0001 l4 I sg N DR fe. 'll ', Ill yb I lhil ll hli $ I OO A Wash, Polish or for either Grease Job UNION OIL SERVICE STATION 15th and Marine Drive High I'ressure Greasing Tire Repairs PHONE WEST GI4-0 Clean Courteous Service TO IIORM I,ABOR ORGANIZATION A meeting is to be held next week to form s labor organiza- tion in West Vancouver. Partic- ulars will be announced later. blAY DAY I'RIZE LIST The Prize Committee of the May Day Celebration festivities desire to again thank afi donors, and to acknowledge the follow- ing contributions received sinre the last issue of the IVest Van News: Mrs. IV. G. Chappefi......... 82.60 Mr. J. M. Drummond........ 6.00 Dr. F. Stainsby.................. 5.00 Miss Dickson........Box of Candy Mr. Busst........nox of Stationery Ella, Horseshoe Bay...........60 Mrs, J. S. Jones, Horseshoe Bay .................................60 Received by West Van News: J. R. L. MacDaniel.......... 81.00 Children's I'riend .............. 1.00 Capt. S. J. Nasmith....,... 2,00 84.00 By cheque to Prize Com. 84.00 The Reason Why. Mother: eJackie, why didn' you ask me if you wanted to go and play football?" Jackie: " 'Cause I wanted to go. GOLDEN PUDDING '/i cup butter, I/„cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup flower, l/z teaspoon Soda, 2 tablespoons marmalade. Cream butter and sugar thor- oughly, add beaten yolks, then stiffly beaten whites, sifted ilour and baking powder, milk and vanilla; beat lightly together. Bake in shallow pan. (The fol- lowing dsy cut in narrow oblong pieces snd cover afi sides with icing). A Lemonade Hint If the sugar is dissolved in a little hot water before putting in the lemonade, it will not sink and will sweeten it more quickly. To Remove Stains from Table I.inen Pin the linen over a dish with clothes pins, and pour boiling water over the stain until it dis- appears. GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTr, Landscape Architect C d I IALoy elyu. I cia Wooozb I ILeN*cy Aroblte:I o oy aors I y. bi b r Notbrooi L doo y S rbe In filling the lily pool any r fresh water fit for drinking or JI bathing purposes will be satis- factory. Some gardeners prefer, a fountain in the pool but this,. is injurious to the plants and eventually you will only have'hefountain patt left to l. view. The plants will be destroy- ed if the fountain is let run for any length of time. Water plants prefer a fairly warm water to develop in, With a fountain op- erating in the pool the constant supply of fresh water lowers the temperature too greatly for the health of the plants. Some water garden enthusi- asts prefer to set their plants in s black muck soil, but such soil is quite often sour snd lacks fertility, a bad combination. Our experience and that of friends indicate that the ordinary good garden soil properly fertilized is most suitable, the best fertilizer for the purpose being well rotted cow manure well mixed with the soil in the proportion of one part manure to two parts soil. If the garden soil is very sandy we would suggest the mixing in of a little clay at the time the manure is added. Water plants properly fertil- ized will bloom over a long sea- on. Blood meal is also a good fertilizer used in the proportion of one part blood meal to thirty parts soil. This should be well mixed with the soil before plac- ing in the pool. The inoles in our garden this year have been somewhat of a nuisance but being soft hearted toward afi animals no actual steps have been taken so far to do away with them. The limit has now been reached, however, The cold frame has a consider- able number of choice plants ready for setting out snd the moles have gotten into it and ruined many of the plants. Perhaps some of our readers have discovered a quick easy method of getting rid of the pests. If so, we will be appreci- ative of their help. This fall we plan to take up the cold frame from its location and tack a fine mesh galvanized or copper screen over the bottom. This will at least prootect the plants in the frame but will not help the rest of the garden. NOTS--Tb It el oeroaor II ~ yi oo ro to Ooooiiooo ooooordsy the Wl o Io Ibio ool Tb Oomuooo ob M I dd esse! Io lb I It«bl Mt'f Ibo zolro ~ Tbo r el yyo r Io ~ ooriy I II ~ yorooooi r yly Io yo I oy ~ tooryeb ~ II&yy oW or IN bool4 bo ooob eL FERTILIZERS (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chewinta Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover and Seed Potatoes VERNON FEED STORE Honyburn Q est 9 GAS, OIL, WASHING UNIQN PRGDUcTs BObby SeedS PGLIsHING ACCESSORIES SIMON I7INC THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Wrath has recently sprung up among the people of the Oka- nagsn at the alleged attempt of some Victoria newspaper to cast doubts on the existence of their Ogopogo. The facts sre that the Indians of the Okanagsn Lake have always avoided that part in which Ogopogo has made his re- ported appearances, stating it contains a devil; also that he has been seen by quite a number of people st dilferent times, an of whom could not have been insane or under the influence of "the cup which inebristes but does not always cheer." Instead of making jokes about these ap- pearances, it would be far more to the credit of our scientific men if they were to make a thorough investigation and settle the question once for aU, No reasonab'.e being can dispute the fact that the Okanagan Lake contains some monster of a known or unknown species, and it is strictly up to them to find out what it is Talking of "happy ships," the freighter that a few days ago sailed up the Delaware with a cargo of monkeys, which, let out of their cages by a pet monkey, were fighting an over the vessel, must have been the happiest that ever sailed the Seven Seas. It is reported that our near ancestors being certain large chimpanzees, and our more distant relations of other breeds scrapped an over the decks and between decks, even carrying their warfare up the masts. One can imagine the remarks of the crew as they plied the hoses which finally deluged the monkey Donnybrook into their cages snd quietude, Even then the chimpsnzees, with that tenacity which distinguishes their reputed descendant, man, continued to beat their chests in their wrath. We seem, alas, to have forgotten that habit. I May 29, 1931. The BURRARD I Legion Notes The Canadian Legion West Vancouver branch, will hold the annual general meeting snd elec- tion of officers next Monday, 1st June, at 8 p.m. sharp in the Legion Memorial Hsfi. AU mern. bere are especially requested to be present. WESTVANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY The annual general meeting and election of officers of the West Vancouver Choral Society will take place next bionday evening, 1st June, at 8 o'lock in Dundarave Hall, when reports will be received for the year. Every member is asked to make s point of being present. To Cleaa Brass Candlesticks Use the simple, old world remedy of sour milk and salt, and they will look like new. recommend it with my salaams to fans at athletic contests as an excellent substitute when the old voice has refused to register. LAUNDRY For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS„ DRY CLEANERS Talaa ST, aye ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. Wast Vaa. Representative P. RIVERS l Phone Weal 410L FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetalVVorks LAURiE SPECK. Oyylyiyy 1466 Marine Drive Phone West 43?L2 Proud Parent: eYes, my little daughter plays the piano entire- ly by ear." Suffering Listener: "How long has she been deaf?" NORTH VANCOUVER SA%MILLS LIMITED FOR QUALITY FOR SERVICE FOr yOur Lumber, Lath Everything Shingles, Sash and Door the home Requirements Call in and see us at 279 East Esplanade NORTH 110 or Phone Seymour 2406 The Census of Canada 1931 In the opening weeks of Jane every family aniI every home in Canada will be visited by a repre- sentative of the Government for the great national purpose of taking the seventh census of Canada. The census is really s stocktaking. That is, it provides the information lo enable the Govern meat and others interested in the development of the country to fonuulste progressive policies for the happiness, comfort and prosperity of our people. An the information supplied is strictly confidentia, and the officers of the Govermneni are subject to severe penalty if they disclose any of the information which is given to them by residents in the country, to any other than the Government. The Government representative will pui the same questions io all, and it is your duty as a resident of ihiy country io answer promptly and truthfully. The Government is very anxious io avoid forcing anyone io answer these questions, but it is empowered io do so in tbe few cases where iudividualy may refuse. issued by HOiV. H. H. STEVENS, hlialoter DEPARTblENT OF TIIADE AND CObiMERCE -- OTTAWA Furthermore, it has nothing whatever lo do with taxation, or military service, or compulsory school auendsnce, or inanigration, or any such msneri and the Government itself cannot uye it except for statistical totals ~~~: Maclean'8 Orange Pekoe Tea-The Pick of the Pack ~ah~