0001 trvv t&»rrw r v»t »~ i'. 'w t'4 ~ I » i"%""' tt" t"'p» ~ t tvv t * tv » ~'tt t i 'r't ~v t' 't it'rr 't rr.'vrrv'» 'rrr rvr .t, Prrrt »» rrvrtvvr rtvrrvv'r v'rr'r .rvr rtvv rv THE WEST VAN NEWS NORTH SHORE JUVENII,E FOOTBAI L ASSOCIATION Games for Saturday, January 3rd, 1931. Division I Mainland Cup, 1st Round-- Lions vm Canucks', Boulevanl Park, 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. blottcrshead. Spencers (Vancouver) vs, West Van.; )Yond)and Park (Van- couver), 2:SO p. m. Division II. Mainland Cup, 1st Round-- West Vsn. Midgets vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds; ) nglewood Park, 2:30 p. m. Referee. Mr. Both- am. Division III. Msinluml Cup, 1st Round-- Shamrocks (Vancouver) vs. Ki- wanis Bluebirds; IVindermere Park (Vancouver(, 11:00 s.m. Referee, Mr, Hewitt. January 2, 1931 SPECIAL FOR JANUARY'uy Regent Suit or Overcoat for . $22.00 Suit and Extra Pants for .........$26.00 Useful Recipes l Hollyburn THEATRE Waldorf Salad I cup apples I cup walnuts I cup celery French dressing. Dice the apples, chop walnuts coarsely, snd cut celery very fine. Blend all together with French dressing, serve on let- tuce. TI IU I ISDA Y I't)DAY and )ATURDAYblade to measure. DRY CLEANING ~ PRESSING - ALTERATIONS CAUGHT SHORTIValter, aged six, and Mary, aged tive, ha dbeen told to make themselves nice and clean before petting out for a party. IVhen the ordeal was over the two of them went downstairs for their mother's inspection. "I think you'l do,'she said, after she had examined their ears, their necks, and their hands. "All the same, Mary looks far cleaner than you do, Walter." The )ittle boy was indignant. "And so she ought '?" he piped."I'e been in the world a year longer than she ha&co THE CORI&ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER With MARIE DRESSLER and POLLY MORAN Iiaked Rabbit I rabbit Strips of salt pork fat 4 tablespoons fiour I cup milk Salt and pepper Skin rabbit. Remove head an&i lower part of legs. Remove in- sides, etc. IVash thoroughly snd soak I hour in acidulated water. IVipe dry. Lard with salt pork strips, dredge with fiour. Spnnkle with salt snd pepper. Arrange on strips ol salt pork fat sr.d bake in oven about 2 hours, basting generously with milk occasionally. Currant jelly msy be added to the gravy. Sweet Potatoes Au Gratin 4 sweet potatoes Butter Salt Pepper Bread Crumbs Cheese 4 tablespoons warm water Par boil potatoes, peel and slice while hot. Butter a deep dish well snd put in s layer of pen&- toes, sprinkle with salt and pep- per and dot with butter then a layer of bread crumbs. Sea- son in the same wsy. Repeat until dish is full, then pour in. tablespoons warm water to gen- erate steam. Lastly put a layer of fine bread crumbs and grated cheese. Cover closely and bake for I hour. Uncover snd brown. i Orange Pudding 4 oranges I cup sugar 2&/2 cups milk 2 teaspoons corn starch 2 eggs Slice oranges and remove seeds. Pour over 2/I cup sugar. Make a custard of 2&/2 cups milk, 2 teaspoor's cornstarch, the yolks of two eggs and remaining sugar. Pour this over the oranges. Beat little sugar. Pile on top and up the whites of eggs with a brown slightly. Serve co)d. Public Notice ls hereby given to the Electors of the Siunicipality of the Corp- oration of the District of )Vest Vancouver, B. C., that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipal Hall, IVest Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY the 12th day of January, 1931, at 12 o'lock noon, Bone Dry FIR Full Load $5 B. C. TELFPHONE CO. BI& ILDING B.C. LINK OF TRANS-CANADA I.liNL'ritish Columbia's portion of the first trans-Canada telephone route is now being built. All of the principal Canadian telephone systems are co-opers'.- ing in the project, which, upon completion will provide s direct telephone linc across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax, a pole line mileage of 4,300 miles. The B. C. Telephone Comp- any's share of the undertaking is to span British Columbia with two new telephone circuits from Vancouver to Crow's Nest Sta- tion on the Alberta boundary, over a route of about 700 miles. It will cost approximately Slr 250,000 to complete . Construc- tion work involves the erection of some 36,000 new poles. About 125 miles of the new line has al- ready been built, and plans call for the completion of an addi- tional 100 miles by the end of the year. The entire British Col- umbia link, it is expected, will be finished by the close of the year 1931. The route of the new line a- cross British Columbia follows: Along the new highway on the north shore of the Fraser River from Vancouver to Mission, a- cross the Fraser at Mission on the C.P.R. bridge, out the Page road about thre emiles to the C.N.R. right-of-way, following this to the Green road, along the Green road to the Cariboo high- way, the Csriboo highway to Chilliwsck snd out the Chilli- wack Central road, skirting Rosedale vis the C.N.R. right- of-way, then back on the Cari- boo to Hope, on to Othello and then on the Kettle Valley right- of-way to Thalia, on the high- way to Tulameen, Coslmont, Princeton, Keremeos snd Simil- kameen, over the Richter Pass to Osoyoos, and over the Anarchist Mountairf to Bridesville, 'Rock Creek and Midway, through Greenwood, Grand Forks and Cascade, from Cascade to Nelson via Roseland and Cast)cger, from Nelson to Kootensy Land- ing along the C.P.R. line, then on the highway through Creston, Yahk, Cranbrook, Fernie and Michel to the Alberta boundary in the Crow's Nest Pass. COAL TRANSFER MOVING Phone West 48 OOC COOKE PETE LE r&EAL During the playtime in a slum school a group of youngsters gathered round the teacher to discuss educational holiday at Eastbourne, where they had made a fortnight's stay. "And you know the tooth- brush you bought for me to use while I wss there, miss? Well,I'e put it away carefully ready for next year," gushed one happy youngster. for the purpose of electing per- sons to represent them as Reeve and Two CounciBors and electing two persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per- son to represent them as a Com- missioner of Police. The Siode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: The Candidates shall be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elect- ors of the SIunicipality as pro- poser and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Of- ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p. m. of the dsy of nomirration. The said writing may be in the form num- bered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipa) Ekctions Act," and shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identi- fy such candidate; and in the event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 17th DAY OF JA&iNUARY, 1931. between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. of said day at the New Ambleside Hall, Corner of 14th Street and kiar- ine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice snd gov- ern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at the Municipal Hall, District of West Vancouver this 2nd day of Janu- ary, 1931. JAS. OLLASON, Returning Officer. Hollyburn, B. C. Jany. 2nd, 1931. FURNACE Bud SHEET METAL REPAIRS Amblesidle Sheet MetalworksAn angry customer came intothe grocer's shop and tossed a package on the counter. "Makes washing a pleasure, does it'!" she sniffed, "Does washing while you wait, does it? It's the little fiskes of soap that "One moment, madam, please," said the grocer. "That is not soap. "Not soap'?o "No, your daughter asked for half a pound of grated cheese and half a pound of soap flakes. 'I'his is the cheese." "My stars, snd last night I made a pudding." LAUR&E SPECK, Proprioror 1466 Marine Drive Phone West 43?L2 The BURRARD LAUNDRY Llmlrtu For I'eople Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS„ DRY CLEANERS Cereals should be kept in cov- ered jars. Baking powder should be left in the tin can, closely covered. THII&D ST. os4 S'f. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L ! In business in West Vos. le Years. C. J. Overington HOLLYBURN Barber ShopMince Meat 6 lbs. best ripples 3 lbs. Raisins 3 lbs. suet 3 lbs. powdered sugar 2 lemons (rind and juice) 1 teaspoon salt 4 lbs. currents I/2 lb. candied peel (cut fine) I/» lb. blanched almonds '/i pint port wine I/2 pint brandy I teaspoon cloves I/2 oz. each of mace and cinna- mon Mix together the applies, peeled and chopped fine, chopped raisins, currents, candied peel, chopped suet, rind and juice of &'kmons, 'blanched almonds cut fine, the spices, salt and sugar, port wine and brandy. Mix thor. oughly together. Pack in sea)ere or a large stone crock and let stand for several weeks before using. BARBER Istb dr kforiso EXPERT SBRVICB E. bIARSH, ProprietorIs New Store.'iloriso Drive at lttb Next Jofforieo bfoot Stove Export Work--Ladies'. Children Gostiemos Pboso Woo& 1$$ for oppoiotmooi BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. Ir. WHITE, bfsr. I)iotis«tive Foxtrot Sorvlro Lady Assistant $2S--srd SL E Phoae Nor&a 42$ WM. DICKINSON Candidate for Councillor K.W. SaVOryStands for economic administration of the affairs of the Municipality. 1443 Siarine Drive Ambleside I'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143 The youthful Robert had ans- wered the door to find a smartly- dressed young man on the door- step. o1$ your sister in, my child?" inquired the visitor in lofty tones. »No lv answered the boy. "May's just gone out. "Ah! sighed the visitor, "I am like the man who went to the cage, but found the bird had fiown. Yes, no?o Robert smiled an unholy smile. "No," he sai&l, "you'e like the month of June, for when you come round, May always goes out." WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOI. BOARD ANNUAL MEETING in the Inglewood School Tuesday, January 13th Fish or other food with strong odor shoukl be kept in a covered dish thnt tho oJor msy not affect ther foods. A tin lard pail is good for this, Head, tail and bones of fish nuy be used in making fish soups and fish sauces. Bread should be kept in a cov- ered box or crock. I'ieces of stale bread are good for toasting and bread puddings, Odd pieces of bread should be dried and crumb ed, snd are kept beat when left In a paper bag. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Flour should be kept in closely covered bins. When empty, the bins should be washed, scalded an&i dried In the sun, if possible, Cheese should be kep& ln s cool, dry place, wrapped in a clean cloth which hss been damp- ened in vinegar. at 8 p. m. The West Vancouver P.T.A. is co-operating with a musical program and refreshments. Everybody Welcome. ~ » i Th able io )K pr ?vr ti& li pvr rie 8 'u