0001 ihisrch 18, 1981. Radio License 1583 Marine Drive Phone West 692 Nasty "I'm thinking of bringing young Carlton home wth me this evening, dear." "Don't you dare. You know the maid leaves today, and baby's simply unbearable with his teeth, and mother's coming, and--" "Yes, that's just the idea. The young idiot's thinking of getting married." Salvation Army Girl (to old Aberdonian): "Will you give a shilling for the Lord?" , '"Hoo auld are ye, lassie?" "Eighteen past." "Aw weel, I'm seeventy-five, I'l be seein'im afore you, so I'l hand it to Him mysel'." The Great Come-Back Mrs, Smith was in urgent need of a maid, so she went to the nearest employment exchange to see what they could do for her. "How many maids do you place in a week?" she asked the clerk, when her own arrange- ments had been satisfactorily made. The clerk did not hesitate to answer. "Between forty and fifty," she returned. "Really," murmured Mrs. Smith. "That must be some- thing like two thousand s year." "I don't know," came back the answer. "You see, they are al- ways the same forty." A Vancouver paper tells us spring is two weeks hence What about that Motor Overhaul, Valve Grind, Brake Reline NOW'? Have your car in shape for the good weather season. %Vest Van Motors,'„".„'. --„, BILL GROUT Prices quoted. 'HELL PRODUCTS Work Guaranteed SUITS DRESSES Q 1 OO One Day COATS ~ O~ Service CLEANED and PRF4SSED 81odern Equipment %Vest Van Cleaners 1540 hlarine Drive Phone 1vest 161 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING COcT LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Now on sale io March 1932--$ 1.00 I'ree Radio Log on Saturday $3 5p 1 Resistovolt Automatic Voltage Controle; protects your tubes from blowing out. I Eagle Lightning Arrester; stops Lightning from burning up your Radio.t l4 il I.I t I I I $ .598 U I Iht I III;Iiti I i II Lightning Arrester already to erect. Free Radio License Saturday. $ .9 5p Coyle Storage Battery; 6 volt for your Radio or car. Free I.icense Saturday. $ 2 Heavy Duty Burgess B Batteries, 48 volts. Free License Saturday $ 12 Victor Victrola with 20 records. $45 Atwater-Kent Radio; plugs into your light socket. Free Aerial. t' I $58, 'e Forest-Crosley Console Radio. GEORGE E,w'ILLIS KKNY PIANO Co. THE WEST VAN NEWS Communication The Editor, West Vsn News. 1Vas He a Boy Scout? Dear Sir:--I sm enclosing you 6 copy of 6 letter which I have just received from soine honest little fellow. As the letter is un- signed and with no address, of course I am unable to know who he is. It reads as follows: Dear Sir I was told that you owned that Vegetable Store; by mistake I broke a pane of glass last year, enclosed find one dollar." Now Mr. Editor, I would like you to publish this, as it is the only means that I csn think of to perhaps convey my thanks to him. If it is possible--by wishing- for one human being to implant 6 blessing and good luck on an- other for the rest of his life, then this little fellow, as far as I'm concerned, will never know what bad luck is. Lours sincerely, CLAUDE G. BARROW. The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--I note that I. hL Partial says that Vancouver is far more likely to listen to the opinions of her shipping men. I thought our motto was: "By Land snd Sea We Prosper" Does that look as if the opin- ions of shipping men were para- mount? West Vancouver is Vancou- ver'6 "back yard-!'ll right I. M. Partial. If that is so, then the South Shore is our "Front yard." And some day you are going to see the mountain wail topo- graphy like one huge "grand- stand" of beautiful homes from which we shall look out and dovtn on our front yard, the South Shore, and we are going to be justly proud of the fact that from the beginning we vis- ioned ourselves not only as the "back yard" but also as the "background" and perchance the "backbone" of the Greater City. By this I mean all the North Shore. You see like Moses of old, we too, have climbed. And from the "Lookout" on Hollyburn Ridge and the Chalet of Grouse Moun- tain we have visioned the Great- er Vancouver of the future, as we looked East, South, and 1Vest both by night and day. And in that vision there IS 6 First Narrows Bridgm J. R. L. McDANIEL. 1483 Duchess Avtk, Hollyburn P.O., B. C. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar The Irish will be having a grand day, begorra! next Tues- day, wherever they are.I'e known many of them, largely children at heart, often wilful, but never unkindly, the best of friends and the worst nf enemies. As one of them said, "And may the devil bite the toes oif all our foes, That we may know them by their limping!" Two men are reported to have been found carousing in the judge's chambers of the Middle- sex court house. The police said they were "many sheets in the wind." This report seems some- what superfluous, as nobody could be anything else who would select the beak's study to put on 0 party without first in- viting that official. G. K. Chesterton hsd some very pertinent remarks to make about that very much overdone word "psychology" with which our intelligences sre daily insult- ed by the highbrows. His re- marks won't do any good, of course, but when our civilization disappears shortly as a result of the cultivation of fade and the ignoring of everything thai mat- ters, he will have at least the satisfaction of having given us due warning. Noah also got the same treatment. CLASSIFIED ADS meals ls 2 tvnis ptt vot* misimsm hatisg tegslst sctmmta, sR clstsi-Thc tsic Iot Clsmilcd Adrttihm 25 cents. Eztepi is tht case or Umsc lads stt payable sititu is sdtssce. Rtmtmbtt Class!8 in ihe West FOR RENT--Large IstsLhtd hmsm on Waterfront. Burley, Huh ssd Waterfront. Wtci 169RS. FOR RENT--Large new spstimtsi. Sooth tide Mstlse Drive, clime to Beach, 1Vcti Bay. Ap ly, Black Csi Tes Room, Weti 89 2. FOR SALE--Woo& ptt cord, ttdst 62,76; lt, 66.76. Phone D. A, Doyle, 048 East sih Street, North Vancmt- vct. Vsa Ntvs gei ImmedLte tesslta FOR RENT .--. Mvdcts Cottage tm Waterfront. Phone Weal UQL2 YOUTH WANTS WORK ot Odd Job+. Phone West 89. LANDSCAPE GARGLING -- AB btsscbesi PooL, Pergolas Seats, Ssmmtt Hvsccs, Lawns, Psuit, Drives, Rock Gstdeas, Binl Baths, Tables, Borders, tic. EsUmaits. R. J. Kyle, Residtstc phone West 59LS. WANTED--Work, Any Kind oi Gatd- eniiig, Rocket!et, by dsy or hear. Phone West 107L RELIABI E YOUNiG GIRI vssts Hosstwotk or care or cbiMren. Sleep out. Phone Weti 169X. SWEET PEAS--Best tstLUts, James Guaranteed seed, B.C. grown. Col- letuont 504 snd 61, postage pshL Write or phone fat catalogue of B.C. garden seeds Fitmtt obtain- able asd gsstssitcd. Foll stack always on hand. A. Eckfotd, 116 East 17th Si., North Vancouver, Sole Agent. WANTED--Work by Gstdesct. Lots tLstcd. Any kind work by day or contract, Phone West 691L. FERTILIZERS -- Bose hltsl, Fish Meal, Standard Triangle B„eic. Vernon Feed Store, West 9. WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dssdstave. FOUNDATION CFUENT WORK-- Landscaping ssd Lawns laid. Rock walls, dtmst, septic tanks, Iencmg and land clearing, chimneys sad Iutsscts cleaned asd repaired. Phone T, Batsott, residence phone West 290R. .'MARCELLE SHOP -- MctttUW 50 cents; reset, 86c; lager wave, '1st. Phone Mts. King, West S04. LOST--February 20th; Toy Blat'k Scotch Terrier, between hiatine snd Inglewood on 20th. Phone West 286Y. Nov. Nott "Did yos hear about the woman who had three children, bui when sbe te. turned home sbc had slxT" "No, Aloya!cs, how comeT" "Well, while the was away the chl- dtes ale s lot oi green apples ssd doubled sp." Baseball Ike: I just had 6 cake of soap named after me. hianageri Don't kid me. It' been called Ivory ever since I can remember. Sate! Go Ahead'ind Old Gentleman, inqsitisg hlt way. "LiiUe girl, I want to go io the Methodist Parsonage." Little Girl: "Whsth s hisdetls'I ye?" I AND CLEARED AND FENCED-- Wood cst, drains dcg, tic. Phone West 429R. CLOSIVG BUSIVESS Gmkets, Foxts, Ccats, cic si mctilcli Phone West S041 ALL THE BEST BtastL or Cigars, Cigarettes snd Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands ssd Cmsml cards Free. AmblesMc Tcs Rooms. FOR THE BFIIT SLABS ssd Ittude Fit phone West 250. FOR PAIN11NG, KALSOMINLVG- Apply C. L Kosisgt, Residence phone Weti 804IL GABDEN CONSTRUCTION--Lands- cape ssd general gardening Phmm R. J. Kyle 2667 Bellevue. fOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone West 241R. FOR RENT OR SALE -- PstUy Ims- itbtd baste on Ws\etfttmt. Apply Ltylssd, West SSRI. SEVERAL PROPERTIES is City ie Trade for West Vstmouvct. What Have Yoni A Folly Geared tel Close to ferry. Good baying. Water view. 6200. Cash or ietma. GLORIOI'S GLFVEAGLES FOR GOLF Special Gttmt Fees for North Stwm Residents PHOENIX INVESTMENTS LTD. No. 2 - 425 Howe Si. Phone Sey. 4055 West 225 C. J. ARCHER, Dist. Rcpttstsisute GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary rabat FIRE LISCRANCH FOR RENT--Futttisbtd ssd Usists- isbtd Housta. Mosey AraRsble for Mottgagts os -Modms Homes" 1405 Mmhm Dtnrc Oirtca Phmm West Sl or Scy 1200 Residence Pbmic W. 82R or W. 204X Yoff Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COlblPANY