0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Mar h 13, 1981 *.W h r&v.r rvrr v wvv~ 'tn v"r a . ~ t r'~ 6 r ~ rerwx o rfn &n ~ rv rrt t WJktr» wr 'V vt rrrr 'nid vv v rrvvrevrwr -r .r ~r rrvbv~ rrar r rrr 'vVVVvr wvv 'rt vr~ I'Vvr rrrnv rvrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Planet West 465 Dnndarave „ Ambleside I tb 4 ht" I.," SUCCESTIONS: friday and Saturday, iiiar. 13 8 14 CAKE FLOUR. Swansdown, per package ...,..............., . Sic Red A tvhtte WHOI.E CLAhlS I Its tin . . ....... ....... ....... I he I'EACHES, Australian. large 2ii tin ........ Shc QttlCK OATS, Qesksr. Noa-premiam, per package ilc BREAD. Serras-- 3 1st'ge 24 es loaves...--.... 25c White, Brown or Sandwich HONKY GRAHASIS, large packet, regaiat 20c fer ................-... 15c HONKY, Riedell's, SH Ib tin SOe Red 0 White FANCY BISCUITS I Its packet ............. 35c LARD. Swift's, per Ib ........... 14c Red a White BAKING POIYDElt IS os. tin ..................... 23e hill.K, I'acisc, tall tins .. 3 Ior Shc I'EAS, Colombia, No. 6 sieve, or lied R tvhite TohlATOIiS, 2s 3 tins Sic Red It 'ivhiie JEI.LY POIVDElts 5 pkts. 25c ORANCES, Snnkist, large Oranges per dozen .......................... Scc OXO CUBES, smalL 4s.... 2 tins 23c I.srge. Ics, per tin .......,. Sho COCOA, Rowntree's, Vt Rs tia Scc Red 0 White SALSION, Seekers, I IE Un .. .... ............... 35c COD FISH, Arcadia, 2 lb. box 43c ROBERTS'PECIALS FOR CASH Bigger and Better Than Ever March 13th to March 2,0th. AII Government Inspected Grade No. I Meats MEATS AS CUT PRIXIE YOUNG STEER LOCAL I.AXIS BEEF Legs, lb........................... 28c Boiling Beef, lb............... 10c Loins, lb............--..--......... 30c Pot Roast, lb.......----- 12/Sc Ribs, lb............................ 24c Oven Roast, lb...,........ 150 Rump R006t, lb. "" 180 dt 200 Ayrohire Bacon, sliced, lb. 30c Round Steak Roast, lb. -- Side Bacon, sliced, lb........ 45c Prime Ribs, as cut, lb........ 180 Deep Sirloin Runst, lb. 250 P.M. Back, sliced, lb. 450 Beef Ssusagos, lb.... 10c YOUNG PORK Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Legs, (Fore) lb.........., 14Vkc Pork Sausage, lb. 20c Oven Roast, lb......... 19 Ac Pure Beef Dripping, lb... 100 Loin, lb........................ 20$'zc B. C. Cheese, Tasty............ 250 Cornered at Last The besser was In full swing when the young man strolled around ths stalls. He had no intention of baring ~nything. Ae he passed ~ taetefnRY decorated stall, the pretty saleswoman detained him. "Won't you bny ~ cigarette hold- srl" she asked. "No, thank you. I don't smoke," was tho curt reply. "Or ~ pen wiper worked by my own hands le "I don't write." "Then do have this nice box of rhocolstes." "I don't est sweets." The young woman's patience was exhausted. "Sir, abe said grimly, "will you bay this box of soapl" The young man paid np. He Understood A southern lawyer tells of a casa that came to him at the outset of hie career, wherein hie principal witness was a darky named Jackson supposed to have knowledge of certain trans- actions not at all to the credit of his employer, ths defendant. "Now, Jackson," said the lawyer, "I want you to understand ths im- portance of telling the truth when yon are put on the stand. Yon know what will happen. don't yon, lf you don't tell the truth le "Yassir," was Jackson's reply. "In dat case I ezpects our side will win de case." Mr. Eichenstein returned to his home from business and found bis wife rocking the baby and singing "By-low, baby, by-low; by-low, baby, by-low--" "Dot's right Rachel, yon teach him to bny low, and I'l teach h&m to sell htgh. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETC. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN i ~ (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE Ahlni.IYSIDE STORE 1VOOI 3 Went 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marino 1,1511TED I'hone Went 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: Went 358L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER '0 Ixtmatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shlngleo I SASH Pretty Nurse: "Every time I take ths patient'a poles lt gets faster. tchat shsR I dol" Doctor: "Blindfold hlmle The solemn ceremony of marriage was being performed for the blush- ing young bride and the elderly man who bad been thrice widowed. There was a sound of loud sobs from the next room. The guests were startled, bnt a member of ths bridegroom's family explained: "That's only our Jane. Sbe always cries when Pa is gettin'arried." When vegetables have lost their crispne66 by being kept for any length of time, soak them in the water to restore It. GOING DD mapgsa atpmdmmaaEi%%IaH%'ttt8 EGGS--From Davis Poultry Farm, 11th dr 51nthers I Pullet Extra, 2 Dox. 45c No. I ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbo for 81.00 "'--4-'hone West 190 Af te moon Why Pay More? BUII.D NOW WREN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for Icx16 Garage inclnding iloor .......... $25.00 ,60 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Sbipiap from .................. 1.00 2z4 Common, sized, any length ..................... OAO 2x6 to 2x12 common, sized, any length .... 10.00 z 6 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ........ 1.00 Ixg A and 4 D. D. Fir, per 100 lin. ft..........60 Cedar Lattice, per 100 lin. feet .................... 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, per Iin. ft......06 No. I XXX Shingles .... 2.60 No. 2 Shingles ..... 1.10 SPECIALS ix3 snd Ix4 No. I Angle grain scoring ......-....... $25.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Oxlc--4 Light Sash ...... 1.00 lexis--4 Light Sash....„,. LIO hx10--6 Light Sash .... 1.25 I pzl2--6 Light Sash .... 1.40 Gyproc Plaster Board. Building Paper, Fir Yeaeer and aR Seilding Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th and Marine Drive Phone West IOO. After 6 p.m. ssk for Gerry Dent; Phone West 24IIL Stats Patrol: "Have ye ysr permit on ye fot dbrivln'he eyer'I" hlotoristt "I have that. Are ye wantin'o see ntl" State Patrol: "What for would I be wantin'o see nt if ye had ut'I It's If ye had ut not that I'd want m look at ubv Alarming! The young man and the girl had been saying good-night for an exceedingly long time on the doorstep, when 0 window, above them wns pulled down nnd 6 tired voice said: "My dear sir, I have no ob- jection Coyou saying good-night Co my daughter on the doorstep for 6 couple of hours, nor even to you spending half the night with her if you so wish, but for the sake of those who are trying to get to sleep, would you mind taking your elbow oif the bell- push?" A colored man went to cash 0 check at 6 bank operated by members of hio own race. "Man," said the teller, "you ain't got no money in this yore bank." "Yes ah is," insisted the other. oAh put Ien dollars in ycre six months ago." "Six months ngo!" echoed the teller pityingly. "Laws, cullud mnn, don't you know de intrust done ct dai up long ago!" Ccordio: "What nre vnluntnry contributors, Wceium?" Weelum: "Fowlks wi'air money than sense." "An Aberdonian went into a Hotel nnd ordered two glasses of Worthington. He drank onc, left the other to settle." Aberdonian Co s Friend: oony way, we'e no'he kind 0'ouks that cn'ush 'fcosh.' --rvhat you pay for electric service 304 ... Average rates Paid in Vancouver per Kilowatt Hour i-~ (- availablc fv every Yan- couvcr Aouoctvlfc under fAc latv Vancouver rates IHE average price of electric currentin Vancouver is going steadily down bc«cuhc people are using more of ic. Today the average bill stands sc $21.92 for the entire year, or & cents 3 kilowatt hour. Under the B. C. Electric scale of rates your average rate is just wbOc you make ic. The more current you usc, the lower the average rate. Can you OSmc another commodicy or service which is on such 6 fair Sod such 0 cheap basis? Once you are into the 2 cent race, you can sifocd co uhc unlimited current. Fifty kilowatt hours will cost you only 6 dollar. s sr ~ BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. ELECTRICITY I S CHEAP USE IT FR E E LY