0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS January 80, 19SI r c'\ r, vcvc» »«v rrvc .* r cvs o tr» 7 r'~ ~'»l rcc« ~Ir r p ~ ! 'c" o& u '. ~c "«r'rps -' »wet ' r c' ~~ » r. Wc'r «r .c'r 'r I' 'r c v" vrrrrrcvrrrr. rr %w' rcr»vr rarr«~. vr Cr'cvcvrr C GARDENS and GARDENINGAll our LADIES'ND CHILDRENS'AINCOATS REDUCED Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear Phone West 144 Hose and Universal Sweaters I Supplies, Hemstitching. 14th and Marine Drive. Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk also Novelties, Toys, Schoo ~ E. C. KII.M, PIONEEII, DIES Another link with Vancouver's pioneer days was severed early Sionday morning, when E. C. Kilby, old-time hosiery and wool- len merchant of Vancouver, died at North Vancouver General Hospital. The dc»ceased, aged 67, had re- sided in Caulfeild since his re- tirement from business ten years ago. He had bhwn ill only a short time. Coming to Vancouver about 1897, Mr. Kilby established s hosiery store on the north side of Hastings Street, near Gran- ville. This site is well remem- bered by pioneers, as it is situat- ed opposite the place where the well-known Mand Hotel once stood. Later he moved to prem- ises on Granville Street, and was for many years engaged in busi- ness there. An incident showing the in- tense honesty and straightfor- wardness of Mr. Kilby is recalled by his friends. His father had been in business in Leicester, Eng., and at the end of an hon- orable career died with his firm owing a considerable indebted- ness. »11eantime Mr. Kilby had prospered in Vancouver. About sixteen years ago he carefully prepared to return to his boy- hood home. He obtained a list of the creditors of his father's firm, called them together and paid them oif in full, with interest to date. It took s number of thous- ands of pounds sterling to square accounts. The Leicestter credit- ors were so delighted that they tendered Mr. Kilby a banquet, and presented him with a silver tea service. Before moving to West Van- couver he resided on Nicola St., and at one time made his home at "the Crossways'at Beaoh Avenue and Pacific Street. He was active in Masonic circles, being a member of Cas- cade Lodge No. 12, A.F.& A.M. He was also the moving spirit of the pioneer Shakespeare Club. This literary society met in Van- couver for thirty years, the pres. ent season being the first time its members failed to gather. Mr. Kilby was born at Leices- ter, his family having dealt in woollen goods in that district for years. His only survivors are four sisters, Mrs. E. Bailey, Mrs. R. D. Rorison, Miss Alice Kilby and Miss Flora Kilby, all resid- ing at Caulfeild. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 3 p. m. in Harron Bros. & Williamson's chapel in North Vancouver; Rev. A. Hard- ing Priest officiating, and inter- ment was made in Capilano View Cemetery. Hollyburn PUBLIC LIBRARY 50 New Books added this track »A FAbHLY THAT WAS,» by Ernest Raymond. "THE DIVINE LADY," by E. Bsrriugum. "THE YOUNG STAGERS,» by P. C. \Vrou. "KINDLING 4 ASHES," by biccutcbcou. ;POOR LITTLE lYIOL" by F. Oursier. Etc» Etc. JOIN NOW. $1.00 pays your subscription until June 30, 19SI. or 66c per month. Located at Gemmill's Drug Store &402 bi»risc Drive EDWARD ROBERSON F.B.O.A. Eye-Sight Specialist (Optometrist) of Vsucouvcr. msy be consulted st idr. Ssgsr's Optical Parlor, 1$22 Marine Drive, on Woduos- dsy next, February 4th, sud every Wednesday tbcrcsftor, from IO s. m. until 4 p. m. Call or phone your appointment early. "THE CANDLE OF ASIA" We cannot travel very far in the Orient without seeing a temple or a shrine to Buddha. Six hundred years before Christ, Buddha was born a prince of India. When a young man, the sufferings of humanity made him so miserable that he left the sheltered luxury of his father's palace and entered upon a life of self-denial and charity. For forty-five years Buddha snd his followers wandered up and down the Valley of the Ganges teaching and helping the people who thronged about them. Buddha's idea of the life after death is quite diiferent from the Christian conception of Heaven. Buddha offers eterne'l rest in Nirvana, a place of absolute non- existence, where the weary soul is absorbed into the Source from whence it came. Buddhism has grown to be one of the great religions. More costly images have been erected to Buddha than to anyone else in the world. Slaking I.ight of It "Could ye lend me a match, Sandy?" Sandy: «I could, but I'l no', I lent ye a match last week an'e havent peyd me back. I dinna like the man that mak's lighto'is obligations." J. R. Pollock, provincial in- spector, is inspecting the West Vancouver schools this week. Burn Good Fuel CANMORE BRIQUETTES ................ ton $ 14.00 I/ ton $7.25 "SUPRESIE SOOTLESS" (Blue Flame) Coal Lump .................. $11.50 I/2 ton..... REAL TULAMEEN COAL--Lump or egg per ton ....................... $ 10.75 I/ ton........... $5.60 TUI.A?rlEEN RANGE--Special .................... per ton $8.50 50c Extra beyond 26th and Marine. We pay phone calls until office is opentul in West Van- couver. BLAIR TRANSFER North 218North 248 By MINA G. HUIT, Landscape Architect M«tc m to»da»pt»s u. »I C. 4«ah» sch«l ~ I Lw p s hit«twr «4O» dc»t»S m«ka N»tlc»»l L»»dcc»pc S rl~ . The care of cold frames ls not an arduous task In extremely cold weather a mat of some sort should be placed over the jmsh to ward oif the frost. As the weather moderates during the day the mat may be re&eoved for a few hourih No serious harm will result if the mkt be left on and the sash kept closed for two or three days. A longe period than this will quite likely result in mildew however. A short piece of 2x4 scantling pro- vides an easy way of ventilating the coldframes. If only a small amount of air is wanted the 2x4 may be placed under the sash flatwise. if more air is wanted, set the piece edgewise. The block may be placed in the centre, or two blocks used, otherwise the sash may become warped and the glass will crack. Some people use a pully an&1 rope arrangement with a weight on the end of the rope to balance the weight of the sash. This makes it quite easy to get into the frames to work and it is safer as the sash is not apt to fall on ones head or hands, as it is sometimes liable to do if propped up with a stick. Such an arrangement would have sav. ed us the cost of some new glass last year. The sash in our frames was propped up and a gust of wind lifted them suffici- ently to allow the prop to drop out. The sash dropped down and the business of hand picking glass was on. The pulley and rope arrangement is particularly appreciated when a woman is tending the frames, and the work of installing it is negligible. It is not necessary to protect the coldframe from&he sun dur- SCHOOL BOARD NOTES ing the winter months but if the frames are uscui during the sum- mer It is necessary to &lo so. This may be acco&nplishe&l by whitewashing the glass, or bet- ter still by making a screen of lath. Id.ave the spaces between the lath the same width as the lath itself. Mrs. J, F. Is anxious to know what causes moss to grow In lawns and how to get rid of it. Moss is found in considerable quantities in old lawns which have been more or less neglected. A lawn may be cut frequently and raked over an&i the weeds remove&i, and yet be said to be neglected in that proper atten- tion has not been given to the feeding and maintenance of the luwn. The main cause of moss in a lawn is lack of drainage and a sour condition of the soiL This may be corrected by improving the drainage and securing a quantity of clean rich top soil with which is mixed a quantity of lime in the following propor- tion I One part lime to flve parts soil. Go over the lawn thorough ly with a fine rake,and scatter a generous quantity of the soil and lime over the whole lawn. About one quarter inch thick is satisfactory. Re-seed with about half the regular quantity of grass seed required for a new lawn. A mixture with quite a lot of white clover seed in it is the best. Give the lawn an an- nual application of phosphate fertilizer. NOTE--Th writ sl c hur It ~ pl wc Io a 4 ttc«coll» Ill»S thr ~ 4» I» this I Th O» ctl«c hc»ld h dd ccrc Ith» Ita I» ca»t thc Zdlu». The ~ a SI pp I Ir N ~ N ~ «r ~l plr I d«l 4 ~ ct matter of school medical ar- rangements, at which meeting Dr. Young had recommended that the West Vancouver Board consider the benefits to be de- rived from joining the Health Unit in operation in North Van- couver City and District. Dr. Young stated he considered it would be found no more expen- sive to join this Unit than to carry on the present arrange- ments, and the service given would be much more complete and comprehensive. Dr. Young suggested thai the Board inves- tigate the work Being carried on and endeaour to interest the Municipal Council with a viev to obtaining their support snd co- operation. It was ascertained that the North Vancouver Health Unit was holding its next meeting on Tuesday, January 27th, snd it was decided that the Board at- tend this meeting with a view to obtaining all the information possible as to the benefits deriv- ed from this plan in so far as it affected the School Boards, and the approximate cost as com- pared to present expendiures by the West Vancouver School Board and Council on Municipal health administration. It was resolved that the Chair man be asked to arrange with the Council to discuss this mat- ter with Dr. Young. The Secretary was directed to write to all Principals advising them that all requests for em- ployment of substitute teachers must be referred to the Manage- ment Committee before such substitutes are engaged, and that local residents must be given preference in all cases. d The newly-elected Trustees G. W. H. Jackson and T. E. W. Rus- sell presented their declarations, and were duly welcomed by the Chairman as new members of the Board. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Gamage be re-appoint- ed Chairman for the year 1931: carried unanimously. The Chairman thanked the Board for this expression of con fidence and expressed his apprec- iation at the support he had re- ceived during the past year. The following committees were named: Finance: Ikir. Smith and Mr. Jackson. Management: Mrs. Mastennan and Mr Russell Buildings: Mr. Russell and Mr. Smith. Grounds: Mr. Jackson and AIrs. Masterman. Heating, Lighting and Plumb- ing: Mr, Jackson snd Mrs. Rus- sell. A letter was read from the Electrol Oil Burner Co. offering to loan to the Board the burner at present installed for trial at the Hollyburn School, on s rent- al basis at price of $150 for six months; it was decided that Mr. Jackson be asked to inspect this burner and report to the next meeting. A letter was read from the High School Teachers'ssocia- tion inviting the Board to at- tend their Annual Dinner to be held on January 23rd; it was d»- cided that ss many of the B&mrd as possible attend. A report was remi from Dr. McCubbin on the School Dental Clinic for the month of Decem- ber. It was resolved that the charge for temporary fillings be reduced from $ 1.00 to 60 cents, snd Dr. McCubbln advised ac- cordingly. Discussion took place in re- gard to interviey with Dr H E Young on January 16th on the Watch Your Dict »I have s torribio rumbling In my stomuch. Ips iiko ~ tcsgou going over s bridge," "It' most likely that truck you sto tbi~ morulug for breakfast." TIIUIISDAY, FRIDAY and SATUICDAY LON CHANEY'S Last Pieture ~~! Th , Unholy Three Bone Dry FIR Full Load S5 COAL TRANSFER MOVING Phone %est 48 OOC COOKE PETE LE NEAL The BURRARD LAUNDRY Lit»Ital For I'eople Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS DRY CLEANERS THIRD ST. ssd ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North IS10. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Fvenings West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance ix:,": 8 K7 l lave your I'urnuce overhauled or new one Installed before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue I'boss North $4$ Rom I'buss»I North sis Y-Idd2X ~ » t I Hol1yburn i THEATRE i