0001 THE )VEST VAN NEWS March 27, 1931 e \ 've rrbrrv rr vr rw co 0.- eooe "er"O roc e e'+ 4 e Jl PPL rrr ee wrr e e'r elr r e'e 'e ~'re ' vr vv rv.rr rr. ere rr eerr rr. err e.rev. 'v 'r'rr LARGE TREES Conifers (4 to 0 fL) Blue Spyooe, Abiee Coecoioy, Codyoe Deodye, Pinoe Mughoe, Cupyeeeeoe Lee eooieee, Retieo- epoye Obtueee. Norway Spceoe, Arbor Vitae, Etc. Oyeemeateie (0 to 10 fL) Tulip Trees, Mopheaded Tbore- Ieee Acacia grafted oo 0 to 7 ft. stems, Laburnum, Jep eod Fyeneoette Weieute, Hawthorne Cetoipe Aeh Oekll, bfepioe Eto. 2 year Apple Trees,.............60o 2 yeey ........................'Isc Beytiette, Sings, Teyteyiea Cheryiee, Plums ......... $ 1.00 Black Coyyente ..... 6 for 5L00 Peui'e Scarlet Weeping Stand- mde ............................. 52.60 E. S. GAMAGE 700 Merino Drive, West Veocouvey Byitieh Coiumbie Nurseries Gweadolyn I Beauty Shoppe I'yop. $IISS GWEN CLAY (ieto of Vogue eed Doycee Hairdressing Poyiore) FINGER WATB or 9IARCFJ 7$ ccats 1640 Meyiee Drive Phone Vyeet 117 Bone Dry FIR Full Load $5 COAL BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone IVest 48 DOC COOKE PETE LE REAL Ree Phone Estimates West 261L Free E. S. PEARCE Window Shade Specialist Soe Awnings Curtain Rods 1990 Marine Dy. Picture Framing Coc. 19th St. Ia boeieeee ie West Vea. 10 Yeeya BARBER In New Store Meyiee Drive at 14th Next Jeffeyiee Meet Store Expert Wort--Ladies', Chiidyea Geouemee Phoae lli'eet 1$6 foy eppoietmeot Established on North Shore 20 Years, (Lady Aeeieteet) HARRON BROS. Ik WILLIAMSON 'IIHeraIlItrettars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Vafl Nems Published Every Friday doeieem eed Editorial Offer 17th eed Meyiee Drive (Next to HoRybure P'.) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P.O. Box 61, HoBybeya, RC. Pebiiebey F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 51.00 e year by eeyyiey; 52JN e year by maiL Neweetasde 64. per copy United Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIP'ICE 20th eod Eoeeimeit, Hoiiyboye This Society ie e Breech of Tho Mother Cboych Tbe First Church of Christ, Srioetleh In Boston Meeeechueotte. Sunday Services 11.$0 e. m. eed 7.$0 p.m. Subject, March 29th, "REALITY" Sunday School at 10.00 ~. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ~t 9.16 p. m. l St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Palm Sunday (March 29th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 s. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer 8 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 4:30 p. m.--Confirmatio class 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. Solo, "The Palms," (Faure), Mrs. W. R, Clark. The Holy Week services are: Tuesday, 8 p.m.; Maundy Thurs- day, 8 p. m., 0 Preparation for Easter Communion; Good Fri- day 10:30 s. m. -- Morning Prayer, 8 p. m., Stainer's "Cruci- fixion." On Palm Sunday the rector will conclude the series of Lent en sermons on The Seven Words from the Cross snd s Christian's A, B, C. The Trail Ranger contest in attendance snd badges for camps in Greater Vancouver which has been in progress for the past two months, concludes this week. Both the Lions snd Coureurs de Bois have maintained an excel- lent attendance snd many badg- es have been won. Last week Jim Murray qualified for the team games and group games badge, Frank Smith for the group games snd John Moe for the music badge. )Vith 31 points to their credit the Sunday School swimmers carried oif the Leckie Cup for schools under 200 at the final meet of the gala at Canadian Memorial Tank last Friday, at- tendance being reckoned trough 1930. Several points were added to last week's total. Don Sher- man came third in the juvenile boys'ovelty snd Vernon Lester second in the senior novelty. Frank Hodgson took third place in the open plunge and the senior relay team made up of Vernon Laster, Bert Kendrick, Tom Lightly snd Milton Ward was third. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Residencei 2558 Marine Drive. Palm Sunday--8:45 s. m., Speci- al Services, Low Mass. 2 p. m., Sunday School. 3 p. m., Rosary, Benediction. Wednesday--7:30 p. m., Lenten Services, Confessions. Holy Thursday--7 s.m., High hoses, Procession snd Ad- oration of Blessed Sacra- ment. 7:30 p. m., Holy Hour. Good Friday--7 $ . m., Special Services, Mass of the Pre- sanctified. 2:30 p. m., Passion Sermon. 3 p. m., Way of the Cross. Holy Saturday--7 s. m., Special Services, High Mass. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Hsywood. Phone W. 352R. Sunday, 51arch 29th 10 s. m.--Sunday School. 11 s. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach on Types of Calvary, "Destroy This Temple." Short talk to the children. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic "Do We Need 0 Reviv- al I" The Sunday School will prob- ably enter two teams in the G.V. S.S.A.A. baseball league which will be opening its schedule in April. "CHARLEY'S AUNT" AT THE LONSDALE Go see "Charley's Aunt," the Columbia comedy, produced by Christie, coming to Lonsdale Theatre, Thursday, Friday snd Saturday, next week. The story centers about two Oxford students, Jack Chesney snd Charley Wykeham, who in- vite their sweethesrts, Amy and Kitty, to luncheon st their rooms, and then find themselves minus the chaperon they hsd counted on. "Bsbbs,w one of their college friends, is disguised in feminine attire, pressed into service snd introduced as "Charley's Aunt." The compli- cations that result from this sre infinltely funny. Don't forget the Cafe Chantant on Easter hlondsy evening. Monday, 7:30--B.Y.P.U. Wednesday--Mission Band, 4 p. m., Prayer Meeting 8. Thursday, 8 p.m~hoIr prac- tice. Good Friday--The Pastor wfi) be In the church to receive offer- ing for the Enlargement Fund, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to 9 p.m. The regular meeting of Ruth Lodge No. 703, of West Vancou- ver will be held in the Orange haU, Thursday, April 2nd. AU members are requested to be present as it is the official visit of the grand mistress of British Columbia. Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, kiarch 29th, 1931 Sunday School at 9:65 a. m. Public Worship at 11 a. m. snd 7:30 p. m, Dr. Henry will preach st both services, The morning topic continues the serial study of St. Paul's Epistle to the Phiffipians, "Holy Joy Gained and Kept." The evening topic is the next In the series on "Great Bible Questions." "What Seest ThouT'aster Sunday evening the choir will give a program of music suitable to the Easter season. The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper is being held on Easter Sunday morning, April 5th. In connection therewith the last meeting of the Communicant's Class will be led by Dr. Henry in his church study next Sun- day morning during the session of the Sunday School. On Wednesday evening in- stead of the usual prayer meet- ing the Session will meet at the residence of Mr. and eVIrs. B. R. Harrison, 26th snd Kings. On Good Friday morning at 10:30 the pre-communion pre- paratory service will be held similar to the very successful one last year, when new mem- bers will be received and wel- comed. As was done 0 year sgo the members of the Sunday School and congregation are asked to bring one egg as s gift to the Social We)fare Redemptive Home in Burnaby. We are ask- ing this to be done on Easter Sunday at any service of the dsy. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL BALL NEXT SUNDAY 10 o. m.~bool for Chudyoce 2 p. m~poeteyl MR. PERCY KING Subject: wAI"TER TRIBULATION" Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 9 $0 p. Ie. DT.Marjory McCubbin l DENTIST Hours: 9 e. m. to 0 p. m. Setuydeyel 10 e. m. to I p. m. Evenings end Saturday After- noons by appointment only. ! Royal Bent Bogdieg I'bose West 446 Roeideeco Phoae West $9L Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m,--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:16 p. m.--Song Service 7:80 p.m.--Mr. McMurdo wffl give a special talk to chffdren. AU children speci- ally invited. Speakers for next Sunday ROBERT McbIURDO WEDNESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer snd Bible Study NURSING HOME (Mye, M. E Lecheece. RJ4.) 294 ~ 24th Street Eeet North Vancouver itcoldoece Phone: North 1$6SR Illustrated Lecture An appreciative audience filled the West Vancouver Baptist Church last Monday evening when Messrs Porter and Brealey gave their ilustrated lecture, "Canadian National Parks." Over 100 views were shown of Banff, Jasper, Wsterton snd Wainwright National Parks. AU amazingly beautiful and educstionsL Mr. Porter using his powerful lantern and Mr. Brealey giving the lecture. Mr. Bresley gave readings from Longfefiog snd Pauline Johnson during the interval. Miss Mercer, president of the B.Y.P.U., was in the chair. Mrs. Draper's Home Bakery 2476 Marine Drive HOT CROSS BUNS AND Easter Simnel Cake HobiE-MADE BREAD oow Sc foy Isox Loaf. Whole Wheat or Whice PHONE WEST 366 madame Au)gtfs ~ CHARllE RUGGLES June Collyer Direryed by AL, CHRISTIE ryy The Mlythquska withe Agee 1 free ll ~ e ~ IcL ~ c ~ d pley by Sreedae Tbeeee (e lcmaunt A COLVM9IA PICTVaE Produced by Cori ~ ll~ ! SPECIAL Exeter Beiidey Atlreecioee LONSxDALE aycolee y arel 4 e.ee. Matinees,„";"„:;".„, „'",. Thur. Fri. Sat. What Counts In Milk The Government slkwve no higher than 50,000 bacteria coloniee. Doctors eay it should not be over 25,000, We eay ours is low enough for anybody, and probably the Safest Milk sold on the North Shore West 466 FOR ICE OR MILK More important than the much wanted cream line, the health officer demands iow bacteria count and a milk from good grade herds, housed in sanitary barns. An average of ofFiciai tests gives t EB ~~ our milk a bacteria count of [ 8a$00