0001 C /'/m 'Vt««mr t/t r« A% h V«« ttt«tr t ttt t 'ttt dkuo- * ~ t tpt;t iz,'-it'lt' mt. 'tv 8 ~ ' ~'I' ttt tt' V/ I« t:r ~ 'Vt ~ t't' */V r'W.t«wt«r ~ a -'/V O' V rr««z ««p ~V «tr«/«« ««««« /r «' /«w «v«w' Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES I'beati West 469 Dundarave 2'Im,'.0 „.„„, Ambleside Si'GAR, IL C Granulated 10 lbs. 45c with I Ib BULIi TEA ot C(IFYEK sl 394 ORAiNGK9, Suakizi, Large ........... ptt dozen zst I Smail ................ 2 dozto 35t III'ICK OATS. Ilzzktt, pvt pki 17t I'RAIL Columbia, Iz. sieve 6 3 iiaz sit WHITE CORN, Fzuultzs, Choice zz ......................... 2 iiaz 294 Rtd 8 Whut JELLY I'OIVI)ERS Ail gztuts, ........ 5 1st 264 CHOCOI.ATK ECLAIRS, lb. 25c iitd 8 White SOUI'S, iia........... I it Tomzioi Vegetable; Oz Tail, eic. CHEESE, Sttvuz, Vt lb pkt. 204 A delicious Cttzm Cheese. iitd a 8 hite TEA. ptr lb.. 46c BRANS with PORK, Ayimer Irzrze, 233 iia ..................... 104 Rtd 8 White i.'LAIIS, Whole I'er iia ............................., 17e Ai'I'I.KS. Rome Hvzuiy, 6 lbs. 25t I'El', Keuugs'z, ptt packet..... 11t LElTUCE, Crisp, Firm Head» 2 fur 15c BkiLK DATES, New Stock, Bziiowi .,... 3 )be. 25c BEANS with PORK, Aylmtt I 0 oz. tin ... ... .. ............ pt BREAD--Our Big 24 oz. Loaf 3 fot 25c Bl.'TTER--Golden htezdow 3 lbs. fur 61.12 51ezdow Vale 3 lbs. for 61.05 ROBERTS'ET1 ER BLEATS WEST 190 Prime Steer Beef Boiling Beef .............. 11c Pot Roast ........ 121,40 Oven Roast......... 15c up Shoulder Steaks, 2 lbs, 85c Grain Fed Pork Legs (fores) ....... 16c lb. Oven Roast ........... 190 lb. Pure Beef Dripping 2 lbs. 25c Cambridge Saussges 2 ibs 25c A Diriy Story The lady missionary was telling a- bout hir work aniosg the heathen &ihiuitc. "The ch.idren in the slums of Chins are dirty, very dirty. I hard- ly know how I mzy make clear to you the superlative dearttt of dirt:ness that marks the thi:drea in tho Orient. Per- hz s ih:z i.iuzirat:on will best zufficei Cherry 8'.oscom, onz of the maids employ:d at the mission, one dzy lost h r daughter, Lotus L.iiy. She went out on the street ssd wzzhtd a dozen children's faces b fore zhe wzz able io find her own child," It's the grtztezt thought in heaven or earth- It helps uz know out fellow's worth; There'd be ao wars or bitisrazzz, No fear, ao hate, ao grasping; yez It makes work play, zsd the careworn free When I appreciate you sod you ap- preciate me. 0 0 Pork w Sausage w M K E hfzde from fresh young pork zud btti spices pro- ducing ihe Savor zhzi pieztez. t M A K E ! EGGS! EGGS! I'ullett E~tra, per dozen ................ 22c Delivery to All Parts "Now, zir,t said the bullying coun- sel sternly to the witness from the country, " Iwzst you to tell me plain- ly whether a groat efFort hzz or has sot been made to make you tell a very diiferesi story." "A dlgtrcat story fram the one I have told you, sir l" "That iz what I mean." "Ytz, zir. Several persons have tried to gei me io do ihzt, but they couldn'." "Now, zir, upon your oath, I with io know who those persons are." The witozzz scratched hiz head„asd at last repiizdi "Well, I guess you'e tried 'bout the hardest,t Why Pay More? Lumber for Iox16 Garage including fioor ............ 625.00 50 Fi. Close Board Feats 6.00 Shipizp from ............... '1.00 2x4 Common, sized, any length....................... 3.60 2xs io 2x12 Common, sized, any length ........ 10.00 x 3 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ........... 7.00 Ix2 -3 znd 4 D. D. Fir, per 100 lis. ft.............60 Cedar Lattice, ptr 100 iio. ftei ...................,..............25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length. per iiu. ft..06 No. I XXX Shingles ........ 2.35 No. 2 Shingles ........., ... 1.70 Wall Shingles .............,.... 126 Si'ECIALS Ix3 znd Ix4 No. I Angle grain flooring ............. Ti26.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2t00 Bxio--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 Iox12--4 Light Sash...... 1.16 3xlo--0 Light Sash ...... 1.26Ioxi~ Light Sash.... 1.40 Gyptttc Plaster Beard, Buildisx I'aptt, Yit Veneer zsd zu Building htztttiziz AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th ssd Sistine Drive Phuat Wtzi 199. After S p.m. azk fot Gtrty Dent; Phone West 2418. uh4BEII gATH 0HIHGLES pe gUMS prRXkMK I AM SUGGESTIONS: friday aud Saturday, feb. 6 III 7 THE WEST VAN NEWS February 8, 19.'ll. Ij' THF. BI'RNING BUSH By Subsdar A certain writer who desires to remain incognito hss under- taken to conduct this column from time to time in the IVest Van News. He will write of mat. ters of general interest. IVe, on our part, do not necessarily agree with or take responsibility for all the opinions expressed. --The Editor. They take bunks seriously in New York. According to 6 rec- ent U.P. despatch, two enter- tainers there were recently in trouble with the police for giv- ing 0 new line of patter in which one jeered the other for putting his money in the bank "so that he could get a run for his money." All of us naturally like a run for our money, but not a bank run. In the British Empire a man from the eminence of 0 soap box can sound s trumpet, curse the King, the government, and all its works till he is black in the face. And should any loyal citizen try to beat him, up our police promptly protect the orator. I am sometimes strongly tempted to believe that the Am- erican wsy is better than ours. Incidentally snd by the way, 6 cynical friend of mine with an upstanding wife once told me the police might extend their protection with profit. JEFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN West Vancouver Lumber Co. I 15th and!Iisrine LIMITED I'hone West 115 1V. J. Turnbull. Manager, Residence Phone: 1Vest 868I. SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU SER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster lloard Beaver Board -- Shingles t "1 -QNKsT rJMICOVVKR UNRKR ca~trn "Hell-Fire" Butler in a remin- iscent mood a few days ago told a story of Mussolini, which the great msn resented. The general has been arrested, the United States has apologized profound- ly and honor is satisfied. The Canadian captain of a rum-runner flying the British fiag is killed before he had even the chance to run away. There is much talk about it, and there wiu be much more. Certainly, however, itpays to be a scrapper, a thing most of us tound out at school. And sll the world loves a good scrapper. What 6 title for 6 Hol- lywood scenario! I oifer it to Dempsey with my salaams. BIO ?uri Cl I It Wzs Curious "Didn't you say you stroked your college in the boat-races, dear? asked his wife. "Yes, darling," replied the young husband, "snd captsined the football team." You were rather good st walking, too," weren't you?" she went on. "Champion walker of the col- lege. Won the hundred yards running race in record time." He paused to think of others. "I took the weight-lifting champi- onship, snd as for carrying- Why, I could bft 6 sack of coals with--" "Then just carry the baby for 6 little while, dear," she inter- rupted. "I'e carried him for the last two miles and I'm tired. "Come in." The door opened to admit a shabby- looking individual, the shins on whose coat would have done credit to the mental band one dsy snd delivered hardest working shoebizck.t "Are you the gentleman," he be- gan, "who found a purse and adver- tised the fact in the papers today I" "I sm.t "It contained mosey T" "Yez, it contained a very large zum of money." "You mentioned that the owner could recover the purse by gtvmg you 4 description of iiT" "That is zo. But you will hsvs to give es accurate account of the purse, iiz contents, zsd how you came to lose it." "I haven't lost z purse." "Ehl Then why do you come here znd make these isuuiriesl" /I called out of curiosity to see what z mzs looked like who flsdz a large zum of money asd advertises it in the papers instead af having s goal time. Good morning, sir it All kinds of reports, laudatory and damnatory, come to us out of Russia. It is wise to rely on the truth of none of them. The Russian, being usually unedu- cated, hss only exchanged the brutal rule of the Czar for the brutal rule of 6 clique of avowed atheists. We can always look for brutality from a Russian, be- cause he is largely Tartar, and of only one thing can we be cer- tain, that whoever governs in Russia will govern cruelly, that is, as we interpret cruelty. NOTICE ds Aberdeen landladies were the first to be addressed "Dear Mad- am." It wss written by 0 lodger who was trying to get his own back. American Tourist (stopping car and addressing boy at road- side): "I say boy, is the town we are coming to Aberdeen '?" Boy "I'l tell ye if ye gie me a saxpence" American Tourist: "Drive on, Chauifeur, it's Aberdeen all right." Mrs. Jones: "I'e been expect- ing 6 packet of medicine by par- cel post for a week, and I have not received it yet." Post Office Clerk: "Yes, ma'- sm. Kindly fill in this form aml state the nature of your com- plaint." Mrs. Jbnes: "Well, if you want to know, it's indigestion." tet a'body laugh st it ye sse lang as it pays. 1Ve have been appointed as agents for the MICROPHONE which gives 6 complete week's Radio program Our boys will deliver it to you. GEO. %VILLIS West 692 KENT PIANO CO. 158J glurine Drive Squire. Did you send for me. my lord?" Lsuncelot: Yes, make haste. Bring me the can opener, I'e s fiea in my knight clothes. Algernon: Fawncy this Percy. A Chap here thinks a football coach has four wheels. Percy: Haw, bawl And how many wheels has the jolly old thing? WHICH INVESTMENT SHALL I CHOOSE? I Ii't is worth while saving money, worth while attempting to invest it; then it is worth while to know that you are using the best saving-investment plan on the market. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA offers contracts which will cover your particular needs and you have the added satisfaction of dealing with a 100'ii profit-sharing CANADIAN Company, The News u Resident Ropreztnisiivs J. S. NEY ITwo Stores for your service) HOI.LYBURN STORE AiMIILESIDE STORE O West 8 IVest,lO,I