0001 ss 4 ne, ind 33 i March 27, 1931. Phone 1Vest 20 M. WILLIAMS tv 'IP286L'56S Marine Drive yourincreased patronage March 27th and 28th NABOB SOCKEYE SALMON, Iis, ysr iin .................... Izz NABOB CANNED TOMATOES 2 M s, ...................... ........ 2 for 26c CHOCOLATF GRAHAbi WAFERS, ysr lb............. Zss SERVICE ihs master hsy of ssr SUCCESS OCERy Phone West 87 Free Delivery rine Drive opment of Burrard Inlet as 0 harbor that application be made to the provincial legislature for a statute setting up 0 transpor- tation commission modelled on the lines of the Greater Vancou- ver Water District. The council on receiving 0 copy of the resolution replied that, while fully appreciating the advanced views on harbor development propounded therein they considered that, until the air is cleared by the findin of the commission they would pre- fer not to take any action. Robinsons'hank you for I SPECIALS Fri. and Sat ALBFRTA BUTTER .. 2 lbs. 51.00 IVHITE SUGAR .... 5 ibs. Iur 24c I.IFKBUOY SOAP ... I for 25z MALKIN'S or NABOB TEA, Ssr lb................... 404 EGGS--B. C. Ftssh Firsts psr dozen........................... 21c ROBINSON'S tiR 24th and Ma hIUSICIANS'LUB RECITAL The April program of the Musicians'lub will be given on ~ the second Friday of the month, (I+)April 10th, on account of the holiday, Good Friday, coming the firs week. The feature of this program will be Liza Lehman's "A Persi- an Garden," which will be given by 0 quartette composed of Miss Barbara Tristram, bliss Joan Durbin, hfr. Knight and Mr. Addy. This work, which has been in preparation for several months, will be accompanied by the orchestra under John Haydn Young, and will be 0 real treat to music lovers. Other artists assisting on the program will be Mrs. Howard Leggatt, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, hfrs. Durbin and the McIntyre Quartette. The council made a grant of 350 to the West Vancouver Choral Society for the current year. A letter of appreciation was ordered sent by the council, to Alderman Jack Loutet, M.L.A., for his valuable help towards the passing of the Bridge snd Tun- nel BilL The reeve wrote to A. E. Munn, M.P., outlining the steps taken to establish a house to house mail delivery, and asking him to use his good offices for an immediate start on the ser- vice. TRANSPORTATION COhi- hliSSION SUGGESTED " At a joint meeting of the Dis- trict and City of North Vancou- ver councils a resolution was passed that a recommendation be sent to the joint councils of the North Shore and of the City of Vancouver and other munici- palities interested in the devel- West Vancouver Choral Society CONCERT in the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, March 30th at 8:15 p.m. Tickets 75 Cents. Special bus will leave Ambleside Wharf at 8 p. m. for the High School snd will also be available after the concert for patrons. DREssEs sSI 1svrrsCOATS ~ Pressed Modem Equipment One Day Service WEST VAN CLEANERS WEST VAN TRANSFER COAL ssd BUILDERS SUPPLIES We have R car of TULAMEEN NUT COAL direct from the mine Rt $ 8.50 per ton Phone ED. BLACK West 68 or your own dealer NOW is the time to order that NEW SUIT FOR EASTER.-- lve have a splendid selection of Materials in our Spring Samples, to suit the most fastidious; at the right prices Regent Suits Or Overcoats 'os priss $26.00 Cleaning--Pressing snd Repairing THE WEST VAN NEWS What better SPRING TONIC could you take than SARGON with Sargon Pills Com piete Treatment S 1.95 See dally papers for ex- penence of others with this wonderful tonic. Local snd Personal Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Kings Ave., gave a birthday party and bridge at her home on Tuesday evening in honor oC Miss Gwen Clay. Those present were Miss Gwen Clay, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- rard, Nrs. Morley Johnston, Miss Ethel Roberts, Miss Sybil Chap- man, Sid Desmond, Charles Chapman. s Mr. and Mrs. Birch of Vancou- ver, have taken one of the Hen- shaw cottages in Caulfeild. ~ s \ The grounds of St. Anthony' Church have recently been much improved. A new Cence hss been erected and a hedge planted. s s s There appears in last month's issue of the magazine Nature' Path the second part of an art- icle on "Responsibility of Natur- opathyw from the pen of Dr. F. E. Dorchester. ~ ~ The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion, will be held in the Leg- ion Memorial Hall on Monday afternoon, March 30th, at 2:15. Alex. Stronge, 14th and Mar- ine Drive, has been notifie that he has drawn a horse in the Salmon Sweepstake. ~ ~ ~ The next meeting of the Open Forum will take place in the Orange Hall on Sunday, April 11th. s s Friends of Mrs. Colin Nac- Lean, who had to resign her solo work both for the Choral and April recital of the Musicians'lub because of throat trouble, will be glad to hear that she will resume her church work at Easter. ~ s \ In 'spite of the continuous rain it seems as if spring cannot be far away, for the swallows have returned from the South, al- though so far only 0 few have been noticed. H. Turvey of Dundarave, has purchased the Percival property at 24th and Lawson. ~ s ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. Bingham of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Clachan hotel. Mrs. W. H. Meikle of Caulfeild, is 0 patient in the North Van- couver General Hospital.\ W. L. Black has moved into 0 house at 2780 Mathers. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. Sorenson are spending 0 holiday in Pasadena, Cahfornia. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion with the W.A. are putting on 0 whist drive and dance next Wednesday evening at 8:30 in the Legion Hall for members and their wives and the W.A. There will be prizes and refreshments. No charge. g Tigers Win Soccer Final The Tigers of the Pauline Johnson School defeated the Cougars of the same school in the fourth and deciding game of the series. The contest was hard fought throughout. Kerr opened the scoring for the winners with a high shot which the goalie completely misjudged, Shortly after this Macdonald netted the second and final goal of the game when he scored from 0 scrimmage in front of the goal. Half-time saw the Tigers lead- ing by two goals. Throughout the second half the Cougars, led by G. Masterman, kept the win- ners hemmed in their own terri- tory but they were unable to pierce the stubborn defense of the Tigers. Nr. Kirk was in charge of the whistle. I. James has moved into 0 house at 1039 Esplanade. ~ ~ s Mrs. Rorlson, hiiss Kilby and Miss Florence Kilby have re- turned from a visit to Harrison Hot Springs. ~ ~ s George Coe of Vancouver, hss taken the James cottage at East Beach. ~ ~ s Mrs. S. B. Willoughby of Van- couver, has moved into Appleton Court. Mrs. Willoughby is a former resident of West Vancou- ver. WEST VAlI I'IIARiiIACY The Sfsws sf Ssrsfsa 1402 Msriss Drive We dsiissr I hone Wssi zy Emsrgsasy Pbsas Wsss 221 IAfisr 9 p.m.i Hot Cross Buns ~ ~ hir. and Mrs. Brown of West Bay, have moved to Sumas, where they expect to reside in future. s ~ ~ Mrs. A. H. Hibberd, 576 16th Street, recently received 0 long distance phone from her broth- er-in-law in London, England. Nrs. Hibberd had not heard from him for nineteen years. s ~ s A. H. O. Freemantle, 1751 Haywood Ave., was advised on Tuesday that he had drawn one of the 35,900 consolation prizes in the Irish Hospital Sweepstake on the Grand National. Mr. Free- mantle is a veteran of several wars, and served in the C.E.F., among whom he was well known as "Rattlesnake Pete." He was 0 member of the 3rd Battalion, was wounded, and received the D.C.hL and M.M. s A chimney flre broke out last Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Nrs. P. T. 51aster- man, 2337 Nelson Avenue. The fir brigade turned out and put the blaze out. Nio damage was done. s About fifty members of the North Vancouver St. Andrews and Caledonian Society were present and gave an excellent program at the meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Soci- ety last Friday evening in the Clachan hoteL Following the serving of refreshments the re- mainder of the evening was given up to dancing. s s C. E. Reid, 15th and Bellevue, who has been sick, has returned to his duties at the Lesage Drug Store here. s \ I O.L. No. 2990 held their regular meeting on the evening of hIarch 18th, in the Orange hall, when the delegate to the grand lodge convention at Kel- owna gave his report. It was decided to hold a dance at a later date. The members of the local lodge visited the North Vancou- ver Lodge last hionday evening, when pioneer Lodge was present with the travelling gavel. Van- couver County Lodge, whose meeting takes place next Mon- day, will pay tvest Vancouver Lodge a visit on April 7th. s \ ~' grant for the current year of 32,500 to the North Vancou- ver General Hospital was auth- orized by the council, the same to be paid in twelve monthly instalments of 3208.33, and that a cheque for 3291.66 to cover the unpaid January and Febru- ary instalments of 383.33 added to the hiarch instalment of 3208.33 be forwarded. ORDER NOW ssd if ysu wish ws will DELIVER THEbl fresh an Goad Friday Messing Stratton'3 Bakery 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSON I Bsaistss R Ssuzitss WEST VANCOUVER- Offizs Ns, 1442 Msrwm Drive. Phsas West 40K VANCOUVER OPFICE- Ssiis 010; 610 Hastings Si. W Phone Ssymssz 4199. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th R Msrias EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEI. B. D. WHITE, ifgz. Distiwziiss Fsssrsi Ssrsiss Lady Assistant 220--Zrd Si. R Phsss Neith 020 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS AmbleSide Sheet MetaIWorks IAURIE SPECK, Proydstor 1456 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 2 Cascade Ski Club's mterna- tional ski tournament at Mount Hood was favored by brifliant sunshine and ideal snow condi- tions. Several thousand people had motored out from Portland to watch the display. Vancou- ver skiers were well to the fore taking two flrsts and two sec- ons. Nordal Kaldahl of the HoL lyburn Pacific Ski Club won the big combined event, and Harold Smejda of Vancouver Sht Club won the cross country race handily. Fred Fmckenhagen of the hancouzer Ski Club was second in the jumping event. flrst honors going to the wekhknown star Iumper of the Cascade Ski Club of Portland, John EizTum. Nax Biuingtey of the Vancouver Ski Club was second in the B class event. THIS IS THE TIME To have your brakes re-lined after the rain and grit of winter have worn them out TIhIE FOR SPRLzIG OVERHAUL Tire Prices will soon go up due to new taxes. Try DUNLOP. Hollylsurn Garage 1503 hlarine Drive Harry Davison, Prop. Estimates given. Phone West 100