0001 ee be ll January 30, 1981 WESLEY BYRNELL 1352 Clyde Ave. West Vancouver verifies N AJESTIC Greatest Results I'rom all over the map, this is what he got, cant you get it? If not, why? Communication The Editor,'est Van New&a Sir: Stop, Ix7ok and Listen! What about this Health Unit n North Vancouver and North 47 Vancouver District? Class me lns a "prophet howling in the ildernese," if you care to, but It,'the facts are these: There was 8 time when scarce a &lay dawned tlist did not wlt- .,~ese some variety of hell break .','loose in the old headquarters of :,the Health Department of North vancouver and District. Seems a ini in xav but this ix just, what qgit amounted to. Private doctors, v:. 'the Health officers, the Council,'~all pulling contrarywise and .,',making a labor out of cruel nec- I "essity and 0 quarrel instead of a helping hand. This all led, of .Xvfvcourse, to 0 hindrance of effici- '*,ency of administration of the - "ublic Health Act, and, be it re- embere&l, that this Health Act 'has, with much truth, been classed as most helpful legisla- c,tion and more powerful than any ther, Matters didn't seem to im prove as time and years went ny in North Vancouver and District. lore people came to 'ive, busi- %&use improved, the class of hous- " ":: es and the general outlook was gher, but the same chronic, ir- spot re;nsined--hell was till breaking'ut regularly in'e matter of Health administra- all this while the people paid the bill,--paid it in - their houses, paid it in their - schon)S, and were liable to pay for it'n a thousand diiferent ways. Then a day dawned when a h&trd headed council in North V~n. "talked turkey" to every- 'one concerned, backed up most tly by the local doctors, bi&e now what do we see,--a per-/ ~ggctly modern Health Unit el-~ready operating as it should do, NOTICE COMMUTATION RATES 10-ride Commutation books are now available at one- half (&/8) the 20-ri&le &ste. IL1CIFIC STAGES l.1 bi ITED with proper supplies, with brains ard personel, and above ail with that well oiled appearance in ail that it is doing. A real absence of the old chronic friction, the cause of inefficency. This glimpse into a new state of affairs in North Vancouver hax enlightened many a person already, people who, mind you, are not easily fooled; and, as the talk increases, more and more of the public will see the new growth of what is inevitably on the way--a real Health Unit on the North Shore. "The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind exceeding small" and in this case it matters little if the Council and officers take the in- itiative. The people of West Vancouver are going to demand 0 share in such a Health Unit- the people of West Vancouver will wake up--in time. Look st the difFerence-- never before was there har- mony between school depart- ment and health department; harmony between the wel- fare of private homes and headquarters of health; harm- ony between the desires of prac- tising physicians and the head- quarters of health. )Vas it pos- sible before, in the old days to hoki such clinics for tubercu- losis, clinics for child welfare, consultations for welfare of school children, meetings most friendly in character and more than helpful between doctors and Health department--firm control with the least hurt to anyone, in epidemics, and the schools-- well that is a story in itself. And when something is wanted for immediate use, such as serums and vaccines, cultures and 0 var- iety of necessities--one has but to ask--ell kept in a well regu- lated office or in a modern cold- storage plant. Anyone is wel- come. )Valk in and see Dr. Amyot and the staff of health nurses in the office assigned them at the North Vancouver General H&mpitaL Get Dr. Amy- ot to talk on matters of health and of how the school children are being handled. and bid good- bye to your old ideas of how a health department usually is run. You will go home the hap- pier for it. (Cheer upi better times and things are coming). IVest Vancouver will demand a Health Unit, Oh yes, most cer- tainly, and that Health Unit will include the whole North Shore. DR. BAYFIELD JOAK-JOEK, Japan; KGU, Honolulu; WSM, Nashville, Tenn.; WHAS, Louisville, Ky.; WJZ, New York; CKGW, Toronto; XED, Reynosa, blexico; WWL, New Orleans; KGBU, Ketchi- kan, Alaska; WGY, Schnectady, N.Y.; KDKA, Pittsburg, Pa.; WSB, Atlanta, Georgia; and many others. Our window is full of veriiications from all over. It's 8 wonderful sight. See it. $55 00 Buys ROGERS'LECTRIC; good condition. $40 &6 fk PP KING RADIO, good as new snd a few other good buys. 10 Cents for some good O&thophonic Records. GEO E WILLIS '""'"'""'"'ssociated with KENT PIANO Coe THE WEST VAN NEWS AI1 EETING SUPPOltTS SQUA611SH ROAD A meeting wss held on Thurs- day, 22nd January, in the North Vancouver Board of Trade rooms between delegates from the North Vancouver Board of Trade and delegates froin West Vancouver, Squamish, Pember- ton Meadows, Brandy Wine Falls and the Automobile Club of B.C. to consider ways and means of getting the provincial govern- ment to build the road between Whytecliff and Squamish and on to Lillooet. Reeve Leyland, J. T. Watt and H. C. Osborne were the West Vancouver delegates. It was explained that the road was now slashed some five snd a half miles from Squamish tu Britannia Mines to a width of 30 feet and for three and one hail'iles it was cleared of brush. One nfile had been all graded, and was fit to run 8 car on. It was figured that it would cost approximately 8300,000 to com- plete the road in which connec- tion there was some talk of mak- ing It a toll road. A. E. Munn, M.P., impressed himself as strongly favoring the completion this year of the sec- tions between Squamish and Britannia, continuing next year to Whytecliff. Reee Lay)and spoke strongly in favor of the road being built as soon as possible, point- ing out it would relieve the un- employment situation, besides being creative work and of a permanent nature. After further discussion the meeting went on record that the provincial government be asked to build the road from Whyte clifF to Squamish, and that the section between Squamish and Britannia now under construc- tion be finished this year. The bodies supporting this motion were the West Vancouver Board of Trade, the District of )Vest Vancouver, the North Vancou- ver City Council, the North Vancouver Board of Trade, the Automobile Club of B. C., the Squamish Board of Trade, an&1 representatives from Pemberton Meadows and Brandy Wine Falls. The West Vancouver repre- sentatives on the committee ap- pointed to forward the project were, Reeve Leyland, Colonel K. )V. Savory, J. T. Watt, and H. C. Osborne, assistant secretary. Reeve Leyland and J. T. Watt were later picked as members of the executive committee. CLASSIFIED ADS vuiu Ie 2 cvuiu yvv wuv& miuimom buvieg rvguier uccooo&a on ciuuvi- FURS CLEAI&ED. STORED ev Ru- modviv&L Summer prices. Huiiybore For Store, Kviib Block, Hoiiybore. ALL THE BEST BvusCu ef Cigars. Cigarettes uuC Tobaccos. Aieo Ex- cbuugv Pvkvv Hands uud Ceusoi curCh Free. Ambivuidv Teu Rooms. WANTED TO Rt:Y--Four or avv roomed imoxe. Reasonably close in. Apply Box 41, We*& Vxo News. I'I AND FOR RENT--Pbeov &bcuvgv Huy, Wvvi 21. FOR THE BEST SLABS owl Imedv Fir pboee West 280. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMININC Apply C. L Kouiogv, Rwidvuce yboue West 894R. WANTED TO BUY--Euxt of 23ni Street, four or Svv &corn bouse. Siu&c lowvxi price oed &crmu. Nu agents. Apply Box 41, West You News. GARDKV CONSTRUCTION--Luudu- cupv ood general gardening. Phone, IL & Kyiu, 2567 Bellevue. FOR PLL'bIBL&G REPAIRS -- Rue- &deuce Pboue Wcvt 241KWOULD EXCHANGE HEATER fov ~ey buuxcbviC vifvcix. Apply Bux 28, Wast Vuu News. bIODERN 6.Room He&we &u ogvveubiv Iuvoiiou. Luvge living ruew. Open arvpiocc, Fovouev. Corner Property. Reduced from $4A00 iu $3A00. Tv&wc uvi less than $750 Cash, bu1- ~oce urvuugwL WANTED--Glri, balf Cuy daily fev light housework uuC prcpsvv supper. $ 10 monthly. Phoae West 692. WILL EXCHANGE--$trvee veony in xvveo-vuom boose, West 14th Avv., Vancouver, for ximnsr vqoiiy in IVwt Vuuvuovvr. Phone West 126X CHEAP BUILDING IOT--Nome yuuv owu terms. Paved Roue. Wu&vr, Light, Phone, Good View, Cuovvui- eui ie school uud ferry. Limavd p rioe price $275. WATERFRONT HOME -- 4 Rouwsi Fall Plomb&us; Fireplace; Foresee; Good Lucence wrtb uii evofvuui at true&ious. $3560; on &vvmx. Write ur Phone yuuv vvqu&vvmvum or listings. R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. Sui&v 2, 425 Howe S& Vuuvuovvv, Seymour 4055 ixwul Rvprvvvwiuuvv& C. & ARCHER. Pbuuv, West 225 FOUNDATION CEMENT \VORK- Landscaping uoC Lawns isid. Rack walls, drains, septic iookx, feocisg auC land clearing, cbimoeyx oud furnaces cleaned uuC rvpuivvC. Phone T. Burnett, residence phono West 290R. FIR OR ALDER. 14 iu. Ivug&b, $680 pcr cord; 20 in. &u 80 in. $5A0 u cord. Cord length, $4.50 Cunvv&wk Phone West 862RI after 6 p. m. FOR RENT OR SALE -- Partly fera- &eked house on Wuivvfvuui. Apply Leyixud West 83RI MARCELLE SHOP -- bio&vena 50 cents; reset, 36c; auger wave, 76c. Phone Mvx. King, West 304. GEO. HAY I'RACTICAI. GARDENIN&'arden, Lawns, Rvvkvrivx, Walks. Hcd geo Prepared, biuiuiuiuvd, Pvouiug Spraying Pbouv West 186Y H. A. MILLAN 24&8 uue bixviuv Drive. "It's the little things in life that tell," ax the Supper said when ube yanked bev kid brother from under- neath ibe sofa. Real Estate and Insurance Neicvy Pobnv FIRE INSURA.'&CE Fovulub&C oud Uufovuiubvd Huuvvu Fov Rvui. CLIENTS WAITING 1406 Muri&m Drive Office Pbeuc Wast 21 or Sey. 1280 Residence Phone W. 82R or W. 204K TULAMEEN COAL We take pleasure in announcing that we now have this Coal arriving in carload lots direct from the mine to ua This is genuine high-grade Sootless Tulameen mined in British Col- umbia.--Hot--Quick and Clean. New reduced prices. Lump and Egg............'10.75 Nut (Range Coal) ....... 88.50 Quality,'weight and service guaranteed.fHOI.LYBURN SKIERS WIN AT LEAVEN)VORTH Hollyburn- Pacific ski-jumpers won the first three places in Class A competition at the third annual ski tournament of the Leavenworth, Wash., Winter Sports Club Sunday, in which two jumpers received broken limbs. N. Ksldahl was first with a 116-foot leap. Fred Finkenhag- en was second and A. Haugen was third. They represented the Hollyburn Ski Club. A. Lauriteen, also of the Hol- lyburn Club, was winner of the Class B competition with 3 jump of 104 feet. A heavy snowstorm earlier in the day made the course slow and the jumps were not in accord with the possibility of the hilL Hans Otto-Geise, University of Washington entry, suffered a broken leg in the first trial of the Class A jump when he fell heav- ily. Olaf Schafstad, Portland, who followed Otto-Geise, sus- tained a broken shoulder when he also spilled. A crowd of 4000 witnessed the contests. The Hollyburn club is also sending skiers to Revelstoke for the Dominion championships and sll turnaments in )Vestern Can- ada this winter. Two will compete at Portland; three at Princeton, January 28. 29; ten st Revelstoke, February 8-6, snd four at Prince George, February 9-10. Storey's North Shore Coal & Ice Delivery Phone North 370 %VEST VANCOUVER Roller Rink Under entirely new management. 7130 to 11:00 p. m. every v'u m; vam . n'a 1 and Saturday. ADblISSION--86 Cents VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Tbc rate fov Ciuuviavd Aevvvttwm 25 vesta Ex&upi iu ibv vuxe of those deCk are ycysbie xi&icily is sdvouce. Remember C1swlaveu iu ibe Wvxi Vuu Ncwu gci immudix&u vvuona BOY OF 17 Wiubvu iu bv sypmu&lcvd WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR iu good trade. Phone West 80. BEST--Dosdumve LOST--Muu' ivu&bvv «vui-Suvd Criv- iog gxoeUvi. Phone West 660R. YOUNG MAN--Wus&u &corn oud board between 22uC Street sud West Buy fvum Ivi February. Uuv of gursge optional. Purticuiurv io Bux $1, West Vuu News.