0001 January 2S, 1981 NOW OiV DISPLAY--the New Philco Baby Grand AA AA $5,00 Cash Wlthoui Aerial P Juy 4 g'g Balance $2.00 Weekly A new handsome Gothic design, 7 tubes, 8 Screen Grid, built-In Dynamic Speaker. Performance of 0 large set. Q $45 pp Buys 6 tube KING RADIO in Walnut Cabinet, ~ complete with battery. $ "'7C pp Buys RADIOLA 88 (Electric Set), good as new Cost $111.60. $ -'( PP Buys BRUNSWICK Gramaphone with 40 selections; a real snap. $ Buys the New FADA DELUX HIGHBOY in P5P a beautiful )Valnut Cabinet. This model is listedat $366.00. Special for Saturday $250.00. All sets guaranteed, and taken on ten day trial, which you may exchange for any other make. We issue radio licenses, repair gramaphones and radios. Ifi -. ~ & ggo g g[Lg[s 1583 M i D I Associated with KENT PIANO COo ANNOUNCEMENT Having resigned my position as Local Manager for the B. C. E. Railway Co., I beg to announce that I have opened an office over the Royal Bank at 17th Street and Marine Drive, and will conduct an Insurance, Real Estate and General Brok- erage Business, making a specialty of Rentals. I have resided on the North Shore for twenty years and this, together with an intimate knowledge of our District, leads me to believe I can be of service to you. Your Listings and requirements solicited. Phone West 141. , J. T. WATT WHY BUY FIRESTONE TIRES & TUBES IN VANCOUVER 1Vhen you have a Stock to draw on and the price is the Same in 1Vest Vancouver? see BILL GROUT WEST VAN MOTORS 1451 hiarine Drive or Phone 1Vest 268 Don't forget we sell and Do Repairs SHELL GAS (k OIL of all kinds. THE WEST VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION will hold A MEETING Next TUESDAY, 27th JANUARY at 8 p. m. 'in Ihe Fortune Cup Inn. All members are urgently requested to attend THE WEST VAiN NEWS DR. DORCHESTER WRITING IN NEW YORK JOURNAI. In the January issue of "Nat- ure's Path", a new York Journal, Dr. Frank E. Dorchester of West Vancouver, commences 0 series of articles called "Responsibility of Naturopathy." In the first article Dr. Dor- chester condemns the tendenc& of practitioners in educating pst. ients into strong belief in ma- chines or techniques (treat- ments) involving many return visits over years, instead of edu- cating the patient into that knowledge whereby he or she may not only contribute to cure but attafn permanent cure, rend- ering them independent of in- cessant visits, and endless sick bills. Dr. Dorchester asserts that temporary relief is not cure. A real cure must be permanent, and this cannot be attained ex- cept by educating a patient into self-cultural knowledge and habits, and 8 better understand- ing of Nature. The tendency of depending overmuch on artificial aids is rendering man more and more dependent on them, thus contributing to human degenera- tion, and what is aptly termed "racial suicide." Dr. Dorchester urges that, no matter what scientific instru- ments or agencies a physician may use, he should educate each patient on common sense helath matters. Useful Recipes I Corn Fritters I can corn 2 eggs Pinch of salt and pepper IQ teaspoon baking powder I/4 cup flour Milk Drain the corn, add beaten yolks, salt and pepper, then flour and baking powder, sufficient milk to make thick batter; fold in the beaten whites last. Drop by spoonful into deep fat and fry in pan. Sweet lililk Griddle Cakes I quart flour 8 teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons shortenmg I egg 2 tablespoons molasses I pint milk. Mix and sift dry ingredients; beat egg, add milk and mo!asses, pour slowly on first mixture; beat well. Add melted shorten- ing. Cook at once on hot, well- greased griddle. Serve with Maple, Caramel, or Brown Sugar Syrup. Cheese Straws YOUNG MAN -- %auto toom uud board frais February Ivu Uvv vi surugv optionaL Puriivuiuvv to Buu 81, West Vuu News. WII,L EXCHANGE-4IA00 vquity iu uvvvu-roots huutu, West 14th hvu., Vancouver, fur similar equity iu West Vancouver. Phuuv West 120X FOUNDATION ('EMENT WORK- Luuducuyms uud Iawuu Iuld. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing uud land clearing, ciumuvyu uud furnaces vivuuud uud rvyuirvd. Phone T, Buruutt, rvuldvu«v shone West 200R. FIR OR ALDER, 14 In. Ivusth. 86ho yvr cord; 20 Iu. tu 80 iu. $5.50 s cord. Cord length $4.60 delivered. Phoae West 882RI ~ftvr 5 y. uu FOR RFYT OR SALE -- PuvUy furu- iuhvd house on Wutvrfmuu hyyiy Lvyluud, West 08RI. MARCEI.LE SHOP -- Muvvvuu. 50 cents; reset, 854; huger wuvu, 76v. Phone Mvu King, West 804. The tourist guide was getting tired He hsd to answer too many dumb questions. "And just where did you say this rock came from?" enquired another wahoo. The guide politely ro. plied that a glacier brought it down. Then up spoke the in- quisitive one again: "And where did the glacier go?" "Aw," said the guide, "it went hack after another rock." "I never find any difficulty in keeping fit," remarked the Clev- er Young Man. "I believe in plenty of exercise. For instance, I always swim three times across the Serpentine before break- fast." The company was startled by a sudden gurgle of derisive laughter from the snfall Eileen. "What is the matter," asked her father. "What are you laugh ing at?" "I was wondering if Mr. Smithers swims three times a- cross the Serpentine before breakfast, how he gets back to his clothes." WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duuduruvu. FURS CLEANED, STORED or Rv- iuadvlud. Suiuuivr prices. Holiyburs Fur Store, Kuith Block, Huiiyburu ALI. THE BEST Biuodu of Claude. Cisuruttvu uud Tubuvcoe. Also Ex- change Poker Huadu uod Consol cards Free. AiubiuuMu Tuu Rooms. FOR THE BEST SI.ABS uud iuuidu Pir phone West 280. FfiR PAINTING. KALSOMININC-- hyyiy C. L. Kosiusu, Rouiduoce phone West 804K CARDEN CONSTRCCTIONi --Lands- cape sud general surdumas. Phoae, IL J. Kytu, 2567 Bviiuvou. POR PLUMBINC REPAIRS -- Rww Muses Phoae West 241R. MODERN 6-Ruuiu Home ui usvvvublc Iucstiou. Luree iivius ruuuu Open fireplace Furuuvv Comer Property Reduced frow $IJoo to $8AIXL Terms uot less thou $750 Cash, bui- uuvv arranged. R. P. CLARK dk CO. ESTATES LTD. Suite 2 at 428 Howe St, Svy. 4055 Or phoae C. J. ARCHER, West 225. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public FIRE INSURANCE We have small Awouuiu on Huud for Good biurtcuuv Louuu 1406 Murine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Svy. 1260 Rvuidvucu Phoae W. 82R ur W. 204X It Peys'berdeen Boy: "Foe dae they say Aberdonians are mean, Faither?" Faither: "It's jist a joke, lad- die but it pays. ye see when foulk dinna expect onything they are no'isappointed when they dinna get it." An Abedornian once gave a waiter 0 shilling tip His wife is now suffering from insomnia. TULAMEEN COAL We take pleasure in announcing that we now have this Coal arriving in carload lots direct from the mine to us. This is genuine high-grade Sootless Tuiameen mined in British Col- umbia.--Hot--Quick and Clean. New reduced prices. Lump and Egg............ $ 10.76 Nut (Range Coal) ....... $8.50 Quality, weight and service guaranteed. Storey'8 North Shore Coal & Ice Delivery Phone North 870 %VEST VANCOUVER Roller Rink CLASSIFIED ADS The rute for Ciuuvihvd Advvrtivviuvutu iu 2 vuutu yvr wuv& iuiaiiuuiu 25 cents. Euvvyt iu the vuuo uf thous huvius rvzutur uvvuuuts, un viuuti- hvdu uvv yuyublv strictly iu udvuacu. Remember Ciuuvihvdu iu thu West Vuu News svt huiuvdisiu vvuultu e I lave your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet i)ietal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phoae North 845 Rvu. I'huuvui North SIST-1502X In an Irish parish magazine the following notice appeared recently: "A jumble sale will be held in the Parish Hall on the second Saturday in the month. This is a chance for the ladies of the congregation to get rid of anything that is not worth keep- ing, but is too good to be thrown away. Don't forget to bring your husbands." The chemist had left his new assistant in charge while he went out. "Anybody beenv" he asked on his return. "Yes," replied the youth, "A lady wanted something that would make a dark table-cloth light, I sold her some benzine anil methylated spirit." "But that won't make a dark tab)~loth light," exclaimed the chemist. "Oh, won't it?" replied the youth, "Wait until she gets a match near it." An Aberdonian once gave a tvaiter a tip but the horse dkln't run. 1 cup fiour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups grated cheese A pinch of salt Cold water. Sift fiour, baking powder and salt. Rub in butter and cheese. hlix with very cold water. Roll out like pie crust, cut in strips about 5 inches long. Bake in n hot oven till nicely browned. One Egg hluffinu lt'I cups flour 8 teaspoons baking powder IA teaspoon salt I IA teaspoons sugar 1 small egg 1Vt cup milk I IJJ tablespoons melted butter Sift flour, baking powder snd salt, add sugar. Beat egg thor- oughly, add it gradually with milk to dry ingredients and beat hard, At the last moment add melted butter. Drop the batter into hot buttered iron gem pans and bake in 0 hot oven 25 min- utes. Under entirely new management. 7.30 to 11.00 p.m. every g g t] g O tved esd ., Th rud .'. F 'd vand Saturday. ADhIISSION--86 Cents. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER