West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Jan 1931, p. 3

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0001 January 80, 19SI. THE WEST VAN NEWS SPECIAL FOR FEBRUARY II[ I ( g p Any Regent Suit or Overcoat for ..... $22.00 T McGregor who hss been s patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital, has returned to his home st 17th and Marine Drive. c ~ ~ Angus hiacinnes, M.P., will be the speaker at an Open Forum meeting to be held in the new Orange Hall next Sunday st 3 p. m. His subject will be "Some phases of the unemplo&unset sit- uation." The public are invited. ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. Stewart of Van- couver, have rented one of Mr. Dewar'6 houses on Bellevue Avenue. c Mr. Burnett hss taken Mrs. Mowatt's cottage on Marine Drive for the summer. ~ r ~ W. T. Atwood, 16th and Otta- wa, is 6 patient in Shsughnessy Hospital. r ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 is holding its next regular meeting next Tues- day evening in the new Orange Hall. The meeting is called for 8 o'lock. r A daughter wes born on Tues- day to Mr. and Mr&L C. Hailstone, 2173 Argyle, at the North Van- couver General HospitaL Miss Hilda IVilson was one of the artists on the program of the advanced students'ection of the Women's Muscdsl Club last Wednesday afternoon in the Women'6 Building auditorium in the city. ~ c \ The West Vancouver Teachers Badminton Club tied with the West End Club last Monday eve- ning in the Inglewood auditori- um, the score being 8 all. ~ * ~ C. H. Cherry of West Bsy, is confined to his home through sickness. ~ \ Mrs. Blanche E. Holt Mumson. 21st and Argyle. wss re-elected president of Pacific Northwest Academy of Arts, Vancouver unit, at a recent meeting at the home of Mrs. J. W. Weart, Dev- onshire apartments, Vancouver.\ ~ c Mrs. F. X. Hodgson will be one of the soloists at the rendering of Verdi's "Requiem" to be given by the Oratorio Society on the evening of February 18th, at Chfxst Church Cathedral.\ \ ~Reeve Leyland Named Delegate Reeve J. B, Leyland has been appointed to represent West Vancouver on the Burrard Inlet Tunnel A Bridge Co. directorate and on the Greater Vancouver IVater District Boaivl. Suit and Extra Pants for ........... $4)6.00 Made to measure. 'he Hollyburn Public Library has just placed on their shelves fifty ot the newest books. A- mong the authors represented are Ernest Raymond, E. Bar- rlngton, P. C. Wren, G. B. Nc- Cutcheon, F. Oursler. The cost of a subscription up to 30th June, 1931, is 61.00. DRY CLEANING - PRESSING - ALTERATIONS MUSICIAN'S CLUB RECITAL r ~ r J Edward Roberson, F.B.O.A.,eyesight specialist (Optomet- rist), may be consulted st Mr. Sager's Optical Parlor, 1622 Marine Drive, on Wednesday next, February 4th, aqd every Wednesday thereafter, from 10 a. m, until 4 p.m. Call or phone your appointment early. ~ ~ hir. and Mrs. McColl, 19th an&1 Fulton, are moving this week end into a new house at 20th and Inglewood. ~ c ~ J. R. Allan, 17th and Fulton, returned on Saturday from strip to Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Hilda Lloyd of Sherman. who hss been quite ill from flu culminating in a relapse and nervous breakdown. hss gone away for a changer ~ Harold Brown, general manag er of the Union Steamship Co., with Mrs. Brown, have moved into their new home at 29th and Park Lane. r Mrs. M. McKenzie is moving back again this week end into a house at 2319 Bellevue. ~ c r The many friends of James Holt will be glad to hear he is making good progress towards recovery at Shaughnessy Hos- pitaL A. 6 result of the unusually heavy rain Tuesday, the flume running down 14th Street be- came jammed just below the Marine Drive intersection and overflowed, flooding the lot at the back of Ambleside Block. ~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Harper and family, who have been living at 22nd'nd Gordon, moved on Wednesday into the Vernon house at 22nd and Inglewood.r The West Vancouver Com- munity Players are next Wed- nesday giving "Tilly from Bloomsbury" at St. James'hurch hall in Vancouver, r ~ r E. S, Pearce is having another store built immediately adjoin- ing his present one at 19th and Marine Drive. ~ c ~ The girls'ridge club met on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Mons Sentence, 13th and Duchess. The first prize was won by Miss Verna Batchelor the consolation going to Miss C. B. Vosper of Vancouver. Those present were: Miss Dorothy Cor- bett, Miss Verna Batchelor, Miss C. B. Vosper, Miss Phyllis Davis, Miss Helen Colpitts, iMiss Evelyn Colpitts, Miss Vivian Armstrong and Miss hiona Sentence.. The next recital of the Musicians'lub of West Vancouver will take place next Friday,6th February,a&8.80p.m, in the Legion hlemorlal Hall, when the visiting artist will be Mrr. Burton Kurth. The following is the program: PROGRAM STRING ENSEMBLE--Praeludium .................. Scarlatti Sarabande Capriccio 1st Violins Margaret McIntyre James hiclntyre 2nd Violins Mrs. T. Snelgrove Beatrice Hodgson Irene Gracey 'CellosV loins IVinnie Breeiey Marjorie Mu&vay SOPRANO--In Summer Fields ............. We Walked One Day ...... Let Me IVsnder Not Unse Nrs. Colin hlacLean VIOI.IN--Romance .......................................:................ Svendsen Canto Amoroso ........................................ Sammartini Czardas .................................................. M, Mclntyre (based on a Hungarian Folk Song) hliss hlargsret hlclntyre CONTRALTO--Am Sonntag Morgen ............................Brahms Vergebliches Standchen ......................Brahms Zueigninig ............................................ Strauss Impatience .......................................... Schubert I Had Twelve Oxen (by request)........ Dunhill hire. Burton Kurth HARP--hfazurka Melodic Melaneolique Waltz in A Flat ....-... hirs. J. C. Donnellan Schvecker Hasselmans . Brahms BARITONI' God, Have Mercy (St. Paul)........Mendelssohn -- To Althea, fram prison ..................-........... Parry Shepherd, See Thy Horse's Foaming Mane) .......................................Hungarian Folk Song James Lowdon At the Piano- ihiiss Margaret McIntyre Mrs. James McIntyre Burton L. Kurth. Silver Collection. ROJIANTIC SPAIN GORDON ROBSON Barrie&sr R Sollcaor Settled long ago by venture- &VEST VANCOUVER-- some Phoenician colonists, Spain Office Nu. 1447 biuriuc Drive was conqueied in turn by the Phone West 4OS. Carthaginians, the Romans, and VANCOUVER OFFICE-- the Goths. In the year 711 A.D., suite 616; 619 Hastings Sl. W over tl&e sea from Africa swarm Phone Seymour 4199. uded the Moorish hordes under their crescent banner shouting FURNACE BSId The Moors held Spain for eight M$ TAl centuries arid their influence isstill seen in the architecture of the country. Spain is a picturesque country Am'thleside with its towering Pyrenees Mountains and its fertile valleys. Sheer Mer+I~OEkS Flowers and fruit trees drape the IAURIE SPECK, Prop&icier slopes, Grapes, oranges, figs and 1456 Marine Drive olives ripen in the sunshine. Irhone IVest 437L2 Wheat lies like a thick carpet of gold on the plains. BASKETBALL On Wednesday, 21st January, the boys'nd girls'asketball teams played North Van. High School at the Drill HaII in North Vancouver. The girls played first and won their game by a score of 18-14, At half time the score was 169 in favor of West Vancouver. It was a goad game and both teams played well The boys lost their game by a score of 11-10. It was very close, the score at half time being 4-1 for West Vancouver. In the second half of the game, the scoring was very close. It was touch and go the whole time and no one could be st all sure which leam would ivin. These games were the first I.ague games pleiad by Rect Van. this season. Dealh of G. Shepherd's hlolher Constable G. Shepherd, 17th and Esquimalt, was advised on Wednesday of the death of his mother, which took place on Tuesday in Seskatoon. The de ceased, who was over 80 years old, wss with her husband visit- iug her son here a few years azo, The latter has, however, since passed away. She is sur- vived besides Mr. Shepherd, by six daughters. Interment was msdu in Scott, Saskaichewan. Constsb.'e Shepherd's parents were both born in Ottawa, bul came IVest with the first pion- eers who settled the prairies, where they lived and brought up 6 large family. rw», ' ([ IVEST VAN. "Y" The business meeting ot the West Van "Y" wss held in the Baptist Church on Tuesday, Jan. uary 20th, at 8 p. m. The fourth lesson on Temperance snd Life was given by hire. Chapman. ail ftr. ~ "S& Where Champions are Made Another Bargain We have a toothbrush anboxed, regularly sells at 40 cents. We will sell them for a limited time at 29c. with a trial size Kolynes Tooth Paste. WEST VII PMNACY The S&erc cf Scrrbc. 1492 Murisc Drirc We deliver Phoae Wcr& 27 Eu&crxcscr Phoae Weel 221 (Aficr 9 p.m.) FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae Wert 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel asd Building Supplies. I NURSING HOME (Mrc. M. B LcCbsscc, RN.) 264 - 24&h Stree& Esc& North Vcucourcr Residence Phouci Ncr&h 1266R HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th e Ms&inc BX P BR T 8 BR V I C B E. MARSH, Proprietor Mason Transfer & Fuel Supply Ambleside ALDER AND FIR BUSHWOOD 66XO Cunl DRY INSIDE FIIL 6760 Cord DIAblOND SOOTLESS COAL WELLINGTON cud bi&LEOD RIVER CANhIORE RRIQUETPES Grec&el Truck Wort at Lowest Prices Phone West 176 Buy Home Products Stratton's Bakery 1466 Msriuc Drirc Phone Weel 27 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY Scotch Shoribread, ! Nut Bread, Birthday JL Wedding Cakes BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL R D. WHITE, Ms. Die&lac&ice Fuscrcl Scrrbc Ludp Acrisluut22~ Si. B Phoae North 626 LO. B.A. The regular meeting of the L. O. B, A. wdl be held m the Orange hall next Thursday, 5th February. All members are Ie- quested to be present. WEeT h AN The West Van "Y"'ill meet next Tuesday, 3rd February, at 8 p. m, in the horn of Nrs. IVintle, 14th and Inglee.oud. Ail girls over teen sge are cordisILY invited, COSISIUTATIO.i RATES The Pacific Stages Ltd. has given notice in this issue that 10-mile commutation books are now available at one-halt the 20- ride rate.