West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Jan 1931, p. 2

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0001 A W \ Wtf I 4 ~P .4 P TW 4 IIT 4 N'ry I 4'rt:*tr 4 I 14 't4 '«:. "4 J t. 4 TXA r' *'rr r~'rtwIr 'P r'T wr- V" trr Trt'r--r Tr rrr rPTTJM W'hotographs A Pew Suggestions Wedding Groups Baby PICIUI es Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old I'hotos Framing Pictures Prices Io St sii pockets. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St. )Vest Exiabiixhtd 1902. Ali work guaranteed A handsome copy of Sir John 31illai»'amous painting "The Boyhood of Raleigh" has been presented to the Parish Hall by Mr. and Mnn Fred Eatock. Starting from the Parish Hall at 2 o'lock the Trail Rangers will hike to the Capilano intake cn Saturday afternoon. The monthly meeting of the S S. teachers and officers will be held next Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkes, 2227 Inglewood Avenue. AjSI. Stephen's Vestry Meeting Reports presented at the an- nual Vestry meeting of St. Stephen's Church on Tuesday night showed excellent work ac- complished through the past year and all organizations in healthy condition. The rector made reference to several gifts memorial and otherwise made to the church and the financial statement presented by C. T. Kendrick showed that the dio- cesan apportionment of 3648 hsd been more than met. As indicat- ing the growth of the parish it was stated that for 1920 the corresponding r~ssment was 367. In 1930 the balance due on the organ has been paid oif, the rectory painted and 3300 paid on the church debt. The Sunday School report presented by Miss Almas showed an average at- tendance for the year of 191 with 35 teachers and officers in service with the children. The rector re-appointed Fred Eatock as his warden and the vestry again chose C. T. Kendrick as people's warden. Messrs. Fred Yarkes and F. J. Hayward were chosen as delegates to Synod with Messrs. F. Eatock and S. B. Bracewell as alternates. Bernard Hayes was re-elected vestry clerk and L. J. Wrisberg made auditor. To serve with the other officers as the church committee the fol lowing were elected from a largo slate of candidates: the Misses M. B. Aim»a and E. M. Millard, h(esdames )V. Davies and E. J. Pesrce and Messrs. W. T. At- wood, R, A. Batchelor, J. D. Hardy, W. Hawkes, R. A. V. Las- ter, S. Lettner, Wm. McLaren, R. S. Silva-white, and W. J. )Ven- moth. The young people of the church were well represented in the large attendance present at the meeting. At the conclusion of the business there was a soci- al half-hour and refreshments were served by the Women'9 Auxiliary. Phone Sey. 1046 NOTICE TO ANGLERS Under autharity of Section 18, Sub- Sec. E, second part, tbe following streams in the INorth Vancouver Dix- Iriet are closed to ail fishing above tidal waters. as defined as follows. from Ja»sary I to March 81, 1981& Capita»o River from bi»Tine Drive Bridge to the &VN&er Bts&d Intake; Seymour Creek from Old River Road to the tv»ter Board Intake; Lynn Creek fram Third Street Br.dge to the Water Weri.x Intake. Customer: MTo what do you owe your extraordinary success as a house-to-house salesman?" Salesman: "To the first five words I utter when a woman opens the door--'Miss, is your mother in?' The News n Rex Phone Estimates )vest 207L . Free E. S. PEARGE Window Shade Specialist SMM Awnings Certain Rods 1890 Marine DT. Pie&ere Framing CMT. 19th S&. ! In business in West Vss. 10 Years. C. J. OVeringtOn BARBER In New Store iuxxise Drive xt 14th Next Jefferiex Rest Store Expert Work--Lxditxk Ch&R&es Gentitmes Phone West 13$ for sppeis&mest EN&abnxhtd on NNI&b Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. WILLIAMSON gIIneral Sirertars North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancou& er I'arlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Net(()s Psbiishcd Every Frkisy dsxisexx xsd Editorial Office& IIUI ssd MIITIMN UTITC (Next to HoSybur» P& O.) Phone West 363 Ms&i Add&xsx& P.O. Box SI. HNSybsrs. B.C. PMSUNhNT F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 $ 1.00 s year by mail or c»TTINT. Newxxisndx 04. ptr copy CONSERVATIVES TO HOLD lilEETINI I The We»t Vancouver (',onser- vative A»»ocistion is holding s meeting next Tuesday, 27th in- st&mt, st 8 p. m. in the Fortune Cup Inn. Every member is es- pecisfiy asked to be present. The Musicians'lub uf West Vancouver will give their next recital on Friday evening, 6th February, in the Legion Mem- orial hall. The visiting artist will be Mrs. Burton Kurth. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Epiphany 3 and Conversion of St. Paul (January 26th). 8:00 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 a. m.--Sunday School an&I Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Siorning prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. At Monday night's meeting of the A.Y.P.A. Major H. T. Curtis will give an address, MA Trave- logue of South America." All are invited. The )Vomen'8 Auxiliary have decided to hold two meetings a month instead of one. The sec- ond meeting for January will therefore take place on Tuesday next at 2:30 p. m. in the Perish Hall. THF. )VEST VAN NEIVS WEST VANCOUVER Christimi Science Society CHURCH EDD?ICE 30th N»d Bseximxa, Holiybsrs This Society ix ~ Branch ot The Mother Church The Firxt Church Nt Christ, Scia»tixt, In Boston RsxxsThesettx. SsINIsy Se&'Tlxex 11.$0 ~, sl, sod 7.$0 p.m. Sul&jest, January 26th, "TRUTH" Sunday School at 10.00 ~. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday st 8.19 p.m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, January 25th, 1931. 9:56 a. m.--Sunday SchooL 11:00 a, m. and 7:30 p, m.-- Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach at both services. The morning topic is MWhat is Iteligion?" The evening topic is "Tho Tragedy of Life without God." The coming week is 8 busy one in the United Church. Monday evening at 8 o'lock the young People's Society will hold its meeting at the residence of Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, 25th and Haywood. The speaker of the evening will be Mr, J. R. Mitchell, vice-prin- cipal of the High School, and the topic will be "Science and the Modern Worl&LM A social half hour will be spent at the close. On Tuesday evening the monthly supper meeting of the Men'8 Club will be held at 6:30 or as near there as possible. It will take. the form of a Father and Son Banquet. A fine pro- gram has been prepared with toasts by the boys and replies by the fathers, also sing-songs and special music. The speaker of the evening will be Rev. Can- on Sovereign of St. Marks Church in the City. No father can afford to miss this evening. Bring your boy with you, In connection with this sub- ject plans are under way for a father and son service next Sun- day morning (February Ist) with a special program for the occasion. This is but a warning notice so that fathers and sons msy keep the date free On Wednesday evening the an nual congregational meeting will be held for the reception of re- ports and election of officers. On Friday, January 30th, the annual Mother and Daughter Banquet will be held under the auspices of the C.G.I.T. There will be 8 fine supper followed by a varied program including 8 scarf drill, a pageant, "The path that )ends to Womanhood;" reci- tation by Marion Blair; solo by Mary O'Donnell, "There is no road to yesterday;" a few short toasts and an address by Miss Anne Fountain, Field Secretary for the province of the C.G.I.T. movement. The hour is 6:30. The thanks of the congrega- tion go out to Mr. J. J. Hanna for the gii't of book racks on every pew which both add to the churchly look of the building and also helps to relieve work and to preserve the books. S(.'OTTISH SOCIETY The Burns'nniversary Cele- bration of the Society will be held at the Clachan hotel tomor- row (Saturday) evening at 7:30 p. m, A splendid program has been arranged consisting of a lantern lecture, songs, refresh- ments and dancing. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL BALL NRXT SUNUAV-- 10 s. m.--Scbool for I.'bndlts. 3 p. m Speaker: MR. I'ERCY KING Ssb)xxt& MAI(T THOU THAT I'ROYH ET?" bir. Kisg broad&axis over CKIVX every Wednesday at 9&80 P. IS. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H, P. Humphreys ResMence, 13th snd Haywood, Phone West 262R. Sunday, January 25th, 10 a. m.--Sunday School. Class- es fur Sll. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Brotherly (in»ternion&h" Short talk to children. The B.Y.P.U. will sing an&i lead the praise service. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic MA Call to the Secret Friends of Jesus." Anthem by the young people. Monday, 7 130--B.Y.P.U. We&b&esday, 8 p. m.--Prayer service with short address, Thursday -- Special Church meeting, All members urged to be present. Friday--C.G.I.T. A hearty invitation to slL January 23, 1931 HOllyburn Hall Cor. 14th Ik Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Worship s n d Breaking of Bread. 7:15 p. m.--Song Service Miss Kathy Jones, (B. C. Festival gold medalist) will sing. 7:30 p. m.-- Gospel Ad- dress. Speakers for next Sunday I WEMYSS REID IVEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--I'rsyer and Bible ! Study. DI.Marjory McGubbin DENTIST Hours: I p. m. Io 8 p. m. Ssturdsysl 10 ~ .m. Io 4 p. m. Evenings by appointment Royal Bank BMSdisg Phose West 440 ntxide»te I'bone Wtxt 393. NURSING HOME (MIN. M. E I,NChxxct, R.N.) 204 - 24&h SIINNI Eat& North Vancouver Rtxldtxte I'huxt: NNT&h 133SR LQNsDALE A $ 6.60 Attraction AT Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2568 Marine Drive. Sunday, 8:45--High Mass, Ser- mon. 3 p.m. -- Devotions. Octave Prayers. Week Days, 8 S.m.--Mass, Oc- ta&e Prayers Saturday, 10 a.m. -- Children' Classes. 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. NOW PLAYING EDDIE CANTOR IN 'WhOOPee'rom &bN famous A&tat pity. "THE NERVOUS WRECK" J St. Francis'estry fiieeting At the annual vestry meeting of St. Francis'hurch Caulfeild, held last Thursday night in the church it was decided to open a building fund to provide for a chancel and vestry addition and the Women's Guild has already set aside s sum towards this ob- ject. The following officers will serve for 1931: Rector'0 Warden, R. M. MacDonald; People's War- den, Capt. F. H. Kettle; Lsy Del- egate, S. M. Walker; Alternate Delegate, Capt. Kettle; Vestry Clerk, H. A. Stone; Church Com- mittee: Miss Mary Chappell, the Mesdames W. H. Clarke, W. Har- vey F. H Kettle and A. J Rid- ley; and Messrs, Wm. Astley and A. Taylorson. Among items not ed in the various reports were the building of a lych-gate dur- ing the year and the provision of a handsome set of altar hang- ings by the Guild. Tbit it a Nxmp&MNMN ttmtdy fnm Nptt&aeit--~&ATTN&ioxtly Nlxstd MINI IN ax&MINI toit&. I Ixkt XTINI piexAMTA ix Ttcommtxdlxx Ibis Io &ou. u ILI. IIANPBR, blxxxxt ~I NIGHTLY, 7 aud 9 MATINEE IAT. AT NQ REGULAR PRICES hlON. TUBS. WED. NEXT WEEK 'Scotland Yard' Powerful Detective Story Tl I UH FRI SAT NnxT wnsg I Hell s Angels Thc Iiiggex& I'icture Yei Attempted in the Air EVENINGS 25c 350 ST STFPHEN'S A Y P A In place of the usual meeting of the association on Monday night a social wss hei&I, to which members of the United Church Y.P.A. were invited. A short program in the form of 8 radio broadcast was given followed by game», and after the serving of refreshments Dr. E. A. Henry snd Rev. A. Hard- Ing Priest made brief addresses. The remainder of the evening wss spent in dancing and sing- ing. Next Monday evening Major Curtis will give an address on "Mining in the Andes." A hearty invitation is extended to all to attend this lecture MAY INEES FN. 3NS, Sai. 2:30 10c 250 35c An Aberdeen tailor is adver- tising "Suits without pockets" "The cur conductor glowered st me yesterday as i( I hsdn't peyd my fare." "What did ye dae?M MI just glowered back st him as if I had.M St. Anthony's Church Regular Prices