0001 ~a *r- sr rr ~ t YO 6 Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Ijundarave ""-" ""'" 34th oud Noriuo AmbleSide»I'h"',"„'da ".„".,'..." SUCCESTIONS: Friday and Saturday, Mar. 6 8 7 I Dosou Eggs oud ! is Iis Fktthst'o No. I Bacon 1 494 QUAKER CRACKFiLS 2 for 25c APRICOTS--Australian. forgo uu ., .........., .....,....„Lvc PEACHES--Australian, large uu ............ ....................... 25s 0 REVE SAL51ON iiu.... 20c Large Juicy Grouses. Dos. 30s 3 Dosou for 95t Ailmot I'ORK 0. BEANS........ 9c IL 0 K. I'ASTRV FLOUR S C 10 lb. Sack 39c i PILCHARDS. Nabob, uu....... 1st THE WEST VAN NEWS CO sf iSIUNICATION Editor of West Van News. Denr Sir:--Kin&lly permit me to say a word of praise to the West Vancouver Orchestral So- ciety for the splendid concert staged at the United Church, Friday, last. The large attemlance was an evidence of the appreciation of the West Vancouver citizens. Trusting more of these con- certs will take place in the fut- ure--it is certainly s treat to listen to our local talent. Yours sincerely, K. A. RAY. March 6, 1931 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL rtlNILS, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service HOLLYBURiV STORE Ahln .FSIDE STORE 1vest 3 IVest 303 t ~i t -rt o'lft l rr's't .'r Yu t'us l lt ~9tt)4 t'I%st tpoY"to iit';r-'l'."s l 's't a~it ~rrc CtF tt"rrr "rrrtv'rvor rrrrrrr srosrr~cr"'rrrrr rrr.r rrrY. rtrrrrr rrrr. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS SPECIALS FOR CASH March tyth to March 13th. AH Government Inspected Grade No. I Meats No. I STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, lb............. 10c Pot Roast, lb ........,......... 12c Oven Roast, lb............... 15c Rump Roast, lb............ 18c Shell Rump, lb................ 22c 220Fancy Rump, lb. Round Steak Roast, lb.... 20c Deep Sirloin Roast, lb... 25c GRAIiV FED PORK Leg, FORES, lb. 13&/r Pork Butts, lb........... 17c Loins, lb......................... 191tffc SATURDAY O!I.Y Pullet Extras 25c per dog. Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb. 30c Home Cured Side Bacon sliced, lb............... 45c Home Cured Pea hIeal Back, sliced, lb....... 45c Rolled Ham, sliced, lb... 45c Pork Sausage, lb. 20c Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Beef Sausages, lb. 10c Pure Beef Dripping, lb... 10c B.C. Cheese, tasty, lb...... 25c Cottage Cheese, lb.......... 15c Shamrock Lard, 1 lb. pkt. 17c Fresh and Cured Fish No. I ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbs for 51.00 e West 190DELIVERY Phon Af fernoon Fine wood ashes mixed with turpentine will clean brass or steel. Teapots and percolstors should be thoroughly washed and scold- ed after using. Why Pay More?! I.umber for Iexls Garage including Aoor ........... 525.00 50 Ft. Ciom Boord Fence 6.00 Ship'up from ............ 7.00 2x4 Common, sized, any Iosgih ........................... SXio 2xs ao 2xi2 Common, oixod, any Iougih ........ 10.00 td x 9 Buuguiow Siding, Cedar, shorts ............. 7.00 ix2 -3 uud 4 D. D. Fir, ptr 100 Bu. ft..so Cedar Lutt.oo. ptr 100 iis. last ...,.......,.......,......25 I iu. Clear Gutter, any length. por Bu. ft.........os No. I XXX Sh;ugioo ........ 2410 Nax 2 Sh:ugies .........,.. I,'lo WoB Sbiugies ...., ........... 1.25 SPECI A IJI Ixz oud ix4 No. I Angle grs is Aoorisg ......... 525.00 Zix44--2 Ligha. Windows 2„00 sxiu-- I Light Bush ......, 1.00 fox1" I Light Sash....... 1.16 Ixio--5 Light Sash ...... 1.25 fouls-s Light Sash ... 1.40 Gypros Plaster Board. Boiidiog I'optt, Pit Veneer uod oB Buitdiug Idsatrioio AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th oud fdstiuo Driro Pimuo Wool Iss. Aftsr 5 p.m. usk for Gutty Dent; Phone Wsoi 24IR. Five-year-old Betty, perched on her father's knee in the very crowded tram car, peered hard at the stout, very gaudily dress- ed individual as she bustled and edged herself into the only avail- able seat. Betty continued to stare, and then after a while she turned to l.er mother. '".slummy,o she said in loud tores, "It's 9 lady!"" 'S-sh, dear!" scolded the par ent angrily. "We know it is." The child looked hurt. "But mummy," she seid, "you just said to daddy: 'What's this object coming in?o "Tommy," said the teacher, "what is a cannibal?o Her small pupil shook his head. ol don'0 know, miss," he re- plied. "Don't know?o she went on. oOh, 'I'ommy, I'm surprised at you!" Tommy hung his head. "Now, look here," said the teacher, "if you ate your father and mother, what yould you be?" A sudden look of intelligence came over Tommy'9 face. "Please, miss, an orphan," be cried. One's Enuf Sambo--"!fey, Rsstus'em- me present msh wife to yuh!o Rsstus--"Nsw, suh! Ise got one of msh own f" Have you tried our New Big Loaf t~ I I ILoaves--4 1-2 Ibs Delicious Bread for Delivered Fresh Daily Phone IVest 46 or 4G9 See Dodgers for Full I.ist of Speciale 1'. T, A. The P. T. A. will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o'lock in the Pauline Johnson School. Mr. Racey will give an address on the wild animals of B. C. He brings with him several speci- mens and as he is a keen student of animal and bird life, a very interesting evening is expected. SCHOOI. BOARD TO REDUCE ESTIhlATES The IVest Vancouver School Board at a special meeting last Monday decided to make 0 fur- ther reduction of 32,400 in the estimates for the current year. DOG LICENSES All owners of dogs are advised that they must obtain dog licen- ses from the municiptd hall not later than tomorrow (Saturday) Failure to comply with this reg- ulation will render those re- sponsible liable to prosecution without further notice. An ad- vertisement relative to this ap- pears in this issue. BEAUTY HINTS The eyes have been called "the windows of the soul." A famous beauty specialist once said, "I can make any woman beautiful if she has a good pair of eyes to start with. Take care of your eyes. You will never have another pair, Sit if possible so that the light comes over your left shoulder when you read or sew. Experiment until you find the most becoming shade for your type. Apply it in a triangle, so that the deepest tint is in the center of your cheeks. Shade off the edges toward temple and ears so that it blends with your powder. Avoid a splotchy effect. Rouge placed high on the face gives a youthful appearance. The round, high cheeked type of face is improved by placing the rouge beneath the eyes and shading in toward the nose. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine I.lhllTED I'hone West 115 1V. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: 1Vest 3681. SERVICE Everyihing for the Building. DOORS ROOF I.amatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board SASH ING BUILDING PAPER -- I'laster Board -- Shingles twice to White Bear, Minn., and once to Seattle. Christmas snd New Year' greetings by telephone were by no means confined to long-dist- ance. As usual, the various local offices experienced great loads on Christmas Eve snd New Year's Eve, and, in anticipation of this, traffic officials arranged for extra operators to be on duty during the rush period. At Sey- mour, for example, the normal night staff was more than doubled on New Year's Eve. RECORI) HOLIDAY LOAD HANDLED BY VANCOU- VER TOLL OFF!CE The long-distance telephone wss a popular medium for send- ing season's greetings to far- away friends and relatives last Christmas snd New Year's days, judging from activities at the Vancouver toll office. On New Year's Day, 6,104 calls were handled, and on Christmas Dsy the mark was 8,736. Both of these are records for those particular days. The figures represent the total load --out-going, incoming and un- completed calls--all of which made work for the long-distance operators. On New Year's Day, 1930, 5,780 calls were handled, and on the preceding Christmas the mark wss 6,742. There was one telephone con- versation between Vancouver and London, England, last Christmas Eve. Christmas tele phone cafis originating in Van- couver, were to such widely scattered places as New York, San Francisco Edmonton, Los Angeles, Winn-.'peg, Kansas City, Montreal Toronto etc Among the points Vancouver people called on New eYar's Day were Washington, D.C., New Orleans, Saut Ste. Marie, and Montreal. One North Shore lady made five long-distance calls to wish friends "0 happy New Year" She talked twice to St. Paul, "They are knot holes, son.o "Well, if they'e not holes, what are they Daddy?" Johnnle: "Fsither, what's 0 spend thrift?" Abedonian: "I canna ssy lad- die, I never heard o'hem here shoot." . Heavens! Th old lady from the country was really enjoying herself. Whats that big place? she asked her niece, who was acting ss her guide. , The girl looked up at the office building towering high above them. "Oh," she explained, oths't a sky-scraper." "Really!" beamed the old lady. "I'd love to see it at work." Aberdonians have to stand 0 lot of chaff. That's all they do stand! 4 i pss Some West Vancouver Homes LU BEE