West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Feb 1931, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS February 18, 1031 *5* a*r c t~ hm vr r c u zc luau cx llu 0 Nic c'c ~c ~'wr F I'«Wc'Cl'c %ri :rc lcm r FlClc *,.~ kr p::~-v! crdr . r F v"rrn'Vrprr r-rrr rrv rrrrrrrrrc.rrrvr r err%'mith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,', "..,""„'.„".'. Amblesideihb d Whi I Look! BREAD---The net Introductory price BUTTER Finest Qua!it Rcd Si hV hite TO'hi ATOES, Ia I'EAS, Caiambia. Sieve 6 GREEN B&tNS, Caiulabia, IcI tiac Iic STRAWBERRY JAhi, Nabob 4 ib. tia 64c ORANGE. Suakict, Sweet-- Large, Sec dales: I dozes 8ScSmau....... 3 dcxca 49c Rcd it tvhitc SOUI'S. tiu......... 11c Tomato; Vegetable; Ox Tait, ctc. IIARMAI.ADE hiurray'c 48 ax lac 25c I'Rt".iFS. Nabob, I IL cactus 25c TEA, Nabab, pcc ib ........ 59c SALIION--Clover Iaaf Brand, I tia Suckcre Saimcu, Ic 2 tins Pink Saimuu. Ia Regular S9c Value fuc 72c v bin 24-ox loaf 2,+ox Loaves X5c yonly 3 lbs foe $1.10 Rcd Jt White TOMATOES, large Ii) lice................ I tiaa 25c I'EACIIES, Columbia, Sa PEARS. t.'aiumbia, Ia I'INEAI'I'LE, Faultless. 2c I tia af each.........,. I tins 4Sc I'ASTRY FLOUR- Rcd Jt Vi'hite ..... 5 ib. cack 25c IL R K................ 10 lb. cack Ltc Rcd It tvhitc TOILET ROLLS 2 Roue 25c SRREDI)ED IVIIEAT BISCUIT pcr package .............. 9c I package I'ANCAKE FLOUR I Itrcx. battle MAI'I.E SYRUI'Gcauiac(Iucbcc) boih fac 57c SUGAR--B. C. Grauuicicd 5 Iba, Iic j CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, Dear Sir: 1Vith reference to the letter of Mr. C. H. Cates ap- pearing in the 'Province'or the 5th February last. His sugges- tion is the only real practical solution for railroad communica- tion with the North Shore. Could not the C.P.R. be ap- proached and requested to recon- sider the matter of supplying the missing link, that is--the dist- ance from Ioco to the railway at the north end of the Second Narrows bridge, some seven miles as the crow flies, bridging Indian Ann, at say, Boulder Is- land, or thereabouts. If the C.P.R. then guaranteed that in the event of their pro- posals being agreed to, they would have their locomotives in the City of North Vancouver in ninety days, i.e., from Port Moody to North Vancouver, how long would it now take them, seeing that a very considerable portion is now constructed? In 1911, the ides then being circulated was--that the C.P.R. had under consideration the con- struction of a wharf in the vicin- ity of D.L. 665, West Vancou- ver, and from there to build a line easterly through North Van- couver, crossing Indian Arm, and on to the main line at Port 5Ioody, the main object being, to transfer the mail and silk cargo from ship to train, thus speed- ing up its despatch to New York, more especially in the case of foggy weather, such as we have recently experienced, when, even if the ships were delayed on any ROBERTS'ETTER i1I EATS Sensational Speciais for Cash Prime Steer Beef Boiling Beef, per lb....... Ilc Pot Roast, per lb....... 12itfJC Oven Roast, per lb....... 15c Rump Roast........ 20c & 22c Deep Sirloin, per lb ..... 25c Young Pork Legs (fore) per lb... 15i/c Oven Roast, per lb....... 19c Fresh Ham, per lb..... 22c Loins, per lb............... 28c Ayrshire Bacon (sliced) per lb .................. 30c Sliced Bacon (Old Country Cure) Not Smoked, perlb.. 40c Fresh Beef Dripping 2 lbs. for 25c B. C. Cheese (Tasty, lb. 25c Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. for 25c Pure Pork Sausage (Roberts'wn) perlb................. 25c SATURDAY ONLY Best Alberta Butler 3 lbs. 81.00 EGGS-- Pullet Exlras Special 2 dox. for 45c WEST 190 I LOST RADIO Liberal Reward On or after January 2S wc leCt a PIIILCO BABY GRAND RADIO Nu. 506086 on demon- ltraticu iu West Vancouver aud have mislaid the acme aud ad- dress. Will party whc bac tbic radio kindly notify lm at uucc aud receive ~ aubxtantiai dis- count on Radio cr a cash reward. GEO. F WII,I.IS. KENT PIANO Co 1582 hiariac price Nore Brady was walking with her best msn. "Would you like to see where I was vaccinated?" she asked cooingly. "Indeed, I would!" said the young man. "It was in that hospital," she pointed carefully across the street. Why Pay More? Lumber for lox16 Garage including Scar ......... 526.00 60 Ft. Clues Board Fence 6.00 Shipiap from ................ 7.00 2xt Common, sized, any length ...........................- 8.60 2xO to 2x12 commas sized, any length...... 10.00 x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ................ 7.00 Ix2 A aud 4 D. D. Fir, pcr 100 iiu. ft..............50 Cedar Lattice, pcr 100 Iiu. feet ...............................26 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, pcr Iiu. ft.....,.. 08 Nu. I XXX Shingles ........ 286 No. 2 Shingles ............ 1.'io Wall Shingles .......... 1.25 SPECIALE IxI aad Ix4 Nu. I Augie grain ilccriug ............. 628.00 Itx24--2 I.ight Windows 2,.00 8xio--4 Light Sash ..... 1.00 iox12--I Light Sacb........ 1.16 Oxlo--6 Light Sash ....... 1.26 lox12--8 Light Sash . 1.40 Gyprcc Piactcr Board. Buiidiag AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th aad Maciac Drirc Phase West 199 After 5 p.m. alk for Gcrry Deut; Phone West 241K. SUCCKSTIDNS: Friday and Saturday, Feb.13 & 14 account, the passengers would sufl'er no very great inconveni- ence. If ever the problem of rail con- nect!on is to be established be- tween the Mainland and the North Shore, now is the best op- portunity that has ever offered itself, snd as Mr. Cates remarks"..... the North Shore would be definitel established as 'a railway and shipping centre, and be on the road to success and prosperity." Today, as regards communica- tion with the mainland, we are just about where we were twen- ty years ago, yet the days pass by but no steps ste taken to remedy the conditions now exist- ing, only 'talk'hich is useless. Surely this suggestion would not entail a very great outlay, nor would it be a very remark able feat, but the result would ensure better times for the North Shore and the surround- ing area in general. For railway communication, the foregoing applies, but the First Narrows Bridge, or Tun- nel, is absolutely necessary for us all as a means of rapid and safe access to the City; the resi- dents of the North Shore know this only too well, how, when at. tending any entertainment, etc., at night, the evening is entirely spoiled by 'having to catch the last ferry.'oreover, such an undertaking taken in hand with as little da- isy as possible, would alleviate, to a great extent, the unemploy- ment situation F. J, TROUGHTON. JEFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKFD lilEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI,ICATESSEN (Two Stortut for your service) HOLLYBUIIN STOIIE ASIBLESIDE STORE West, 3 Ivesl 30J West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LLYIITED Phone )Vest 115 1V. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BKR SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plusier Hoard Beaver Board -- Shingles 1VEST VANCOUVER will be delivered by Prof. Fred- SCOTTISH SOCIETY eric G. C. 1Vood, subject, "Barrie The regular monthly meeting and His Works." Songs by of the Society will be held in the Messrs. Lowdon and McDonsld, Clschan on Friday the 20th at both of whom are natives of Sir. 8 p. m. sharp when the regular J. M. Barrie's birthplace. All business will be transacted, after members and their friends cordi which a very interesting lecture ally invited. YOllR lOWE5T PRICED DOME5TIC ( P,I IEIIVaNT IC COST OC LIVICCG tel x Coal OF I Iotcv I( Vaaccsccr'c dcalcctic cicctric Bphf Fafcc hcuc dmppcd 82 Ance IOJ2 ANCOUVER housewives have available electric current in any quantity at rates so cheap that not a single heavy task need ever be done by hand. As soon as a moderate amount of current is used at the first rate, the rate immediately drops to two cents a kilowatt hour. Fifty kilowatt hours more would cost only one dollar. Is there anything that is so good and so cheap? No one needs to skimp on electric service. 07 c a F aw BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. %4%40OI(aaoa n CH%Woa-14-3~SWWI t8&%44h'H