0001 r vcc cr c cw cccc4 r'vc c ccr. c c+ ~rcccw+. 'cc"r cp"cr 'c,icc" c"c.'r cJc 'r ~c c c'~ c'r- ccc rr c'vv.rr vrrrrvrr rrrcvvr% rrr:4.: rrrrccrrr cAVrrvrv THE WEST VAN NEWS March 6, 1931 TH E ORIGINAL - Spencer's- HIGH QUALITY Jersey Milk Available from Telephone %Vest 114 Og'ighland 156 IRECT to your door through ow own delivery system, D Spencer'x Jersey Milk is obtainable by phoning either of the above numbers. The continued patronage of our customers under our own new improved delivery service is appreciated. SPENCER DAIRIES "Look for Spencer's Jersey Milk Delivery" BIG INCREASE SHOWN IN FERRY TRANSPORTATION North Vancouver City Ferry officials report that in the first two months of this year the ferries carried 498,697 passen- gers and 87,495 vehicles, as com- pared with 410,566 passengers snd 14,799 vehicles in the cor- responding period of last year. The passenger gain for the 1931 two-month period is 88,131 and the increase in vehicular traffic ts72, 696. In February the ferries trans- ported 241,465 passengers and 42,722 vehicles, ss compared with 201,975 passengers and 6,778 vehicles in the correspond- ing month of last year. A Step Further "Where were you boys an hour sgo, when I called you to help mef" asked Farmer Brown, at the supper table." "I was in the barn setting a hen," said one. "I was in the loft setting a saw," answered another. "I was in the bedroom setting a clock," spoke up the third. "And I was in the pantry set- ting s trap, "replied the fourth. "You'e a fine lot," remarked the farmer. "And where yere you7" he asked, turning to the youngest. "I was on the door step setting still!" I Tde Hollyburn-Pacific Ski Club A DANCE (Informal) in the NEW ORANGE HALI., 22nd and Marine, on SATURDAY, MARCH 14111, Dancing 9 to 12.--Tickets (including refreshments), 75 cents ! THE WEST VANCOUVER PARENT-TEACHERS'SS'N A SALE OF PLANTS & TEA in the Pauline Johnson School on WEDNESDAY, 51ARCH 11th, 1931, From 3 to 5 p. m. Proceeds in aid of the Association I FERTILIZERS I (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chewlnas Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover and Seed Potatoes VERNON FEED STORE, Hollyburn West 9 H I G H SCH OOL NOTES Our bantam boys'asketball entertained the North Vancou- ver High School bantams In a keenly contested game Friday afternoon. At half time the vis- itors were leading by a fair tnsr- gin. The home team did better in the second half snd the score showed 15-15 when time was called. During the 6 minutes overtime the visitors managed to secure a win. The final score showed North Vancouver 17, West Vancouver 16. The bsntams have been show- ing improved form and regret that the schedule is now com- pleted. The flrst round of the school oratorical contest, in which every student hss made a flve- minute speech before his class- mates has been completed. Further eliminations will take place at an early date. The finals will be held April 14 under the auspices of the Parent-Teachers Association. The P.T.A. has generously of- fered prixes for the winners. THE BURNING BUSH By Subsdar The present Soviet govern- ment, when they took over con- trol of Russia, repudiated the debts of the former Cxarist re- gime, in which many outside In- vestors had sunk their money. Later their embassies busied themselves in spreading propa- ganda inimical to the govern- ments to which they were ac- credited. They were only con- sistent in one thing, that, pro fessing to abide by none of the recognised business or moral ethics, they practised what they preached. Individuals who can- not be trusted get no credit, and the recent Soviet trading offers, therefore, have very naturally and rightly been turned down by Canada. The main purpose of the of- fers, however, for the Soviet rulers are very clever, was prob- ably to sow a harvest of distrust between the Canadian interests who would suffer snd those who might see a profit for them- selves if the Russian proposals were accepted. These latter, therefore, will be wise not to waste any sympathy or regret on a government who were unlikely to keep their obligations. We do not know definitely what is go- ing on inside Russia, but we do know how the Soviet representa- tives sct when they get amongst lie. Holiyburn THEATRE ; 5FRIDAY and SATURDAY "So This is College" ~ ~ -'.~ y wt t,h 8ALLY 8TARR ADA RLLtOTT RUO88T I UAS' The BURRARD LAUNDRY Llalas For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CLEANERS TalRD 8T. asg ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. 1Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L ot Pad Itlly Worse Aunt Agatha was recovering from an attack of flu, and was upset to have well-meaning but tactless visitors tell her how ill she still looked. Her nephew, a sympathetic little lad, was doing his best to comfort her. "Don't you let 'em make you feel sorry auntie" he said "I don't think you look a bit worse than you usually do." Usl ers Sb t The editor hss just handed me s pamphlet entitled "Wanted --A New Kind of Parent," which I have read with a good deal of interest. I am not of those who believe that the morals of the boys and girls of today are any worse than were ours when we were young. But what they do they do openly, whereas the Vic- torian age was notorious for its hypocrisy and smugness. We parents, however, have largely failed in inculcating discipline in the home, and a home devoid of discipline can never be a happy place either for children or par- ents Kipling, who is probably one of the greatest living authorities on our human nature, once wrote this verse: "Ride with an idle whip, Ride with sn unused heel, But once in a way there will come a day When the colt must be made to feel The whip that falls, and the curb that galls, And the sting of the rowelled steeL" And human beings in many respects are not markedly dif- ferent from horses. b t x I c c or other,"'hese sores would be immediately revealed." I believe in and frequently do damn everything in sight, espec- ially when forced to pay taxes. Journalists, having at least the rudiments of common sense, do also make a practise of never giving away the sources of their information, or they would soon find sll their sources dried up.- Of course, we are not supposed to have any reputations to live up to, but apart from that don' do anything outrageously bad such as for instance, getting tight on Sunday mornings and waggtng our heads at the con- gregations on their wsy to wor- ship. Personally, the only dis- graceful sore I know of was when as a boy I ran sway from a dog and hsd the back of my trousers somewhat forcibly re- moved. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone 1Vest 340 Evenings, )Vest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance MUSICIANS'LUB OF WEST VANCOUVER Students'ight Concert TO-NIGHT (Friday) Some of the dresses I have seen lately on the city streets make me nervous. Drsggling a- round a woman's ankles below a street cost, they suggest an ac- cident having taken place at the waist line, which would be dread- ful. It is to be hoped that the ladies are not going to extend the present ball-room monstrosi ties to the streets, for the gar- ments one sees nowadays at dances are certainly hard on the eyes. I am fearful that the hobble skirt may yet make its appearance and that would spell catastrophe snd swollen noses to the gentler sex, accustomed as they have been for several years to striding out in short skirts. I have just been shown s pamphlet damning everything snd everybody in sight, includ- ing the press. In the diatribe re- garding the members of my pro. fession the following quotation occurs: aLike the sugurs of old not one of their numbers will give away the secret of his source of information unless it be resolved to make announcement of them. Not one journalist will venture to betray this secret, for not one of them Is ever admitted to prac- tise literature unless his whole past has some disgraceful sore Note the time--8 p.mLEGION HALL The West Vancouver Tennis Club sre holding their GENERAL MEETING and ELECTION of OFFICERS in the Ferry Rooms, Amblesid» Dock, on Friday, March 13th h'I 8 p rn sharp ALL INTERESTED ARE ASKED TO ATTEND Corporation of the District of West Vancouver DOG LICENSES All persons liable for above sre notified to obtain same not later than SATURDAY, MARCH 7th, 1931. Failure to comply will render those responsible liable to prosecution without further notice. Hollyburn, B. C. JAS. OLLASON, 26th k ebrusry, 1931. Collector.