0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 17. 1931. rtr r ~r .m 'Vh~vr c .rr v o rv rvv v 0"ov vov. * vl Iow $ r'rwr ' ~v o ~ . n2 4 ~ ' rrn or rvr.rr j r'r'r c -rrI ~ 'v ~err.n '%vrr rrvov O'Wrr rrVrrrr v ~ vrvvwrr rv'rrrr vrv rr'rr SPECIAL APPLE TREES (good oiso) sso Bortiotto, Bingo, Plums.. 51.00 Block Curtaoto...... 5 fot 51.00 Sttowbottios (oaaamod) 100 for 254 Giant Mootodooo, doses........ 75o AR kinds of Sowotiog shrubs conifers, Oroomeoisio, ota below City pticoa E. S. GAMAGE 700 Bik. Marine Drive West Vaocouvot British Colombia Notootlos Gzoeadolyn Bcaftty ShoPPe 1540 b(atino Drive LOOK YOUR BEST Mlm Owen Clay (Ioto of the Vogue A Dotoos Hairdressing Parlors) will ottsngo your hair in the very latest bob, which Is short. Phone n'oot 117. Bone Dry FIR Full Load S5 COAL BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone hvest 48 DOC COOKE PETE IE NEAL C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Established on North Shore 20 Yooto. (Lady Awdotoat) HARRON BROS. 8( WILLIAMSON funtral lirtctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Now Playing LoiiSSALE RONALD GOLIVIAN IN "The Devil To Pay" The Imodoo fiho critics ooy: This io tho Boot Ieoiort of n» kiod they hovo received frwo HonywoocL ~ NOTE --~ No Pictures Mon. CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT MONDAY NIGHT "The RIght os W'ay" CONRAD NAOEL ~ od LORETTA YOUNG a NICHTS ONLY TUES. and WED. NEXT IVERK St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Easter 2 (April 19th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 4:30 p. m.--Confirmation class 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. "Angels Ever Bright and Fair," (Handel)--Boys Choir. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Csulfeild, at S p. m. Sunday. Several members of the A.Y. P.A. will attend the week-end conference with the young people of the diocese of Colum- bia, which will be held at Christ Church Cathedral. At the opening of Synod on Wednesday morning, hIr. Fred H. Parkes, one of the local dele- gates was elected honorary lay secretary, a position which hss been filled for the psst twenty years by hIr. J. R. Seymour. Congratulations to B i l I Hawkes nnd the Coeureur de Bois Camp of Trail Rangers in their excellent showing in the recent two months'ompetition for camps in Greater Vancouver. Bill Hawkes won first place a- mong all the boys in the indiv- idual contest and the camp placed third among the groups competing. Handsome prizes were awarded in each case. Jim Murray was first of the Lions in individual competition. The Cuba are taking part in the North Shore competition in North Vancouver tonight. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIPICE 20th oad Eosoimoit, Honybota This Society io a Branch of The Mother Church The Picot Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston hfoooochoootts. Sunday Sotvicoo 1150 o m oad 780 p.m. Subject, April 19th, "DOCTRINE OF ATON EhlENT Sunday Scbool at 10.00 s. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ~t 9.15 p. Io. l St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Week Days -- 7:SO s.m., Low Mass. SATURDAY--4 p. m., 7:30 p.ni. Confessions. SUNDAY -- 8:46 a. m., High Mass, Sermon. 2 p. m.,Sunday School. 3 p. m., Rosary Benediction. WEEK DAYS--7:30 a. m., Low hfass. A son has been born to Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Harte, jr., of Burnsby. The infant is 0 great grandson of J. Hsrte, 16th snd Esquimnlt. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN I.SCION M EMORIA I HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 o. m.--School fot Chiidtoa. 5 p. m Spooboti MR. PERCY KING Subject: "GOOD NEWS FOll THE POOR" Mr. Eiog btoodcsoto over CKWZ every Wednesday at 9:50 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1843 Heywood. Phone W. 352R. Sunday, April 19th, 10 s. m.--Sunday School. Classes for all. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "In the Spirit." Short address to children. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Poor hIan's Friend." An evangelistic service to which all are invited. Monday, 8 p. m.--B.Y.P.U. Social evening at Mrs. Win- tle's, 12th and Inglewood. Wednesday 8 p m~hristi- an fellowship. Friday, 7 p. m.--C.G.I.T. Mrs. J. T. )Vatt was afternoon tea hostess recently for Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt, 18th and Water- front, who is leaving for an ex- tended visit to England. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a, m.--Sunday School 11 a. m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread 7:15 p. m.--Song Service A»»RFSS JOHN BRAY WEDNESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer snd Bible Study. Dr.Mnrjory IVIECubbjn I DENTIST Hours: 9 ~.m. to 0 p.m. Soturdayoi 10 s.m. to I p.m. Evoaiogo ood Sotetdoy After- noons by appoiatmoat only. Royal Bank BoBding I'hoao West 440 Itooidooto I'hoao West 29X NURSING HOME (Mts. M. K LsChooto, R.N.) 254 . 24th Street Bool North Vancouver Rooidoato Phone: North 1255II C. L. HILBORN BUILDING CONTRCTOR Get my estimate for your building. Prices moderate. Residence Phone West 685L 2327 Bellevue Avenue Sunday, April 19th, 1931. Sunday School at 9:65 a.m. Public IVorship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. In the morning "Studies in Philippians" chapter 3, 12-16; "Growth in Christian Living;" In the evening "Series on Great Bible Questions," "What Is Your Lifer'n Monday afternoon next, April 20th, at 2:15, the Easter Thanko(fering of the Women' Missionary Society will be held in the Church Hall. The special speaker will be Mrs. Hockin, n returned missionary. The mem- bers are asked to note the change of day from the usual 'I'uesday to hfonday. The topic in the "Great Texts" for next Wednesday evening at prayer meeting will be Isaiah 1213 ")Vater from the )VOUS of Salvation." The C.G.I.T. are holding the closing meeting indoor for the season on Friday evening at 7 o'lock. It will be a social even- ing when the United Church girls will entertain the C.G.I.T. of the Baptist Church. ~ o ~ In obedience to 0 resolution of the General Council of the Unit- ed Church in Canada, there will be circulated among the roll membership in the near future 0 ballot in which the members will be asked to give their opin- ion on the question of ordaining women to the eldership, and giving them a place on the Ses- sion. The closing supper meeting under tbe auspices of the Men' Club will be held on Tuesday evening, April 28th. The Men' Executive sre asking the men to bring their wives with them for that occasion. The program will include music and an address from Rev. Andrew Roddsn of First United Church in the city. Mr. Roddan is famous for his Scotch humor and common- sense, and will be well worth hearing. Keep the date clear -- April 28th--Tuesday evening. GREAT REDUCTIONS at PRE- INVENTORY SALE. INSTRUCTIONS from our Vancouver office instruct us to dis- pose of our present stocks, prior to taking Inventory at the end of the month, so genuine reductions go into effect. This Sale will Save You Money Brand New Pianos by SHERLOCK hlANNING Regular $395.00 Pre-Inventory $295.00 $5.00 $2.00 Cash Weekly Lovely EVERSON Piano in qusrter~ut onk $225.00 $5.00 $2.00 Cash Weekly HANDEL PIANO Mahogany Louis design A snap at $ 189 50 $5.00 $2.00 WeeklyCash Nice (*'erman I'iano Sweet tone lovely action Act quickly if you want this one at $ 129.50 $5.00 $ 1.50 Cash Weekly Bring in your old Phono- graph and we will trade it for $25.00 On a PHILCO BABY GRAND Regular ....$99.90 Special Allowance ... 25.00 Now $74 g0 I'ny Only $ ].75 WEEKLY ATWATER KFNT $9 Zo FADA ........................ 16.50 snd many other snaps. Bargains Too Good to Miss )Ve have s few demon- strators absolutely new, but we are going to make it worth your while to get one. I.ist Special General Electric ....$169.00 139.50 I'hilco ..... 198.50 145.00 I'hilco ....„220.00 169.50 Atwater- Kent .. 239,50 175.00 I'ay Only $ l0.00 PER MONTH GEODE E..wiLLIS Neer I aal™ao Co. Piano Dept. Philco Special Used Specials