West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Mar 1931, p. 1

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0001 :NS A Weekly Newspaper Cf'rculatiug in thc District of West UancouYJcr-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Wcston, DundaraYJc 81.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsetands 6c per copy nnd lail ein beN :here been 10 IN iN iN line i r.N M Zig zN i.N zri zin INir nn [D SlX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C.,~ Vol. V First relet have lstur Narr We c ment case.'att flne t mind posit the I,EGION WHIST DRIVE At the recent military whist drive given by the Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, the winners after the tie were Mesdames Romans and Stephens Messrs. H. B. Gray and H. B. Stevens. The following were the win- ners of the grand prizes in the series of whist drives put on by the branch: First ladies'rize', hire, Geo. Childs, 217; second ladies prize, tie: Mrs. Romans and Mrs. Stephens, 206; the latter win- ning the cut. First gentlemen's prize, H. B. Stevens, 222; Second gentle- men's prize, George Childs, 214. FIRST NAltROIVS BRIDGE 'The preliminary skirmish preceding the battle for the Narrows bridge is on in Victoria, where certain questions ing to the charter of the First Narrows Bridge Company been up before the private bills committee of the Legis- e and are now before the Legislature itself. The Province recently carried an editorial on the First ows bridge which was in many respects eminently fair. annot, however, agree with them entirely in the stste- that "what other ports have done is little to do with the We submit that it has s very great bearing in the er, because it concerns ships, which naturally do not con- hemselves to using just one port. One very serious question is beginning to agitate our and doubtless that of many others ss a result of the op- ion of the Vancouver shipping interests to s bridge over First Narrows. It is this, Is Burrard Inlet after all the proper place for the port? If the breadth and other consider- ations really require such a span as the shipping interests seem to consider necessary, then in comparison with other ports our much vaunted harbor would appear to be very fsr from ideal, and, ss hss been suggested previously, the proper site is English Bay. We need hardly say that this is a very serious matter indeed, for it would mean that all our public expendi- tures for dredging, etc., and the private expenditures for wharves represent money largely thrown sway. In any case, now is the time to decide whether or no the port of Vancouver. is properly located, and, if so, it will be wise for all concerned not to make demands as regards a First Narrows Bridge which can only result in prejudicing the minds of the world against our present harbor. CHORAL SOCIETY TO GIVE CONCERT MONDAY NIGHT IVALPURGIS NIGHT Among the most interesting events in our hIunicipality are the concerts given each year by our West Vancouver Choral Society. It will greatly enhance the enjoyment of the audience of the above work, on Monday evening in the High School Auditorium, to have before it a synopsis of the story and part of the words. We are, accordingly, giving this for the benefi'of our readers, who, in large numbers, will, it is hoped, turn out to support the Choral and Orchestral Societies in this their last concert for the season. "Walpurgis Night" is in Germany the night between 30th April and 1st May, when demons and witches hold high revel. In the work to be given, composed by Mendelssohn to words of Goethe, it portrays the idea ss to the foundation of the superstition. The work opens with the awakening of Spring and the Druids assembling for their religious rites. "Now May again, breaks Winter's chain, The bud and bloom are springing; The snow is seen, the vales are green, The woodland choirs are singing." "Begin the ancient Holy Rite, Praise our Almighty Father." THE IVEST VANCOUVER hIODEL AIRCRAFT CLUB The West Vancouver Model Aircraft Club, which is s branch of the Model Aircraft League of Canada, held a very enthusiastic meeting on Thursday evening. The first part of the evening was given over to the election of of- ficers for the ensuing three months, the latter part of the evening being spent by all mem- bers working on their various models to have them in readi- ness for the club's first flying meet, which takes place at Ambleside Park on Sunday aft- ernoon. Some good flights are ex?rooted. The foflowrnk officers were ekcted: Flight Command- er, Metford Chapman; Flight Lieutenant, Arthur Edwards; Recording Officer, Gordon Stem- son; Equipment Officer, Robert Lang; Sergeant at arms, James Murray. Other members pres- ent at the meeting were: Jack Dorchester, Frank Dixon, Jack Edwards, William Harker, Bert Harrison, Thomas Hicklington, Paul Mathews, Thomas Robson, Robert Robson, James Savory, Michael Savory, Robert Ward. Boys between the ages of 10 and 21 who are interested in building and flying model aero- planes, are eligible to join the club, and members of the club will be glad to give those wish- ing to join any information they require. "Know ye not, it (our rite) is forbidden By the edicts of our foemen? Know ye, spies and snares are hidden? On their ramparts, they will slaughter, Mother, Father, Son and Daughter: If detected, naught but death can be expected." 'The man who flies our sacrifice, deserves the tyrant's tether." "In yonder shades, till daylight fades We will not be detected: Our trusty guards shall tarry here, and ye will be pro- tected." "Disperse, disperse, ye gallant men, secure the passes round the glen I" "Come with torches.... " The Druids thereupon decide upon a subterfuge to protect themselves should they be attacked by dressing as wolves and dragons and shouting as owls and ravens. Prayer by Druid Priest and Chorus: "Restrain'd by might, we now by night, In secret here adore thee." "Thy light shall shine for ever." COUNCIL NOTES Charles Lauder was advised by the council that there are no funds available for opening 230 yards of road to Lot I-3A-B Jr C, D.L. 815 E. 50 sc. Vancouver Holdings. Damage to P.G.E. station and furniture, Whytecliff. Referred to police department for report. Lawson Creek bridge, Fulton Ave. Referred to engineer to take the necessary precaution- ary measures to make the bridge safe. The chairman of the board of works and the engineer were authorized to spend a sum not over 820.00 on the access applied for by J. E. Condon and others. Fright and flight of the enemies of the Druids: "Help my coral'ades I see a leglori yoiidcl comes with Satsti's region See yon group of witches gliding to and fro- Imp and devil lead the revel, wrapt in clouds of lurid vapour! Let us flyl Let us ilycr "Unclouded now, the flame is bright! Thus faith from error severl Though foes may cloud or quell our light, Yet, Thine, Thy light shall shine for everl A special bus will leave Ambleside Wharf at 8 p. m. for the high school and will also be available after the concert The following were referred by the council to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer: 1. S. Hessmsn. Road at Keith and Bsy Streets, Whyteclilf. 2. N, B. Forbes. Oxley Street improvement, Report. 3. J. E. Condon snd others. Iwne between Duchess and Es- quimslt, 17th to 18th. FRIDAY, MARCH 27th, 1931 ~ No. 44 'THE "rqEWS" TO BE PUBLISHED VEXT THLRSDAY e ~%eel %an Vews next will be published an Thurs- afternoon on account of y being Good Friday. All rtisers and secretaries of nizations will kindly note copy must be in by Wednes- noon instead of Thursday DR. HENRY'S LECTURE OV CATHEDRALS The United Church wss tilled on Tuesday evening for Dr. E. A. Henry's lecture on "English day Cathedrals," which was most interesting'and instructive The adve lantern slides of J. Porter were numerous snd beautiful, and added very materially to the mt- erest of the lecture. Both F. J. Patterson, president of the United Church Men's Club, under whose auspices the lecture was given, and Dr. Henry paid s glowing tribute to Mr. Porter for the trouble and work he had gone to in the preparation of the slides. Dr. Henry st the outset of his lecture pointed out that, the European cathedrals were re- marksbk for their size and height, snd also the large di- mensions and number of their main entrances, which were al- most invariably placed at the top of s flight of steps, the idea be- ing to inspire awe. English cathedrals, on the other hand, had great length snd breadth with small main entrances at ground level, the purpose of which was to attract people with- in. He explained the four peri- ods of cathedral architecture with illustrations on the screen, slides being shown of Westmin- ster Abbey, St. Paul's and the cathedrals at Canterbury, Ely; York, Durham, Wells, Glouces- ter, Worcester, Winchester, Lichfield, and other places. Mr. Patterson moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Henry at the con- clusion of the lecture. The pro- ceeds went to the ihIen's Club. ~AL TAX RATE REMAINS AT 61 hilLLS The council on Monday night passed the estimates for this year, the total tax rate remain- ing st 61 mills ss in 1930. This is made up ss follows: General Rate ....... 12.52 Loan Rate.......... 31.51 Schools, Ordinary ...... 13.84 Schools, Loan ............ 8.63 61.00 GET OV THE VOTERS'TST Saturday, 4th April, 1 p.m. wdl be the closing hour for re- ceiving applications for the Pro- vincial Voters'ist. The Registrar's office at 28 Lonsdale Avenue, North Van- couver, will be open on Saturday morning, 4th April, from 9 s.m. to I p.m., for the purpose nf re- ceiving applications HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Monday, hfarch 3rd, the local soccer team broke into the finals. by virtue of their 3-1 win over Britannia Commercial. The first half wss fairly even with the play ranging from end to end with neither team able to break into the scoring column. In the second half the local machine began to function and after fifteen minutes of play Irish scored on a pretty shot from the right wing. A few minutes later the same player bored in from the side to make the score o 0. Then Britannia scored on s well shot penalty A few minutes later Frddes talli- ed on an assist from IVillington to cinch the game. Tbe fina whistle blew with this score in tact. Frank Downey, fuflback, of the local team had the mis- fortune to sprain his ankle. The cup final is being played against South Van. High at the Cambie Street grounds this aft- ernoon. Rehearsals are now going for- ward steadily on the Spring Play, to be produced on Aprfl 24th. The play is a three sct comedy of unusual quality and humor. In connection with this play the Art classes are prepar- ing posters which will soon be on display. Watch for the 13!-- and remember--April 24th. DUNDARAVE LADIES'HOIR SOCIAL A very successful social even- ing was held under the auspices of the Dundarave Ladies'hoir on Tuesday, March 24th, at the Canadian Legion HalL Tables were made up of both bridge and whist, for which several very attractive prizes were donated. Winners in the bridge section were as follows: Ladies 1st: Mrs. C. IL John- son; 2nd; Mrs. W. Colvin; Con- solation, Mrs. Sellers. Gentlemen's 1st, C. E. Dono- hoe; 2nd, C. H. Johnson; Consol- ation, A. Gibbs. While whist prizes were pre- sented to the following: Ladies 1st, hIrs. G. Herring; 2nd, hire. Piper; Consolation, Mrs. Prower. Gentlemen's 1st, K. Edwards; 2nd, F. Rivers; Consolation, hIrs, hlorrrs. At the conclusion of the card playing refreshments were served. During this intermis- sion a delightful musical pro- gram was introduced. Very pleasing numbers were rendered by hIiss Joan Durbin, Mr. Knight and Mrs. C. E. Donohoe. Two very interesting piano solos were given by Mrs. J. E. Durbin, and the program concluded with two very ei?ective solos by Mrs F X. Hodgson. The remainder of the evening was devoted to dancing. WEST VAV. SWihlhIEILq WON 3 CHAhlPIONSHIPS The members of the West Vancouver Swimming Club se- cured three championships at the hfainland League meet in Vancouver on Wednesday Miss hiolly Edwards won the Ladies'ning,the hIen s Diving gonur to Ed. Hornsby. Ed. Shngsby captured the hien's Plunge, go- mg 67 feet, 6 in. He was also presented with the Dricoe Chal-'enge Cup for making the long- est plunge during the season. Orr-Hamilton asked the coun- cil for the pricing of the munici- pally owned portion of D.L 1049 S.E,I!e. They were advised that the pricing wae under consider- ation and that, when it had been decided, they would be advised thereof.