0001 'r rrrr " tarryP a" arata ra a. b taa tt a ar 'aa I t'aa a tat at% 'rrate Pt't" xa axet7t 't 'a t ~ 'w/7a't 't'aa tr 'r tie r ~ t ter ~ a t' t p~ 't" tcr Wrar Vr I rrr ~ 'n 'rp tr r 'V r«r rrrt.rrwra rrr -" rr -r THF. WFST VAN NFWS United Church WFST VANCOUVER,. Christian Science Society BRITISH ISRAELPhotographs Minster, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, February 1st, 19,'ll. The Sunday School meets at 5 minutes to 10. Next Sunday is entirely given up to young people's work. In the morning at 11 o'lock there will be a Father and Son service. All the fathers are earnestly asked to be present with every son of suitable age. There will be 0 special printed program of great interest, and 0 short address by Dr. Henry on "The job of being a Dad and the job of being a Son.a In the evening at 7:30 there wiB be a Mother and Daughter servicw, with a program suited to the occasion. The C.G.I.T. will provide ushers, and will be pres- ent in uniform assisting in the musical service. Mrs, IV. How- ard Leggstt will sing a solo, and Dr. Henry will speak a few words on the ideals of the C.G.I.T. It is hoped that every mother and daughter will try to be present. Last Sunday night the Muni- cipal Council, Police Commission and School Board attended ser- vice in the United Church, which was well 6lled in spite if the in- cessant pour of rain. Dr. Henry gave greetings to the officials and pleaded for honor and sup- port to those placed in positions of responsibility. The sermon was on what it would mean to deprive life and the community of God. CANADIAN I,RGION MEMORIAL HAI.I. NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 a m.--Sthaai for Chiidtas. 9 9 m~pmbat) MR. PERCY KING A Faw Suggestions Wedding Groups Ib)by I'iclures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photos Framing Itict)free Prices ia iit sB packata CHURCH EDIFICE 20ih asd Eaqaiman, HaSyburs This Satiaty ia ~ Branch af The Mother Church Tha First Church af Christ, Sxianiiai, In Boston Mxxxachuxatia Sunday Sarviaxx 11.$0 s. m. and 7.$0 p.m. Subject, February 1st, Sabiati: aTHE REVELATION OF ANTICHRIST.a Mr. Xisg broadcasts over CXWX every )Vadnaadsy at 9:$0 p. m. THE "LOY E" King Studio WINS RADIO lilies Margaret Kitching of 1436 Clyde Aver wus the winner of the Radloland Radio which wns given to the boy or girl whu guessed the nearest to the»erial number on the new Philco dis. played in the window of the Kent Piano Co.. 1583 iilarine Drive. Sunday Scbaai at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony Maatiag Wednesday at $.10 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H, P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone West 252R. Sunduy, February 1st. 10 a. m.Sunday School. 11 a. m.--hlornins worship. Pastor will preach; topic, "The Strength of the Word.a Ordinance of the Lo)xl'9 Sup- per will be observed. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Test of the Com- mon Place." V. V VINSON, I'ras. 311 llaxtings St. 1Yest Fattabnxhad 190$. Aii work gxarantaad Phone Sey. 1046 ~I 0 Igj ! Death of hlra Iwng'0 Father William Tozer passed away last Tuesday at his residence in Vancouver. The deceased, who )vas in his 73rd year, is sur)deed by one daughter, hfrs. Hugh Lang of 3074 Bellevue Avenue. Funeral services were held yes- terday at 2:30 p. m. at St. Hel- en's Church, Rev. H. R. Trum- pour officiating, and interment wss made in Ocean View Burial Park. xt CD ~m o Qq ! CO a pp hlonday, 7:30 p. m.--B.Y.P.U. Young people over 16 heartily invited. a a 4 g Tuesday, 2:15--Women's Mis- sion Circle. Address by Mrs. Boyer, president of Women' Mission Board. il' Mrs. W. B. Thomas, 2714 Mar- ine Drive, hst )as her guests last week Rev. arJI hfrs. R. A'Court Simmonds apl hliss Mary Sim- monds of t. Luke's Parish, Portland, Oiegon. They return- ed ho)ne Ipjttt Friday. The widy are born. The satir- ical are made trying to be witty. --Edittvr Rax Phone Estimates West 202 L Free E. S. PEARCE Window Shade Specialist Saa Awaiaga Curtain Rods 1990 bixrise Dr. Picture Framing Car. Isih Si. On Wednesday evening was held the Annual meeting of the congregation. Gratifying reports were received from the various organizations. During the year 50 were added ' the roll, and the allocations fo) missions by both the church ard the W.hl.S. were fully, raised. The segregate revenue for ali purposes'mounted to nearly f7,900 made up by the Board, the Women's societies, snd the Sunday School, the various young people's societies, the men's club, etc. The Women' Association have done 0 very noble work this past year. The following officers were elected for the coming year: For 3 year term--Messrs Fid- des, A. D. Chisholm, J. F. Len- nox, E. Keith, E. Irish, F. E. Brine, Major F. C. Rush. For 2 year term--Messrs. J. Duncan. H. Davison, C. L. Hil- born, R. Kinloch, W. Turnbull, H. Thompson, J. Haydn Young. For I year term--Mrs. Ids McLean, Messrs. Spencer, J. Lawson, G. C. Byrnell, %V. Blair, H, Don, J. Finlsyson.. Wednesday, 8 p. m.--Prayer meeting with short address. Friday, 7 p. m.--C.G.I.T. Teen sge girls welcome. St. Stephen's Church . Rector.: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Septuagesima Sunday (Feb. Ist). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.-- Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Holy Communion. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service on Sunday at 3 p. m. at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild. A very interesting account of the countries on the West Coast of South America wss given by Major Curtis in his travelogue before the A.Y.P.A. Inst Monday. Among other things he describ- ed the manners and customs of the people, an ancient mine in Bolivia snd last year's arevolu- tiona in Peru as seen by an out- sider. All young people in the parish are invited to the weekly meetings of the A.Y.P.A. Following their practice on Wednesday evening the adult choir was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hampson. I t t t elat t 3 $~ CD CD ~ Ch ! Is business in )vast Vss. 10 Yaam. C. J. Overington BARBER a t 4)a 9 In New Store bixrisa Drive ai 14th Next Jefferiax bfext Store Expert Work--Ladies', Cbiidras Gast)xmas I'baaa West 1$$ far appaiaimast Oh OO 4SJI 'C2 3 3 Established as Narib Shore 20 Years. (Lady Axaiaiasi) HARRON BROS. (k WILLIAMSON funeral Iirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 On Tuesday evening the hlen'0 Club had its monthly sup- per, which was 0 Father and Son gathering presided over by Mr. F. J. Patterson, assisted by Douglas McNsir, Chief Ranger of the Boys'roup (Hollyridge Camp). Over 100 sst down and the program was of unsurpassed excellence. Toasts to the King, the Church, the Dsds. the Sons, and the Ladies was oifered snd replied to. Also one to the Muni cipality responded to by Reeve Leyland, and Councillors Fiddes, Elgar and Dickinson Rev. David Allan gave graphic recitations and solos were rendered by Messrs. A. D. Addy and J, G. Fiddes. A group of members of the Trail Rangers gave s skit. The address of the evening was given by Rev. Canon Sov- ereign of St, Marks Church in the city. He spoke in his well known impressive way on the "Worth of a Boy.a The universal feeling was it was 0 well worth «ening and one of the best ever offered in the dl)ltr)ct, 6 S 4 St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2568 Marine Drive. It) a." wl 6 aSaturday, Jsn. 31.-- 10 a.m., Children's Classes; 7:30 p. m., Confessions. Sunday, Feb. 1.--8:45 s.m., High Mass, Sermon. 3 p. m., Devotions, Special In- struction. Monday, Feb. 2, Candlemas Dav 7 a. m., Blessing of Camlles, iNass. Tuesday, Feb, 3, Yeast of St. Blase--7 a. m., Mass, Bless. ing. Friday, Feb. 6, First Friday-- 7 0, ma Mass. 7:30 p.m., Special Devotions Ordinary Week Days--8 a. )na hfass. aaTHE jf!P.I'P r) g n )pIpi aWest Van Xems Psbiiahed Every Friday N' 6 t rr tame ES da*istaa ssd Ediiatiai Office) ifib sxd Mariaa Drive (Naxi ia Haiiyburn P;.O.) I'hone West 363 It) ) 'a'E fti Ball Address) P.O. I)ax 01, HaBybars. ILC. Pabiiabcr F. F. I.OVEGROVFt Phone West 363 dij)0 s yaat by mail ar carrier. Nawxxisadx dc. par copy W. J, Downie wss advised that the council was not prepared to make any change in the present water rates, Accusations of grafting make grafters, and keep honest men »ut of public life,, 4 ' Editor January AO, 1931. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m,sunday School. 11 s. m.--Worship a n'd Breaking of Bread. 7:15 p. m.--Song Service 7:30 p. m. -- Gospel Ad- drei)s. Speakers for next Sunday ROBERT iilchlURDO WEDNESDAY-- 8 p, m.--Prayer snd Bible Study. Dr.MBrjory MCCubbin DENTIST Hours: I p. m. Ia 0 p. m. Saturdays io s m ia 4 p m Evasisgs by appaisimasi Rayai Bank Bsiidisg I'base West 440 Raaidaata Phase West $9$. I C Kl e