West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Feb 1931, p. 3

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0001 1 ~! lixed ster fntft zfiie 1 tztezg Iua mteit y0lli 8?iii February 27, 1981. I Ladies'nd Gentlemen's Suits, Overcoats and Dresses Dry Cleaned and Pressed also Dyeing. Suits Made to Measure from 835.00 up. Our Own Make. REGENT SUIT or OVERCOAT to measure 826.00. It'"'t~20 M. WILLIAMS )Veit zgh86L 1568 ibiarine Drive GROCERY SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 28th - biarch 1st TOMATOES, hiaikiua Best, PEAS, Na. 4 zizz, par tiu..... 10z large tins....................... 2 iar Ztz CORNED BEEF, Bavrii Brand iVH1TE SUGAR ....... 5 iba. 24c par tiu .......,....................., 19c CHEESE, Medium Outaria ECzGS, B. C. Freak Firsts per ib ....., .................. 30c par dozes ......................... 27z PASTRY Fi.OUR, Wild Rose TEA, Nabob, par lb................... 40c 7 iba for zee ORANGES, large, pzz dozen . 28e APPLES, Cooking, 6 ibz. for 25z ROBINSON'S GROCERY "".",.";".'!,",, 24th and Mnrine Drive ! BOYS and GIRLS cash prises to recover our LOST RADIO as advertised Feb. 13th This was the ad. LOST RADIO Liberal Reward On or after Juuuary 28 we iaft a PHiLCO BABY GRAND RADIO Nu. 606065 on demon- atratiuu in West Vaucauvez aud have mislaid the name aud ad- dress. iyiii party whu baz this radio kindly notify uz at once aud receive a substantial dis- count on Radio or a cash reward. GFin R WILLIS, KENT PIANO Co. 1583 Marine Drive 1583 Marine Drive West 602 11111ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL Ta be held ia THE CANADIAN LEGIOiN HAI.I Under the auspices of the Canadian Legion St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17th, SUN DODGERS ORCHESTRA with their popular music. Dancing from 9 to 1. Refreshments Tickets 76e each. Many Splendid Pnzea. ARE YOU READY TO RE-TIRE? ..See BILL GROUT at West Van Motors,'"'„'. -';„ Firestone-Heavy Duty, Mechanical Repairs Tire Repairs. SHELL 400 Gas Regular and Oldfield Tires and Tubes of all kinds. Battery Charging And don't forget we sell Super Gas -- Olla, Greased and Specialties Teacher (in Agricultural Col- lege: "What breed of cow Is re- puted to give the most milk?u Student: "Magnesia." Teacher: "Magnesia? I have never heard of such 8 cow.u Student: "Sure you have, you can buy her milk at any drug store." Sandy was enticed to enter the pub because af the intimation "Free House." "Is it the csee," he asked the publican, "that drinks are free here?" "Oh, not at all," replied the publican, "that refers to the business; it belongs to me.u WE ARE GOING TO GET IT snd everyone will help you find it, because we are going to pay you Ic in cash and prizes for each name and address of every RADIO OWNER in West Vancouver..AII you have to do is to call at our store and get 8 book to write them in. Of course every home does not have anAERIAI. because the PBILCO will play without, so you will have to CALL at every house in your neighborhood to see if they have a IIADIO. 1st Prize--Party with most names will receive Cash for every name and 8 standard RADIO, complete. 2nd Prize--Half Cash and balance on Victor GRAMOPHONE with 12 records. 3rd Prize--Quarter Cash and balance on 3 tube RADIO. Applicants must be over 14 years, neat hand writing and pohte. gEOPGe E.wlLLIS KENT PIANO Co. ADVICE Is easy to get but hard to take. Our advice is Keep Your biedicine Chest Filled snd at the first mgn of fil- ness, these days, begin treatment. You will likelv avoid serious illness. WEST VAil PIILIKY Tlm Siaza ae Survive. 1402 Mazhza Dzira We daiivar Phase Waat 27 Emcrgaazy Phoae Vtaat 321 (After 9 p.m.) sre giving a social talugh't at the Clschsn hoteL ~ a a A number of West Vancouver friends of Mrs. Creighton (nee Etta MacVesn) gave her a sur- prise party last Saturday even- ing, when 8 ver)z pleasant time was spent. Dunng the evening birs. Creighton was presented with 8 gift. Those present were: the biisscs Jean MacLaren, Lili- as Davie, Joan Durbin, Helen Stevenson, Edina Archer, Ola MacLean, Freda Herrin, Kath- leen Wenmoth, Blanche Neville and Lorna Thomson. ~ a a ibirs. 51cLaren, King's Ave., entertained at the tea hour last Friday, the guest of honor being Mrs. Leslie of North Vancouver.\ a ~ H. E. Douet, 2670 Belfetute, is ill and a patient in hospital. ~ a The West Vancouver teachers'adminton club defeated the St. Paul's team last bfonday even- ing by a score of 20 to 4 in the Inglewood auditorium. a ~ Hugh Brown, who has been absent far a short time through sickness, has resumed his duties on the Pauline Johnson teaching stafF. ~ ~ ~ Names must be in by the end of this month in order to appear in the new directory of the B.C. Telephone Co., which will be published next May. Miss Mabel bfacfie of the Hol- lyburn School teaching staff, has returned to duty after an ab- sence of a few days due to sick- ness. ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. W. Sister, 14th and Duchess, have purchased 8 h an ha E Y B bu D ab an Fo to co he tio tained several baseball teams, has started the West Vancouver Baseball Club and requires two or three mare girls, age between 14-17 to complete the team. They sre holding their first dance at the Legion Hall, March 7th, with music broadcasted over CHLS by British Columbians. They are expecting 8 large crowd 88 the program is of such sn unusual nature. The money received will be used for equip- ment. Mr. and Mrs. F. Buscombe, who have been spending the winter in Honolulu, have return. ed to their home at Caulfeild. The )Vest Vancouver Scottish Society is giving a military whist drive at the Clachan hotel tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Play starts at 8:15 and there will be dancing and refresh- ments. The proceeds will go ta the benevolent fund. The annual dinner and re- union of the 29th Battalion will take place on Saturday, March 7th, at 7 p.m. in the Georgia Hotel. Any 29th men who desire to attend are asked to phone Ed. Black at West 68. Mrs. E. W. Weeden, Radclifl'venue, has as her house guests Mrs. S. Cullington and her daughter Joan, who are shortly leaving to take up residence on Salt Spring Island. a Mr. Logan of Vancouver, is moving this week into 8 house at Cypress Park. ~ a ~ Mrs. Russell of Altamont, was a tea hostess at her home on Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. S, Cullington.\ ~ E. W. Weeden, Radcliff Ave., who recently met with an acci- dent, is now well on the way to recovery. GORDON ROBbozi I Barrister A SaBdtaz WEST VA)ICOUVER-- office Nu. 1447 Maziua Dzfva Phoae West 40K VANCOUVER OFFICE- Saita 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4190. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15zb 6 M zhm BXPERT SBRV1CB E. MARSH, Proprietor BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Diatiaztiva Fauazai Sarvtza Lady Aaaiataat 3203rd St. E Phase Nazth 626 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks tauaiE SPECK Pzasrietaz 1456 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 ouse at 11th and Keith Road, d will move in shortly a a Mr. and Mrs. R. St. C. Boyd ve moved into a house at 2111 squimalt. MEETING Mr. and Mrs. 1Varburton oung have moved from 2161 ellevue to 2110 Argyle. Mrs. G. Sharps of the Holly- rn Block, 16th and Marine rive, who has been sick, is now le to be out and around again. ~ a Howard Griffiths, son of Mr. d Mrs. C. H. Griffiths, of the rtune Cup Inn, has returned his home from the North Vsn uver General Hospital, where recently underwent an opera- n. Spring Goods Arriving Everything for Men Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone 1Vest 144 ! OPEN FORUM An Open Forum meeting is to be held next Sunday, 1st biarch, at 3 p. m. in the Orange Hall, when Reeve )V. A. Pritchard of Burnaby will give an address on "Unemployment and Municipal Responsibility." W. )V. Iwfeaux will be in the chair. A collection Ivill be made to defray expenses. Everybody welcome.\ a A. M. Stephen, the well known Canadian poet and author, gave a lecture on "Canadian Litera- ture,'on Thursday, 19th Febru- ary, to the pupils of the two higher divisions at Pauline John- son School. a ~ W. C. Thompson, 21st and Argyle, is confined to his home through sickness. Miss Margaret McIntyre will be the assisting artiste at the concert to be given next Monday evening, 2nd March, at 8:15 o'lock by the Men's Musical Club under the direction of Stan- ley Bligh. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and ibfrs. Burgess of Van- couver have moved into the Page cottage at 24th and Belle- vue. A daughter was born on Sun- day to Mr snd ihirs H Nesbitt 1281 Clyde, at the North Van- couver General Hospital. ~ \ A col! ision occurred on the Marine Drive in front of the Hollyburn Block last Friday aft- ernoon between a motorcycle rid- den by Rupert Burrowes of Cap- ilano and a car driven bybirs. J. Davis of Dundarave. Burrows sustained a compound fracture of the leg above the ankle and was taken to the North Vancou- ver General Hospital, ORANGE HALL SUNDAY, bLARCH 1st 8 p.m. Speaker: Reeve N. A. Pritchard of Burnaby W J Hilton 1331 Clyde Ave. has just been awarded the bronze medal of the Humane Society for his bravery in rec- ently saving the life of 8 woman who jumped from the CJ'.R. docks into the inlet. Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supphes, Hemstitching. WEST VANCOUVER ORCHESTILAL SOCIETY coNcERT Tonight UiI(ITED CHURCH, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27th, 8:15 P. 51. Guest Artist: Marion Copp, (Contralto). Admission 35c. Children Mc. I WEST VANCOUVER JL'RIOR BASEBALL CLUB Hold B 8.30 p.m. SAT(iRDAY, .'11ARCB 7 - LEGION BALL British Columbian Orchestra over CHLS 81.00 Couple; 50c, 75c Single Refreshmeuts THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal ztzwtsZBSsshaum Geo. E. Willis, who has cap- The West Vancouver teachers