0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS March 27, 1931 s . V4 \v c vc srrb c c p r. p'Nrs 'p re s rOPcs '»r sc rp -s as~' crvc vcr ", P'rSCVrr~ s.r *. 'V ~ 'rr :rr c~ s %V'. .cur r ~:r r 'Ir v V VV' r rr 'rvrV. vr.rVsVr . VVVVV'V VVV vrs rv~rVVc vr rr-. . Vvrvvv Vr vvr VV VV r -- THE OMGINAL-- Spencer's High Quality Jersey Milk Delivered to your door by phoning I West 114 or Highland 156 ! Through our own dekvery system, you receive the Ori ginal Spencer'd high quality Jersey Milk direct to your own door every dsy oF the year. Simply telephone either oF the above numbers. We wish to thank West Vancouver patrons For their continued support under our new ddivery system. SPENCER DAIRIES "Look for Spencer's Jersey Milk Delivery" GARDENS and GARDENING G. HUTT, Architect By MINA Landscape Gnat I bssd splm U. sl C.. As &u~ Isd. ht ssbsr Ns For filling in the centre of the flower bed or at the back of a border taller growing plants are needed. For this purpose the castor oil bean (Ricinus) or the several varieties of cosmos are splendid as are also celosias and sunflowertb When planning the annual flower garden the thought of flowers for cutting purposes should be kept in mind. For cut- ting during the blooming season the following will be found very good: Anterrhinums, eaters, stocks, cornflowers, larkspur, nigella, dianthus, scabiosa, snd mignonette and gypsophils, which should be sown several times during the summer to pro- vide a continuous supply. These two flowers are for combining with other cut flowers, the mig- nonette «4th its delicate per- fume and the gypsophila with its graceful sprays of fine foliage and blossoms form a lovely set- ting for a bouquet of annuals. Sometimes it is desirable to have a temporary hedgelike ef- fect in some part of the garden. This can be assured quickly and at a very small cost by the use of kochia or as it is quite fre- quently called, summer cypress. The foliage of this plant is quite feathery appearing--the sum- mer and in the fall months turns a lovely crimson shade. For the medium height hedge celosias are one of the best annuals for the purpose, while for a low hedge we suggest the dwarf nasturtiums with the variegated foliage. If it is desired to screen some unsightly part of yours or your neighbors garden in s temporary manner there is real- ly nothing to compare with the School I ~s p A cbltscbps ssd us I ~ccsps Sv Ics. old fashioned sunflower, which used to be such a part of the garden of years ago. For covering trellises, morn- ing glories may be used as may also the ordinary field hop, climbing nasturtiums, wild cu- cumber or cohen scsndeus. This latter is a particularly fast grow- er but is quite tender and does much better if started under g)ass. It can be purchased from most places handling plants, us- uafly at a cost of twenty-five cents. One or two plants will soon cover the usual sized gar- den trellis. 51rs. R. J., Hollyburn, writes to ask if sweet peas will be im- proved by the use of a mulch. Answer: Yes, very much so. Sweet peas require a great deal of moisture and the mulch pre- vents the soil from becoming dried out. A mulch of leaves, lawn dippings or better still, an application of pest moss. NOTS--Tbs Wcc rel cs id u pl~pcs I s cr c cribs cwcni d the ps d» I Ibis cslwss. The csuilscs hs hl b sdd s«l Is ~b Icc i» care I the Sds«. The ~«cr WS sppm ls s ~ Ir lsss s If ~ I awe Plr I Asl sd ~ ~ I ~sit-sdd m~ cssslsps sbscld bc ~ls d. The council referred the mat- ter of relays of men at work on the waterworks construction and extension to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer with power to act. It was decided by the council that no further action be taken on the proposed 1930 agreement with the Pscific Stages, and that the solicitor's recommendation on same be referred to the com- mittee for further report. FERTILIZERS (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chew)nas Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover attd Seed Potatoes ~ VERNON FEED STORE, H IIII IVsst 9 l. O. D. E. The monthly meeting of the Duncan Isawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., was held on Monday, March 9th, at the home of Mrs. W. Gourley with the Regent, hire. Hayes in the chair and 28 mem- bers present. A meeting of the Provincial will be held at the Hotel Van- couver on April 16th and 17th and Mrs. Hayes was appointed delegate from the Duncan Law- son Chapter. An aypeal was read with re- gard to the outbreak of scarlet fever in the Peace )(iver block and a donation will be sent to aid this work. Nominations for Secretary, Holly@urn THEATRE I c SAILOR' I HOLIDAY" «hb Alan Hale and Sally EilersStandard-bearer an&1 League of Nations, were carried out and resulted in the election of Mrs. P. Masterman, secretary; Mrs. D. McTsvish, standard-bearer; and i)lrs. D. Morgan, League of Nattons, A report on the Tulip Tea given by the Girl Guides last month, showed the very gratify- ing result of $35 raised. Mrs. Pearce reported an inter- view with the Rev. Antic in con- nection with the Pender Harbor Hospital, and it was decided that the money raised for that insti- tution be expended on providing a Mayo instrument table, which they are in need of. Mrs. Morgan reported the Poppv Day fund closed as far as the Chapter was concerned and iNIrs. Small moved that a vote of thanks be passed to commit- tee responsible for the dispensa tion of the funds in hand. A policy of work for the year was outlined by the Regent, and it was decided that the purchase of an Inhalator should be one of the objectives of the Chapter In a recent interview, Chief Anderson of the Vancouver Fire Department, said that no nicer gift could be made to the Muni- ciyslity with its miles of Shore line, and that they were prepar- ed to give demonstrations as to its use and purpose at any time. In addition the Chapter propose giving, as they did last year, a cash prize to the pupil gaining the highest number of marks, to be competed for by Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson, also a scholarship to the High School student with the highest marks. Tea was served by the hostesses and after the singing of the iNstional Anthem the meeting adjourned. The following were referred to the engineer: 1. 17th Street wharf condi- tion. Report. 2. R. Hopkins'pplication for building permit. Power to sct. 3. H. J. Trimble's building yermit application. For approv- al. The RURRARD LAUNDRY I or People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS„ DRY CLEANERS TStgy ST. psg gT. Davtys North Vancouver Phone North 1310. ! West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L The council authorized the purchase of a General Motors Corporation engine for No, 3 bus from the General Motors for $902. Tag Day The W. A. to the North Van- couver General Hospital was granted permission by the coun- cil to tag in West Vancouver (but not on the municipal ferry boats) on Saturday, June 13th. The permit for building on D. L. 659-4-1, 2, 8-A applied for by H. J. Trimble was granted by the council subject to the ap- proval of the engineer. K.W. Savory North Vancouver Health Unit West Vancouver's share. Laid over to next regular meeting of the council 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143C. F. Raymer. Bus service. Referred to reeve and chairman of transportation. R. Nixon was present at the council to speak to his letter re- garding repairs to Argyle St Horseshoe Bay. Referred to the chairman of the board of works with power to act. P.-T. A. was advised by the council that the latter would be pleased to meet them and the school board at the municipal hall on Tuesday, March 31st, at 8:30 p.m., to discuss the ay- proaching Children's Day cele- bration. A similar communica- tion was ordered sent to the school board. A. W. Rist was informed that the council regretted there were no funds available at present for opening King's Avenue as de- scribed. Robert W. Pyne was also ad- vised that there were unfortun- ately no funds available for brushing boulevards at present. The Grouse Mountain Ski Club wss advised that as many mem- bers of the council as possible would attend the tournament on Grouse Mountain on April 3rd, Real Estate Finance and Insurance POWELL RIVER GROWING. The growing demand for homesites in the Powell River district prompted the Depart- ment of Lands to suction off a big batch of lots and acreage this week. Several lots of from half to one acre each are situated near Cranberry Lake about two miles east of the town and 264 are comprised in an addition to Westview in the same district, while 19,569 acres are offered at Southview eight miles out from Powell River near the Sli- amon Indian Reserve. Within the past year the Powell River Pulp gt Paper Company has been rapidly expanding its industry. They have added to their water power by the erection of a new power house at Stillwater snd the completion of a tunnel over a mile in length to the intake at Gordon Pasha Lake. They have now seven paper making mach- ines in operation and prepara- tions are being made for the eighth. To date it is estimated they have spent about $26,000v 000 on the enterprise and it Is understood that another $6,000v 000 expenditure is contemplated for the current year. All this hss meant added population with a demand for homesites which the sale is intended to supply. The above from the Bureau of Public Information in Vic- toria will be of interest to our readers in view of the fact of the Powell River highway being near completion --Editor. The application of W Egget and W. T. Jessop to cut down timber for firewood on the muni cipally owned property south of cemetery site on 3rd Street, D.L 763, was granted by the council on the following conditions: 1. Sale of the property. 2. A time limit of six months for the removal of all the fire- wood cut and the clearing up oi all debris. 3. This permission being not assignable and the roads being left in as good condtion as at present. S. H. Btlton. Culvert 237-18- 16. Referred to engineer for hts report. EASTEg PFFERINGS See AH The Latest At Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose snd Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. The RIDGE SUPER SERVICE STATION General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing, Battery Charging, Tires General Overhauling. Jack Banks (late Rolls-Royce Co.) qtandard and I.ANCE GARTHORNE I'riess 2203 Marine Drive Estimates Free Cylinder Grinding a Specialty COUN('l I. NOT98 C. I". Raymer was advised by the council that they would be pleased to hear from him on the matter of bus service when he arrived in Vancouver. H. J. Trimble--road to garage I FRIDAY and SATURDAY 569-4-1, 2. Referred to reeve and engineer. J. Furniss. Road to Chathsm Street. Referred to chairman of the board of works snd the eng- ineer for report. Superintendent of Education. Referred to chairman of iinance to interview school board, chair- man of financ and report.