0001 February 6, 1931. THF WEST VAN NEWS PAUI,INE JOHNSON SCHOOIJ The following pupils were the leaders ln their respective grades st the half-yearly examinations held in January: Division IGrsde 8 I, Dick Is.ster and Enid Clement, 2, Geraldine Johnson and Frank Hodgeon. Division 2--Grade 8 I, Harold Stephens; 2, Gordon Barr; 8, Richard Timbrell. Grade 7A 1, Wendell Hayes; P„John Gor- don Moe; 3, Eileen Smallwood Division 3--Grade 7A I, Marjorie Teece; 2, Jack Dor- chester; 3, Kenneth Cromer Bruce. Grade 7B 1, Pst Wallace; 2, Oliver Bur- bridge; 3, Patricia Bibbs. Division 4--Grade 6A I, Jack McLeod; 2, Ian Richards; 8, George Hutchinson. Grade 6B 1, Verschoyle iMsrtin; 2, Kath- leen Jagger; 3, Sylvia Kyte. Division 5--Grade SA 1, Kenneth Vernon; 2, Angus Young 3 Shirley Ware Grade 5B I, Sheila Edwards; 2, Brenda Winking; 3, Peggy Anderson. Division 6--Grade 4A I, Richard Bibbs; 2, Paul Jagger; 3, Margaret MOLellen snd Constance Davison Grade 4B 1, Allan Forster; 2, Robert Ken- drick; 3, Kenneth Gordon Moe Division 7--Grade 3A I, Pamela Little; 2, Marjorie Dorman; 3, Rhode Hoffman. Grade 3B 1, John McDonald; 2, James Anderson; 3, Charles Forster. Division 8--Grade 2A I, Joan Luke; 2, Gloria Siamstis; 3, Norma Ware. Grade 2B 1, Margaret Hilborn; 2, Betty Howard; 3, Eric Ajello. Division 9--Grade IA 1, Doreen Thompson; 2, Dorothy Harvey Smith; 3, Dolls P. Clement. uf- Grade IB 1, John E. Morton; 2, Eva G. Turvey; 3, Donald V. Thomp- son. 69th Pre-Inventory PIANO SALE ONE WEEK ONLY 5 Real Eig Values HUillkIFI. $ 139.00--Worth much more. MARI.AND $ 1i9.00--Very Fine Tone. MANNING $ 159.00--Play it, convince yourself. HANDEL $225.00--This is a Cabinet Grand. E5IEILSON $265.00--Beautiful tone. This Piano is being used by tycst Vancouver lluuicians'lub tonight for their musical concert at lmgion Hall, ntno hear n real fine program. Silver collection. IVANTED--If you have s good piano not being used turn it in as payment on a new PHILCO RADIO. IVe test your tubes free. The bashful young man was taking 8 young girl io supper. While seated cozily at the table, on the porch of a country inn, she said: "Oh, Harold, did you hear that chimney swallow?" "That wasn't the chimney," said Harold, blushing, "that was me." I Useful Recipes Graham filuffins I cup Graham meal 1 cup flour '/2 teaspoon salt 31/2 teaspoons baking powde 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1 well-beaten egg 11/4 cups milk 2 tablespoons melted fat Mix end bake es other m fins. Nuts snd raisins mey added. at Five tribes in wst point snd briighi feathers--0 thunder- ing, thrilling horde io lift you oui of your sesi b 0 NOW PI.AYING LoNsDALE Hot Water Gingerbread 1 cup molasses 1/ cup boiling water 2 to 2'/4 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 11/4 teaspoons ginger '/8 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup melted fet Add water to molasses. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Com- bine mixtures. Add fst and beat vigorously. Pour into 8 greased pnn, or muffin tins, snd bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven. One well-beaten egg may be added to the liquids. This mey be steamed end served as a pudding with hard sauce, whipped cream or fruit sauce. Cheap Sponge Cake Yolks 2 eggs 2:3 cups sugar 2 teaspoons hot water 273 cup ilour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 6 teaspoon salt tvhites 2 eggs 1/8 tablesPoon vinegar Beat yolks until thick. Add sugar gradually snd continue beating. Then add water, flour mixed and sifted with the bak- ing powder and salt. Fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs nnd vinegar. Bake 35 minutes, in 8 moderate oven, in an unbuttered or 8 buttered and iioured cuke pan. erg'AKE NOTICE! TEI.EI'HONE No. WEST 6170 ls In your directory for lVent Vnn. Iliotors (Bill Grout) If you call thin Number you will be told "THE PHOiVE IS TAKEN OUT" THERE IS A I'HONE liN WEST VAN. MOTORS, "Ask Inlormatlon" THE NU5IBER IS -- ge8t 268 Hc Cet Deep Judge: "Well, here you are again, Snow BalL" Snow Ball: "Yessah, Boss, Ah'4 back here afore you again, but dis time Ah hss a cause." Judge: "Well, whet is it Snow BsR? Snow Ball: "Jedge, what would you de if same one steal your wife?" Judge: "I'd cut her company, Snow Ball, aed let it go at thaL" Snow Ball: "Dst's jes what Ah did --an'h cot him deep." Aberdonian to friend who had been saved from drowning: "Hoo did ye feel when ye gaed downt'e third time, Sandy?" Sandy: "Men, it wes awfu', everything o'mportance that happened in my life cam'ack to me." Aberdonian: "Is that so? Did ye by ony chance mind shoot that pound I lent ye three years ego?" Sandy: "I said everything o'mportance" A Surprise The piper, dressed In a ragged kilt. skiticd his chanter defisetiy above the roar of the traffic ie the Strand. By his side a thin-Csttd girl with ~ tar- tan shawl thrown round het shoulders wheedled coppers from the Sassceath throng. An eciitd Scot halted near by. As he gated wnh loud senumiutaiity at the tawdry couple he saw them evt against the streets, but on the heather hnin lvhen there came a pause ie the playing hc approached the piper aad, alter the manner of his homeland, called for 4 tune. "&,'ae yeu be giving us Tunochgor- um1" he asked. The piper gated at him with 4 perky axptemioa and shouted to the girL " 'Etc, Sally, 'ete'4 s bloke ttyie'o ~sy somefink. Atsk 'im wvl he's sy- ieg." GEO E WILLIS """'"":"'-"' 'd h KENT PIANO CO. FOR SALE -- Feat Room Modtta Buegsto». Large verandah. Near Wstttfteei, Dundetavt. Phone West 419L To RFVT--Fotelshtd firc-teem Cet tege on Wstttftoet. Apply 2200 Bellevue. FOR SALE--Very tstgt Doll House. Phone West 199. WAATED TO RENT--Match 1st- Fereishtd House with twe bed- rooms. Lease. Phone West OOOL. lVOMAN WBi Tskv Care ef Children Evenings. Phone West 280R. WAATED -- lvetii by ccpctiteced gardener. Lots cleared, fenced, stteded, tough carpenter werli roots stained. Any iiInd ol work done st reasonable rates by dsy or cvntrecL Phone West 091L 1'RACT1CAL GARDFVCNG -- Lawns Ttnnis Courts. Rockcries, Walks, Hedges prepared, maintained pros- ing, spraying. Phone H. A. Rien. West 180Y, 24th sod bicrioe Drive. WILL PXCHANGE--SCAOO cqohy ia seven-room house, West 14th Ave., Vancouver, for simnat equity in West Vancouver. Phone West 128X WANTBD--Young mee to erect Aeri- als; able te drive truck. Wages soc en hour. Apply Manager, Kent Piano Cri., 168S Mat.ee Drive. WANTSty--Gtamophoncc; will install radio unit with speaker ie eut gramophone for 589.00 complete; sec sam ie at Kent Piano Co., 1688 Marine Drive. WEBB'6 SHOS REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Doedetsvo. FURS CLEANED. STORED or Be- modeiciL Summer prices. Honybete Fut Stiwe, Keith Block, Hofiybete. ALL THE BEST Btcmtc of Cigars, Cigarettes sed Tobacco Also Es- tbcegc Poker Hands eed Consol cards Free Aeibicside Tco Boom). FOR THE BEgr SLABS ee4 iotidt Fir phoae West 280. FOR PAIVTING. KALSOMINCVG- Appiy C. L Koaiogs, Besidcote phone West 894IL GARDEN CONSTRUCCCON--Lmuhr cape eed general getdeehur. Phone, R. J. Kytc, 2557 Benevoa FOB PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phoae West 2411L MODERN 5-Room Home ie agreeable location. Large living room. Opec fireplace, Furnace. Corner Property. Reduced fneo 54Jioo to Terms eot less than 5750 Cash, bei- silce etteegtd. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping sed Lawns leeL Rock wsBs drains septic tmdis fencing and ised clearing, chimneys aed futeeccs c1imiitd siid ttpsitcd Phone T, Barnet, tesidcmm phoae West 290R. FCR OR ALDER. 14 io. ttegth, safio per cord; 20 in. te 20 in. Ssso a conL Cord length, 54.60 deiiteteiL Phone West 802R1 after 5 p. m. Aberdeen grocers have some weighty reasons for putting sand amongst their sugar. FOR RENT OR SALE -- Patuy rara ishtd bouse an Waterfront. Apply Leyiaed, West SSRL MARCFLLE SHOP -- MstccSe, 50 cents; reset, 85c; finger wave, vfc. Phone bite King, West 204. Important Announce- ment to all customers of SPENCER'S JERSEY MILK There is no iuieeiioa lo vnh- draw lha saic of Speecegs Jersey Milk from West Van- couver & District. Cttcvpec- iive ol proposed or contem- plated changes ie delivery ~genic Spencer's High Quality Jersey Milk will be available for sli 1st users ie West Vancouver aud North Vancouver com- muuiliet. CHEAP BUILD1NG LOT--Name root owe terms. Paved Reed, Water, Light, Phone, Goad View, Conveni- ent to school eed ferry. Lieutcd period price 5275. WATERFRONT HOME -- 4 Boomsl Full Piumbiug; Fireplace; Fonmcct Goad Location vnth ~n seafront at- tractions. 58,550; oa terms. Write or Phone your tcquwcmeete or listings. R. P. CLARK 8: CO. ESTATES LTD. Suite 2, 425 Howe Si Vsacoovtt, Seymour lOSS Lotsi Rcptwwetattrci C. J. ARCHER. 1'boot, lvcst ms GEO. HA.Y Real Estate snd Insurance Notary PebSc FIRE INSURANCB Furnished eed Uefendsbtd Hoawe For Rent--wanted. CLIF iTS WAITING 1405 Marine Drive OCfice Phoae West 21 or Sey. 1200 Residence Phone W. SSB or W. 204K TULAMEEN C'OAL 1Ve take pleasure in announcing that we now have this Coal arriving in carload lots direct from the mine to us. This is genuine high-grade Sootless Tulameen mined in British Col- umbia.--Hot--Quick snd Clean. New reduced prices. I.ump and Egg ....... $10.75 Nut (Range Coal) ....... $8.50 Quality, weight and service guaranteed. Storey'8 North Shore Coal & ke Delivery Phone North 370 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER CLASSIFIED ADS Tbt tete Cot ClamiScd Adtctuscmeotc is 2 tests pct word. mbumom 25 toots. Fttcpl ie lbc csee of umce hstbig ttgoiet eccocata, eB ctttmb fieds stc parable ctticu Ia sdtseca Remember Ciessiecds ia lhe West Van News gct immediate tescha