0001 i aa '- 't ~- xri t i'r i r' ~i~t« tartxi~'tarr ', 1!r'tt 'i v.~ 9 ~ 'r .7 r. en r- 'vr '-,' ~ wt rrvipvlrv f ..r rtv vrarrr .rrr"r' rvarrvv ~"rrri-~r vrv A nrr rvrrr vrv rrrrrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES IIundarave,',"""..,"'"„,'.,',.". Ambieside, ""'"" ""' SPECIAL SALE - Feb. 2?th to March?th I rices are Down. I'RUNES, stadium utao 2 lbu. 19t PEAS, Columbia. uitvt 6, 6 Iot 29o Rtd e White TO6IATOES, zu 9 fov sic SALT, RegaL Shuktr ......... sa ROLOCREA!II OATS, Oats. Bran uud I'lux. por puaktt .......... 284 Bread- I'r& this delicious large 2 t-ox. loaf--1»bitt, Baoou, Suuduith 3 loaves 2 Sc. h few of Our Leaders: AUSTRALIAN Canned Fruits Ai'RICOTS, iotgt tiu ....... Zso PEACRES. large tiu ... 26a 25cPEARS. large tiu QUAKER CitACKELS-- 2 large put!auger 25a CREA6IEPI'ES, puakugu ..... 9c CAIIBOLIC SOAI'..... 4 cakes 1st See Dodgers for Fail List. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS SPECIALS FOR CASH Feb. 28th to March 7th. PRIME STEER BEEF l HO51E CURED HA51 Boiling Beef, lb.......... 10c I AND BACON Pot Roast, lb...... 12V c Ayrshire, Sliced, .............. 80c Oven Roast, lb..... 15c Side Bacon, not smoked, lb 360 Side Bacon, sliced, lb........ 45c Back Bacon, sliced, lb........ 45c Shamrock Lard...... 2 lbs. 36c I Cottage Cheese ................ 16c B. C. Cheese, tasty .......... 25c Beef Dripping, lb............. 10c Pork Sausage, lb............. 20c Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 26c Beef Sausages, lb..... 10c Cured Fish Rump Roast, lb................. 18c Pansy Rump, lb........ 22c Round Steak Roast, lb.. 20c Deep Sirloin, lb............. 26c GRAIN FED PORK Legs, FORES, lb......... 14'/zc Pork Butts, lb..............., 19c Pork Loins, lb. 220 Fresh and THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCIL NOTES The engineer reported to the council on-- D.L. 1042 Eta(t requited to complete Duchess Avenue to Keith Road. Plans, etc., for- warded to solicitors with letter dated 16th February. Approved. The council went on record as supporting the movement to have the air mail service extend- ed to Vancouver at the earliest possible date. J The council passed a resolutionthat in view of permission hav- ing been granted by Assistant Executive Wilson to Reeve Ley- land to dispose of the old Dun- darave station house of the P.G. E. Railway, E. Cunningham of the local Boy Scouts be in turn granted permission to remove same for the use of that associ- ation under supervision of the municipal engineer. The council passed 8 resolution that the necessary by-law be pre pared by the solicitor authoriz- ing the execution by the munici- pality of the renewal of the lease of D.L. 447 (Lighthouse Park) enclosed in duplicate with the Minister of Marine'6 letter of February 10th and that a cover- ing letter be sent the minister stating that while the municipal- ity would be glad to co-operate with the department of marine it was quite impossible for the municipality to undertake the cost of fighting a serious fire. February 27, 19!II. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) i".'.;» IVcut 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 't. II) 15th and Marine LiliIITED I'hone West 116 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER'ASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamntco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles What? Mose: Dis yar ilyln'usiness'„.'s a mighty ol'enture. Bliss Suds: I wonder if I shall Rastus: How do you make dat lose my looks too when I get to out, Moss? be your age. Mose: 'Cause I heah dat pastor Miss Tubbs: You will be for- say in church las'unday dat tunate if you do. Esau sold his heirship to Jacob ,,LI I SATURDAY ONLY EGGS -- EGGS Pullet Extras, dozen 25c FANCY ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbs for 61.00 Delivery Morning and Afternoon Phone West 190 Why Pay More? I embar for Ioz16 Garage including floor ........., 625.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Ship!up from .................... 7.00 2x4 Common, xixod, any length .......... 8.50 2zs to 2xiz common, x!xtd, any length ........ 10.00 Va x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts .............. 7.00 Iz2 A uud 4 D. D. Fir, puv 100 iiu. ft...........50 Codua Iaatzco, por 100 Im. fttt . in. Clear Gutter, any length, por iiu. ft..., .06 No. I XXX Shing!or .. 260 No. 2 Shingles . 1.70 Wall Shingles ......... 1.25 SPEC IALS Ixz uod Ix4 No. I Angle groin flootiug ...... 628.00 zir24--2 Light Windows 2„00 sxio--4 Light Sash ... 1.00 iex12--4 Light Suab...... 1.15 »xlo--6 Light Sash ........ 125 ior12-6 light Surh .. Ide Grpvoa Pioutor Bourah Building I'optt, I'it Veneer osd uli Buiidiug Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. I.TD. 14th uud Matiuo Drive Pbooo Weel 199. Afttt 6 p.m. uak for Gtrrr Dent; Phono West 241IL Mitdster (to tipsy treasurer of the kirk): oi hope you'e not spending the Lord's money on drink, Donald." Donald I Nae fear o'hat, 51in- ister, I got 8 glass fae yer hoosekeeper." An expenditure of not to ex- ceed 610 was authorized by the council on a culvert applied for by A. Boshier and others. The council resolved that the provincial department of lands be applied to for title to all un- alienated crown lands on Holly- burn Mountain to be vested in the municipality for park pur- pose!i The council passed 6 resolution approving of "an Act to amend the First Narrows Bridge Comp- any Limited Act" as introduced by Mr. Walkem with the excep- tion of Section 7 thereof. Ap- proval of this Section? was with held pending receipt of further information on same. A man entered a hotel, placed his umbrella in the stand, and tied 6 card to it on which was written: "This umbrella belongs to a champion prizefighter. Back in ten minuteL" When he returned the um- brella was gone. The card, how- ever, was still there and on it wss added: "Umbrella was taken by champion long-distance runner. Won't be back at all." "Scots wha haeo live in Glas- gow and "Scots wha haenao in Aberdeen. Iron laces and embroideries on a Turkish towel to bring out the pattern. 16 20 ch ts to sh ~o a.n BRITISH" COLUMBIA ELECTRIC». 'LWglY COr'LTD