0001 I February 27, 1931. jQ 6 Will GiVe You $50 Oo As firei payment on any Radio in our window, For your old radio, gram- aphone or "what have I'ou. Come down and have a look. The very latest in Design, Tone and Quality NEW ivIODELS NEW PRICES Philco Baby Grand Rogers Mantel Model $99.90 $ 115.00Sss this msr vol si radio ers. MajeStiC Nantel MOdel hss sspsrhsnrody ssircsiu B-tubs $ 120 3 M ulu-mo radio's nswest iuhs tone control, sxersmo sslscuvlty. 310.00 CASH 310.00 lvIONTH ~J IVIAJESTIC CONSOL hss afl these Features and More s!i155 GEORGE„E,.w'ILLIS LENT PIANO Co. West 6921583 hsarlne Drive Mrs. B. Tite .......................... 120 Gentlemen H. B. Stevens ....................... 163 G, Childs ................................ 136 Mr. James ............................. 130 N. H. Rodgers ........................ 128 Mr. Chisholm ........................ 123 J. Tite .....................„........,... 128 W. Carley ................................ 121 The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver branch, Canadian Legion will be held next Monday evening, 2nd March, at 8 p. m. in the Legion hall. All members are asked to make 0 special etfort to be pres- ent. Don't forget the Legion Smok- er tonight. Legion Notes ,Jg Below will be found the stand- ing of the leaders in the Canndi- „'11lf, "I an Legion Military Whist Drives.~ at the end of the fourth drive. sqt Two more dribee remain to be played, on hIarch 6th and March 19th, at the end of which very attractive grand prizes will be deed presented to the first two ladies I- ~ n and two gentlemen. Ladies . P Mrs. C. hI. Turner............... 147 Mrs. C. E. Sherman........... 147 Mrs. G. Childs .................... 139 Mrs. M. Romans .................. 134 Mrs. Stephens .................... 134 ! Mrs. Shellard ....................„., 180bssl! "Is your wife home?"'Naw," replied Funkhauser. "She's out with a bunch of prize fighters." "Prize fighters?" exclaimed Mrs. Popeicle. "Yes," replied Funkhaueer. "She went to a bridge party." Mrs. Leshure ........................ 123 Mrs. G. Tite ........................ 123 Mrs, R. J. Morris .............. 121 Mrs. L. Scribner ........, ... 121 THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar We moderns are frequently told that our manners are scand alous and our morals worse than that. Our grandmothers, it is said, would be appalled at our goings on. It mny be so, but the latter are not in it with some modern advertisements. Even I, generally known ss one of "the devil's own" by my friends, of- times pass from mirth to aston- ishment ss some startling an- nouncement hits the eye about a new disease. Even Shake- speare would be shocked! Can one say more? And, brother, have you got it? I note some cheerful citizen has recently ordered King George to vacate the throne. It' exactly what his hlajesty would like tu do, only the British people won't have it eo. As for the Prince of Wales, he can't eee it at all. Being a member of the Royal Family is no easy job. Imagine having to shake hands with hundreds of people when the old liver is on ite ear and one feels like kicking everybody In the ribs. The new aspirant should be put in a lunatic asylum for not knowing when he is well oif. A correspondent, who dis- agrees with my recent remarks re the Russians, hae advised me to read certain books referring to Russia and its inhabitants. Fortunately or unfortunately, however, I have no need to do so, having had considerable first hand knowledge of them. I would like to say, however, that to state that Russians are only 2 per cent Tartar or any per cent Tartar is diificult of proof in such a huge country inhabited by a very scattered population. The old Victorian statesmen held as an axiom "scratch a Rus- sian and you get a Tartar," and they were singularly successful in dealing with Russia as com- pared with the modern states- men of the world. Russia is now in the throes of a great experiment which is held to be Utopia by some and ana- thema by others, according to their leanings. Therefore I be- lieve none of the stories of Rus- sia, which are probably biased either way. The only unbiased and reliable information is that of our Intelligence Department, and they don't talk. My corre- spondent should note in my re- marks re the cruelty of Russians that I also said "as we interpret cruelty." Never enter an inn without an invitation. 0 TWO MEN-- ROUsbls. will dear has ~nd do general work ssd zsrdsolng. Rssssssb's. Apply 2342 Lswsss Avenue. WANTED To BUY--Nssr vreoi Bsy. Lst with summer cottage. Apply Bsx 60, West Vsn News. 6'WERT PEAS--Best varieties, James Guaranteed seed, B.C. grown. Col- lscusss. 50s osd 81. posisgs ysnb Write or phone for ssislsgoo of B.C. garden seeds. Finest sbiois- able snd zrsrsniesd. Fall stork ~Iwsys on hand. A. Ecktord, 110 East 17th St„North Vsocoovsr, Sole Agent. FOR SAI.E-- I ivory sssiissoos pest bsd, et sixe, csrsplsts with roil spring snd OU trit mstirsss 31200. Cbfld's white enamel crib with drop sides, OU complete, 64Xio. Phone West 356L FOR SALE--Hsishlss Eggs, Jersey Giants, Rhsds Island Reds. Can' be beat. Every ds sn szz. One dollar por doxsn. Phone West 24OR iVANTED--1Vork by Gordsosr. Lots clssred, Any kind work by dsy or contract, Fhons West 6911 FERTILIZERS -- Bone Meal, Fish Meal, Standard Trisszls B., eic. Vernon Feed Store, West 9. LAND CLEARED AND PENCED- Wood cst, drains duz, eic. Fhons West 429R. PRACIICAL GARDENLVG -- Lswss Tennis Courts, Rookeries, Walks, Hedges prepared, maintained, pron- ing, spraying. Phone H. A. Mulso. West 136Y, 24th snd Marina Drive. WILL EXCHANGE--$ 1400 sqoity in seven-room house. West 14th Avs., Vsncosver, for sisoUsr sqoiiy in West Vancouver. Phone West 120X WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dondsrovo, Cream Sponge Cake Yolks 4 eggs I cup sugar 3 tablespoons cold water Ilute tablespoons cornstarch I scant cup of flour 113 teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon lemon extract V4 teaspoon salt IVhttes 4 eggs Beat yolks until thick; add sugar gradually and beat 2 min- utes. Then add watei. Mix and sift cornstarch, flour, baking powder and salt, and add to first mixture. Fold in stiffly-beaten whites and flavoring. Bake about 20 minutes in 6 moderate oven. This cake may be made with 2 eggs, and using 2 addi- tional teaspoons of baking pow- der and 2 additional tablespoons water. BOY OF 17 Ie isbss eo be syyrsoussd is eood trade Pbsss West 39. TYPEWRITING Doss at Hsws Slrwihsnd. Rsossssbls raiea Phone West 453L FOR SALE-ChssisrgsM Soils ssd 6 fuses ssk diniog room suhs. Phoae West 45K WANTI'D-- Bsy ts dsUvsr Mwroyhsrs Msgsx~ss Apply Gss. F WBlw Kent Piano Co. i&ST--Bosch of Keys la bsusr. Phone West 153IL CIJISING BLSINESS Foxes, Costs. Ois., at socriacs Phone Wert 3941 ALL THE BEST Brssds ot Cigars. Clgsrsuss snd Toboceos, Also E's chasse Poker Hands snd Consol cards Pres. Axsblcsidc Tes Rooms. POR THB BEST SLABS ssd Inskhs Fir phone West 230. FOR PAINTLNG. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Ksuisgs, Residence phone West 3941L GARDEN CONSTRUCTION--Lssds- csye sod general Sordenisz. Phone, IL J. Kyte, 2567 BOUevns. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rss- idssss Phone West 241R. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lssdscsping ssd Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, sept'.e tanks, *n«inz snd land clearing, chhsnsys snd fsruscss cloonsd ssd rspshwL phone T. Bsrsoei, residence phone West 290IL FOR RFNT OR SALE -- Partly fors- ishsd house on 1%'sisrfronL Apply Lsylsnd, West 63BI. MARCELLE SHOP -- MsresUa 50 cmisi rssse 35c; Sszsr 'wsvo, 76s. Phone Mra King, West 304. SEVERAL PROPERTIES in Cny is Trade for West Vsncosver. Whst Hove Yoo? A Fony Cleared Lse Clsos is Ferry. Goad baying. ivstsr view. 3300. Cash or terms. GLE'.IEAGLES Cheapest ssd Best Wsisrfrosi is West Vancouver with golf coarse. Wnts or Pbsss ysor rsqoirnosnts or listings R. P. CLARK a CO. ESTATES LTD. Suite 2, 425 Howe Se Voscsorsr, Ssyrssor 4055 Local Rsprnwsesuvs: C, J. ARCHER, Pboos, Wssi 223 GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Psbns FIRB INSURANCB CLASSIFIED ADS The rate tor Clsssiged Advsrusswssls ls 2 esses psr wsnl. wisiwors 25 cents. Exrspi ls tbs case of throe hssiog rssslsr occoonts, sU clsssl- asds srs ysysbls sirisu ln advance. Rswnobsr ctsssiasds is ebs crest vss Ness ssi lwrssdisis rsooles. so let bebf'I before )Tes, ,„„osl'eith iledeed elesoed )coen lsreto mlfloe J "e Ridleys'airy Solicits your patronage, offering you a PURE JERSEY MILK at a competitive price. Outside firm come into the Municipality, pay n Ten Dollar Licence, own nu property, spend nothing, but take out all the money they can. On the other hand RIDLEY'S are local people, the proprietor and all of his boys are taxpayers and helping to build up the Municipality. We pay the hiunicipality annually several hundred dollars in taxes, water rates and licences, We paid out last year nearly a thousand dollars a month in wages--quite 3 bit of this must have benefited West Vancouver.. We have the sole distribution of the CO-OPERA- TIVE PURE BRED JERSEY BREEDERS'SSOCIA- TION'S Splendid Milk; aro bonded not to buy anything but this milk, and know that no competitor csn offer you better value for your dollar. Patronize Home Industry, help along local eifort. Phone West 456 For the nIilkman to call. WHICH INVESTMENT SHALL I CHOOSE? If it is worth while saving money, worth while attempting to invest it; then it is worth while to know that you are using the best saving-investment plan on the market. THE hIUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA oifere contracts which will cover your particular needs and you have the added satisfaction of dealing with a 1009 profit-sharing CANADIAN Company. VANCOUVER CREOSOT1NG Corp LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER FOR RENT--Forrdshsd osd Uotoro- ishsd Hsssso. hlsssy ASOUsb's for Moriassss so "Msdsrs HO&ass 1406 hlsrine Drive Otfics Phone West 21 sr Ssy. 1200 Residsoce Phoae W. 32R or W. 2042 BURRARD INLET TUN'NEL A BRIDGE Co'IIPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Borrord Inlet Tmmsl a Bridge Company will apply is the Psrnsnsst of Canada at iis next session. for ss Act sotboriiisg th said csmpsny to construct ~ railroad snd traffic bndss ~cnws the Second Narrows of Bunord Is'si, Br.'tish Columbia, in sceordssco with plans io be approved by the Gsv- srssr-io-CooneS or ln the shsrnsiiss is reconstruct. in sscordsnes with plass ts be sypeovsd by the Gsvsrnor- in-Council. the railroad ond trotas hndss constructed by ihs ssM ssmy- soy setose tbs sold Second Nsrrows, ood providing that tbs said last mss. lissed bridge constructed by tbs comp- any ss otorsss!d sbog be deemed is be o bridge constnwtsd in occsrdonee with the tenor of the Act isssrporot- ioe sokl company. being Chapter eh Sistuios of Canada 0-10 Edward Vn notwithstanding anything ibsrsin sos- toissd ssd that the said cswposy bs soihorixsd io rsplses o three hundred foot axed sysa into ibs said bridas in oceordssss with lbs of Ow ss!d bridzs spprsvsd by the Gsvoraso. ln-Coaorg ond by the Board ot Rog- woy Cswrsisdsosrs for Canada DATED at Voaessvsr, B. C.. this ninth dsy sf February, 1031. PERCY WARD. Ssnoesry v,-k.h hnq