0001 1 rc 'kc oo-c .ra e ra' ~io'ma'r' ~*'c iri- ,,rk=a r 'rc r I I'«.r« . vaa"r«« 'r'Arrr« rrcrrrrr, .v«rrrrt«"««a\o' r r rv«r«rr««~krac« rr rrrrrcoc THE WEST VAN NEWS GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT. Landscape Architect SPRING GOODS Arriving Cra4a I ls lose«al V. al C A «nc School al trssocaw Artl ltoct«r a«l C«4«l ~ . Ieo«I«k Natuwl Laa4oc a S«rl ~. Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone 1Vest 144 transplanted, but the eggplants and peppers are not so easily moved without injury. In trsns- planting these we suggest the use of two Inch pots, preferablv those made from a mixture of pest moss and manure which are to be purchased for a small a- mount. As soon as safe, the pots may be transplanted into the open ground. In this wsy the roots are undisturbed and the pot supplies the needed fertiliz- er. Almost any plant is benefit- ed by the use of the composition pot, and the difficulties of trans planting are for the most part done away with. The plants in the coldframe should, of course, be hardened oif in the same manner as point- ed out in last week's article. NOTE--The Wt r Ul cwon It ~ Olo ta assr«eac Uaw case«alas Cw ea 4 ~ la thl colwka. Tho aw tla ch«44 h 44 ecs la th a nar ls cart I th S<oo. Tho a r am sae r I» aa Ir 4cao a N ~ O ~I Olr ls ec Iroe ~ taa e«L If you are fond of Bermuda onions, get s packet of seed and start them out in the coldframe. One of the best varieties ls called Prizetaker. Sow the seed now. After the seed has germinated, and the plants sre about half the size of a leadpencil thin them out to about an inch apart. A- bout the time they have reached the full size of a pencil it will be safe to transplant them to the open ground. They should be planted about six inches apart in rows fifteen to eighteen inches apart. I Tomatoes, eggplant, pepper and leek seeds may be sown a- bout March 1st. One of the most popular varieties of tomatoes is the Earliana; others are Chalk's Early Jewel, and Carter's Sun- rise. The last named is a small solid tomato and a favorite with us. Neapolitan pepper is one of the mildest of the pepper fam- ily, while Large Flag and Large Carentan are standard varieties of leeks. For the egg plant, we suggest New York Purple. Lacks do not seem to be as popular in this country as they deserve to be. For those who do not like the strong flavor of the green onion we would suggest they try the milder flavored leek. The leek should receive the same treatment while in the coldframe as the onion, but before trans- planting to the open, a trench about eight inches deep with about three inches of manure in the bottom and above that 4 couple of inches of soil, should be prepared to receive them. Plant the young leeks about four inches apart in this prepared trench. The peppers, tomatoes and eggplants should be transplant- ed in the coldframe as soon as they have developed several leaves. The tomatoes are easily Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. HOI.LYBURV SCHOOL Susan MCLintock, Cliiford Tea- roe, Billy Dickinson. Class leaders in promotion ex- Division 5.--Grade 5B aminations for the term ending Bevan hicNeil, Charlotte Mc- Jsnuary 1931. Dougall, Norma Holhdsy. Division 1.--Grade 8A Division 6.--Grade 4B Betty Elliott, Walter Pearsonk Helena Clegg, Hiroshi Kata- Olive Childs. oka, Audrey Corlan. Grade 3A Joan Black, Virginia Gamage'acqueline paterson, Kathleen Jack Schuberg. Davies, Pearl Ferguson. Division 2.--Grade 7A John Harper, Ruth Williams, Division 3.abrade 3B Ksthleen Love Dorothy Messinger Douglas McCartney, Robert Willis. Anne Clegg, Jessie Edington, Division 6.--Grade 2A Doreen Elgar. 'va Hawes, Adele Pelton, Division 3.abrade 6A Moira McLeod. Harold Johnson, Agnes Gray, Grade 2B Peggie Whipple. Phyllis Ney, Harriott Magoun, Grade 6B Maisie Kitching. Freda Rush, Alan Fraser, Geo, Division 9. Edington. Tskeshi Katooka, Mary IVR- Division 4.--Grade 5A son, William Hill. Doris Lashbrook, Douglas Division 10. Watt, Audrey Richardson. Catherine Lowdon, Dorothy Grade 4A Poore, Gordon Lynn. NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBAI.L ASSOCIATION Games for Saturday, Febru- ary 14th, 1931. Provincial Cup, 1st round. Division I. Lions vs. West Vancouver; Boulevard Park, 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Botham. Provincial Cup 1st round, Division II. New Westminster Thistles vs. West Van. Midgets; Moody Square; 2:30 p. m. Provmnal Cup, 1st round, Division III. Hotspurs vs. North Shore Rang- ers; Cambie St.; 11 a. m, Lions vs. Lynn Valley Rovers; Powell St., 11 a. m. Exhibition Game, Division III. Kerrisdale vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds m. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER DlnscTCSBI Da. E. E. SAVNDEBS. V\«!carer B.(L W. S. Cot,LISTEB. Naa Week«laster, BAL A. NILBT.Bs~ Inus. S C. DS.O. E SEI DON. Vsaooorer. BC. A. E. Dun VII L. Sateis. 8 C. For Early Maturity, Economic Production and ProJit THE JERSEY LEADS The Co-operative Pure Bred Jersey Products Association STOCK non SALE Iae Ir14asis ot Car Lots VANCOUVER, B.C. Dear Madam: These "Dairy Productso are coming to you this morning under new and improved conditions. Their QUALITY and PURITY are now doubly guaranteed. Produced as they are on farms where none but Jersey cows sre tolerated, you may expect only the Best. The Jersey is admittedly the breed of Quality Production and today your milk is produced by that breed alone. It is our chief aim to have our Jersey Milk Products delivered to you without adulteration or substitution snd the Ridley Dairy, owned and operated on your own North Shore will do it. They have the sole distribution of our Jersey Milk and other Jersey Products in the Municipality of West Vancouver and have combined with us to Guarantee the Purity of your Milk supply. We will not disappoint you, neither will they. Yours very truly, E. H. SAUNDERS, Chairman of Directors. The above ls a copy of a letter which wlii be received by ail our customers. After reading this letter if not on our list and you wish to be Phone West 456 and our driver wiii call. Incidentally we are not raisins the price---only the quality. A. J. RIDLEY lr SONS. Kerrtsdale Park, I:30 p. BUY RIDLEY'S ILK THERE'S A REASON! February li,i, 1931 Hollylsurn THEATRE ~ FRIDAY and SATURDAY "The Flora Dora Girl" & with Marion Davlea hss tsbi lots fcr F Fs 'lh' NO The BURRARD LAUNDRY Ll«ltee For I'eopls Who Are Particular L- ir Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CI.EANERS TuutD ST. aml ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. ! West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVent 4101. cf Real Estate Finance and Insurance Buy Home Products Stratton's Bakery 1468 Marine Drlre Phone West 21 for 1'READ, CAKES, PASTRY If you can't get Bread at ! the stores Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSON Barrister a Senator WEST VANCOUVER-- Oflice No 1441 Marine Dries. Phone West 406. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- guns 616; MO Vase Ss SL W O 1 Phone Seymour 4166. FURNACE aud SHEET METAL REPAIRS AmblegfSic Sheet Metalworks tAURIZ SPECK, Ploslletol 1456 Marine Drive I'hone West 437L2 f) tL W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone 1Veat 340 Evenings, West 143