0001 01,'ad lafa hap. iat lalL the March 20, 1931. DUNCAN LA%SON CIIAPTER I.O.D.E. The following is a summary of the 11th annual report of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., for the year 1930-31. The officers for the year have been: Hon, Regent, Nrs. John Lawson; Regent, Mrs. W. B. Small; Hon. Vice Regent, Mrs. A. A. Almas; 1st Vice Regent, hire. David Wiorgan; 2nd Vice Regent, Nrs. Gary Eastman; Secretary, Mrs. Bernard Hayes; Assist. Secretary, Mrs. Gordon ay; Treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Ley- nd; Educational Sec'y, Mrs. J. F. Jackson; Echoes Sec'y, Nrs. H. L MacLean; Standard Bear- er, kirs. P. C. Chapman; Coun- cillors, Nrs. W. Gourley, Iifrs. F. Eatock, Miss Groom. Ten regular and three speci- al meetings have been held, with an average attendance of twenty members. The chapter reports forty-four members and two Primary Life Members. The year opened with 8 bank balance of 36.91. Proceeds for the year have amounted to 31,281.30, with 8 balance on hand of 31.61. 1Vest Vancouver is somewhat olated from Greater Vancou- er, geographically, and conse- quently the chapter's work is more or lees localized, Notwith- standing the chapter has been pleased to assist the Municiyal Chapter with the following pro- jectsr Hospital Host; Work in India; Alexandria Orphanage; Imperial Veterans; Trophy for Indian Corp; Gifts for Lady Wil- lingdon and Miss MacKenzie; Convention Fund; Child Wel- fare; Province Santa Claus Fund. Locally the chapter has done a great deal of work through the Child Welfare Committee. Hun- dreds of garments have been distributed, rent paid, fuel and food provided, dental work paid for, and 117 children made happy by gifts of toys at Xmas. They assisted the Elks with Xmas hampers, and have on hand a fund to help furnish a baby ward in Pender Harbor Hospital. The amount spent on this phase of the work has been 3121.42. The Memorial Arch in West Vancouver is the chapter's speci- al care, and this year the Monu- ment has been further improved by having a suitable inscription cut into the stone. A public service was held on Armistice Day, when many individuals and organizations presented floral tributes, among them a laurel and poppy wreath from the chapter. A wreath was also placed there on September 28th, in memory of Duncan Lawson, after whom the chapter is amed. The Hospital Committee is al- ways 8 very active one. Regular visits to Shaughnessy hospital were carried on throughout the year, and treats of flowers, fruit, candies, cigarettes and even hot cross buna taken, Two concerts and a whist drive were arranged and assistance given to the an- nual garden fetes, and garden party held at Killarary and in the Shaughnessy hospital grounds. Visits were made to Essondale, Marpole, and the Vancouver General hospital. A total expenditure of 393.77 is shown for hospital work. Interest has been maintained 'n the Navy League, and thehspter had the pleasure of ent- ertaining at the garden party held in July, Mr. Wade and sev- eral of his officers and sea- cadets. The chapter also assist- ed in the entertainment of the sailors from the Dauntless, Dis- patch and Vancouver, during their stay in Vancouver. The educational activities of the chapter were varied. The literature received ss co- operative members of the League of Nations, was regularly placed in the library of the high school; violin lessons were obtained for an orphan of a veteran; 44 cal- endars were placed In the schools and halls of West Van- couver, and an article on Em- pire Day, culled from the I.O. D.E. payer, Echoes, was read and explained to the children on Empire Day--the last school day before May 24th. One of the delightful events of the yasr was the presentation of prizes to the entrance classes in the public and high schooL So great was the enthusiasm aroused that not only were the I.O.D.E. prizes well won, but indirectly it was the means of bringing to West Vancouver, for the first time, the much coveted Gover- nor General'8 medal. This is a worth-while work which the chapter hopes to enlarge upon. The chapter has exhibited 8 real community spirit by assist- ing the Canadian Legion toward the furnishing of their new hall; the North Vancouver Red Cross and the flnal payment was made on the chapter's private ward in the North Vancouver General Hospital, In the previous years the chapter has assisted with the Poppy Day Relief Fund, but this year an Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion has been form- ed and they have assumed full control. Since our last report, our be- loved treasurer and valued mern ber Mrs. Burton-Forster, has been called hence, and the chap- ter mourns with many friends, her passing. This chapter is affiliated with the League of Nations, Child Welfare Centre, and has a rep- resentative on the I.O.D.E. Com- mittee of Immigration. Finances for the various int- erests of the chapter have been secured by means of dances, garden parties, bridges, a very successful play, many donations and a Talent Fund. The chapter has always sup- ported all efforts towards Emp- ire trade, the control of the film industry and the creating of a greater demand for British films and world peace. Following are the officers for the coming year: Hon. Regent, Mrs. John Law- son; Regent, Mrs. Bernard Hay- es; Hon. 1st Vice Regent, Mrs. A. A. Almas; 1st Vice Regent, Mrs, E. J. Pearce; Hon. 2nd Vice Regent, Mrs. David Morgan; 2nd Vice Regent, Mrs. Gary Eastman; Secretary, Mrs. P. T. Masterman; Asst. Sec'y, Mrs. Gordon Gray; Treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Small; Educational Sec'y, Mrs. E. H. Jupp; Echoes Sec'y, Mrs. F. N. Hirst; Standard Bearer, Mrs. McTavish; Coun- cillors, Mrs. R. O. Ogilvie, Mrs. F. Eatock, hfrs. P, Wait. Little Mary went to the coun- try on 0 visit to her grandmoth- er. )Valking in the garden she chanced to spy a peacock, a bird she had never seen. She ran to the house snd cried out, "Oh grandma, come out and see. There's an old chicken in bloom." A BRIDGE, WHIST AND SOCIAL Prizes With Musical Items will be given by The Dundarave Ladies'hoir in the LEGION HALI» NEXT TUESDAY 24th hlarch, at 8130 p. m. Refreshments Dancing Admission: 50c. THE WEST VAN NEWS ESIPIRE DAY Preparations are being made for the West Vancouver boys and girls celebrations on the 24th of May. The P.-T. A. com- . mittee in charge of the arrange- ments is as follows: Chairman, T. E, W. Russell; Secretary, J. R. Mitchell; Treasurer, K. A. Ray. Committee: Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Gleed, Mrs, Sharmsn and J. E. Condon. The P.-T.A. is determined that the success of this year's pro- gram shall be even greater than last year. The relay race trophy le now held by the Pauline John- son School, but the Hollyburn boys have made up their minds that they will take it from them this year and the High School boys, some of whom ran in the Public School teams last year, intend walking off with the cup themselves, so there is likely to be 0 very keen contest. The six boys of the winning team will each receive a small cup. The Ferry staff have the honor of being the flrst this year to don- ate one of these six cups. The ladies on the committee There will also be the usual fancy dress competitions of the parade, which will include 8 dec- orated fioat. There will be a Maypole and folk dancing in charge of Miss M. Wilson and Miss Helen Ritchie. Another interesting event will be a model aeroplane contest. The West Vancouver boys club have already made a record of three minutes for a model in the air. are in charge of the various races. The High School Students's- sociation is to be asked to take charge of the refreshments with the advice and assistance of K. Ray. But West Vancouver will get the greatest surprise of its life when it listens for the first time to its own School Band of sixty pieces marching at the head of the parade. Reeve J. B. Leyland in his usual enthusiastic manner is go- ing to assist in every possible way to make this for the kiddies 0 Red Letter day in the history of West Vancouver. CLASSIFIED ADS LANDSCAPE GARDENING AB r»ouohoo: Pooio Potgoiua Scots, Summer Houooo, Lawns, Paths, Drivm. Rock Gardens Bird Baths Tables, Borders, oio. Eotimoioo. R. J. Kyio, Residence phono Woot 59L2. 1 AND CLEARED AND FENCED-- Wood cut. diuiuo dug, oto. Phono Wooi 429R. lVOMAN ia'ANTS ROUSEWORK- By hour «doy. Boz 2, West Vuu Nowo. YOUTH WANTS WORK or Odd Job». Phone West 29. FOR RF2iT--For»i»bod Houoo, 525.00 4 mouth. Pbouo West 169R2. TAii.DRESS Vf ANTED -- Ouo wbo can prese dresses profoir«L West Vuu. Cleaners, 1540 lifuriuo Drive. GENTLEMAN Wooio Boo«i with private family. phone West 286K. SNAP--Loi. Sooth Side Mulhoia be- tween 22rd uud 24th Streets on upper level buo line, $226 coab; $260 terms. Phoo» West 98L2. FOR SALE--Wood, por cord. codot $2.76; Rr, $0.75. Phone D. A. Doyle, 848 East 8th Street, North Vuuoou- vor. CLOSiNG BUS1NESS -- ~a Fozoo, Coats, ota, ui ouoriaco Phoae West 994L ALL THE BEST Bruuib of Cigars, Ciguroiioo ood Tobaccos. Aioo Ez- chougo Poker Ho»do uod Consol »urdu Pioo. Ambioob!4 Too Rooma FOR THB BEST SLABS oud iuoido Fir phono West 220. FOR PAiNTiNG, KALSOMlNiNG- Apply C. I Kouiugo, Bmidouoo phone West 2941LFOR PLUMBrNG REPAIRS -- 14»- idouco Phone West 241R. GARDEN CONSTRUCrfON--Loudo- rape oud general gardening. Phoae, B. J. Kyio. 26fi7 Boiiovuo. FOR RP'4T OR SALE -- Partly fur»- lobed house on Woiorfiout, Apply Loyioud, West 58BL SWEEr r EAS--B 1 voriouoa Jomm Guaranteed seed, B.C. grows. Coi- iootiouo, 604 aud $ 1, pout»go paid. Wrko or phone for cuiuioguo of B.C. garden a»ado. Pi»eat obtain- able oud guaranteed. Pull stock oiwoya on hand. A. Eckforih 116 East 17th St., North Vuucouvor, Sale Agent. 1VANTED--Work by Gardener. Lots do»rod. Any rriud work by duy or contract. Phone West 091L. SEVERAL PROPERTIES iu CRy io Trade for Wooa Vuuoouvor. What Have Your A Fuuy Cleared Loi Ciooo io Ferry. Good buying. Wuior view. $200. Cash or terms. GLORIOUS GLENEAGLES FOR GOLF Spo«ur Grove Fooo for North Shor» Reside»to PHOENIR INVESTMFNTS LTD. N«2 - 425 Howe SL Pbouo Soy. 4055 14'ooa 225 C. J. ARCHER, Dist. Repro»oui»tive FERTILIZERS -- Bouo M«d, Fish Meal, Sioudord Triougio B., oio. Vernon Feed Store, West 9. WEBB'8 SHOB RBPA1RS WBAR BEST--Duudorovo. FOUNDATION CE51ENT WORK- Loudooapiug oud Lawns roid. Rock walls, droiuo, septic tanks, fencing oud 1»ud eiouriug, chimneys oud furnaces cleaned uud repair«L Phone T. Boruoit, rooidouco phone West 290R. MARCELLE SHOP -- More»Ra 60 cents; reset, ssc; augur wave, 76c. Phone airs. King, West 204. GEO. HA.Y Established 1912 Real EstBte Rnd Insurance Notary Public FIRE JNSURA'4CE FOB RENT--Fuiuiohod oud Uufuru- iohod House». Hobby (ioyouaiy) "Dear my oui- ury boa been raised. Now 1 want you io go oud buy some dooout clothes." Shoi "I won'. I'l got the kind of clothes other women wear." When plates and dishes have to be warmed on an oven top or in an oven, if a newspaper is put underneath it will break the heat and prevent plates from cracking. Mosey Available for Morigogoo ou "lSodoiu Homos" 1406 Mori»» Drive Office Pbouo West 21»r Soy. 1200 Reside»co Phono W. 22B or W. 204K P.-T. A. NEWS The Old Count y is apparentl) waking up to the need of 0 P.-T. A. movement there. Sir Benja- min Gott has written an article in the London Daily Mail entitl- ed "Parents Must Help the Schools." I have clipped a few of the following paragraphs from the article: "Education is 0 partnership and the most important of the partners is after all the parent." "The School cannot afford to neglect the parent. The home cannot afford to neglect the teacher. The nation today needs and needs badly, all the charact- er that the children hold in store for it. We want to rear citizens whose lives shall be useful and beautiful, and, if we would each of us but concentrate on making as perfect as we can the habits and intelligence of each of the children committed to our care, we should not need to worry a- bout the result on the nation." Sir Benjamin finishes his article with the advice to form an association similar to our own P»T, A. T, E. W. Russell is of the opinion that, if we'are to give our children the education re- quired to tackle and solve the social problems that are such 0 menace to us, it is very neces- sary that we have the intelligent and friendly co-operation of parents, teachers and school authorities. North Vancouver Sawmills UNITED For Quality For Service ANNOUNCING Introduction of the "Chalet Brand" Shingles gl To the North Shore Market Au EXPORT Shingle at a LOCAL PRICE "CHALET BRAiVD" Shingles are manufactured on the North Shore for the United States Market and for this reason are better class shingles than those manufactured for the Local Narkeh Help keep North Shore Industries busy by helping yourself to a Better Shingle at a Better Price. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR B.C. Watch this space for price announcement March 271 h. Mrs. Gordon (to husband), who is listening in on Sunday evening): "TammrLa Tammas, ye mustn't laugh like that on the Sabbath." Tammas: "Laugh, wumman! The meenister has just announc- ed a collection, an'ere I am safe at hamei» For your Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors requirements call and See us sr X79 East Esplanade Phones: North 110 Sey. %406 The rate for C4»»ised Advortioomoulo io 2 coot» por word, «i»i«urn 25 oouaa Ezoopa iu iho case of thou» boriug rug»for oocooota on chad- 2«4 are poyobio mrioary ia odvouca Rom»«bur Ciao»is»do iu tbo Wma Vou Novo goa imm«U»io zoo»Ro. rA rr.wrrr II W~: r »hc r w » r r A 'r. r » r r»ob ~ v % ~ 'r ' ~ i r ' (» w» ' - rrr 4 »»iw