0001 'e ~rrt\ t5"5 P'5't ~w 5"P 5 t5' 5 55 prtvs~5 ~'ptr" iie'V:'t' 55'~'rrlrv 'r ~-V.t 'rr .ArTrrr4 .vrrr- '~r tr V«rrVr„"rrer-rvr ,- rrr PerrrEV-. Fehruarv 27 1921 THE WFST VAN NEWS HIGH SCHOOI. NOTES V' Baseball On Februar 14 the junior boys, junior iris snd bantams played basketball at the Temple- ton Junior High School Their opponents were cotvesponding 1 4 teams from North Burnaby highschooL The boys lost by a close 1 score of 19-13 after s well played game. The girls lost their game by a score of 23-14 and the North Burnaby Bantams were also victorious. The score in this game was 25-11. On Wednesday, February 18, North Vancouver High School teams were visitors snd played two basketball games; Junior ! boys, and Junior Girls. The boys of North Van. were victorious by a close score of 17-16. The West Vsn. girls, however, even- ed up the day by winning their game with a score of 19-9. j Football On February 12 West Van. de- feated North Van. High in a soccer game at Nshon Park by a score of 2-1. On February 19, they again repeated their performance of the week before by defeating the High School of Commerce by a score of 2-0. This makes the fifth succes- ! sive victory and the local boys are at the head of their devision. With only one more game to play, they have secured a place in the semi-fiinais. 1 HOIIybaarn , THEATRE )V. 61. J A('KSIAN'8 SCHEIIIE FOII INI'ltOVING THE ltHINICll'AL TRANS- PORTATION qk ST~Et Mr. Jackman at the beginning of his report submits figure showing that, while in 1929 our transportation system had s sur- plus of $22,840.33 over the run- ning cost (cost of mechanical operation, including wages), there «as, allowing for depreci- ation snd debenture interest, s net loss of $ 12,728.40. He proposes an "Inner Land- ing" scheme to connect West Vancouver from Whytecliif by l. West Vancouver System direct. 2. West Vancouver System and North Vancouver Ferry System. Necessary Equipment One boat, ferry No. 6, Nine buses (three spares) Requirements 1. By-law for $50,000 to buy three new buses to replace worn out old ones, the Whytecliif ex- tension to be inaugurated with one bus to run to North Vancou- ver ferry, connecting with both West Vancouver and North Van- couver ferries. 2. Resolution of 1931 council supplementing resolution of 1921 council to the Dominion Govern- ment asking for a grant of land and right of way for road allow- ance through Indian Reserve No. 6 to connect with our Marine Drive at Capilano bridge. 3. Municipal engineer to sur- Telephone FRIDAY and SATURDAY %Vest or High. l DYNAMITE For ni th JULtA YAYR TH E ORIGINAL Spencer's High Quality JERSEY MILK hand Cott itAI) ttattKL The BURRARD LAUNDRY Lttaltds For I'eopla Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS DRY CLEAN EIIS TMIRD 8T. Ea& ST. DAVlDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 4101. T .HROUGH our own delivery system direct to your door. you can obtain the original Spencer's high-quality Jersey Milk. Shoukl you cxpericnce the slightest in- terruption in our regular delivery service, telephone West ll4 or Highland 156. The cononued patronage oF our many customers under our new improved service is appreciated. SPENCER DAIRIES Look for Spencer's Jersey hi ilk Delivery Concert vey for necessary dredging and half s mile of road to be con structed. 4. Council to investigate scheme so that the necessary by- law can be voted on and scheme ut in operation by January 1932 5. When three new buses are in use present No. 2 and No. 3 buses to be reconditioned. These two plus the present upper levels bus plus the three new ones and an additional three to be financ- ed out of the major by-lsw will make a fleet of nine buses for the traffic. The figures in reference to these proposed alterations are complicated but can be seen at the municipal hall by those int- erested. This method of transportation it is claimed by Mr. Jackman, would be not only the shortest in distance, but also the quick- est between West Vancouver and Vancouver. The purchase of an- other boat of the double-ender type would make s further sav- ing of five minutes. WEST VAN. TEI.EPHONE STAFF WIN IVest Vancouver with a per- centage of 99.3 won the service competition for the smaller of- fice in 1930. Kerrisdale was second with 97.7, and North Vancouver was s close third with 97.2. West Vancouver's last victory in the competition was in 1926. Marpole was the 1929 winner. The sum of $ 10 has been a- warded to the West Vancouver office in recognition of the vic- tory. The staff hss not yet de- cided how the money wfll be ex- pended. \Vinners of the contest for the past eight years: 1923 ...........Fraser 1924...........North Vancouver 1925 .........New Westminster 1926 .......West Vancouver 1927 ...........New Westminster 1928 .........New Westminster 1929...., ......Marpole 1930...... West Vancouver Last Friday afternoon Grade IXB entertained the student body with a concert, The items on the afternoon'6 program were 1. A Latin Play, "Gemini." (the Twins.) 2. Dialogue, "The p Freckle-Faced Girl." 3. Scene from "The Frogs," of Aristo- phanes; the Journey of Dionysi- as to Hades. The various numbers were well done and enjoyed by all present. POLICE BALL LARGELY ATTENDED Last Friday evening the mern bere of the three North Shore police forces held their First Annual Police Ball in the K. of P. Hall, in North Vancouver which was largely attended. Refreshments were served by the wives of the constables and the music for the dancing was provided by Len. Chamberlain'.& popular orchestra. Old time and popular dances featured the pro- gram and entertainment was provided by a very dainty troupe of Scottish lassies who danced reels and flings to the skirl of the pipes. Floral decorations were contributed by Livingstone the Florist of North Vancouver. The many phone calls received by the secretary from those who attended indicate that it is de- sired that this become a leading annual event. K.W. SavoryLEGION W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A., Canadian Legion, was held in the Legion Memorial Hall on liionday afternoon, Feb- ruary 23rd, with the President, Itfrs. Batchelor, in the chair, and twenty-one members present. Following routine business final arrangements were made for the Bridge-IVhist Tea to be held in the Legion kiemorial Hall on Thursday afternoon, February 26th. Also it wss decided to hold a Cafe Chantant on Easter Mon- day. Nrs. W. H. Green was ap- pointed general convener and it is anticipated that this atfair will be looked forward to with much interest, as it is an entirely new and novel form of entertain- ment for West Vancouver. Regarding the 'Irust Fund for indigent ex-service women it was decided to bring the matter to the attention of other organiza- tions in the community in an ef- fort to enlist their help and a committee was appointed to carry out this idea. A pleasing feature of the aft- ernoon wss the presentation of a bunch of violets to the secre- tary, Mrs. Bsyfield, as a small token of the members'pprecia- tion of her work during 1930. 51rs. Atwood, the past president, d te E ttt PARE tT TEACHERE'SSOCIATION An executive meeting of the P.T.A. was held st the home of Mrs. Selwood on )Vednesday night. Plans were discussed for holding a tea and sale of plants on March 11, 1931, in order to raise funds for the Association. A tentative program up to June, which will be announced later, wss arranged, the details being in the hands of the pro- gram committee. CHILDREN'S CHOIR CONCERT SUCCESSFUL The second annual concert of the Children's Choir was given on Friday night before an audi- ence that filled the United Church. The choir showed a decided ad- vance both in tone and shading over last year. The program was a weu chosen one of fine music and the audience showed a keen appreciation demanding encores for many of the numbers. Particularly pleasing was Handel's "Sly Mother Bids Me Bind isiy Hair." by the girls sec- tion and "See Our Oars with Feathered Spray" by the boys. The Senior Girls choruses were well sung; the tone and phrasing in particular being well handled. This group suifered in balance because of illness among its members but those able to be present did their loyal best to overcome the handicap and did some very delightful singing. The young artists gave great pleasure also to their hearers. Mrs. Colin MacLean and hire. Sheffield are to be congratulated on the good work of the choir. JUVENILE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIOAV Games for Saturday, February 28th, 1931: Provincial Cup--2nd Round Division I, Lions vs. Canucks; High School (West); 2:30 p.m.; Referee, Mr. Botham. Provincial Cup--2nd Bound Division H Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. West Van. Midgets; Boulevard Park; 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Wardlaw. 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside I'hone West 3.10 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Stratton's Bakory 1466 Marina Drive Phsns West 22 for BREAD, CAKES, I'ASTRY A reception was given by Mrs. T. E. Batchelor on Wednesday afternoon at her home at 1374 Gordon Avenue in honor of her eldest daughter Edith, whose marriage to Mr. H. Stokes took place on February 7th at Fort William, Ontario. Mrs. Stokes was wearing her wedding gown of delph blue with white fox trimmings and fox fur the bride's mother receiving her guests in a very becoming black gown, The drawing room was tastefully decorated with daffo- dils and violets. Mrs. Blower, Mrs. Sister, and the Misses Morva and Verna Batchelor as. slated the hostess in serving. The guests from Vancouver were the Misses Dora Grayson, Rome Bsttye snd Jean Arnott. Other guests included Mrs, W. T. At- wood, Mrs. W. Green, Nrs. Howdle, Mrs. W. Dickinson, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. G. Childs, Nrs. R. A. Davis, Mrs. D. W. Watson, Nrs. Ed. Black, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. IVicklng, Mrs. Colin Turner, Mrs. D. W, Graham, snd Miss Jean Watson. If you can't Ret Bread at ! the stores Phone Went 27 Rub the soles of s baby' shoes with sandpaper before they are worn. This prevents many a fall due to stiff soles. When anything boils over onf the stove, cover it at once with salt; the odor will be killed snd the spilled food can be cleaned up easily. Most vegetables such as peas, asparagus, beans snd corn, should be cooked in salted water. Corporatinn of the District of Went Vancouver DOG LICENSES All persons liable for above are notified to obtain same not later than SATURDAY, MARCH 7th, 1931. Failure to comply will render those responsible liable to prosecution without further notice. Hollyburn, B. C. JAS. OLLASON 25th I'ebrusry, 1931. Collector. FERTILIZERS I (ALL KINDS) Organic antI Inorganic Chewinas Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover and Seed Potatoes ! VERNON FEED STORE, H live West 9 F~rlt Ir) ,l '3! le, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~tn~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~t~I~ I I ~ I i'll prVVrew