West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Feb 1931, p. 5

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0001 F.'I, February 20, 1921. $35.OO For this McLagan Orthaphonic A light Walnut Cabnet originally sold for $175.oo CI.EARANCE SALE OF USED GRAMOI'HONES AND RADIOS IMPERIAL ORTRAPHONIC--ae this Aaiieriag piece of furniture--beer the tone .....,..........................................- ........ 425.00 Vi(:TOR CONSOL--Imagine a U»Rd &ak cabinet for caiy............ 419AO PORTABLE--Perfect condition ............................................... 419.50 VICTROLA--A bargain aad only ................................ 49AO SEE OUR WINDOW BOYS I H»w would you like a Peanut tube Ue& for your r»»mf Just the mt you have been looking for IU now ia our window, sad only 45.00 A larger one .................,...................................................................... 49.00 DE FOREST CROSLEY--yiug R into your light socket ............... 469.00 complete KING--Plug R into your light s»eke& and lh&tea .--........... 445&.00 complete i ~ SFE OUR IVINDOW GEO E WILLIS '"'""'"'""-"' I I d ' KENT PIANO CO. Orchestral Society Concert 0 Canada MARCH OF THE PEERS (lolauthe) ................,.................... Sullivan SCENES PITTORESQUE............................................... Maiwenet 1. March 2. Angelus $. Air da Bane& West Vane&aver Orchestral Society RECIT A AIR (Dido and Aeneas) ...............................................Parcel) RECIT 8 AIR (Amour Vbas Aider)................. .....Saint-Saeas (S»mesa and Deb)ah) siarioa Copp (Ke»neth Ross at the piano) TIVO INTERMEZZi (Ca&men) ........................... „...„.....„„„.........Bise& SUITE FOR STRINGS ...„..............................................Scar)at&i 1. Pre(odium 2. Sarabaude S. Capriccio Vioisci Wi»ale Bre»ivy, hicrlorie Murray. KELTIC LAMENT ............. SLAVONIC DANCE ................ Orchestra ~VIOLIN SOLO--C»ncerto Op 22 ............................ (First movement) Beatrice Hodgsoa HEBRIDEAN FOLK SONGS ....................... Kennedy-Fraser 1. Bans ol Jura 2, Churning Lilt & Eriskay Lullaby 4. Sca-Riever'4 Song 6. The Cock)e-Ga&herers (by request) Marion C»pp DARLESSIENE SUITE ....... Bise& Miaue& Farandaie (by request) Orchestra G»d Save the King. V i 0 1 &i r Mrs. Gee: Harry, how do you uppose those dozens and dozens )I i~&f empty bottles got into our 3. '. cellar I~ Mr, Gee: I'm sure I don' know, love. I never bought an empty bottle in my life, The general rule is that a man is about as big as the things that made him mad. The "ballyhoo" people are im- portant but some quiet fellow generally owns the show, ps ik Spring Goods Arriving Everything for Men Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. The West Vancouver Grebes- the student violin member of the tral Society is giving their sec- orchestra selected to give violin ond concert of the season in the solos will be Miss Beatrice Hodg- United Church next Friday eve- son. Tickets may be obtained ning, 27th instant, when those from any member of the orches- who attend are assured of hear- tra, and it should be noted that ing an exceptionally fin pro- part of the proceeds will be don- gram. The assisting artiste will ated to the United Church Wel- be the well known Vancouver fare fund. The following is the contralto, Miss Marion Copp, and program: P RUG RA 51 E'zi&cdChurch, Feb&cary 27&h (Friday), -- 8&15 P. hf. THE WEST VAN NEWS I. O. D. E. The 11th Annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O.D.E., was hekl at the home nf Mrs. Ogilvie, West Bsy, on Monday, February 9th, with the retiring regent, Mrs. Small, in the chair, snd 20 members pres- ent. After the routine busines, the nomination commitbm wss asked to take care of the election of officers. Most of them were elected by acclamation and Mrs. Pearce read the list which wss as follows: Hon. Regent: Mrs. J. Lawson Regent: Mrs, B. Hayes Hon. 1st Vice: Mrs. Almas 1st Vice: Mrs. E. J. Pearce Hon. 2nd Vice: Mrs. D. Morgan 2nd Vice: Mrs. Eastman Treasurer: Mrs. W. B. Small Educational Sec.& Mrs. Jupp Echoes Sec.: Mrs. Hirst Child Welfare: Mrs. Eastman Navy League:: Mrs. Jackson Hospital: Mrs. Chapman Girl Guides: Miss Durbin Memorial Arch: Mrs. Pearce Visiting: Mrs. Fiddes Asst. Sec.: Mrs. Gordon Gray Councillors: Mrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. Gourley, Mrs. Eatock. Reeve Leylsnd was in attend- ance to hear the reports read by the difl'erent officers and in 0 short address given afterwards, expressed his amazement at the wonderful reports read, saying that he only wished that the general public could have had the opportunity as he had of 'hearing them. He had never re- alized, he said, just how valuable 0 community organization the Chapter was, and how many branches of work they covered in their activities, also that ow- ing to their reasonableness in asking for assistance, they would always be granted a sympathetic hearing. He complimented the retiring regent upon her splen- did work during her years of of- fice and wished the new regent and officers every success in their new duties. -.-- Two new members, Mrs. Mc- Tavish ad'rs. Elgar were re- ceived into the Chapter. Notice was given of a Tulip Tea to be given by the Girl Guides on Saturday, February 21st, in the Parish Hall and members were asked to attend if possible. A committee was formed to get behind the North Shore League of young boys so that they would feel they had the support of their community to help them in their activities. Mrs. Wait moved a hearty vote of thanks to &Airs. Small, retiring officers and conveners of com- mitteess. Tea was served by the hostes- ses and after singing the Nation- al Anthem the meeting adjourn- ed. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Gourlay's home, 2322 Bellevue. on Monday, March 9th. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar The students of the U.B.C. ap- pear to have got in wrong with the government in Victoria. They are loyal to their univer- sity, but have failed to appreci- ate the fact that a university de- gree these days is a luxury, and with so much unemployment in the land governments cannot af- ford many luxuries. The ques- tion of the cost of education in Canada is about due for a show- down in any case, snd I view the prospect with alarm, knowing our national tendency to fly to extremes. I"or example, we are now saving our money to the detriment of business generally following a national free-for-all in the stock market. We have spent and are spending too much not in teachers'alaries, but on palatial educational buildings. Palatial class rooms don' make learning, and brains are God-given, not education-made. Therefore, when the rumblings in the land about education costs bring forth the inevitable erup- tion, it is to be hoped the result- ant economy will be in buildings and not in education. Should the aea&c is 2 ca&&» per w&w&L a(a(mam baring ress(sr ac&am&a, as ciassi- The rate f&w Ch»»Used Advance 25 ceo&4. Fr&cpi ia &bc case of th»&a Scdc ~ m payabb 4&ric&fy ia cdvaace. Rcacabcv Cicmiscds ia the West Vca News gc& Iaaedic&e rvea)&s. WANTED--Vvo&k by Ga&dvaer. IA84 cleared. Any hind «ork by day or cont&sci. Phone West 891L FOR SALE--S&evcwoo&L 52JIO 0 cov&L Phone D.A. Doyle, 848 6th S&. East, North Vaan&aver. LOST--Last M»adsy &a 14th Simc&, between Marine Drive a»d E»qui- msi& Avenue, c sum»f money. WIR Snd&r yics&4 pho&a West 649R. WANTED TO RENT--Ciaa &» beach by two aduns, 0 Ave-room modern bungalow with furnace. Will learn if eased. Phone E. J. Cbalm&ws& Wc&t amia. FERTILIZERS -- Bone Mn&l, Fish Meal, Standard Triangle B., cic. Vernon Feed Score, West 9. LAND CLEARED AND FENCED-- Wood cut, drains dog, e&c. Phoae West 429R. WO.)IAN WANTS HOUSE 'WORK- By boar or day. Apply Box 45, West Vaa News. SWEET PEAS--James'ina& K C. Grown Seeds; 5 pkts. choice var(- et(ca 60c; 12 pkts $ 1.00; delivered anywhere on receipt of price. Phone for catalogue of B. C. Seeds. A. Eckford, 116 East 17th St., North Vancouver, sole agent. FOR SALE -- Four Room Modern Bungalow. Large verandah. Near Waterfront, DU»dcrave. Phone Wmt 419L PRACTICAL GARDENING -- Lawns T&nah& Cour&a Bcekeries, Walks, Hedges prepared. maintained prun- ing, spraying. Phone H. A. 4iib». West 158Y, 24th aad Marine Drive. WILL EXCHANGE--41400 equity ia seven-room bouse, West 14th Avc., V»aeouver, for simiiar Uquay in West Vancouver. Phone West 120K WEBB'S SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. FURS CLEANED, STORED or Re- modeled. Summer prices. Hanybara Fur Store, Keith Bicck, Hoiiybora. latter be necessary, every child will of necessity still receive 8 public school education. Any cutting will be in the high schools. As a minimum we would suggest that, in order that we may not lose our brightest intel- lects, scholarships be available from the public schools to the high schools and from the high schools to the universities. For the rest, let those parents who wish pay for higher education for their children. Winston Churchill, a man I do not admire generally, only a few weeks ago, told the real truth 0- bout India. He has since cut himself adrift from Baldwin, It is well to remember that Win- ston lived for years in India as a penniless.subaltern, where he learnt 0 few things. Those op- posed to his ideas have either never seen India at all, or visited it only as "Paget, M.P.'s." The majority of India's popu- lation are tillers of the soil, who have lived contentedly in peace and security under the British Raj. They are inarticulate and have not been heard from. All the talk of Indian independence has some from Oxford-trained Bengalis, who are clever, treach- erous, cowards to the backbone, and responsible for the atrocities of the mutiny The east does not change, Kitchener would have hanged Ghsndi in twenty-four hours; shot down a hundred of his fol- lowers, and everybody would have gone home happy. IVe ar- rest him and apparently wrong- ly, if we are still capable of British justice, for we have now let him go free. The only people in India who can be relied upon are the light- ing races, and it is beneath their izzut or honor to talk in parlia- ments. India has the choice between the old form of British rule backed by British and native troops, or the Khyber tribes sup- ported by the Cossscks. And, if we allow the Bengalis to fool us, we shall not be fooled half so badly as will be those same Ban. galis. FOR SALE CHEAP--Potatoes awd Sn&dliag P»&»t»&w, abo »y&ay for Frai& Trees. Phone West 642IL ALL THE BEST Brands of Cigara. Cigaret&&m aad Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hsais Usd Consol nods Frca Ambi&aide Tea Rooms. POR THB BEST SLABS Uad Issue Fir phone West 220. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Koaiagv, IbwMUace phone West 29&IL GARDEN CONSTRUCIION--La»b cape aad gau&raI gwrdcaisg. Phoae, IL J. Kytv, 2667 Bcnevoe. FOR PLUbiRING RRPAIRS -- Res- ida»w Phoo» Wast 241K. FOLNDATION CKHENT WORK-- Landscaping aad Laws& Iakk Rock walla drains mpEU tanks fa&cb&g aad land Hearing, &him&ays aad foraac& ~ cia&acd a»d &cpa(rnL Phone T, Baraou, residence yh»&a West 290R. FIR OR ALDER, 14 ia. Ivagih, 40AO pcr conl; 20 ia. &o 20 in. $5Jio ~ conL Cord ieagib, 4&SO deRvcrcd. Phoae Wast 452BI atter 5 p. m. FOR RENT OR SALB -- Partly fora- bb»d house on Ws&crfr&az Apply Lcyiaad, West 85RI. MARCELLE SHOP -- Mcvcene, 50 cents; reset, 454; Auger wave, 754. Phone Mrs. King, West 804. SEVERAL PROPERTIES ia City tw Trade for Wea Vancouver. What Have Youl A Fany Cica&ni Lo& Close to Ferry. Good buying. Water view. $300. Cash or &en»a. GLE'.(EAGLES Chccpwii aad Bwii V&c&c&fnw&& »& West Vs»c&aver, with go(i cause. Write or Phone y»&n mquhwma&m or Iie&iags. R. P. CLARK S& CO. ESTATES LTD. Sube 2, 425 H»wc S& Vaacoavw, Scyaolw 4055 Local Rap&esca&a&i&ei C. J. ARCHER. Phone, West 225 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pabnc FIRE INSUILLiCE Furnished aad Uaf»mich&d H&aces For Rent--Waunk CLIENTS WAITING 1405 M»rine Drive Oflice Phoae West 21 cr Scy. 1260 R&wideaee Phone W. 22R or W. 20&X BURR&RD INLET TUN iEL a BRIDGE CO51PAN1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bunard Inlet Tuaavi &5 Bridge Company wni apply io &be Parliament of Canada at i&U &act session, for aa Act authonzmg the m&d ccmpm&y to construct 0 railroad aad traffic bridge across the Second Narrows of Burranl Inlet, Br.tish Columbia, in acccedaaw with plans to be approved by tbe Gov- ernor-ia-Couacn or in the Uncreative to reconstruct, ia a&co&danca &rith plans to be approved by the Governor- IU-C»uncn, tbe railroad aad t&affic bridge constructed by the said comp- any serosa the caid Sec»ad Narrows; aad providing ihai ihe said last mea. tio&wd bridge constructed by &ha comp- any az aforesaid shag be deemed to be a bridge coca&roc&ed ia acc»nbmw with &be &mrna»f the Aei iacorpo&at- )»g said company, being Cbayb&r 74, Statutes ol Canada, 9-10 Edward VH, ac&with&a adiag a»ything therein con- tain&d, aad that the said company be authorised to replace 0 three hundred foot Azvd span iato &he said bridge in acn»dance with the plans of the said bridge approved by the Govern&w- in-Council and by the Board of Rail- wav Comm(&uioae&z for Canada. DATED at Vaacoaven IL C &hb ninth day of February 1981 PERCY ii'ARD, Seem&a&y. Thats an av&fu thmg that has happened to Wellum Blair." "IYhit wss that Roof" "He was testin' threepenny- bit he got amang his cheenge and swallowed it.w "But they should hae gian hini an emetic," "That'8 the hard bit: he'd just haen a glass o'hisky!" CLASSIFIED ADS