0001 February 20, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS Ladies'nd Gentlemen's Suits, Overcoats and Dresses Dry Cleaned and Pressed also Dyeing. Suits Made to hieasure from 635.00 up. Our Own Make. REGENT SUIT or OVERCOAT to measure 526.00. M. WILLIAMS )~vtP2861'. 1568 hlarine Drive Robinson's Grocery 24th and hlarlne Drive Phone West 87 Velvet Griddle Cakes 2'/2 cups ilour )/2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder )/2 tablespoons sugar beaten egg yolks 2 cups milk I tablespoon melted fat 2 beaten egg whites. Measure, mix and sift the first 4 ingredients;;add the milk, egg yolks and fat, and mix thorough. ly. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites and cook according to general directions. Free Delivery I'ETITION LARGELY SIGNED A large number of West Van- couver residents signed the peti- tion asking for 0 special act to be passed this session by the federal house validating the Second Narrows bridge, approxi- mately 1500 signatures having been obtained. J. R. L. McDaniel among the canvassers obtain- ed by far the greatest number of signatures, the petition he took round containing over 400 names, -- Clear tone-- Umbrella Aerial $4." SATURDAY This rcmockoblc type o! Um- brollo Aerial which gives clearer ocd better reception at grcolcr distance, ood oc used by U. S. Army ood other great orgoolzo- tlono. We have also 2 ood 4 lo o cingle block ood coB by other makers at 612.00, This Clcoc- tone Umbrcno Aerial lo ready lo erect with complete lcctroc- tlooo ood consists of:-- I 10 fl. Aerial )loci 2 Adiodloblo'roof brackets I Clcorlooo Umbrella Con- nector. 60 fl., 2-otrood Aerial wire 26 ft. )cod-ln wire 4 Aerial iooolotocs 4 heavy screw eyes 26 ft. guy wire 1 ground clomp Porcelain tubes 2 Porcelain screw eyes I Eagle Lightning Arrester Approved by National Board of Underwriters. GEO. E WILLIS, KENT PIANO CO. 1682 Marine Drive CANADA TO ADD T)VO MILLION HORSE POWER At the World Power confer- ence held in Berlin last year it was slated by one empire dele- gate that the water power for electrical energy available in the Dominion of Canada could furn- ish 53 million horse power. At present 8 million horse power is being developed by existing hydro plants. It is interesting to note that the hydro electric plants now under construction in the Dom- inion will add two million horse power to the present develop- ment as pointed out recently by Sir Herbert Holt, president of the Royal Bank of Canada. UTILITY EXPENDITURES FORETOLD Public utility leaders predict that the light and power indus- try will expend one billion dol- lars on improvements and ex- pansion in 1931. TO-NIG H T The Event of the Season North Shore Policemen's First Annual Ball K. of P. HALL, Fourth Street West North Vancouver Dancing 9 to 1. Special Ferry Bus from Hall to )Vest Bay after the Dance. "Come and Meet the Boys" Under the auspices of the Canadian Legion ~ ~ West Vancouver Colonel %V. W. Foster will give hic well known Lecture: "THE WAR" In the Leg(on Memorial I(all hINODAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, at 8.15 p.m. SILVER COLLECTION THE )V. A. Ol" THE CANADIAN LEGION will hold a Bridge-Whist Tea in the LEGION MEMOIIIAL HAI.I. on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 26th, beginning at 2:15 Good Prhes Admission 500. Tea Only 26c. GROCERY SPECIALS SUGAR 6 lb, 24, TEA-Nabob or Malkins 400 lb. BUTTER .....:.... 3 lbs. 980 PEAS size 4 pel PersonalLocal and 19c Buys a half.pound bcr of The high school girls of grade 10 general are giving 0 tea in the Inglewood School auditorium next Wednesday, February 25th, at 4 p. m. There will be a dress parade and musical program. Proceeds for spring play. o Mrs. J. Dodd Allan, Radciiif Avenue, entertained at a lunche- on yesterday at the Georgian Club, Vancouver, in honor of Mrs. S, Cullington. ~ ~ ~ The many friends of James Holt will be glad to hear he has returned to his home at 11th and Marine Drive after having been a patient for several months at Shaughnessy Hospi- taL o o Mrs. J. Ralton is having a new house built at Horseshoe Bay. A, C. Bruce, 21st and Marine Drive, left on Saturday for the Old Country. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Prince- ton, have rented Mr. Pearce's house at 19th and Marine Drive. ~ t The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sykes, 27th and Ot- tawa, who is ill, wss taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital on Wednesday.t t t Mrs. L. Sellers, who has been away in the Okanagan, has re- turned to her home at West Bay. o c ~ Miss Flaherty of Caulfeild, has moved to the City. Miss Mary MacDonald, 15th and Esquimalt, is confined to her home through sickness. ~ t Byron Ferguson, 21st and Marine Drive, who has been a patient in the Vancouver Gener- al Hospital, is now convalescent and is staying with relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stokes of Fort William, Ont., are visiting Mrs. Stokes'arents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, 14th and Gordon. t c ~ The )Vest Vancouver Midgets local second division juvenile team, worked their way into the second round of the Provincial Cup competition with a hard- fought win over New Westmin- ster Thistles in a game played last Saturday at Sspperton Park. Play was very even in the first half, but in the second half the hIidgets kept up a steady pres- sure on the opposing defence and in the last few minutes of the match were rewarded with a goal from the foot of Ron Miller. Mrs. Bowman, 22nd and Ingle- wood, hss taken Captain Bilton's house at 10th and Duchess. Mrs. J. D. Tait, who has been ill for three weeks in the city, has returned to her home at 29th and Mathers. ~ ~ ~ The Misses Nightingale enter- tained a number of their friends at 0 delightful Valentine Social at the Clachan last Saturday night. A feature of the evening was a quoits tournament, at which hiiss de Pencier and E. Davis, both of Vancouver, won the first prizes, the consolation going to hIlss Stevenson and W. Duncan. The remainder of the evening wss spent in dancing. t ~ Hugh Brown of the Pauline Johnson School sta(I, is absent through sickness. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. )Valises, who has been a guest at the Clachan hotel, has returned to Victoria. ~ \ ~ A. H. Albin, who has been ill at his home st 22nd and hlathers is able to be out and around a- gain. B, R. Hamson, Kmg 0 Avenue, is away on 0 bnsiness trip in California and points south. He states that the weather there has been exceptionally fine. ~ ~ A. Dickinson, lighthouse keep. er at the First Narrows light- house, had the misfortune to get one of his eyes badly infected while cleaning out the chamber beneath the engine which sup- plies power for the )amp. Iie is at present under treatment at ther Vancouver General Hospital. o c hiiss Mabel Macfie of the Hal- lyburn Public School staff is confined to her home through sickness. c Mr. and Mrs. C. 5L Copeland of Vancouver, have taken the Jarvis house at 14th and Esqui- Rownlree'4 York Chocolate Rownlrce'4 Ntc htdk Choco(ace Rownlrcc 4 pth)k Qhocoiam WEST VAN PMNACY The Sloco of Sort)ca. 1402 Nor)co Dr)re We deliver Pbocc West ZT Emccgcccy Phoae Stet 221 (After 0 p.m.) GORDON ROBSON Boor)otto A Send)or WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 )forico Dc)co. Phocm Wcoc 400. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 016; 610 Hoot)ago SL W Phone Scymocr 4100. malt and took possession last Tuesday. o c ~ H. Bradley, 2478 Lawson, is building a house at 15th and Duchess. HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 16th 6 Morloc EXPERT SERVICE E MARSH. Proprietor~ t hliss McFadyen and Mis Ola hicLean who have been indis- posed have returned to their duties at Hollyburn SchooL o o Mrs. Ronksley and family, 21st and Esquimalt, sre moving this week to Chilliwack, where they expect to take up regidence. Mr. Carter of Dorchester, England, is spending 0 few weeks at the Clachan hoteL t Miss Nairn, one of the teach- ers at Dundarave School, last Monday underwent an operation at a hospital in Vancouver. o o o Mrs. H. W, Moore has taken a cottage on East Beach. ~ ~ ~ The Children's Choir will give a concert tonight (Friday) al 8:15 o'lock in the United Church. The program will con- sist of choruses and soles, in which they have been trained by hire. Colin hiacLean and hire. A. E. Sheffield. o o ~ The offer of Charles Lauder through his agent F. J. Trough- ton of 6225.00 cash (plus an 58 conveyance fee for each separ- ate title) for D. L. 815 E. 50 acres, B and C-30-2 and 3, was accepted by the council. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. DioUocllto Pooccol Sccvtco Lady Assistant 220--Zcd SL E Phoae North 020 WEST VAN. JUVENILE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Division 2. Mainland Cup Final Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Necks Radio (Van.); Confederation Park; 2:30 p. m. Referee Mr. Mottershead. Division 3. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Garden Rangers (Van.); Confedera- tion Park: I:00 p. m. Referee, hir. Cruite. The council advised hire. T. Caudwell that the lots referred to in her letter would be sold to her on the following conditions: D.L. 1081 N.E. I/4 5 for 5158; 6 for 6168.00 or 5326.00 in all if one half cash was paid at the municipal hall not later than February 20th and the balance within 6 months vrith 8% inter- est till paid. Johnston--Tiderington Mr. snd hire. Fred M. John- ston, 2168 Bellevue Avenue, an- nounce the marriage of their second daughter, Ellen Lucille, to Raymond Hugh Tiderington, eldest son of Mr. Tiderington of Vancouver, which took place Thursday, February 12, 1931. DEATH OF HON. S. R. INN ES-NOAD, C.hl.G 5I.L.C. Mrs. Gary Eastman of West Bay, was advised by cable last Tuesday of the sudden death of her father, Hon. S. R. Innes- Noad, C.M.G., M.L.C., which took place at Sydney, Australia. The deceased, who was 70 years of age, had been in failing health for some time. Besides Mrs. Eastman he leaves to mourn his loss his wife, and four daughters Mrs. C. Stuart and hirs. Morfee, both of Vancouver, Mrs. Howell of Kenya Colony, and Miss In- nes-Noad of Sydney, Australis, Abie's half-smoked cigar had gone out. After a persevering ef- fort to re-light it he gave up and threw it away. As he reached into'is pocket for another one his companion said: "Vy, Abie! vat is der meaning of this ex- travagance? Vy didn't you smoke de odder vun up?" "S-aw-y!" replied Abie, 'Vat )ou t ink my nose lz med from, asbestos, yet?" WEST VANCOUVER ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY Season 1930-31 CONCERT UNITED CHURCH, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27th, 8115 P. 51. Guest Artist: Marion Copp, (Contralto). Admission $5c. Children 25c. Q WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY MILITARY WHIST DRIVE to be held in the CLACHAN On SATIJRI)AY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1931 Play starts at 8:16 p.m. Good Prizes l)unclog Refreshments Admission 50c. Proceeds to the Benevolent Fund