0001 e r'e reste ot s w 'wr s I o e e ~ 'e ~ ~ ~ r rica re ~'. I r r" o oxr 'la ~ o'p ie rw oic r t' ' r 'Is r' r re oeA'M I'~ THF WFST VAN NFWS ('HORAL SOCIETY NOTFoS Michael William Balfe was born in Dublin on 15th May, 1808. Many of his compositions did not meet with popular ap- proval, but one st least "The Bo. hemian Girl," is very well known and selections from it sre to form a part of the kiarch con- cert of the society. This opera was performed for the first time on November 27th, 1843, aml at once became so popular that it was translated into French, German and Italian and is almost as popular ttxlay ss any light opera of Gilbert 4I SulBvan. Balfe's father being a dancing master the composer's early musical training was on the vio- lin and he was soon engaged by the Drury Lane orchestra. He was also a singer and on the death of his father in 1823, became the pupil of Charles Ed- ward Horn the singer. However, musical composi- tions appealed to Balfe and at the age of 9 he composed hi» first ballad, "Young Fanny," and from that time he devoted his energies to this branch of music- al study. Later he produced "The Siege of Itochelle," which ran for some time at the Drury Lane Theatre. Other Compositions given first hearing st the same theatre were "The Daughter of St. Mark," and "The Enchantress," In 1882 aPittore e Dues," was produced at Her Majesty's Thea- tre by the Carl Rosa Company but his most outstanding pro- FERTILIZERS (ALL KINDS) Organic and Inorganic Chehvinas Fescue Lawn Grass Seed Clover and Seed Potatoes VERNON FEED STOREl Hoiiyhurn West 9 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect c 4 I hs I aeo salas u. el c A» riess s hwe ol Lapse M ArehltMIsr w4~taa. Mewier NatMaal Leap cNrc So h». tate nature as closely as possible by planting in masses, not In straight lines, circles or squares, Of course, too, the soil prefer- ences of your plants, their choice ss to sun or shade must be con- sidered. But after consideration to the actual health requirements of your plants has been given the most important factor is their arrangement. Scillas, snowdrops and grape hyacinths should without exception be massed, not solidly, but rather in drifts that mingle softly together at theouter edges. A background of evergreens always charms. Never plant in rings around trees. Many of us look forward each year to the arrival of the new crop of fresh green cucumbers on the market and they are usu- ally so fsr ahead of our own gar den supply that we ate frequent- ly slightly 'fed up'n cucumbers when our own plants begin to yield. By the use of the cold- frame, however we may have our own supphi ready for use long before those planted in the open in the ordinary way. During the flrst part of April get a piece of sod of a size suf- ficient to make the required number of pieces about six inch es square. If you wish to have sufficient cucumbers for the average family of four or five, about a dozen pieces of sod will be ample to supply the table and to insure a liberal pickle supply for the winter months. Turn the sods upside down, quite close together in the cold- frame, and plant about eight seeds in each sod, making a hole about an inch deep in the sod to receive them. Paper pots, strawberry boxes or such may be used in starting the plants, but when the plants are transferred from the coldframe to their permanent quarters in the gar- den the bottoms of the paper pots must be removed in order to allow for the proper expansion of roots. The strawberry boxes and soda may be planted entire. You will readily see that a great deal of time is saved by having thrifty well started plants all ready to set in place when all danger of frost is past. sielons may also be started in a similar manner. Here again the composition pots which we have mentioned in'revious art- icles, are very much worth while. We have no wish to exploit these pots but personally we have found them to be such splendid little aids that we would like to see others use them too. Keep tbe coldframe tightly closed until the seeds germinate. After the young plants have pro- duced a couple of leaves put out the weakest of the plants leav- ing four of the best. Hardening olf is accomplished in the same manner as with the other plants we have already written of. 1frs. R. F. would like to know what are the most important things to consider in wild flower gardening, to obtain a naturalis- tic effect. In wild flower gardening, imi- MISS BEATRICE HODGSON Student Soloist at Orchestral Society's Concert duction is undoubtedly 'The Bo- hemian Girl." In later life Balfe retired to Hertfordshire in England to lead the life of a gentleman farmer, but at the age of 62 he passed away. It is gratifying to know that he was a sufficiently recog- nized composer to have a medal- lion placed in his honor in IVest- minster Abbey, which was un- veiled on October 20th, 1888, His wife, Mlle Linn Rosa, was a Hungarian singer of note and the two were frequently heard in duet. Mme. Balfe died 18 years later. NOTE--Vl ~ rlt will cwwleeo It ~ pl r la tate eu a. I a ~ Sa ease c cowtlae th ~ar ert Th a «thae shcshl hc seer co4 t I p ~ oau oplp I II ~ ~ telolae, Announcing Our New Telephone Number West 114 and Our New System of Direct Household Delivery The ORIGINAL SPENCER'S HIGH QUALITY JERSEY MILK is now being delivered by our own delivery system direct to your door. Should you experience the slightest interruption in your daily service of Spencer's Jersey Milk, please telephone West 114 or Highland 156. We wish to thank our many customers for their continued patronage under our new improved system of delivery. The following city prices are now in eifect in West Vancouver: 4eic Jersey Milk 8 Qts. or 13 Pts........ 61.00 5',r Jersey Milk, 7 Qts. or 12 Pts......... 61.00 Spencer's Superior per Pint .............. 20c Spnecer's Superior per 1/2 Pint ................ llc Spencer's Rich Table Cream, per I/2 Pint., 20c Spencer's Rich Table Cream, per I/4 Pint.... Ilc Spencer's Heavy Whipping ! Cream, per 1/2 Pint... 30c Spencer's Heavy Whipping Cream, per 1/4 Pint.... 17c Spencer's Delicious Butter- milk, per quart ........ 7c Little Algernon had a bad habit. He chewed his finger nails. The doctor said to put some- thing that did not taste sweet on his finger nails. We put arsenic. It worked beautifully. Little Algernon does not chew his finger nails any more. Unmusical:--The new maid watched with interest the rhyth- mic movements of the metro- nome which stood on the piano while the small daughter of her employer was taking her music less ns. After some moments the maid said to the musie teacl.er: "What's the idea of the wind- shield clearer." Spencer Dairies "Look for Spencer's Jersey Milk Delioery" Februarv 20. 1931 Hollyburn THEATRE FRIDAY snd SATURDAY "HOLIDAY" The PRIZE PICTURE for 1930 C wltkt ANN klARl)lNO ~hd hl A RV ASTOkt The BURRARD LAUNDRY Ll tat N4 For I'eople IVho Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROSN DIIY CI.EANERS f~ TlllltD ST. aas ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IVesi Van. Representative P. RIVERS I'hone VVest 4101. K.W. Savsry 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Buy Home Products Stratton's Bakery 1 ISS hkarkaa Drive Phone West 27 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY If you can't Set Bread at ! the stores Phone West 27 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS AmblesiEIe Sheet Metal lVorks CAUS IE SPECK Praarlelpr 1466 Marine Drive Phone IVest 437L2 "Nothing," said the speaker, "that is false does any one any good." aHuh!s said a voice. sD'you ever try satin'ump steak with no upper teeth 7" A Home TEA for Home People--MACLEAN'S ORANGE PEKOE ill I . vi vl , ~ eI