0001 a. c Cul c \ cscr c u ~ s 34 eu,- ' 's' wir e s- o 'u i.r '- urs F s' ~s "eh ~'ior s '«is sci 'o~ t 'rrrrr" rr. 'r ur- r rr, srreerrrrr rrrrsa srr -- THE ORIGINAL-- Spencer's High Qua1isy Jersey Milk Always available by phoning West 114 Or Highland 156 YOU will receive quick eflicienl service every dsydirect lo your door through our delively system oF Spencer's High Quality Jersey Milk. Should you experience the slightest interruption in service, phone either oF lhe above numbera SPENCER DAIRIES "Look for Spencer's Jersey Milk Delivery" THE WEST VAN NEWS ~WEST VAN('OUVER TENNIS CLUB There was a large attendance at the annual meeting snd elec- tion of officers of the West Van- couver Tennis Club, which took place last Friday evening in the ferry rooms, Ambleside dock. The officers elected for this year are as follows: President--Gordon Gray. Secretary--J. Grisedale. Treasurer--W. Durand. Executive Committee -- Miss D. Gillham, Miss Garry Wool- gar, Miss D. Cleathero, H. O. Ecclestone. The club had a most success- ful season last year and they expect to have an even better one this year. The fees are now 310 for either gentlemen or ladies, while in the case of mar- ried couples they have been set st 317.50. Any wishing to join the club are asked to phone the Secretary J. Grisedale at West 434. WORK ON FERRYBOAT FOR INLET SERVICE IS REPORTED UNDER WAY Contract for construction of North Vancouver's new auto and passenger ferry has now been signed by both the city and Boe- ing Aircraft Limited of Canada, and actual construction of the bout has commenced. It will cost 349,275, and is to be deliv- ered to the city in ninety-one days. Signing of the contract on behalf of the corporation was authorized by the council Mon- day night. , Legion Notes The Legion Masquerade at the Legion hall last Tuesday even- ing wss one of the most success- ful ever given by the branch, The Boor was crowded with dancers for every number, snd the music supplied by the Sun Dodgers'rchestra was such that muny would have liked the time extended for another hour. )Vhile there were not as many in costume as might have been ex- pected, those who did wear fancy dress made up for it by the excellence of their get-up. Mrs. J. B. Leylsnd kindly pre- sented the prizes to the winners, who were as follows: Rest dressed lady: Miss Win- nie Wilson. Best original lady: Miss Mar- garet Wi)son. Best comic lady: Mrs. Douglas Graham. Best dressed gentleman: Wal- ter Ray. Best Comic and original gentleman: Thomas Irwin. The judges were: Madame Norminton of North Vancouver and Captain C. R. Dunsford of Vancouver. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Legion W.A., the guests being accommodated at three sittings. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY March 20, 19:ll Hollyburn HEA+RE FRIDAY and SATURDAY "In Gay MADRID" ~. with ~ RAMON NOVARRO The BVRRARD LAUNDRY Liaued For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CLEANERS Talno BT. SS4 ST. DAVIDB North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phono West 410L GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUTr, Landscape Architect Omdaate bc L d acl C u. el C As~a Scbool ot Lmd c O Ar hluctuco aod~e. Immhec Natl ~ I La dec a See Ice. One of the many purposes for which annuals may be used is edging. By this we mean they may be used to form a narrow line of color along a border or around a bed. Annuals used for this purpose should, of course, in most cases be low growing and uniform in habit and color. One of the most suitable is sweet alyssum. It is probably used as much or more than any other annual Its habit of growth is such that it forms a neat symmetri- cal rounded line which is not stilf or formal Another of the annuals which is much used for edging purposes is the candy- tuft. In some instances it is preferable to the alyssum in that it grows more upright. Many garden lovers are partial to pansies as an edging plant. However, they have the disad- vantage of having periods dur- ing the summer when they do not show to the best advantage unless they ar'e in a moist parti- ally shaded location or are given an abundance of water although for the past year we have had an edging of them in our back yard that have bloomed wonder- fully well at all times. Even throughout the winter we have been able to pick a bouquet for the table at any time. The flowers do not seem to get any smaller although the plants are in a dry sunny location with the hardpan only about a foot be- low the surface. The blue and white ageratum may be used to advantage for edging work, although it has a tendency to uneven and scragg- ly growth. One of the easiest growing edging plants is the dwarf zinnias. They are partic- ularly colorful and will do much to brighten up a dark corner of the garden. We have been talking about the low growing annuals up to now. For those who desire to have taller and wider growing ones we suggest the use of dwarf nasturtiums, balsams, African daisy, marigolds and also the dwarf petunias. If s mass effect is desired either in the flower bed or in a border use stocks, asters, dian- thus, salvia, alyssum or poppies. NOTE--The u c IU owschhc IC ~ Ohocuro Io a qeecuce ~ical d lh ecedea la Ihl buxom. Th queaue houhl b wld «cod to Ih u c I cwo ol tho Edll e. Tbo Is aaaece Ia aa m Ir locus or It ~ O esmm Wdr I de Iwl ~ tasaleL Mischief Still A certain old Scotswoman could never be induced to say a hard word about any body, oWhyra exclaimed one of her friends, exasperated at hearing her pka on behalf of some ne'r- do-weel, "I believe ye'd hae a guid word for the Deil himsel'." oWeel," came the pat reply, "he's a very industrious per- son!" FERTILIZERS (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chewinga Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover and Seed Potatoes VERNON FEED STOREy Hoiiyhurn West 9 NORTH SHORE COUNCII, FAVORS POLICE MERGER A resolution recently passed by the North Vancouver City and District Police Colnmissions recommending that the Provin- cial Government be petitioned for an amendment to the Muni- cipal Act to permit adjoining municipalities to amalgamate police departments, was endors- ed by the City ouncil Monday night. The same resolution was endorsed by the District Coun- cil at its last meeting. HAROLD S5IEDJA IS SKI CLUB CHA5IPION Harold Smedja, Canadian ski champion, carried oil'he Van- couver Ski Club title in a meet on Hollyburn Ridge. He compil- ed a total of 295.2 points to 262 for August Hagen, 229.7 for Axel Sneis,and 213 for Harold Belsvlk. Mickey Mitchell won the class B titk with 282.4 points. Len Williams was second and Max Billingsley third. The novice class was won by C. Gilrie with 289.4 points. B. Muir was a close second, with G. Knechtle third and B. Hope fourth. Smedja was second to Sneis in the cross-country race, but triumphed in the jumping. H. Belsvik was third in the racing, which took place in foggv weather. Hagen took second in the jumping and L. Gulliksen third. In B class Mitchell won both the jumping and racing, Wil- liams and Billingsley being sec- ond and third in each case. Muir, Gilrie and Knechtle finished in the order named in both the jumping and racing in the nov- ice class. A cross-country event for ladies was won by Doris Kane, with Nellie Haigh second and Burnsdette LeMere third. Patient: "Doctor, whet I need ls something to stir me up, something tc put mq in iighllug trim. Did yqu put surihiug like that lu this pca- scrlplica I" Doctors "No. You will Sud that iu the bilL" The regular monthly meeting of the society will be held to- night (Friday) at 7:45 sharp, (special). Tonight the society will be favored with a visit from the St. Andrews & Caledonian Society of North Vancouver, who are responsible for the evening's entertainment. If past meetings with North Vancouver friends count for anything the society are certainly in for a real entertainment. A full attend- ance is requested. PRESENTATION TO 51RS. COLIN MACLEAN AND 51RS. SHEFFIELD At the recent recital of the West Vancouver Musicians'lub Mrs. Colin MacLean and Mrs. She(field each received a presen- tation from the junior choir and the girls of the Senior group in recognition of their good work during the past season. The presentation speech was made by J. Haydn Young. We regret that an account of this presenta- tion wss not included in the re- port of the recital in our last Issue. Beware what you set your heart upon. For it surely shall be yours.--Emerson. K.W. (ravory 1443 Iliarlne Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance A "Moving" Story The smart business man found himself in s very small village which boasted one general shop. Making his way to the girl at the counter, he said: aDo you keep stationery p, mlBBV'Not me,u said the girl, eI much prefer to keep on the move." Miss GweiI Clay (Late of Vogue & Dorcas Hairdressing Parlors) wishes to announce the opening of the Gzvendolyn Beauty Shoppe at 1548 iliarine Drive For appointments phone West 117. Complete line of Cosmetics The RIDGE SUPEI( SERVICE STATION General Repairs, Brakes. Greasing, Baltery Charging, Tires General Overhauling. Jack Banks (late Rolls-Royce Co.) Stundard and LANCE GARTHORNE I'riess 2203 Marine Drive Estimates Free Cylinder Grinding a Specially More Cups to the Pound and Better -- Maclean'8 Orange Pekoe -I bsds'a) 5 5 )ils Rcgd T sl Ss me fo Prl th qu P C I I I li C f