0001 C Dundarave,',""",w"„'.,',.". IIollyburn Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES THE WEST VAN NEWS )VEST VAN. "Y" The monthly meeting of the West Van. "Y" will be hekl Tues. day, January Gth, at hlrs. Trus- sel'8 home, 20th and Bellevue, at S o'lock. The speaker for thu evening will be Mrs, Rex Eaton. All girls over sixteen are cordi- ally invited. January 2, 1931. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only arvs ~ rv vs sw s s s 'sa rm s u Ir % r'& 4 s wM r s s s s «Jv ;~ irrx' w r '/ l r 5 s 'r ' ' sr. ' r /'(r. 'vrN v sv I" r rvC vvvvvv AW'vv rvvre vvv -" ~ SUCCESTIONS: Friday IL Satur(lay, January, 1st 5 2nd SUGAIL IL C. Granulated 10 lbs. 47« SALT, 1riudsas, pkt ......... 5« BOV Ahii--Cakes ............. 12« Powder........ 15« SkkEIH)ED WHEAT BISCU1T pcs pu«huge .................... 9« OkANGES, Suuki»L Sweet-- Large 25« du«au) 2 dmeu 91.00 hisdium ................ 2 do«ca 42c Rad Sk White SOUPS, Turns(a. Vcgc(ubta, Ox Tail, c(c., iiu 11« SAND'lri( H 81SCLIT, regular 40«quality, par ib .............. 28« HONEY, Sweetheart, )L C. Gsua- ulu(csL 12 ux............. 20c 51ACAkONI, ('uhlulblu, Ready «ui, 18 ux-...... 2 pa«ke(a 17« CHEESE, Scsvux.... Hs lb. pkL 19« I EA( HES, ( uiumbiu. par tiu 17c 1'EARS. ('uiumbiu. 2», iiu...,.... 21« kcd A 1'1'hi(a TOMATOFS, zx 2 tins 21«; 8 iiux 59« PEAS, Columbia. zx 2 liux 21«s 8 tins 59« (ikEEV/ BEANS, Columbia, zx 2 tins sic: 8 tins 59« COkN, 1'xuiiiexx ......... 2 line 28« R«d gi «hite CORN, Golden Yet. iuw. per liu ............... 19« LARD, Ssrifi'x Sksesieuf, pcr kx ....................... 17c TEA, Family blend, pcr ib .. 25c 2 1ba 21.00 COi'FEB, goad quality, par nx 25c 2 lbs. 81.00 SUNLIGHT SOAI'. pcr cusiuu 19« ROBERTS'ETTER ill EA.TS AVish all their friends and patrons A Happy and I rosperons Ye&v Year. Phone West 190 for everything Good to Eat. DEATH OF hlRS. R. I . HIJSBAND hfrs. Robert Husband, 15th Street, died suddenly at her home on IVednesday afternoon, 24th instant, leaving to mourn her loss her husband, two broth- ers, ard two sisters. Funeral services were held at the West Vancouver United Church on Friday, Dr. E. A. Henry officiati- ngg, and interment was made in Capileno View Cemetery. Har- ron Bros. & Wiuismson had charge of the funeral arrange- ments. DRAWING FOR TURKEYS AT ROBERTS'ETTER hi EATS The drawing for turkeys took place at Roberts'etter Meats Market Christmas Eve, hfrs. Hardy of 11th and Mathers, drawing the tickets. hlrs. J. A. LaFIeche, 1447 Clyde St., won the first prize, the winner of the second prize being hire. Horsland of IGth and Inglewood. LEGION W. A. At the regular monthly meet- ing of the Legion W. A., which was held in the Legion Memorial hall last ihlonday, it was decided to hold a dance in the hall on Wednesday, 14th January. Fur- ther details will be announced in the next issue of The News. The secretary of u lodge hsd written io u fellow memb r tbst hc hxd ud- vuuced the last payment of dues for him, sud unless he came across with soma cuiu he would be xuxpeuded. The secretary received the following reply: "Dere seer«ixsy--I got your icffer shot what I uwe you. Nuw be ps«bust. I ain't forgot ycu. Please wxtc. When sum fools psy mc i puy yuu. If this wax judgmaut dsy uud yuu wux uc more rady tu meet your )Raker as I sm iu mc«t pour bill you sure would have io go iu heiL Trusting yuu will da this, I xm-- Cxi 7 When it's ucu/iy u/sshcd--mother'a Wh«u it's just uvasbuuicd--xuu'x. When there's s dsuce ea--dsugh- ier'x. When it needs sepuisx, fresh paint, new tires sud u txuk full of gsx- Dud'x. hire. E. Harris wrote the council in reference to the dang- erous condition of the crossing at 14th and Marine Drive. Re- ferred to the engineer and fore- man. Cheer Lrp If times are hurd, uu(hyuu feel blue, Think uf the others wursyiug tuo- Just because your irixis are many Don't think the rest of ux haves'1 any. Life is made of smiles sud tears, Joys uud sorrows mixed with fears Aud though tu uc it seems one-sided, Trouble is pretty well divide«L If we could look in every heart, We'd liud that each one has hix part: And those whu travel Fortune's road, Sometimes cu«sy thc biggest load. s.s Amblesi(le Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m„Wc»t 211R. A»k for ('erry Dent The stone boat oPer of Letson & Burpee was referred by the council to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer. The matter of charges for cul- verts, concerning which Mrs. M. Bulkley wrote a letter to the council «.as referred to the eng- ineer for reply. Harold Dewar asked the per- mission of the council to cut on the right of way allowance on Gth Street between Keith Road and Inglcwood. His request was granted sub)ect to (I) A time limit of six months for the removal of all timber cut nnd clearing up of debris. (2) Permission granted not to be assignable, and the roads to be left in as good a condition as before. Recent Bride: "I can't stand it any iougls, Judge. My husband actually swore at mc (tearfully). Aud I was learning iu drive Just tu please him, 'iuu Judges "Whut did he xsyt" R, Bu "He xat there in the ditch xud xxid: "Holy Cuts, woman, didn' yuu see that iruckt" LAhlIL BEEF. PORK. YEAI„Etc. COOKED hiEATS OF Al.l. KINDS, DEI.ICATESHEN {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYHURN STORE ASIBI.ESIDE STORE ".j IYest J IYe»t 30'I West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine I.lill I TED Phone IVesl 115 IV. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: We»t 3661. SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BE R SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Bourd -- Shingles Twu lawyers in court were engaged in a heated quarrel. Hotter uud huttar it waxed. "You'e the biggest uxx iu this suomi" cried one. "Order'rderi called the judge "yuu forgot that I am here." "Mother," «ried iitiie Mxsy, us shc rushed into the fa«mhuuxa they were visiting. "Johnny wants ihe Lixieriuc. He'x Just caught the cutest little black uud white uuimui, sud be thiukx R'x gui huiituxlx bring you abundant light CbraP Jigbl has bs«amc as/sa luurrr in rail as llu coils a/ alba) fbi ags buva i»rrsmrd. HH first unit of the giant power plant RuskinI is now operating, sending forth abundant light to the homes of Vancouver 2nd the lower mainland. Light so cheap, so plentiful that none need be without... so cheap that for 2 few cents 2 day our homes may be made brighter and cheerier, more charming by night than by day. For 2 single cent, at Vancouver'5 low "two-cent rate," 2 40-watt lamp provides illumination for twelve 2nd 2 half hours. Little motors 2nd one cent'5 worth of electricity assist the housewife with household tasks. Clean- ing, washing, ironingdutics that once required hours but with cheap electricity, ever ready to serve, now take only minutes. And as the ever-growing demand for electricity goes on, the B. C. Electric keeps ever 2 pace ahead... providing always an abundant supply of cheap light. Light upi I 2 costs so little. sj n uw ls BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD.