. Phone T. Barnott, residence phone West 290R. MARCELLE SHOP -- Mxrceiia 50 cents; reset, 36c; Anger wave, V6c. Phone Mra King, West 804. Sole A assis PHOEVIX INVESTMFVTS LTD. Na 2 - 425 Howe Si. Phoae Sey. 4055 West 225 C. J. ARCHER, Dist. Rcprvscaisiive GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pebuc FIRE INSURANCE irluuilf 00. 00QE,C0%~ S0005SE0~~ tudwVex&e ud&n Elle fee OFFICIAL TESI Tin&c& hlondsv, )larch 23rd. Place: Stanley Park, vancouver. (Igiriol Ipiinrssvs& Aid. E W. Dean, J. hi. Cave (Repre. seating Anton&obilc Club of H.C.), Geo. Kingsley, of Willis-Kingxley Motors Ltd., end local Frees Representatives. Cor Used: Siudcl&ster Connnender, Stock hlodcl... supplied by Willie-Kingeley hloiors Lid. Tv&i& Crankcase drained ai Park entrance, Csr driven around the Park si average apccd of 30 miles per hour. Tvn&pcratnre of motor rvmalnc&l normal during rniirr trip. Crankcase refilled with Home Eastern lnoior Oil si Park exit. Rrv&die Prorvd& The only lubrication during icsi wee the film of llome Eeeiern hloior Oil which adhered io the bearings and eidewsHe of the motor, proving the TENACIOUS snd liNDESTRUCI'IDLE quality of itic superior motor lubricant. FOR RBNT--Feraixbvd end Usfsrs- ixbvd Heexcx.FOR REIT--Garage $4 Apply, Ifra Gibson, 14th snd Fequi malt. 61oscy Available for biorigsgvs es "Medora Homes" 1406 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Svy. 1280 Residence Phone W. 828 or W. meX FOR RFVT--Fully eadem, scw 3. rooms snd dinette, goad basement snd grounds. Bus stop. 1008 11th Street. John Lswxon, 17th end Marine. SERVICE WITH A SMILE AT- Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and U nversal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. THE CANADIAN LEGION, WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH DANCE (The final of the season) in the LEGION HALI„THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, Len Chamberlain's Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission, 73c (induding refreshments) 8th II heeb +" 4 AS "YOU CAN BUY NO BETTER" The RIDGE SUPER SERVICE STATION General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing. Battery Charging, Tires General Overhauling. Jack Banks R L(nce Garthorne (late Rolls-Royce Co.) Cybnder Grin mg 2203 Marine Drive 8 ended ~s Spec(sty E sexes&ce Free