0001 January 2, 1931. I h WANTED IVBI pay 636.00 for your Gramaphone or Battery Sct on Majestic, Philco, Atwatcr-Kent, Rogers, Brunswick, General Electric and other popular makes of Radios. ]gbf'n Delivers and Installs Rogers'lectric Radio; $ 25.IJOd»IJ o VIJ lovely tone; will take trade; balance easy. gn nn Only one left--Philco Baby Grand.V o orIJ 66.00 cash, balance 12 months. $ on nn]on nn New King. This is 8 9-tube sct; 636.00 tradeOny»VV allowance, balance easy; free aerial. $ 65 00 For this lovely Handel Piano; cost double; VoJ »VV 6 months free lessons. $ '0 00 For one of Canada's most popular New Emcr- 50»00 son Pianos. 10 Each, for some of the latest Phonograph 0 CentS Records. First come gets the pick. We Repair your Rndio or Gramaphone and Install Acrialu. A i fcd iih KENT PIANO CO. GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HIIITI Landscape Architect Grog t ln inndooonl g u. ot c A» Iom s h I I I nd o g At»hit tn» ood G 4 Illg. M M ~ fond»togo ~too. The cold frame is a very valu- able assistant for the amateur gardener during the winter months as well as in the spring. Many small vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and radishes may be growff without artificial heat and if flowers are among your winter wants, and who does not want flowers during the win- ter months, a few violets and pansies as well as the winter !lowering azaleas may be planted in the cold frame. It is not necessary to make a large cold frame for the small city garden unless of course you wish to grow a plentiful supply of vegetables and flowers for the house. For the first year or un- til you have fully mastered the art of growing things out of sea- son we would suggest the build- ing of a frame approximately four by six feet. A visit to 0 house wrecker's yard will likely provide you with a suitable sec- ond hand sash in exchange for a dollar or two. Incidently if you buy a second hand sash it is ad- visable to purchase it before building your frame as the size the sash you can secure will haps be dii?ercnt from those ied in stock by dealers hand- ling new sash. If the cold frame is to be only temporary. say for 0 couple of years, it may Jje better to build the frame of one inch lumber. If it is to iyb of 0 more or less permanent, nature we suggest the use o 'two inch cedar boards. Howeve, if you own your home and cx ected to live in it for a numb of years, cement will) ~ provide the most suitgblc side walls for the cold frame, provid- ed of course that the location chosen is also permanent. A wooden frame can be easily moved but a concrete one will likely crack during the process of moving, Whether or not you usc the offe or the two inch boards wc have found that either one will last much longer if they are treated with several applications of motor oil which you drain from your car several times 3 year. Lct each application of oil soak in for a couple of days before ap- plying another coat. When building the frame it is advisable to make it about an inch smaller each way than your sash so that the edges of the sash will project over the edges of the frame and prevent the raiir from driving into the frame. MOTE--Th Mt Iu ton»Id r It ~ nl «m Io nn otto» omtlng tho g mon I thl~ ot n. Th nn otto »ho»id h dd d to tho ntlto In «of Iho Edit r. Tl o » Iu ogg lo oo o ly I u o n tool nlg I ~ 4 I d ~ I» god, A Diplomat The gchonimugiof wanted iu know whether the boys hnd an understand- ing nt the work ot g Briiigh ConsuL "Supposing," ho began, ngomgouo took ynu up in an aeroplane nud, after n long exciting Bight, dropped you down thou»dud» at miles from home in u country quite foreign, what plage would you seek Afgi of a!i I» An eager hand»ng upi!find. »PI»ggg, gir, the ho»pith!in 9 id 8 dffsP' .'i.~'ANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO»3 LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER THE WEST VAN NEWS Cheer ChNer I I»M~/'LASSIFIED ADS 25 ggn Agdg are pgyubio gffirtiy iu udogugu Rgmgmbgf Cigmiagdg ia tbo West Vga No»g ggt immodigtn fgoukg, RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL do»iron muguiug nggupuiiou. Light hong»- work or care of ehkdggu. Phono West 189X. HOL'BEHOLD FLRNITL'RE fng guin. Quick giga»gage essentiaL MgCinfy Kgniguuy Ruugg, $36.00; Twilight Hester, $7.60; I'ir Cabinet Dfggggr, $7.60; Extension Dining Table umi leaves, $700. Apply V. Mgithow», Mnthofg aud 10th Stn Phone West 255 IL Wife: "John, the clock fell oif the wall and if it had been 3 min ute sooner it would have hit poor mother!" Nubby: "There, I always said that clock was slow." Which Time Old Salt: »So you want me to spin 0 yarn, boys?" Boys: »Yes, a true one." Old SElt: "Right, I'l tell you about the time I was eaten by cannibals." There Iu No Parting Anywhere Angry Widow (after learning husband left hcr nothing): »I want you to take 'Rest in peace'i? that tombstone I ordered yesterday.n Stonecutter: »I can't do that, bu'I I can put something under- neath." »All right. Put 'till I come'." The train was about to draw out of the station. Suddenly a hot-looking man dashed on to the platform, wrenched open the door of the carriage just in front of him, and threw four heavy suit-cases inside. Then, instead of following them, he tore down the platform to where the guard was standing flag and whistle in hand: "Have I time to say good-bye to my wife '?» he panted. "She' waiting in the booking-hall." The guard looked up at the station clock. »IVell, sir,» hc said, »I can' quite tell. It depends how long you have been married." Jones was proudly conducting his friend Smith over the new house. It was really a comfort- able dwelling, and Smith duly admired its qualities. »Ycs,» he said, "you'e cer- tainly got hold of 0 very nice house. But I scc you haven' named it yet. What are you go- ing to call it?" »Littlcdown.n »Littiedown? What on. earth for? That's hardly suitable for a house in the town like yours." »Oh, ycs, it is. Little down- and balance by instalmenta.n FOR SAI.E--850.00 Pogfggi Six- tub» At»ntof Kent Butfggy Rgdln »lib gpggkgf built in boguiifui gnimtgt. Phono West 219L WOMAN will igkg ggfg of ghkdfgu uCtgfuogug or evenings. Phone West 437L LOST--Wire-haired terrier, uao»ogn tn name»C "Pgi," iu Aituumui. Phone Wggi 083R, FOR RENT--Smgn fur»i»bod guitg, ggutfai hoi water hggi miogigic range, foui $30,00. Phone West 065L or West 673Y. FOR kENT--Five room buuggie» ou Wgfgfffont, gofugf'1»i gad Afgyig. Aigu three ggumgd fufaighgd gntiu g Very cheap rent. Apply 2124 Afgyht Phone West 801DRY Fik OR ALDER. 14 ia. Igugih $8.50 pur cord; 20 iu. tn 30 iu. $5.60 u cord. Cord length, $4410 dg- iivgrgd. Phone West 882RI uftgg 6 p. m. 'IVANTBD TO kENT ia Wggi Vgaguu- vgg hy »unpin. »mgu uufurnighgd hound. Thoroughly modgru, January 15th. Mugi have pnfgh und Tigw of ggg. Would gougidgr your'4 igugn if rent Cuiriy reasonable, Apply B»x 12, West Vnu News. FOk RENT -- Fufuiobgd buugnin», $26.00. Apply Burley, 26th and Waterfront. Phono West 169R2. FIR OR ALDER--I ~ iu, IgugtK $800 Por cord; 20 in. tn 80 ia $500 pgr card; Cord igugth, $L60 delivered. Phone West 362RI alter 6 p.m. FOR RENT OR SALE -- Partly fufa- ighgd house an Wgigrffnui. Apply Lgyinud West 83RI FOR RkhT--Fo fnnmod b ~i~ Pally madam . Puiiy fumigbg»L Cnf. 14th gud Duck»»u Phoae West 3. MARCELLE SHOP -- Mug»»kg, 50 cents'eset, 35»'nger wave 76» Phnug Mfg. King, West 304. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rgg- idoucg Phone West 241R. FURS CLEANED STORED u, k mgdg!ML Summer prigga Huiiybum Fug Store, Koiih Block, Hoiiybura.WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundnfuvg. ALL THE BP»IT Bfnudg of Ctg Cignggt ton und Tnbuggoa Ahto Ex- change Poker Huudg gud Congo! cards Free. Ambi»I!du Tm Rnnmg.j Correspondence FOR THE BEST SLABS gud Iugldg Fif phone Wast 280Editor, West Van Newfh Dear Sir,-- In the interests of West Van- couver, I would like to know if the proposed dain on the Capil- ano River will give the higher level lands--say up to 750 eleva- tion--sufficient pressure for domestic purposes I have been informed that the new development proposed on Capilano River will not give ud in West Vancouver any better pressure than we gct today. It will doubtless bcnefit all portions of Greater Vancouver south of Burrard Inlet, but as the muni- cipaltty of West Vancouver is a partner of the Greater Vancou- ver IVatcr Board, they should without question be fully pro- tected under any new advanced projects on the Capilano Rive.", respecting water. The Capilano runs through our territory and I contend that no large under- taking should be made on that stream unless our higher level lands are taken into the picture. The best residential property in the municipality is above the SOO foot level, but these municipal- owned lands will not be valuable to anyone without ample water for all household purposes. Pumpirg to tanks was 8ug- gested by the writer during ne- gotiations in a recent land deaL That was not favored either by the engineers or the prospective buyer, and to the disappointment of many the deal was turned down, largely on account of no water on the north end of the property. I suggest that our position warrants immediate ac- tion. We want WATER in the mains not AIR. IVc must have abundant water direct from large mains, or reservoirs. We do not like the expense of pump- ing into tanks. and it is not in the interests of health to draw water for domestic uses from tanks. I believe in the Greater Van- couver Water Board but I do noi think the Board is looking 0- head, if their plans on the Cap- ikno River do not take into ac- count all lands in our district suitable for residence purposes above the SOO foot level. I tl ercfore, suggest that the mat- tfr ofWest Vancouver's water requirements and the Capilsno source of supply be fully investi- gated. Yours truly WM. BLAIR. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Kouiugg, Rggidcugu phone West 894B. GARDE CONSTRUCTION--Loud»- cape gud general gnfdguiug. Phoo», Ih J. Kyto, 2567 Bong»un. MODER.'i 6-Roon» Home iu agreeable location. Large aging room. Open Afgpigco, Fur»god. Corner Property. Reduced f»nut $4JI00 to $3.600. Terms not iogg than $750 Cash, bni- uugg uITuugmt R P CLARK Jk CIL ESTATES LTD. Suite 2 at 425 Ho»c Si. Soy. 4055 Or phono C. J. ARCHER. Wont 226. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Noiggy Puhkc FIRE I.'iSL'RA.iCB Wn hugo small Amount» ou Hand fgg Gaol liogigggg Loans 1406 Mnriug Dgiva Offigo Phone West 21 or Sgy. 1200 Rogidcucg Phono W. 82R nr W. 204K An old cgioftd mgu expressed g desire io join u fashionable giiy church,nnd the minister thinking ho would uot bg happy among the white folks, bui uoi wanting io hurt hig feelings, told him io go bnmg uud pfgy ofof it. In u few dnyg the color- gd mgu came bngk. "What do you think ut it by this iimgt" ugkgd the pfegehgr. "Well, ggh,o replied the colored mgn,n nuh prayed an'rayed an'g good Lgwd hg says tn met Rngiug, gh wouldn't bother muh huid about dut un mot Ah'g been trying to gii iuio dut church mygeit Cn'g last twenty yeah» an'h ain't succeeded ygifo Hg tong u gguumeuigi youth, whu hnd been suffering for some time from ggvorg iovg-gicknegg. One morning he turned up at the off!co looking the picture uC abject mlgg+. "What' ihg mnttgr?" ggkgd hig chief. »I can hgrdiy tell you,n he faltered. »I-I-I have at last proposed--nud I hare been turned down." »Tui-iuiin go- plied hig eh!of ghoggfuiiy. "It will turn nut gk right in the gud. A woman' 'Nn'ftou mgguf 'Yog'.n "Perhaps k dots," wgg iho gorfou.- fui'gpiy. »kut this woman didn't gny 'Nn,'ho gnid 'Rgig'I" Have lour Funmce overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Pimuo North 345 kgg. Phono»I Nogth 91SY-1582X Dog ( one A hungry dng once wandered into n butcher store. The butcher threw some sausage to the doggie an ihg Aoof. Tho hutcher guid, »Now gni Ii.o Thg dng said, "I decline, For iu ihgt link of guugngo ig that Old Ggi of Mine." The rate for Cigogiaod Adrnrtl»gmgutg ig 2 »gut» pgf »gnL minimum tg. Ex»dpi iu iho gggn of ihngg hgoiug fosulgf gggguutg, uk giaggi-