0001 j I February 6, 1931.I THE WEST VAN NEWS HIGH SCHOOL NOTES -y Legion Notes] The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion took place last Monday evening in the Leg- ion Memorial hall. Three new members, H. Davi- son, Chas. McNeil, and George Downs were initiated into mem- bership. It was decided to hold the reg- ular St. Patrick's Day rVIasquer- ade Ball on 17th March as in former years. Arrangements. are being made ~for the publicity department of ,h' Ihe Canadian National Railway to show a series of very fine films depicting scenes on their line. These pictures will be shown in the Legion Memorial hall, and it is hoped to make the date the evening of 23rd instant, the last Monday in February. There will be a silver collection, and the public are invited, A smoker will also be given on Friday evening, 27th Febru- ary. Past presidents'ewels were presented to comrades Colin Turner, H. G. Ware and F. F. Lovegrove. Colin Turner was one of the first West Vancouver residents to join the C. E. F., leaving here in 1915. H. G. Ware went from Victoria returning as a captain with the BL C. decoration. L' sl Ist cli . 1'4 IiI Teacher: "Who was the small- est man in history?" Bright Pupil: "Please, ma'm, the Roman soldier who went to sleep on his watch." fccFI Handy Ann Shoppe E. Bussi. I'hsuc 3Vcsi 39 DUNDARAVE Dri. Goads -- Hardware Sisiioucry VAI.ENTINE CARDS lc. each and up Bloomers. snap.............. 75c Vestees ...................... 61.50 ~ Writing Pads Jc EnvelopesNails. Plasticine, Etc. I If k. 'ORDON ROBSON Barrister 6 Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER- Offics Nc, 1441 !Series Drive. Phone West 49$. VANCOUVER OFFICF Suite $ 19; $10 Hsstiugs St. W Phone Seymour 4199. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS ~ s .i I Jh,mbleSideSheet Metal%rOrkS LAURIE SPECK. Prsprlcisr 1466 Marine Drive Phone IVest 4.'l71.2 hiiss Randall, Registrar of Nurses and Inspector of training schools for B. C., on Friday, Jan- uary 16th, gave a helpful voca- tional talk. Miss Rsndall poinL ed out that after June 1932 full matriculation standing should be required of young ladies ent- ering the training schools. She spoke of the nursing profession as one of hard but very interest- ing work; and urged the stud- ents to seek not an easy life, but a full one. On January 21st, R. J; Cromie addressed the students on "World Relations." With the aid of s large map Mr. Cromie made a very vivid comparison between Canada and the countries and peoples of Asia, At the close of the meeting each student was presented with a pamphlet in which Mr. Cromie has recorded impressions gained during a rec ent world tour. On Saturday, January 24th, t 9:30 a. m., the basketball teams of North Burnaby High School visited West Vancouver in force. There were three games: the Junior boys, Junior girls, and Bantam boys. After a hard battle, North Burnaby Junior boys won the first game by s score of 20-9. The girls'ame wss much closer the score at half time being 10-5 in favor of West Vancouver. The Anal score was North Burnaby 13, West Vancouver 12. North Burnaby also won the bantam's game. They were never in any real danger and the final score showed North Burnaby 17, West Vancouver 5. The local teams are working hard with a deter- mination to turn the tables on North Burnsby in the next en- counter. On Friday the last of a series of debates took place. This was between the Grade IX A General and the Matriculation classes. The subject was "Resolved that on the whole strikes are detri- mental to labor." Those supporting the affirma- tive side were Walter McClin- toch and Ronald Irish of Grade IXA, while those supporting the negative side were Bernard Nash and Jack Watt of GradeXI. A decision in favor of the af- firmative side made the Grade IXA General the winners of the debating shield for this year. NORTH SHORE JUVENII.E FOOTBALL Division I West Van. vs. Lions; Inglewooil School; 2:45 p.m.; Referee Nr. Masterman. Division 2 Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. West Van Midgets; Boulevard Park;2:30 p. m.; Referee Mr. Hilder. Division 3 Lynn Valley Rovers vs. Capilano lynn Valley Park; 2 p. m.; Referee Mr. Hampton. IlAsgici&rus'lub of tvVest Vffucoutvr lill'TH 1&rvCITAL In the-- ----- To-Night si $.30 Si 1 V EH l:OLLECT ION SPECIAL FOR FEBRUARY'adies'nd Gentlemen's Suits, Overcoats and Dresses Dry Cleaned and Pressed; also Dyeing. Suits hiede to Measure from 635.00 up. Our Own Nake. REGENT SUIT or OVERCOAT to measure 626.00. II""1 20 M. WILLIAMS Iv" tp286L'568 Marine Drive Local and Personal Many oF your friends are exirsordinsry re sulu om ihe wonderful Tocdc-- The idorth Shore group of Toc H are holding their regular meeting in the Clachan on Tuesday evening, February 10th. This meeung is to be one of entertaining the Vancouver branch. The North Shore Group is expected to excel their custom- ary reputation as hosts to their guests. ~ c A son wss born to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sewell, 1690 Gordon Avenue, last Saturday at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. c c ~ Rev. Rnd Mrs. E. G. Canham and family left here on Wednes- day for England, where they will reside in future. ~ c ~ Mrs. A. J. Blsnchard of Van- couver, hss taken a cottage on the East Beach and has moved in. c ~ * F. J. Kemp, 2780 Msthers Avenue, has moved into s house at 2442 Lawson. ~ ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. P. G. Drost of Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hoteL ~ c c D. W. Markham of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 31st and Procter. ~ c Mrs. Pitalugh and Miss G. Goodsll, both of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Clsch- an. ~ ~ \ Mrs, Alice Mills and family, who have been living at 1452 Duchess, have moved to 1421 Marine Drive. Ferry No. 6 grounded last Sat- urday in the fog on the north side of the harbor opposite Brockton Point as she was going to West Vancouver. She was re- floated at 2:30 pi.m. when it was found she hsd sustained no damage at alL ~ c Gertrude Nash, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, 22nd and Marine Drive, is expected home this week end from St. Paul's Hospital, where she has been a patient for a short time. The Misses Dorothy and Gert- rude Parkin and Miss Jean Wat- son spent the week end with Mrs. T. Sorensen at her home in Shaughnessy. Listen in to CKSIO every Fri- day, commencing February 6th at 7145 to 8 p. m. to the Home- Owned Grocery Association of B. C. talk. Canada for Canadians and the hiaple Leaf for ever. This is going to be a talk in sup- port of community grocers. ~ ~ ~ The IVest Vancouver High School defeated the North Van- couver High School at soccer here on 22nd January by a score of 4 goals to 2. They were again victorious on 29th January in the city, when they scored 3 goals to 1 against the High School of Commerce. Both were league games. ~ ~ Major B. H, Harrison, 11th snd Marine Drive, has returned to his home from Shaughnessy Hospital. where he hss been a patient for several weeks. c ~ c J. E. Hsrker hss moved from 2186 Gordon into a house at 2242 lliglewolxL ~ ~ ~ hiiss Frances Gleed, 16th and Iawson, has started traininq at the Infants'iospital, Hero Sircet. ~ c \ A son was born to hir. and hlrs. Marchand, ISth and Ful- ton, last Tuesday at the North Vancouver General Hospital. The bridge tea of the Canadian lwglon W. A„which was to have been held on Thursday, 19th in- stant, hss been postponed until the following Thursday, 26th February. ~ ~ ~ Bill Grout of the West Vsn hiotors wishes to announce that the telephone number of his gar- age and service station has been changed from West 6170 to West 268. c ~ Reeve J. B Leyland has just been elected a director of the Auto Club of B. C. c c c Mrs. Stewart has moved into the Dewar house st 24th and Bellevue. c ~ The West Vancouver Roller Rink, which is open every Wed- nesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, is also open every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons for the special benefit of the children from 2 to 4130 o'lock. ~ ~ Miss Vivian Armstrong ent- ertained a number of her friends at. a bridge party Inst Wednes- day evening at her home, 12th snd Esquimslt. c c s The monthly meeting of thc West Van "Y" took place last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wintle 13th and Inglewood Following the tranaction of busi- ness the election of officers was held, after which dainty refresh- mente were served. c c c Lorne Colpitts, 13th and Ful- ton, who has been very ifl at his home, is slightly improved. Q The Hollyburn School soccer team playing in the Lang Cup league, defeated Cspilano on Thursday, 29th ult, by a score of 2 to 0 at Mahon Park. They play Ridgeway in the semi-finals next Monday. ~ c \ An executive meeting of the Paragon Club was held at the home of E. Gray, Capilano, last Friday evening. I. O. D. E. The annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter will be held at the home of Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie, West Bay, on hionday, 9th February, at 2 o'lock sharp. The Military Whist Drive ar- ranged by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E„ to be held at the Clachan has been postponed until Thursday, February 12th, in the evening. For reservations phone Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie, IVest 318LS. SARGON We are ihe egcnis for Wcsi Vancouver Price $1.» WEST V/8 I'MMACY The Sisrs of Sccckc. 1492 rdsriuc Drive We dc!iver Phsus West 12 Emcrgcscy Passe West $21 (After 9 p.m.) Mason Transfer & Fuel Supply Ambleside ALDER AND FIR BUSHWOOD .... $$.$9 Cued DRY INSIDE FIR . $239 Curd DRY CEDAR KINDLING WciIisgisu -- Sfscicsd River- iirsmhciicr R Dismsuii Sswliscs Ci)AL Express ssd hfccisg st Lmrcst Prkcs Phone West 176 FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEABLE Phsus Wssi 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. HOLLYSURN I Barber Shop isih 6 hfsiius EXPERT SBRVICB E. 14ARSH„Prsprictcr BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. WHITE, hfgr. Disiiucucs Fuucrsi Scrcks Lady Assistant $29--3rd Si. IL Phsuc North 42$ The mild weather last month hss brought forward West Van- couver gardens to an extent not known in recent years. Daffo- dils, crocuses, and violets are now in bloom, and it is to be hoped that no hard frosts unll occur to cut them down. ST. STEPHENPS IV. A. The St. Stephen's IV. A. is giv ing a 1 slentine party on Satur day February 14th at 2 30 p m at the home of hire. E. H. Jupp 20th and Inglewood Admmsion 25 cents. The St. Stephen's W. h. uts glviug ~ Valentine Party at the the home of idra E H. Jupp, 29th 6 iugiswcsd Saturday, February 14th, at 2.30 p.m. FOR A PI.EASAVT AND HEALTHFUl. EVENING OF SPORT GO TO %VEST VANCOUVER Roller Rink Every Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:SO to 11 p. m. CHILDREiN'S hlATINEES -- Wednesdays and Saturdays. 2 to 4:30 p. m. Admission 35 Cents hy r -- -F -.yr'4