0001 res re RN /'r -'v r ws""we ~«r veen» Wr s~ e e'93 c e r" s s s ~ os's'* .re s*' v' ~ s s 'sy s s ~ s ie\ sr s r' r ~ s. s' '.s's ~ ' s.s rrsxcsrres .r..r 'v 4rsr r. rr rw ~ r. rrr~sVrr.r rrr-rrrrr ~sr rrrv irrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,",",'„".'.,w'„".,'„", Ambleside SUGGESTIONS: friday and Saturday, Jaa. 30 III 31 REGAL SALT. 3 IK shaker Pc GRAN(le Nnnkint. nmnk, 2 dnxcn 33c GRAI'E rkl'lT. Imperial Valley 0 for zzc kO(ikkS'VR('I', ... 3 IK tin zec ALL BkAN, Kckngit'n, pcr pkt lpc SBRRDDED VVEEAT, pcr pkt 1st CHEESE, Serves, W lb. pkt zsc PASTIIV PLOCR, ie IK mck rzc I SAND)l'ICII BISCUll& pcc IK ...................,................ 23c Rcd 4 tvhite Sl'ISA('E, 2M(n, pcr tin............. Isc S.(UER KkAUT, Nabob. 2kte. pcr tin .... . ...... ...... . .... I sc 1 lied a While TOillATOES, zltn, 0 tins zsc COCOA. Rnwntvcs'n, I's IK tin zlc I.ETTUCE, Crisp, Firm ilcndn, 2 for 1st kcd R White SOCK P)'E SAI )ION lb. (in „,........ zlc I IK tin.................. 30c ('OkN STAR('ll, Cnnndn, 2 pkta lfc RkEAD--Onr Big 21 na Lnnf, Pc; 3 fnv 20c B( TTEk- (inldcn klcndnw ... 3 lbs. for 31.10 Slenduw Vale .... 3 lbs. fnc 31.00 ROBERTS'ETTER &hi EATS WEST 190 Delivery to All Parts Prime Steer Beef Pot Roast ........ 121/zc Oven Roast............ 150 up Corn Fed Pork Legs ........................ 16c Pork Oven Roast....... 20c I Cambridge Sausages 2 Ibs 250 Pork Sausages, lb. 250 Minced Steak, lb......... 15c Pure Beef Dripping 2 lbs. 25c ! EGGS! EGGS! Puaelt Extra, per dozen:............ 22c The News H('OTCH SOCIETY CELEBRATES BURNS'NNIVERSARY The Burns'elebration of the Went Vancouver Scottish Soci- ety at the Clachan hotel last Sat- urday evening was very largely attended. J. Haydn Young gave a very interesting lecture on Burns'rie poems, J. Porter putting a number of excellent slides on the screen, illustrative of the places mentioned by the poet. Mrs. Howard Leggatt„J. Lowden and R. Kinloch rendered several of the lyrics, Miss Frame acting as accompanist. Mrs. Sel- wood also recited one of Burns'oems. The audience later sat down to supper, when President J, Mc- Ewan gave the toast to the King, that to the Immortal Mem ory being proposed by Mr. Lock of Vancouver. Brief addresses were given by W. S. hfitchell, bard of the North Vancouver Scottish and Cale- donian Society, and by Eric R. Thomson, vice-president of the same society. The remainder of the evening was given up to dancing, Miss Frame and hire. Alexander be- ing at the piano. A feature of the evening was 0 Scotch qua- drille to the music of the pipes played by Eric R. Thomson. There were a number of guests from outside points, among them hlr. and Mrs. J. 51cCurrach, the latter a member of the executive of the North Vancouver Scottish and Caledonian Society. WHICH INVESTMENT SHALL I CHOOSE? If it is worth while saving money, worth while attempting to invest it; then it is worth while to know that you are usmg the best saving-investment plan on the market. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA offers contracts which will cover your particular needs and yon have the added satisfaction of dealing with a 100'ic pro0t-sharing CANADIAN Cpmpany. Resident Representative J. S. NEY Ambleside Lumber Ca., Ltd. phone%Vest 199 Marine Dr. aa 16th NI('HT PHONE after 5 P.m„We«t 211K. Ask for Herry Dent THE WEST VAN NEVIS "HEI,IJS ANGFI (I ~ TEIJ k DARING STOIIY OF J,OVE One of the most darj tf lovestories ever screened provides the romantic backgroundgor the thrilliirg air scenes in I"Hell'0 Angels," Howard Hugheg super- speclacle of war-time aviation, now playing at the Lonsdaletheatre. Amazing and RBconven tional love scenes arejdepicted for the iirst time wit unvarn- ished realism, present!kg a war- time heroine in a frank and as- tounding characterization. Jean Harlow, who plays the leading feminine role in "flail'0 Angels," opposite Ben Lyon and James Hall, became a star overnight as a result of her perfotvnance in this picture, which marks her inaugural appearance on the screen. Her performance was so vivid and realistic that a nation- ally known dramas critic de- clared she was "the most sensu- ous personality that has ever graced the screen." The mod- ernistic treatment of sex in "Hell's Angels" has created wide discussion among women fans, and the feminine element is al- ways well represented at all per- formances. An Irishman applying for a position with a transit company emphatically stated that he wanted to be a motorman be- cause he heard that electricity always goes through the con- ductor. Jnnuarv 20 19'll JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETC. COOKED MEATH OF Al.l. KINDS, DELICATESSEN ]Two Stores for your servicel HOI.I.YBURN STORE AhlBLEHIDE STORE West 5 West 008 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull. Mnnager, Residence I'hone: )Vest 25SL SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BE R SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Panier Board Beaver Board -- Sh Little Mary Jane nnd hcv next door neighbor Billy were engaged in an absorbing conversation . "What nrc nnnvchictn I" asked little Mary Jane. Then Billy nwckcd with wisdom. "They want everything any cnc hnn gnt, nnd they never wash nclvcc, hc replied. "Oh, ycci" cried little Mary J with cnthnnlncm. "I ncc--they ln little boys gcnwcd nple 'Se Fable of the Wind ana ke Sun Thl tray togltgoo(f public utiiily scr- vico is to have a prosperous public uli li ly cotupatuy. Bsop tells of 3 dispute between the Wind a)Id theA Sun as to who could make 2 traveller take off his cloak and thus be judged the stronger. The Wind blew his hardest but the traveller only wrapped his cloak around him the tighter. Then the Sun broke through the clouds 2nd hiz warm rays soon made the traveller so hot that hc finally zat down 2nd threw his cloak on the ground. There are many persons who think that the success or prosperity of a public utility company is obtained at the expense of the public and that the public will receive most value if the company is kept from making much, if any, return on itz investment. Any transaction, to be successful, must be profitable to both parties. You would not expect your grocer to remain in business if not making 3 fair profit. You will receive best public utility service if you allow your public utility company to make 2 fair return on its investment and if you assume an attitude of co- operation and helpfulness By all means let us have your criticisfu of our service 2nd our policies. nwc vc BRITISH COLUIABIA'LECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD.