0001 lilarch 6, 1981. I +' GLENEA(iLES GOLF COURSE VANCOUVER HARIIOR BOARD ACQUIRES ASIERICAN CAR-FERRY On Tuesday afternoon the Pacific Salvage Company'8 tug Anyox left the harbor for San Francisco for the purpose, it is declared, af towing back to this port a large train-ferry formerly operated by the Santa Fe Rail- way. The csr ferry, according~n wnterfront rumor, is to beoperated permanently by the Vancouver Harbor Comm)as)on- ers between the North and South Shores of Burrard Inlet, using the permanent slip now being constructed just west of St. George's Avenue by the Todd Construction Company. The emergency service which has been continued by the Harbor Board since the Second Narrows bridge was damaged has utilized the C.P.R. car barge and tug, used for emergencies by that railway company, at the nominal cost of 8160 per day for the two craft. SURVEY OF IOCO-NORTH VANCOUVER RAILWAY EXTENSION As s result apparently of the recent conference betw'een a dep- utation representing North Shore civic and public bodies and the C.P.R. executives, 8 prelim- inary survey is to be made by the railway of the proposed loco-North Vancouver extension. A party of twelve in charge of Engineer Mercer arrived here yesterday and started their work of investigation today. Number Engaged Angry old msn as lady emerg- es from telephone box: "So you have finished with the telephone st last, madam?" Indignant Lady: "I haven' touched it, sir. I was only wait- ing for the rain to cease"'How long did it take your wife to learn to drive?" "It will be five years in Janu- ary. Ridleys'airy Solicits your patronage, offering you PURE Jersey Milk 9 quarts fer 51.OO British Co)umbia'8 Finest Jerseys are produc- )nfl for you. Show your appreciation and drink their milk. Outside firms come into the iblunicipality, pay a Ten Dollar Licence, own no property, spend nothing, but take out all the money they can. On the other hand RIDLEY'S are local people, the proprietor and all of his boys are taxpayers and helping to build up the Municipality. IVe pay the Municipality annually several hundred dollars in taxes, water rates and licences. We paid out last year nearly 8 thousand dollars a month in wages--quite a bit of this must have benefited West Vancouver. We have the sole distribution of the CO-OPERA- TIVE PURE BRED JERSEY BREEDERS'SSOCIA- TION'S Splendid Milk; are bonded not to buy anything but this milk, and know that no competitor can offer you better value for your dollar. Patronize Home Industry, help along local eil'ort. Phone West 456 For the milkman to call. THE WFST VAN NFWS HOLD MANDATE GIVEN TO BUILD FERRYBOAT Declaring "that the rstepay- ers in passing 0 by-law for 8200» 000 issued a mandate ta the North Vancouver City Council io construct a new ferry, the de- mrnd for which is imperative,o Aid. Alfred Huggett moved a resolution Monday night that the council obtain detailed plans and proceed with construc- tion of a ferry to accommodate forty autos and 260 passengers. The motion was referred to com- mittee of the whole. Th alderman stated that the bridge across to the North Shore might not be re-established for 0 year or two snd he thought the bridge question has no bear- ing an ferry matters. "We must keep faith with the ratepaycrs," he said. "A third ferry is needed, for a serious ac- cident to either of the two pres- ent large vessels would isolate Us. Ald. Jack Loutet's opinion was that the bridge has 0 big bear- ing on the ferry question. He said the council wished to meet transportation requirements of the public as adequately as pos- sible but should not make a heavy expenditure that would be utterly useless later on When the bridge was repaired. Mayor E. H. Bridgman stated that it would be impossible to build 8 large boat snd have it on the run by the summer when it would be most urgently needed. Purchase of the Washington wss considered to meet that situa- tion snd the council, he said, of- fered the owners 825,000 for the ferry. That ofi'er was accepted, but he added that a lot of diffi- culties hsd since arisen and it had been ascertained that the boat would be supject to 8 rigid inspection and probably fi8000 would have to be spent on re- pairs and improvements. Naughtier Still Little Rufus had been very naughty, and his father hsd been obliged to thrash him. That evening, just before he went to bed, his mother came to his room ss usual to hear him saying his prayers. "Now, Rufus," she said, "when he hsd finished, "haven' you something else to add this time?" For a moment little Rufus looked puzt8ed. Then sn ides came to him. He lowered his head once more. "And please," he went on, "don't let daddy have any more children. He doesn't know how to treat the one he's got.o FOR SALE ( iiEAP--Scdsu cst is good coudition. Cash or tunas. Phone West 2571 Sii'EEF PEAS--Best vstictics, Jumcs Gustsntccd toed, B.C. gtuwu. Coi- !Octious, boc snd 81, postage paid. Write or thous for cstsiogus of B.C. garden ssods. Finest obtain- able osd gustsutlcd. Pull stuck always an hsucL A. Eckford, 115 East 17th St., North Vsscuuvot, Sole Agcut. WANTED--Wstk by Gardener fxns cicstcd. Any kind uotk by dsy or contract. Pboso West 8911 FEST!LIZERS -- Bone Mes!, Fish Meal, Stsudstd Triangle B., ctc. Vernon Feud Store, West 9. LAND CIEARED AND F)kNCED- Wood cut, dtsiss dug, otc. Phono West 429R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudotsvo. Quick Cake tcfi Cup SOft fat (SCant) I I/8 cups brown sugar 2 eggs I/I cup milk I/I lb. dates or 1/I cup raisins Mix snd sift the following: I 2/8 cup bread flour 8 teaspoons baking powder t/I teaspoon cinnamon tg teaspoon nutmeg Put ingredients in bowl in order given, and do not stir until sll have been added. Beat for 8 minutes. Bake in a buttered or greased pan from 85 to 45 min- utes. Msy be baked in muffin tins. One-quarter cup cocoa msy be added. Sour Cream Cake lt/I Cups sour cream 1!/I cups sugar 8 eggs, well beaten 2!/I cups flour 2!/4 teaspoons baking powder 2,8 teaspoon soda Measure ingredients in order given, sifting flour, baking pow- der and soda Beat thoroughly. Bake. Still Single Father: "Are you writing to that sweetheart of yours again, Edith? Why, you seem to have been doing so for years. How do you sign your letters?" "Oh, I always say 'I remain, ever your loving Edith Jones.' ")Veil, stnke out the 'Your loving,'nd underline the 'Jones.'t's time that young man was coming to the point." An Aberdeen boy wss kept from school for a year because he had to pay attention FOR RENT--Cosy tbtco toom Cot- tsgo, garage, semi-piumbiug newly docotstocL Wstctftsut, Amldnddc. Phone Soyisout 8T!0 I AND CLEARED A'iD FENCED-- Woad cst dtshm dug ctc Phouo West 429K. WANT--Doves Lsyisa Psacts. Phoae West 145L FOR RPNT--2119 Mstiac Drive. An newly docorstcck Partly fmuisbcd ot unfutsishcd. Tbtco nxsus, suu potch, inside iumbisg, 815.00. Ap- p!y 21S1 no Dr!vs WOO4 145L. CIA!SLNG BL'SLNESS -- Chobcts, Pose s, Costs, ctc„st ssctlbee Phone West 894L. ALL THE BFST Btsuds of Cigsts, Cigarettes ssd Tobaccos. Also Ex- chsugo Poker Hands sud Coasoi cards Free. Ambissido Tos Rooms. FOR THE BEST SLABS omi issidc Fit phone West 280. FOR PAI iTING. KALSOM!NLNG- Apply C. I Kouiugs, Residence phone Wost 8041k GARDEN CONSTRUCTION--Lands- cape sud gcucnd gun!suing. Phono, IL I Kyto, 2557 Bo!!Ovum FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rcs- idsuco Phone West 241R. FOL'NDATION CEMENT WORK Luudscspiug ssd Lawns isid. Rock us!is drums mptcc tusks fsuriug ~sd land ricsriag, chimuoys sud funlsccs ctcouod sud topsitod Phone T, Bsrnott„rcsidcucs pboas West 2908. FOR RE'.i T OR SALE -- Psttiy faru- isbcd house ou Waterfront. Appiy Lcyisud, West SSR1. MARCELLE SHOP -- lastccBC, 50 cents; reset, Sbc; augur wave. flic. Phone Mts. King, West 804. SEVERAL PROPERTIES is City to Ttsdo for West Vancouver. What Have You! A Fsiiy Cicstcd iot Cissc to Fctty. Good baying. %stet view. 5800. Cash or terms. GLFNEAGLES Chcspcst ssd Best vi'stctftsat is West Vsucoavcr, with golf coutsc. Writs or Phone your rcqsitcmcuts or listings. R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. Suits I, 425 Hooo St vsscouvct, Soymout 4055 Loss! Roptcscutstivci C. 1 ARCHER. Pbooo. West 225 GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary PsbSO FIRE LNSURANCE WHICH INVESTMENT SHALL I CHOOSE? If it is worth while saving money, worth while attempting to invest it; then it is worth while to know that you are using the best saving-investment plan on the market. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA offers contracts which will cover your particular needs and you have the added satisfaction of dealing with a 100/c profit-sharing CANADIAN Company Resident Roptoscutstivs VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER FOR RlLiT--Futaishcd ssd Cafutu- ishcd Houses. ~ioucy Avsiisb!c for Mottgsgcs oa "Modern Homes" 1405 bisrius Drive Offico Phone West Ii or Scy. 1280 Rcsidsucs Phous W. SIR or W. 204K BL'RRARD 1NLRI'UNNEL a BR!DGE COMPA'NV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Buttstd Inlet Tunnel a Bridge Company will apply to tbo Pot!ismvst of Coaods at its next sossioa, for an Act outhotisiog the said compos? to cossttuct s railroad sud ttuffic bndgo octsss the Second Nsnoux of Buttstd Iu!Ot, Bt.tish Columbia, ia accordance mitb plans to be approved by tbo Gov- otsot-iu-Couucii or is the sitctustivo to lccousttuck m ocxotdlisco with plans to be ~ pluvvd by tho Governor IO-Council, t o tsiitosd osd traffic bridge cousttuctod by the said comp- any setous the said Second Nsnous; ~ud providing that the said 1sst mva- tioiicd bridge coullttuctod by ths color» any as ofotosuid shall be deemed ts be ~ btidgo csusttuctcd in~ with tbo tsnss of the Act incotpotst- iug said compouy. being Chsptst 74, Ststutos of Canada, 9-10 Edward Vli, ootuithstsudiug anything thvtsia coa- Wined. ssd that the said compsuy bo OU'thorisod to top!ace s thtso huodtcd foot bxsd spsa iuts the said bridge ia cocmlamco with tbs of tho ss d bridge sp tovcd by Gsvorsot- illCIxuccii s by tho Bcxltd of RIIS- vcoy Commissiooots 1st'susds. DATED at Vsucouvot. IL C„ tius sixth dsy of Fvhtust, 1981. PERC WARD. Soctststy. CLASSIFIED ADS The rsts for Cisssiscd Advcttiscmcsts is I ccats pct uonL misimsm 25 costs. Except is thc cuss of timoc bsviug vega!st sccousts, sii «isssi- beds stc psyobio sttictiy ia sdvsaca Rcmcmbct Cisssibnis is iho Wmt Vsu Ncos gct immcdisto tnudta r rc rrr rrrrrr r r '» o'c h ,hc