0001 A4 -o hN rr~r 4WV rrr rtr o 'r~ wo r l~r rr %'4 * u c c Sr"rc ~ I'o Jm I'n c'ru aud**e- urr r*r: tr'c c u' xi\" .rr I r r:. rw 'rc' ~vg rrrr V rrc hwrrr rrrr rr o o rrrrrrrrr rrrr rA vrr Phoae: West 480 Dundarave 24th .'„,'„„,„, SUCCESTIONS: Friday and 4 lb. tia ssc BREAD FLOUR, Rod R White, 7 ib. suck 27c BREAD, Scccuu, 8 large 24 oc. Ioucoo......... 26c trhito. Brown or Suudwich. NOTE! any assortment of 10 ofth~ isc Rorno--Ie I» Ssc PORK lk BEANS, Aylmec. 2u, pcc tia ..................... 1st SALMON. )t Ih tiu, K.D. Foucy Pink ..... lec I BRILLO. pkt, ...............--..... Isc i PEAS, Columbia, cico 6, tia ... Iec CUT GREEN BEANS. Columbic pcc tia .................. Iec I TOSIATO JL'ICE, Rcd R White tiu .. ... ............................... I Oc ~ SOUPS, Rcd R White, (cxcopt chickca( tio ........................ Iec l Ambleside 16 h Saturday, Mar. 27 8 28 OXO CUBES. small cise tins Isc I'ILCHARDS. Nubob, I ih tia Iec I'INEAPPLE TIIIBITS, Nabob, 8 ox. tiu ................................ Iec APRICOTS, Nabob. 8 ox. tiu.. 1st I'INEAI'I'LB, Fouiiicco, 2o poc tiu ......................... Isc I'RUNES. large, por ib....... 1st SHOE POLISH, Nugget, pcr tia ......................., .. Isc TOH.Er PAPER, Rcd 0 White, large roll .......................... Isc JEI.LY POWDERS 2 for Iec CHOCOLATE WAFERS, pcc doccu......., .......... Iec CORN STARCH, Canada, I lb. pkt.. Isc SODAS. Hcd Arrow, family cixo 17c MATCHP& Rcd a irhito, 400u, Hox .................................. Isc COIIN BEEF, Primo iluoiity, poc tiu ............................ 17c BASKETBAI.L TOURNAMENT There will be a basketball tournament in the Inglewood gymnasium tonight (Friday) 27th March, the sponsors being the high school students and the ex-high association. There will be three games as follows: 7:30 p. m.--High School girls 8:15 p. m.--High School boys. 9:00 p.m.--Ex-High Boys 3: Spencer's Senior B. Keen games are expected, Spencer's Senior B team having been the runners-up in the Van- couver Commercial League. Ad- mission, adults, 25 cents; child- ren, 15 cents. The council appointed the reeve to represent the municip- ality at Victoria when the First Narrows Bridge bill goes before the Private Bills Committee of the Legislature. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS More Slashing Specials Finesi Quality Government Inspected Meats 5finced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Boneless Stewing Beef, 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb...... 10c Beef Kidney Suet, lb.... 15c Pot Roast, lb........... 12ysc Round Bone Oven Roast, lb......................... 15c Deep Sirloin, Ib .......,.... 24c T Bone Roast, lb....... 25c Sirloin Tip, lb............ 25c Young Pork Legs, (Fores), lb...... 15c Pork Butts, lb......... 19c Pork Loin, lb........... 21c Side Bacon, sliced, lb.... 45c P.M. Bacon, sliced, lb.. 45c Ayrshire, sliced, lb....... 30c Pure Beef Dripping, 3 lbs. 25c Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausage, large, lb. 20c Pork Sausage, small, lb. 25c B. C. Cheese, tasty, lb. 23c ! SIDE BACON By the Piece, 30c lb. ! EGGS -- EGGS Pullet Extra 20c dog. ! AI.BERTA RUTTER Nio. 1.....3 lbs. 61.00 Free Delivery to All Paris PIIone West 190 HOUSEHOLD 6IILK Having just completed an in- spection of some noted Jersey herds in the Lower Fraser Val- ley it pleases me to state that during many years of intimate knowledge of such animals and dairies I have absolutely no fault to find with such 8 source of milk supply. During part of this inspection I was accompanied by the two health officers of the North Shore and I think they agree with the above statement. These herds consisted of pure bred Jersey registered stock only and both the stock barns and dairies represented 8 very large outlay in money and labor. A private association controls membership and the standard is of the highest in the valley. The source of supply of milk from these herds is as clean and sanitary as is possible and the animals are a)1 freely tested and free from disease--Kindly note this last. The milk in transit from cow to household is another import- ant point. The milk is cooled at once and kept cold with cold water and ice till in the bottles of the delivery wagon in West Vancouver, This shows the high standard maintained and ex- plains the record tests. The percentage of cream (butter fat) is high--either 3.25 or 4 per cent or 5 per cent, whichever one prefers to purchase. The usual milk is 3.25/c. Mr. Ridley is handling this milk only for the whole North Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for lox16 Garage including floor ..... 626.00 60 Ft. Close Board yourn 6.00 Shipiop from ..... 7.00 2x4 Commou, shed........ Sdo 2xs to 2x12 commou, cixcd ............................... 10.00 74 x 8 Bungalow Sidiug, Cedar, shorts ................ 7.00 ix2 -2 oud 4 D. D. Fir, pcc 100 iiu. ft.............60 Cedar Lattice, pcc 100 iiu. feet ........................26 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, pcc iiu. ft,...os No. I XXX Shingles .... 2.60 No. 2 Shingles .. 1.70 Woii Shingles ................ 125 SPECIALS Ixs cud Ix4 No. I Angle gcoiu iloociug............... 828.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2roo sxio--4 Light Such .. 1.00 Iex12--4 Light Sash.. 1.16 Sxto--8 Light Sash .... 1.26 Iox12--8 Light Sash.... Ido Gyproc Piaster Bocnk Building Paper, Fir Veneer cad uii Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. ieth cud Marine Drive I'bouc West 100. After 6 P.lu. uck for Gcrry Dent Phoae West 2411k Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES THE WEST VAN NEWS Shoreand has lately installed 0 pasteurising plant to comply with the public wish. However it is my opinion that a milk from such 8 source and handled in such a manner can be used free- ly with advantage without any pasteurlxing and the flavor is improved. Mr. Ridley is to be congratulated upon having such a high standard food product to sell to the public on the North Shore and I have little doubt that his business will extend rapidly. Dirty milk and disease carry- ing milk ia a very real menace in any household and doubly so when there are children, Parents cannot be too careful. Most people I notice are too indiiferent to personally take the trouble to find out for themselves. In using Mr. Ridley'8 Jersey Milk I am confident that my family are getting a constant supply of the best only. We always have plenty of cream to use and the milk re- maining is rich and clean. It is well to be certain: there- for my time and trouble on these inspection trips were surely not wasted. (Signed) DR. G. E. BAYFIELD The council advised Fred Welsh that, while regretting any inconvenience a failure to find corner posts may cause an own- er, the municipality could not assume the work of finding them for him beyond otfering such ad- vice on the matter as the eng- ineering department may have at its disposal. dciarch 27, 1931 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORidi. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN I (Two Stores for your service) HOLLVBURN STORE AMBLESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15ih and Marine I.IMITED Phone West 116 W. J. Turnbulk hlanager, Residence Phone: West 363L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BEE!'. DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER III Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles The Lighthouse Park Lease Prospective Customer (to Ab- By-law was finally adopted by erdeen bookseller's assistant):F95 the council and the clerk was in- "Have you got 'The Life of a'tructedto forward with the de- Christian2' partment's copy a letter regard- Assistant: "The life o' ing the constant fire risk in the tisnl I hinna the life o' Reserve. and I'm leavin'his week." SASH arcsl'proars fo DOOR To DOOR 1 RAH S PORTATION U NI.ESS you have your ownchauffeur, you can'2 have door-to-door transporta- tion in the modern big city. City life is essentially a rnatter of compromise. Even with your individual means of transpor- tation, you have to appreciate the right of your neighbor to the use of the streets. ... Street raiitoay sersdoe-- essential to atty liie. The street car provides the most convenient day-in-and-day-out means of transportation. It picks you up near your home and sets you down near your destination. It is the only means of transportation available to thousands of persons--persons who are the customers of the downtown stores or the em- ployceg of factories. B,C.Electr'ic, Scoem nrfacli (bsoosio 'RITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD.