0001 P"R~'rr UVr i cm Mc r 8 '+v .'c % r c +4 trrxx r 'c r 09c~ ic ~ic . c r .r' cr rl'c y1r r rr7'p r 'tr'rr 4 r'r rc r errrcr, r rrrvr rr rre Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Iluudarave,","'""..,w'„".,',.". Ambleside „,"„" .„", "„,"„'..." SIICCESTIOÃS: friday aud Saturday, IIIar. 20 8 2I Bacon is Cheaper Fietchers No. I Bacon, by EDINBORO'OLl A ))cat bolicd oc fried. pcc Ib-....... 25c SHREDDED WHEAT ........ 9c 511'RRAY'8 MARMALAI)E, large ixc...., Ssc SPINACH, large iia, .......„)9c Ai:STRALIAN PEACHES-- large tin ................. Sec the piece, per ih. 3gg SUNI.IGHT SOAP. ccrics...... 1)c TEA--Orange I'ckcc.... 8 Ib)x 81.00 FANCY TABLE RICE, carton 20c VITONE. I Bx iix ................. 49c BEST FOODS SALAD i)RIPJSING )2 ox. Icc ............ 264 ORANGES ..„......,... 8 do)en 49c ROBERTS'ETTER 1l! EATS Highest Quality Lowest Prices West 190 Special for CASH PRIME STEER BEEF Sirloin Tips Deep Sirloin rbT Bone Roast Wing Rib, lb.............. 18c Round Bone Oven Roast, lb............................. 15c Pot Roast, lb ............... 12c Boiling Beef, lb.. 10c Minced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Boneless Stewing Beef, 2 lbs. 25c Beef Kidney Suet, lb.... 15c Young Pork Legs, (Fores), lb..... 15c Pork Butts, lb............. 20c Pork Loin, lb..... 23c Local Spring Lamb Legs, lb............,........ 28c Loins, lb............. 30c Ribs, lb................... 23c Side Bacon, sliced, lb.... 45c P.M. Back, sliced, lb... 4oc Ayrshire, sliced, lb........ 30c Pure Beef Dr'ipping, 3 lbs. 25c Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausage, large, lb. 20c Pork Sausage, small, lb. 25c B. C. Cheese, tasty, lb.. 23c ! EGGS -- EGGS Pullet Extra ........ 22c ! ALBERTA BUTTER No. 1.....3 lbs. 51.00 Free Delivery to All Parts Impossible Five minutes passed, but the small boy persisted in trymg to take seven from five. Finally, in exasperation, the teacher said, "Now, boy, if you had five apples in your pocket, could I take seven out?" "No, sirl" was the immediate reply. A benign smile wreathed the teacher's face, snd he asked: mwhy not, my lsd?" "Because, sir," answered the boy decidedly. "they'e not yours"'HE BURNING BUSH By Subadsr A society is reported to have been founded in New York for the laying of fake ghosts. The membership is recruited from prosaic and doubtless stodgy persons, who are out to estab- lish the truth of psychic phen- omena. This endeavor, however, shows a spirit of ignorant im- pertinence on the part of these persons, for the existence of spirits snd psychic phenomena has been very thoroughly in- vestigated and as 8 result ac- cepted by the scientific world. Possibly, if the spirits do make an appearance at one of the meetings of the new body, New York may see the spectacle of certain chosen fat and stodgy ones legging it down the street regardless of the traffic regula- tions, which will raise the devil, if he has not been raised already at the meeting. A picture appeared recently in a newspaper of the latest style of pyjama suit to be worn by women in the dsy time, which is said to be beautiful. In the words of the prophet "there ain't no such animal." Man'9 present garb is the ugliest in history, and the worst part of it is the pair of shapeless cloth funnels known as trousers. If women take to wearing trousers to copy the men, I would sug- gest the latter take to the kilt, in order that the women msy follow suit and wear the healthi- est and most sensible form of attire that has ever been de- vised. For that reason also we men might continue with the kilt, too. And I rise to remark, I'm not 8 Scot. I read the other day of 8 riot having taken place in India be- tween Hindus and a crowd of those poor wretches known as Untouchables. I am moved to add in this connection "and how," when one of the contract- ing bodies wss supposed to be untouchable, even if, as report- ed, they did commit the heinous offence of trying to enter s Hindu temple. As an expression of the feeling of freedom which is permeating "the lesser breeds within the law" it should make Ghandi and his posse of trouble- makers think furiously. It is 8 very true saying that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. And with Chandi in charge of the Khyber wolves would take the whole of the sauce after having glutted themselves with the blood of all India. The frontier tribes, at any rate, have no qualms about "touching" everybody and everything, Hundreds of fortunes have been made by buying from pea- s 1 nl I st s. 3 Big Loaves of Bread, 4'Jlbs 25c Our Delicious "Golden Meadow" Butter 31bs. for $1.&~ THE WEST VAN NEWS B. C. MOI)TH HEAI TH CAXll Al(IN The Canadian Dental Hygiene Council, working in c~peration with the I'rovincial Departments of Health and Education, snd the British Columbia Dental As- sociation, are carrying the gos- pel of preventive dentistry to every man, woman and child in a Province-wide campaign which will last for sixty days. The most important time in the development of human teeth is before birth and during the first seven years'f the child' life. Almost one hundred per cent of the children and adults of today have decayed teeth and these a)e often the primary causes of most of the serious diseases. In fact we have given our teeth too little concern. Preventive dentistry does not mean visits to the dentist's of- fice. It means correct habits of living, balanced diet and proper attention to mouth cleanliness and oral hygiene. It is already too late for many of those who have reached adult years to have more than remedial work done upon their teeth, but it is not so with the children snd particularly with those of pre-school age. It is here that preventive dentistry can be practised with the most lasting benefits both to the in- dividual and the State. March 20, 1031. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS. DEI ICATESSEN ITwo Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE ABIBLESIDE STORE West 3 %cat 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 IV. J. Turnbulk Manager, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE LU BER ~r Beaver Board -- Shingles es survey of P.G.E. subsidy lands will not be filed in the House until after the meeting with the two railway companies is held, Premier Tolmie stated in the Legislature Friday, when the opposition claimed that this information was being unreason- ably withheld from the public. T. D. Pattullo, leader of the opposition, and A. M. Manson, K.C., Liberal of Omineca, both complained that the public had a right to know what was in the report about mineral and like possibilities. These lands might be alienated in the event of sale of the P.G.E., a possibility in the House recess, Mr. Manson said. It was explained by Hon. R. H. Pooley that the public were fully protected, as there could be no sale of the railway without rati- fication by the Legislature. Premier Tolmie said again that the report had just been completed, and as it was 8 joint Corp LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER survey paid for in part by the C.P.R. and C.N.R., it could not be made public until they had time to consider it with the gov- ernment. A vote was taken when Mr. Pattullo called for a division on the resolution asking for the tabling of the report. Conser- vatives supported the Premier in a body. Tom Uphill, Labor member for Fernie, stood with the Liberals. And the Next? He had joined 8 golf club, and on his first round he hit the bnll a mighty swipe which by some miracle landed it in the hole in one. At the second tee came anoth- er hole in one, and as the ball disappeared into the hole he turned round, white and trembl- ing. "Gosh!" he breathed, "I thought I'd missed it that time." Programme Choral Society Concert Monday, March 30th At 8 p.m. O. Canada Opera Chorus--"THE ANVIL CHORUS"..........................Verdi ((corn opera "H Travatocc") Solo and Ladies'here)- (a) "THE CANOE SONG" .........„,...... 1 Margaret (b) "GOODBYE" .................:........,............... I Mcixiycc Words by Paxiinc Johnson Soloist, Miss Barbara Tristram Occhccicx--"SLAVONIC DANCE" .............„„.................Dvccxk Opera Chorus--"SWIFT AS A BIRD".....................Re)cia( (from opera "William Tell") Solo--"WHAT'S IN THE AIR TODAY" .................. Eden Mrs. Howard Imggxit Opera Chorus--"AWAKE, THE DAWN" ........................Wagner (from Opera "Dic Meistersinger" ) Solo--"HYBRIAS, THE CRETAN" ..........,................. Eiiictt Mr. A. J. Addy Opera Chorus--"THE GIPSY CHORUS" ...................Bxife (Icom opera "Thc Bohemian Girl" ) Male Chorus--"LANDSIGHTING" .........,....,....................Gricg Scioixt) Mr. A. J. Addy Orchestra--"KELTIC LAMENT" Aria xsd Opera Chorus--"THE PILGRIM CHORUS"....Wagner (from apses "Txsnhxwcr" Scloixii bic. D. Ik Boyd Interval 6 Minutes WALI'URGIS NIGHT Opus 00 by MENI)ELSSORN BARTHOLD Words hy GO EIII E Suioixtc: Mcx. Hc)vscd Lcggxit, Soprano; Mrc. Dc)is Sixiscby, Contralto M)xc Barbara Tristram, Soprano; Mc. James Lcwdcs, Bxcitosc; M). J, H. Smith, Bass. Gcd Save ihc King Proof Positive Mother: "Somebody has been eating my cakes, Tommy--there are crumbs all over the floor." Tommy: "It must have been John, mother, I ate all my crumbs." Why Pay More? BL'ILD NOW WHEN PIIICES ARE LOW Lumber for iexIS Garage mciudisg iiooc .......... 026.00 50 FL Close Board Fence 5.00 Shipixp from .................... 7.00 2x4 Common, cixcd, any length .......................... 8.60 2xe io 2x12 commas, )iced, any length 10.00 % x 8 Bungalow Siding. Cedar, shorts ............. 7.00 Ix2 -3 xsd 4 D. D. Fir, pcc 100 iin. 7)............50 Cedar Lattice. pcc 100 iis. Ice) .................................26 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, pcr iis. 7).........08 r Nc. I XXX Shing)ex ........ 2.60 (t N)x 2 Shingles 170 SI'ECIA LS IxS ssd ix4 Nc. I Angle grain i(coring ......... 028.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Ox(0--4 Light Sxcb ........ 1.00 )ex(3-4 Light Sash........ 1.15 Ox)0--8 Light Sash ...... 1.26 Iex12--6 Light Sxch... IAO iiypcoc Plaster Boxmk Hei)ding Paper, Pic Vcsccc xxd xii Buiidisg Ms)crisis AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. isih cnd Mcrisc Drive I'hcxe West )99. A(ice 6 p. m, xcic Icc Gcccy Dent) Phone Wcci 24IIL NOT TO FILE P.G.E. VANCOUVER CREOSOTlNG c i i-P7