0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS 'P" February 20, 1931. i r »t 'sr r h« '«Y" « ». r s it t »t t»,„'su s r i t. ts ;s!f ~ it't "'r t" t ' 1'P t t=.. I \ 't s'l :v'r p r t'vir . 'r. r rrr .r t sr t»lrrrrrr h r rrrr, Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES DIIndarave,',„". ""„'.,',„", Ambleside „,",",„",„".,'..." SUCCESTIONS: Friday and Saturday, Feb. 20 5 21 I ARII, Suifi'u .. pst Its Iss Rvd R %hiss 77).'tIATOEB Nu. 2 iiu .................... 2 iius 2 Is JAP RICE ..........., 4 lbs. 25s GRANGER Suukisi- Exits Imtgt, dm Sss; 5 dux 51.00 Smsp» pvv dus. 22si 2 dsx 1st 'RAPEFRItiT, Imperial Valley 5 fuv 25 I AI'I'L573,Yensw Newiuus 5 lbs. Ssc LETYUCE, Firm Crisp Hssds, 2 for 15c SALAD DRILSSING, B,i Fms (Nvw package) 12 us. pvr 1st 25s Ask for Serv-Us Bread, 3 24-oz loaves 25c SERYI'S CHEESF }s Ih pact- FANCY YEI.LO'}V SUGAII sgu ..., ..................... 20s 2 lb. ssviuu .. 12c VPRICOYS ttusivsnstu GINGER SNAPS Cvlup villi I ~ t'IV istgu 2}I iiu ............. Sss Pvv Ib .................................... 14s Rtd 0 Wh'LICED I'IN'E. Iisd R White BREAI& FLOUIIHs 41 lb. suvk 70c APPLE, large 2ti Ou. --- . Ssv b}VERT IVIIXED PICKI.RB. ApRICOTB, Choice Evaporated 12 ux 1st .... 25v put Its ....... -- -- -- 20s Rsd 0 }Vhiis COI'FEE, pvt Iis 46e Rvd 0 'ivhiiv I'EANUT BUTTER CREA)I OF VVHEAT 2 lb. Iiu 27s, per package ........... 2ic TEA «Bn«P««31bs for $1.00pUtt uttum, ttult utlvllsts SATURDAY ONLY EGGS -- EGGS Pullet Extras, 2 doz. 45c FAtVCY ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbs for 51.00 Delivery Morning and Afternoon Phone West 190 Why Pay More? Lumber for Ioxis Garage iuuiudiug i}aux .......... $25.00 50 Ft. Close Board Fusee 5.00 Shipiup from ................ 7.00 2xi Common, sized, any isugib ..................... 6.60 2xe is 2x12 commun, sixsd, any length ..... 10.00 % x 5 Buugxiuw Siding. Cedar, shorts...... '1.00 Ix2 A sud 4 D. D. Fir, per 100 iiu. fi..., .50 Csdst Lattice, pst 100 iiu. lt.ut .............................25 4 in. Clear Cutter, any length. psr iiu. ft....06 Nu. I XXX Shingles ....... 2.60 Ns. 2 Shingles ............ 1.70 Wall Shingles ............ 1.25 SPECIALS Ixs sud Ixi Nu. I Angle grain fluuriug ................ $25.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Sxio--4 Light Sash ...... 1.00 lox12--4 Light Susb....... 1.16 3xto-0 Light Bush ...... 1.25 Iox12--6 Light Sash ...... 1.40 Gypsss Plaster Board, Buiidisg Pspsv, Fiv Veneer ssd sR Building Idsiuvisis AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th ssd lisvius Drive Phoae Wssi ISS. Afisv 5 u.m. stk for Gutty Dent; Phone West 241IL Donald: »Did you hear that Sanfiy MacTavish has got ten days for stealin' bottle o'hliiky?w Dugsldi "The silly fule'e shouM hae bocht it and then no'eydfor it." DEATH OF 51RS. ROMAN'S AUNT The death occurred last Fri- day in Victoria of Miss B. F. Stewart in her 82nd year. Miss Stewart, who was an aunt of Mrs. S. E. Romans, 16th and Mar.ne Drive, was previous to her retirement, one of the best known high school teachers in Western Canada, her specialty being mathematics, and a num- ber of prominent business and professional men in Vancouver and West Vancouver were form- er pupils. She will be remember- ed by many here, having been the guest of Mrs, Romans sev- eral times. Mrs. S. E. Romans and three other nieces, Mrs. J. T. Peach of Vancouver, Mrs. B. G. Clark of Nanaimo, and Miss sfary Clark of Victoria, also 6 nephew, D. Potts of Portland, Oregon, attended the funeral services on Monday in Victoria, the remains being later shipped to Winnipeg for buriaL WEST VAN. "Yw The business meeting of the West Vsn. «Y" was held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Hibberd. Following the transac- tion of business Mrs. Brown gave 6 temperance talk, the sub ject being "The Needs of the Body." An Aberdonian gave a waiter 6 ten shilling tip and then woke Up. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Special for CASH ItRI3IE STEER BEEF HORIE CURED HARI Pot Roast, lb. 12}tkc AND BACON Oven Roast, lb.. 15c Ayrshire, Sliced, ............. 80c Rump Roast, lb. 18c Side Bacon, not smoked, lb 35c Fancy Rump, lb. 22c Side Bacon, lb. ............... 45c Round Steak Roast, lb..... 20c Back Bacon, lb.. 45c DeeP Sirloin, lb.. 25c ! Shamrock Lard..... 2 lbs. 36c GRAIN FED PORK 'ottage Cheese .............. 15c FORFS lb 151 „c '. B. C. Cheese, tasty. 25c ! Beef Dripping, lb. 10c Pork Butts, Ib.................. 20c i Pork Sausage 8)..... 25c Pork Loins, lb. - 23c, Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Fresh and Cured Fish LEGvlON iYIAS(JUERADE BALI The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, is giving its annual masquerade ball on St. Patrick's Day, 17th March, Tues- davl in the Legion hall. The music will be provided by the Sundodgers four-piece orchestra which is well and favorably known here, having played at several dances in West Vancou- ver recently. Good prizes will be provided. Everybody is asked to keep the date open. CoiblMUN ICATION Editor West Van News. It will be remembered that last year we had an exhibition of moving picture films of the Na- tional Parks at the Pauline Johnson school. I am glad to say that I have had a letter from Mr, J. C. Campbell, Director of Publicity, in which he offers to give us another exhibition which will include some new films. The matter has been taken up with the School Board and with Prin- cipal Patterson, and the provis- ional arrangement which is sub- ,iect to confirmation when I see Mr. Campbell on his arrival in Vancouver, is to have the exhibi- tion in the High School auditori- um on Thursday evening, Febru- ary 26th, at 8 o'lock. The ob- ject will be to give to those who cannot get over to his exhibi- tions in the city as opportunity of seeing these remarkable films and hearing one of 51r. Camp- bell's charming addresses. There will be no charge for admission; but it will be impossible to admit boys and girls below entrance class, as the seating room must be reserved for the adults and the senior pupils. Announcement will be made in the schools if the engage- ments of Mr. Campbell should unfortunately require any change to be made in the date. I trust that all those parents who have not seen the films will take advantage of an opportun- ity which many other school dis- tricts would be delighted to have. I have seen most of these films twice, and look forward to seeing them again. Yours truly, J. PORTER. Lemon Pudding I pint milk 2 tablespoons corn starch I tablespoon butter 4 eggs (yolks only) I cup sugar 2 lemons Heat milk to boiling. Blend cornstarch with a little cold water and add to milk. Boil five minutes stirring constantly. While hot mix in the butter, add- ing sugar gradually. Mix all together thoroughly before put- ting in the lemon juice and grated rind. Beat this to a thick cream and add to the first mix- ture gradually. Lemon Pudding Sauce 2 tablespoons butter II/2 cups sugar I egg 6 tablespoons cold water 1 lemon. Cream butter and sugar, then sdd juice of lemon and well beat- en egg. Stirr well snd add cold water. Set over boiling water till creamy, but no longer ss it will curdle if sufficient care is not taken, Cool and serve with lemon pudding, JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL. ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN ]Two Stores for your service} HOLLYBURN STORE AXIBI,ESIDE STOIIE West 3 West 303 WHICH INVESTMENT SHALL I CHOOSE? If it is worth while saving money, worth while attempting to invest it; then it is worth while to know that you are using the best saving-investment plan on the market. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA offers contracts which will cover your particular needs and you have the added satisfaction of dealing with a 100'7u profit-sharing CANADIAN Company. Rssidsui Rsprsssuisiivs J. S NEY Rss..'W'sstt554LOflice Ssy. SS70 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO»7 LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER "A wire to Chicago," respond- ed the telegraph clerk promptly to the traveling Scot, "will cost you 5 cents a word for 10 words. There will be charge for signa- ture." The Scot rubbed his forehead with 0 pencil. "Weel" he muttered finally «s'pose you just send my signa- ture?" «All right, I'l do that for you. What'0 your name?" "Weel, I may not look it," he replied.seeriously, but ye mauq ken I'm an Indian, and'a name is Big-Chief-Won'tBe-Home-Till- Fridsy." How cordially we dislike those people who criticize us "for our own good lu An Aberdonian removed to a house opposite a church with a clock, and stopped his watch. Ole Oleson, in pre-Volstesg days came into a Minnesota vil- lage one day and mquired of the restaurant proprietor. "Got any squirrel whiskey 7" "No," said the restaurant man "but I can slip you 6 little Old Crow." "Aye don't vant to fiy,u said the Swede, "Aye yust vant to yump around a little." A Wise Guy "Do you know the diii'erence between taxis and trolleys7" "Na" "Good; then we'l take a trol- i}4ley. " ill&'-" i I A Pari of West Vancouver' Businem Section ts fb West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine I. I 5l IT E D Phone West 115 YV. J. Turnbull. 5lanager, Residence I'hone: West 3681. SElt VICE Everyihing for the Building. LU SEE, SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER% ! Lamaico -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles